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Everything posted by birdofsong

  1. Maybe I'm slow, but I'm just not understanding why so many people want the testing mandate dropped. Are you really okay with people going on the ship with you who are knowingly positive, or unknowingly, but don't find out because they don't have to test? Or are YOU personally looking forward to being allowed on the ship even if you're positive, since you don't have to prove otherwise? I realize that for most people, Covid doesn't turn serious, but if you can keep people off the ships who would intentionally go even though they know they're positive, you could keep more people healthy. There are already cases on every ship and every sailing, and that is with vaxxing and testing. I can only imagine how much higher that number would go if the mandate is dropped. I know that there are a bunch of people who aren't cruising now because of the mandate. Me, personally -- if they drop the mandate, I won't sail until this is far less transmissible.
  2. This will be our first cruise since Covid, and my parents are traveling with us. I was wondering if anyone has had any observations regarding dining on the Enchantment...i.e...where can we eat where we are not crowded amongst other people. I understand that there are always going to be tables near you (and that's fine), but I wondered if there are some dining areas that are better than others. I'd like my parents to feel as comfortable as possible. Thank you.
  3. We are doing this with our cruise this week. Like it is said above, it's just taxes, port charges, and gratuities. Now here's the cool part -- both my husband and I each got an offer. Even though we are in the same household, we were both allowed to use one offer, so I booked my mom and I in one cabin and my dad and my husband in the second. The cabins are next to each other, so we are just going to switch. So we got four cruise fares for free. The total for taxes, port charges, insurance, and gratuities was $400 per couple.
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