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Posts posted by meggie711

  1. It's what you make it! Go with the idea of having a great time, and don't let it be wrecked by weather, a wrong food order, or a crew member who doesn't bend over and personally kiss your behind. Try food you've never tried, or do something you've never done. It will be an unforgettable experience.. You will have a fantastic time!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. We took a September cruise and had fantastic weather. I would book a September again in a heartbeat, but our schedules limit it different times of year. We went into it knowing the possibility of hurricanes, but booked regardless. That was the year of the gas shortages, and a lot of us had concerns of making it to port, as we drive. You can "what if" all day, and you can plan to your heart's desire, but things can happen at any time. Natural disasters, family emergencies, government issues, etc. Plan the best you can, and keep in mind the possibilities.

  3. Gosh, so many! My favorite memory is probably our first cruise, and seeing the cruise ship from the road for the first time. I had NO idea that the ships were that big, and I was speechless. The crazy part is that it was Sovereign of the Seas, so it was so small by comparison to the ships today.


    Fast forward to our Epic cruise this last year. To pull up to the port of Miami and see Epic, Carnival Breeze, Celebrity's newest ship, and several others was nothing short of amazing. It was so exciting to me, so overwhelming. Hubby still laughs at me because I was so excited that I cried! :) Will probably happen again this next cruise.. ;)

  4. We went to the WHP on Epic last year and had a great time! It was at Spice H20, so it was a lot of fun to dance to the music under the stars and to see everything on the huge tv screen. I can honestly say that of the people I saw, a good 95% had on white, so the ones that didn't really seemed to stand out. I'm definitely one that doesn't care about what other people wear, but those not in white really stood out.

    The music was great, everybody seemed to have a great time. Plenty of flashing-cup drinks for sale. ;)

    Get your shirt early if you plan to buy one (like earlier in the week), as they sold out quick on our cruise.

    I was disappointed to hear that Getaway doesn't do white hot. I'm sure the other party will be fun, but I loved white hot. On that note, does anybody know if there's a family glow party on Getaway, just as there was a family white hot party on Epic?

  5. Our last cruise, we made a point to find the post office in each port of call, buy a post card, and send it to our son. We also bought a stamp from each island. My daddy worked at the post office, and we lost him in 2012, so it's a new tradition we started.


    This next cruise will be our first that we cruise with our son, so I'm sure we will start some new traditions! :)


    We usually get to the ship the day that we sail, as we live at the Georgia/Florida line and always cruise out of Florida. We don't sleep much the night before, and get up early for the drive down. We always have our phones loaded with our favorite cruising music, so it's always a fun drive. This will be our 3rd time cruising out of Miami, so that means we will get up around 3 or 4 AM and get to port around 10 or 11. The most exciting part of the whole week for me is seeing the ships for the first time. Miami is so overwhelming that I cried when we got there this last time. lol


    The drive there flies by! The drive home, not so much.

  6. Agreed - it is the most formal of the main (complimentary) dining rooms. Sometimes there will be a short Burn the Floor show during dinner (times will be listed in the Freestyle Daily) and then a Latin-style band also plays from time to time. Guests are welcome to get up and dance to the band's music, and we did see some do so when we were on board. I thought there was a bit of a "days gone by" air to the place with low lighting, waiters in white jackets, dancing, etc.


    Ahh, that makes me daydream! Beautiful description. :)

  7. He is going to have a blast! Don't forget - Spongebob makes an appearance at sailaway!!



    He is going to LOSE HIS MIND... So excited!! Considering the kid program, going to see how he feels when we go check it out. Nervous since it would be our first time taking him..



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. Hey Megan! Yes, we are booked and really looking forward to the cruise. Are ya'll taking your little guy on this one?


    Yep! It will be his first cruise! He will be 5 years old and just finishing kindergarten. Not sure who's more excited out of the 3 of us... :D

  9. Our cruise aboard Epic was truly fantastic. We had an aft-facing balcony, so I can't speak about the studios or cruising solo.

    We spent a LOT of time at Spice H20. We even got the same table everyday, no matter what time of day, and also noticed the same people everyday at the surrounding tables. It was always easy to find a place to sit and relax. The wait staff could not have been more attentive, and we always cracked up when other wait staff would see us and quickly go find our guy, Gedde, to come take care of us. He was so great!

    We loved all of the dining options, and had the best meals at Le Bistro, Moderno (don't miss it) and Taste. There was an Easter veal soup that was phenomenal.

    We had a great time at the shows.. Legends had a Jimmy Buffett performer, so that was awesome for me! lol

    Ice Bar, loved it (even though I'm from south Georgia)!

    All in all, it was the best vacation I've ever taken!

  10. Just wanted to pass along some information. I'm not sure if this was a unique situation, or more people may be effected.

