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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Good morning, everyone! It is nice to be posting from the comforts of home. I'm going to do my laps and then get packing in earnest. I think I can make a big dent in what is left to pack. The kitchen is the hardest because I am still using a lot of that stuff! I think I'll have to pare down operations there and rely more on microwave meals perhaps. I want to thank Tina @0106 for the wonderful job she did on the Meal of the Day while I was gone. It was nice to be able to kick back, relax, and disengage from the world a bit. The best part was no political ads on TV. But, that will soon be over and we'll have a respite for a bit. I think I like what is done in other places where campaigning is restricted to 6 weeks before the election. Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
  2. Home safely and as much as I enjoyed the cruise, it feels good. I'm concentrating on laundry today because tomorrow starts the marathon packing.
  3. Good morning! I’m sitting at the FLL airport waiting for my flight. Disembarkation was a breeze. It will be good to get home, but I sure have a busy two weeks ahead! Two weeks from today we unload the moving truck into our new home.
  4. I am sorry to hear of your DH’s troubles. I know you had hopes for a quick and easy recovery. I hope they can get him on track.
  5. @Seasick Sailor and @SusieKIslandGirl Happy Birthday! I know I have probably missed some and I apologize. I’ll get back on track when I get home. @StLouisCruisers my condolences on the sudden loss of your friend. @HAL Sailerwhat a wonderful visit for your DH and his sister. It was a beautiful day in Boston today. Two sea days up next.
  6. @richwmn what a mess! Carolyn thought you might have to Uber home from Ft. Lauderdale. Today was a very successful day! @Cruising-alongmanaged to get her haircut, I replenished my supply of allergy meds, we had coffee and cannoli for lunch, toured Paul Revere’s house, and bought cheesy souvenir t-shirts.
  7. Portland weather leaves a bit to be desired, especially after such a spectacular day yesterday in Saint John. My hip did not like the dampness when I was walking around. So, I stopped for lunch to rest it. When Sue and I are in Portland we usually stop in Gilbert’s Chowder House for lobster. It did not disappoint. I am now in the Crow’s Nest drinking an Irish Coffee for the medicinal value. Warming me right up after the damp cold.
  8. Today was another Bay of Fundy tour, this time from Saint John, New Brunswick. It was nice to see the sea caves. We were blessed with the best weather of the trip. It was just like a summer day. It is hard to compare the two tours since we were at the sea caves when it was almost high tide and at Burntcoat Head at low tide. I think the ability to walk out on the ocean floor was a true highlight of the first one. If I was forced to choose, I'd go with the ocean floor tour. Both were HAL tours. I was glad for the ocean floor tour being a HAL tour as the time was so tight. We got back right at all aboard time. On to Portland!
  9. I love flank steak and a proper marinade is key. My dad used to marinate it over night and it was great! Today is back to the Bay of Fundy to see it from the other side of the bay. I have been wanting to visit the Bay of Fundy ever since I taught Earth Science back in the 80s. I am indulging that interest on this trip.
  10. Good morning, everyone. I think I finally figured out how to post pictures that show up from my phone. We shall see as this is the test post. Yesterday I did the Walk the Ocean Floor tour to the Bay of Fundy. What a unique experience! I told Sister Sue that we were doing that again next year when she is with me. This was at the Fundy Welcome Center. Coming down the steps to the ocean floor. Lots of critters in the tidal pools. Enjoy!!
  11. I did a DIY walk around tour of Sydney this morning. I enjoyed the fresh air and the exercise. Now I am enjoying a front row seat in the Crow’s Nest. Did some reading and just relaxed. I upgraded to premium WiFi and was able to Zoom with family members last night. All is well in my world.
  12. @0106 Great recipes today! I love croquetas. Thank you so much for doing the Meal of the Day during my cruise. It is so nice to be able to relax and not worry about it. In honor of Dessert Day I had a Bossche Bol today but it was rather disappointing. The dough was heavy and lumpy and it wasn’t cooked through. Not much cream filling since the dough was a flop.
