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Posts posted by rjeffler

  1. I know this has been asked time and time again but I need clarification. We are going to Alaska this June and didn't plan on purchasing waterproof shoes for the weather. We are, however, doing 3 tours that I'm not sure if I need waterproof shoes for. We are doing a full day Halibut fishing charter in Seward, Whale watching with FISHES at Hoonah and a helicopter to dog sled on glacier at Juneau. Would sneakers still work on all of these?

  2. We are cruising Radiance our of Seward on 06/06/14. Arriving Seward by train from Anchorage on 06/04/14. We have hotel reservations at the Holiday Inn, Seward both nights. Have a deep sea fishing tour scheduled on 06/05 leaving from the docks right behind the hotel. Boarding the boat on 06/06. We will need to be able to pick up some food/drink for the deep sea fishing and visit Sea Life Center as well. Do we need a rental car? Is the boat dock (for the Radiance) really that close to the train/Holiday Inn?

  3. We are flying into Anchorage for a Southbound Radiance cruise next June. My husband used to live in Fairbanks, so he wants to take me there. He doesn't like to plan as far in advance as I do!! I see through mapping it, the distance is 360 miles and mapquest/googlemaps show it as 6 hours. Are we really going to be driving 60 mph there? I just want to know what I'm getting in to. I wanted to plan a stop or two on the way up and another on the way back so I'm trying to figure out times...

  4. I'm also planning my 2014 AK cruise for myself and a few family and friends. Is ISP the only tender port? My mother had a stroke and will not try to tender so I need to take that into consideration when booking tours!


    What would you say were your top 3 tours in both of your Alaska trips? Specifically, which port and which tour/sightseeing?


    Thanks so much, it has been so inspiring to read everything you did. I cannot pack as well as you do, but I certainly bargain shop. I'm going to be able to use points/miles to book flights, hotels in AK and in Vancouver. I'm working on collecting points for car rentals, but that is a bit slower! I can't wait to see if I can use the Toursaver BOGO for some of my tours!

  5. I think you can make reservations ahead of time, but call them and check it out. I'm staying in April and had my reservations weeks ago, but I'm staying at the hotel! The number is (808) 955-0555. It is only $50/pp so MUCH cheaper than any other on the island!

  6. I like to decorate the doors just so that people in our group know that they are at one of our cabins without having to remember the cabin number exactly.


    On our next cruise, I bought something called 'Wall Pops'. They are about 18" around and are essentially Dry Erase boards that adhere directly to a wall or door. Now my parents (in the room next door) and I can leave messages for each other telling the other where we'll be. We always have trouble finding each other on these ships while at sea, so hopefully this will help!

  7. We are actually cruising into Vancouver and staying 2 days afterwards. Considering staying at the Marriott/Airport. We would have to disembark and get to the hotel and then start touristy things afterwards. We are kind of pre-planners, so trying to set us up for an easy day on the morning we are flying out. Is this hotel close to the Canada Line Sky Train. Is that easy to maneuver on with luggage?

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