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Posts posted by AmoMondo

  1. Wow Tim, what a great final present with you final bill! You certainly lucked out by the sounds of things.


    Hope the snow melts soon. Normality is going to be a bit of climb down for you - nos special cocktails, no little mysterious presents....definitely wish I'd done that cruise. Mind you, not to miserable here in the Arabian Gulf on the rival Costa! Right enough Internet time, need ro head upstairs and bake in the sun for a wee while!

  2. Cheers Ron.


    Well just had avery pleasant lunch in the MDR with a Dutch and an Italian couple, and now chilling back in the atrium with an espresso!


    This morning was our muster drill and have to say what a deadly serious affair it was (first one I've done on a Costa ship, since the Concordia). No chit chat and everyone paying attention whilst an officer strolled back and forth giving us all a very serious look. I git picked up on not having tied a little bow in my lifejacket. Not complaining, it's good they notice stuff like that. I'm used to MSC's where you Velcro the 2 front panels together.


    So after the serious stuff was out the way, I headed to the Spa for a facial. Very nice it was too, juts could have done without the hard sell forever product under the sun and a bit of pressure to go for a session to have my fat and fluid levels tested. Don't need to spend €15 to find out what I already know, I'm overweight and no Elemis course of tablets is going to magically fix that!


    We have only one show tonight, at 8.15 fro both dinner seatings. It's a classical concert which I'll definitely go to. Tonight will be my first dinner in the MDR, (with loads of folk on late flights, they just do a buffet on the first night) so looking forward to meeting my table mates (assuming I have some that is! Haven't heard very many passengers speaking English so far. Seems to be a big Spanish contingency, lots of Italians and Germans and even a young chap from Belarus (first cruise needed assistance in the buffet!).

    so that's all my news for now. Going to head up to the sun deck for a bit and try not to burn myself to a crisp!


    Speak to you all later

  3. 'Ello all from sunny Dubai!


    Just having lunch at the hotel before I try my luck at the port to see if Costa will let me board before the official 8pm time. I may be in luck as my disembark time is next Friday morning. It a late check out. If they won't let me on, hopefully they'll take my luggage.


    Have a great day all, whatever your plans are

  4. Really enjoyed your journey.....


    Would welcome you back to Yorkshire, but our home time is expecting 40cms of snow tomorrow.......


    Have a great cruise Amo... please look after the Atlantica, we are aboard very soon......




    Hi Mel,


    Heard about all the snow due I was waiting for my flight yesterday. Sounds like it's going to be grim. The only snow where am I now as the ski slope in Mall of the Emirates! I'm going to head over to the Atlantica in about 4 hours and try my luck at getting on her before the stated 8pm check in. I'll do my best to leave her in a good state for you, although I may have depleted the stock of red wine a tad!


    Tim, I was almost born on the 20th, poor mum was in labour all day and I wasn't born until the wee hours of the 21st, but still a bit spooky that we were so close to sharing a birthday and have such similar opinions on cruising and wine!


    Anyway, safe trip home Tim and Duane. It was a joy reading this thread each day. I would miss it, were it not that my little adventure is already underway

  5. Here's hoping you get out of Edinburgh without difficulty Mairi, and enjoy a wonderful cruise!


    Thanks Chuck!


    Snow thankfully turned to rain late on today, so the road is passable now, just have to wait to see what gets dumped overnight.

  6. Well I'm planning on going on the Atlantica on Friday, snow permitting! Edinburgh airport is closed this morning and it's still snowing and we're due to have heavy snow today and light snow tomorrow. Flightnis not until Thursday morning. BA has a few flights each day, so if I don't get my connection, I should still (hopefully) get there before the ship departs on Saturday morning, as I have around 26 hours wiggle room.


    For the rest ofnthe year, I revert to my favourite line for a West Med in May on MSC Sinfonia and the Black Sea on my gfavourite ship, MSC Musica.


    Well better get a move on as I'll need to walk up the hill to getbthe bus, as my road is a no go zone other than in wellies or granny boots!


    Have a good day all!

  7. Just back from lunch out with my parents and feeling all chilled out...a bit too chilled out to get cracking with the packing, but as three long days of work to come before my Thursday morning flight to Dubai, I really, really must get my butt in gear!


    Looking forward to catching up with old and new friends on here.

  8. The conspiracy theorems regarding the special roll call members' special treatment continue as we discovered that it was not the repeat guests cocktail party yesterday evening but rather the more intimate Black Card event. The entire 13 Cruise Critics roll call members were invited, including MSC first-timers. It is getting embarrassing. So now, whoever is responsible, and I notice that AmoMondo has been especially quiet on this thread, it is time to admit responsibility, accept our gratitude, and reveal yourself!




    Not me either Tim! Whilst I'd love to have that kind of influence with them, I'm afraid I don't! So your comspiracyntheorem is still unsolved. Never mind, it will keep you guessing and who knows if it has something to do with them readingbthis, they make take notenof your preference for a bottle of the nice bubbly!


    Sounds like you're all having a ball, apart from your livers that is!:)

  9. Haven't sailed NCL so can't comment on the comparison. School holidays in Scotland start first week in July and the rest of the UK a few weeks later so no, June 22nd is not school holidays in the UK. However, there are never very many Brits onboard at any time, so when the UK school holidays are is not something to concern yourself with, unless you're hoping for other English speaking kids onboard?


    It is however summer holiday time in Italy, so there will be a lot of Italian kids onboard.

  10. We've done some Live blog's on the website i moderate on


    here is a link to an example . It's mainly images and it's title gives it away "Postcards from MSC Musica"


    The cruiser sent images to me from his blackberry along with some commentary and I put them on to a thread in which I had reserved a sequence of posts which I could edit.