  13. @Cruising-along ha ha. You mean you got more than 1 teaspoon of mashed potatoes and 12 kernels of corn. We thought HAL was putting us all on a diet. And it wasn’t just one plate that was light on food. All of us got skimpy portions. Tonight will be interesting: It has been a great cruise so far. Busy when I want to be, relaxing when I want, and great new friends.
  14. Jack, I am sorry to learn of your brother’s passing. I’m glad he has now found peace and respite. May your visit with DSIL bring her comfort and peace.
  15. Good morning, all. Yesterday was a lovely day in Saguenay. I did the Zodiac excursion at Saguenay National Park. It was freezing cold out on the water, but an exhilarating adventure worth every ice crystal that formed on me. Dinner and drinks afterward with @Cruising-along Carolyn and Henry was a ton of fun. We laughed a lot and really worked those abs! Off to the Meet and Greet now. 20221010_142124221_iOS.heic
  16. It was a nice day today. I appreciated the HAL shuttle from the ship to the marina Bridge. You are almost in Old Town when the shuttle drops you off. I think everyone on the ship has Anytime dining. There was a long line tonight at 6:30 for dinner. They came out and announced it would be at least a 30 minute wait. We went to the Lido. After we ate we went back down and checked the line and it was almost as long as it had been an hour earlier. The Lido was pretty quiet.
  17. Good evening everyone! Just quickly stopping in to say hi and to wish our Canadian Dailyite family members a Happy Thanksgiving. Also, @StLouisCruisers, Miss Elliott Rose is adorable. It was a good day today. I sure got my steps in - over 12,000. I walked part of old Town Quebec and went into every store I saw.
  18. My embarkation wasn't such a breeze as Carolyn's @Cruising-along. I don't know why HAL decided to dump two busloads of guests at the pier at the highest traffic point in the day. Even with Verifly allowing me to skip some lines, it still took most of an hour. I think I was supposed to sit down and wait for my group to get called, but since I didn't have a group assigned I just followed the crowd and got on the ship. My key card works for gelato and drinks so I think I'm good. No one has called me over the PA to report to the gangplank.
  19. Good morning, everyone. I had a great night's sleep here at Le Chateau Frontenac. I was so tired last night that I went to bed at 9:30 and slept through until 6:30. As Sharon @Sharon in AZ mentioned, I was demoted in boarding time. I don't leave the hotel until 12:15 and who knows when I'll actually board. I guess I'll find out when I get there. The good news is that they have picked up my luggage as planned and I hope to see it on the ship. More good news: We received the final inspection report from the inspector and submitted some requests, mostly concerning some questionable electrical wiring and flashing around skylights that needs repair. The seller agreed to perform all the work we requested, so we have moved one step closer to closing. The only thing holding us back now is waiting to close on our current homes. BTW, the original house we wanted is still an active listing. So sad.
  20. The adventure begins. Had a great dinner with Sharon @Sharon in AZand her DH, Craig. Sharon thought it was cold out when we walked back from dinner. I thought it was refreshing. I am beat, but I'm going to try to stay up a little longer so I don't get up at 4 am.
  21. I hope things improve for you as well. They say a bad start makes for a good ending, so let's hope that is true. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
  22. Made it to Quebec. I thought we were going to have to go out to the plane to get our luggage as it wasn't coming up in baggage. Almost an hour after we landed they started putting the luggage on the carousel. But, I am here and I'm ready for dinner!
  23. I think I am ready to go tomorrow. I'll have to make do with the clothes I've packed. I went to the ATM so I have money. Credit card, vaccine card, and passport are all in my purse. All that is left is to get up tomorrow, shower, and get dressed. Tom is picking me up at 6:30 to get to the airport. I am totally looking forward to this. I'll try to check in tomorrow. Until then, wishing you all a good night.
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