    About 2 hours ago, I tried to log in to my NCL account. The website would not accept my user name and password. When I entered the information for my October, 2014 cruise, the booking listed my husband and my daughter in law as the passengers. I called NCL and provided my name and birthdate, and the system had multiple "inquiries" attached to my name, but no completed trips, even though both DH and I are Platinum.

    Multiple phone calls and it's finally resolved - I can now log in, and my cruise history is correct, but I have been assigned a "new" Latitudes number.

    The rep said that she had never seen that happen before - and it's not even a full moon!!!


    We booked Sunday, and nothing showed up on my ncl account, though it showed up on hubby's. I got an email from NCL yesterday that I had multiple latitudes accounts and that they had all been merged. I only have one, and it shows that I'm bronze (which is correct), and now shows the booking. Not sure what happened.

  11. I'm so very sorry for your loss. As some have said, there is no "right or wrong" way to grieve. While some would say they absolutely wouldn't go, others will encourage. I learned in dealing with the death of my father over this last year that the hurt isn't going to go away. You have to take each day at a time understanding that some will be better than others. Above all, you have to do what you are comfortable with doing. If you do go on the cruise, you need to be upfront with your family and explain that you are only going to do what you feel up to doing. If that means you want to be surrounded by people, great. If that means you want to stay by yourself, great. Bottom line, you need to do what you want to do and not what your family or friends may think is best. Myself? I would go. My husband would be yelling at me from Heaven if I didn't. :)

  12. As any of you who have ever seen my pictures know, I always 'dress to impress', even when I'm more casual. But I don't dress to try to impress other people, I just like to take pride in my appearance and I feel good when I think I look nice. What I wear or how I look might not be everyone's cup of tea but if it makes me happy why not?! I also see no reason why you can't dress up and still be comfortable. It's just a case of wearing what is right for you - I know not everyone would be happy in my 5 inch platform heels but I am and I love my shoes so I wear them if I get chance!


    I would also put time and effort in if I'm doing something with a partner, because I would want to look nice for them. Not because they (or I for that matter) think I should but because I think it's good to make an effort for someone you care about. Though saying that I'm not someone who would leap out of bed at the crack of dawn to do my hair and put on a full face of make-up before my partner wakes up - I look the way I do and if they don't like me au-natural then they probably aren't the one for me.


    I do think it is easy for people to get a bit lazy though and stop bothering. Again, not that I think they should dress up for other people, but for themselves too. It's different things that matter to different people, but most you ladies will know what I mean about how good can feel from wearing a new outfit/ having your hair done/ getting a manicure. And of course it is always nice to get a compliment off someone or see the smile on your partner's face when you have pulled out all the stops for them.


    I don't think age comes into it either, there is no such thing as getting too old to bother! I have seen plenty of women who are very young but take no care with their appearance or older ladies who look immaculate and very elegant. My mum is almost 60 and looks amazing, and my grandma still took great pride in her appearance even though she was well into her 70's.


    I know I will probably get loads of responses about being vain, comfort is important, looks aren't everything etc but these are just a few thoughts from me on the subject! :)

    Well said, I agree!

  13. I have been looking at the different styles and have found several mid-rise pair that are not much shorter in the waist than what I am used to.


    That's promising. Because I, too, do not like jeans that sit low.


    One more brand to try.. Silver Jeans! I was actually at a local store and looked at the Miss Me. I saw a few other brands that were cute and tried them on as well. The Miss Me's were ok, but I tried on the Silver jeans and fell in love. They were $79, a little higher of a rise, and had nice stitching but not over the top.

  14. THAT was funny!! My story is ugh..you all decide :confused: Ok, on my 2nd cruise went to a meet n greet with Cruise critics....had a wonderful time! Met alllllll kinds of people. Finally able to put faces to the "posts." UNTIL:


    Everyone decides to take a group picture. I said no no no I'll just sit this one out (I have a neuro muscular disease and decided to not use my wheelchair:rolleyes: dumb me!) I was talked into it and as luck would have it, I was to sit on the floor in the front (yep, I'm a shorty!) N e way....ok, I have to add that I have a catheter in place and a bag strapped to my leg.


    I slid down...landed on the floor, bag unhooked...urine all over my pants. Of course I did the most graceful thing.....I hauled BUTT out of there.

    Unfortunately had to go back because I left my SNS card on a table :mad:


    Fortunately, the photo (with me in it) was never posted (thank you to whomever you are that took that picture!)


    Yes, that was embarrassing....everytime I heard "Hey aren't you Gammiedoux?" I cringed!!!:rolleyes:


    Aw, Gammie, my heart breaks reading that story! I lost my daddy in March of this year, and he had several different bags, nephrostomies, illeal conduit, and a colostomy, so I have such a soft spot for people with these issues. Hoping your cruise was great otherwise!

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