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Everything posted by UncleInci

  1. That's exciting, we have 4 girls going: 14, 10, and twin 7s. Anyone got a 12yo to complete the straight flush? 😁 In all seriousness welcome aboard! (and our kids still don't know!!)
  2. we actually have three cruises planned over the next few years and the kids only know about one of them. So when they start talking about the next cruise I have to remind myself for them it’s the Alaska one and NOT this one. Almost slipped about driving versus flying over dinner last night. They so look forward to camp carnival (or whatever the heck they are calling it now). I’ll have a 14, 10, and twin 7 year olds with us. our cruise back in February was our first since COVId. So it’s fun getting back into the swing of cruises again. All that said, to echo Megnolia, the wife and I are getting very excited. And she is having a blast getting stuff and squirreling it away so it stays a surprise.
  3. Booked a few months ago. Going to surprise the kids at Christmas with packed bags and tickets. Family of 6 from Detroit. First time for us sailing out of NYC
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