    I ran two parallel threads:- one in which I announced the arrival of the new "postcards" (with links straight to the new postcard)and a second on which members could pass comments and the cruiser could reply. This allowed the Postcard thread to run uninterrupted by comments


    I'd be interested to know what you think of the format















    Hi Pete

    I had a look at the threads and a general poke around the site. I think the thread was interesting and informative, particularly for those looking for info on the ship itself, the line and the ports. After all picture often convey more than words can. I don't know the poster, so that was pretty much it for me. Where this thread appeals to me is the humorous tone of the writing, having more than one CC member contributing and because both Duane and Tim are solo cruisers like me, and have a similar outlook on some things,I almost feel like they're friends taking me on holiday with them, if that makes sense? I feel more "connected " to this thread.that said were I to have spent a lot of time on cruise mates, and be familiar with the poster, I might feel more involved too.

  11. I'd say around10% will wear tuxes andmaybea little higher percentage for ladies in long gowns.you won't be out of place if you dress very formally but you won't be in the majority either. It's true that some do completely ignore the dress code but not the majority by any means.


    I like the opportunity to wear my long gowns and the crew always seem to respond very favourably to me making the effort with better service!


    With theexvess baggage rates on some airlines, I'd leave the tuxes behind though.

  12. I have survived the security at Manchester airport. I wasted 40 minutes of my life kettled in a single-file cordon, folded many times over and in which progress was often backwards as those about to miss their flights were moved in front of me. By the time I got near to the front, I was about to miss my flight.


    Queuing like this is worse than being unemployed. At least with the latter there is a sense of hope of eventual employment and the freedom to make oneself useful cleaning, tidying, doing the washing up or other productive tasks. Stuck in an an airport security queue is a waste of humanity where one is only allowed thoughts of catching or missing one's flight.


    Terminal T4S at Madrid could not be a bigger contrast. There is practically no one here or to ask where to go in this huge, cavernous carbuncle. I imagine this is what Heathrow Terminal 5 is like when it is closed.


    I am now comfortably savouring the delights of the Iberia lounge where the wine in my glass is described, "a hint of pastry, pencil shavings, balsamics (eucalyptus), bay leaves and menthol". I must try that mix when I get home and see if it tastes remotely like red wine.


    Next stop Brazil!


    Well I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to try a wine described like that...how was it anyway?


    Really looking forward to hearing about the "gangs" adventures and so wishing I were joining you all!


    Boa Viagem!

  13. On the msccruises.co.uk website i click on Log In and it goes to the "my msc area" where you have to fill in E mail and password details ..... Once logged in it says Dear David welcome to your personal area, the Right hand side shows my Full name and level of club membership and card Colour and points.


    Below that there is a box that says Excursions and Special Services, after clicking on Excursions the page changes to "onboard reservations" and you have to fill in the details below ie Booking Ref, Name, Ship and Departure date... and the security check captcha... on the Right hand side is the Web check in.


    After pressing Enter the details of the booked cruise are shown across the top of the page, below that is the Allegrissimo booking section, Excursions and Special services available for your cruise.


    Under that is the information "go to your shopping trolley" when you click on that another page comes up and shows the two bookings for the Allegrissimo drink packages we have ordered.


    Is this what everyone else can see ?


    Yes Dave, that's exactly what I see as well.

  14. I can log into the onboard reservations with my booking ref. etc. but the booking does not appear in 'My MSC Area' when I log in there. The 'My Dashboard' and 'My Reservations' are totally missing from the page.


    Well I'm worse than you Tim, I don't even have a My Dashboards or My Reservations section. Maybe it's because I'm using an IPad?

  15. I'm the same Dave. I booked my Allegrissimo over the phone with MSC for the Musica at the same time I made the booking. It's on the invoice but I can't see it online. I presume this is because I'll be billed for it with my final invoice. I can see it for the Sinfonia but I booked it online and I'm presuming that none gets added to my onboard account.


    It's all confusing and I wish you could see everything online regardless of how it was booked. Maybe one day.......

  16. True, Jack. However the previous poster wanted to know what drinks were included in the all inclusive deal and the link to the onboard bar lists (same for everyone) show the drinks that are not included and those that are.


    Not surprised they charge Brits more than the Italians for an all inclusive deal as on average I think it highly likely we consume more booze and less coffee than they do!


    You could wait to buy onboard, then you have the same price as other nationalities.

  17. I've been trying out the spray bottles of suncream (not that there's any sun here at the moment to protect myself from!). I think the problem is that factor 50 is just pretty thick, so even though it's in a spray bottle, it still doesn't cover as well as a thinner mix might. I'll keep an eye out for a sponge on a stick though!


    There's a whole range of them here on Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=back+lotion+applicator&tag=googhydr-21&index=aps&hvadid=12522972710&hvpos=1t2&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=518913973778552792&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&ref=pd_sl_801vp6bnvw_b


    There is also a company called back bliss that seem to have aranged of them too. I just got mine from Amazon and went for one with interchangeable heads so I could have a spare pad when the other was still wet from being rinsed out. I'm tempted by the roll on one now though!

  18. Looking at booking the Divina, does anyone knowwhich superior balcony cabin would be the best of these choices - 11080, 10071, 12089, 12222.


    Also, does anyone know how these cabins would sleep a family of four? Would it be one queen bed, and one double sofa bed?




    Just from looking at the portion of the deck plan Pete has posted just above, the first 3 you mention are not quads. You need to look at the deck plans for ones that have the symbol to indicate they're quads, or getnyour TA to do the legwork for you.

  19. When I go to buffets alone and go to get seconds ....I always lean my chair forward up against the table on the front two legs. That seems to be the universal signal that the seat is occupied.


    I'll certainly give that a try the next time I'm in a buffet, although mostly eat in the MDR.

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