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Posts posted by truck1

  1. You are mostly correct except prolonged exposure to high levels of oxygen also causes bends just differently then nitrogen expanding in your blood vessels. High amounts of oxygen cause excess fluid in the circulatory system which also causes bends.


    Definition of Suffocation taken directly from the online dictionary;

    the stoppage of breathing; called also asphyxiation. If it is complete (no air at all reaches the lungs), the lack of oxygen and excess of carbon dioxide in the blood will cause almost immediate loss of consciousness. Though the heart continues to beat briefly, death will follow in a matter of minutes unless emergency measures are taken to get breathing started again.


    Like I said in my post. take a breath of high concentration of CO2, you just suffocated. the air the definition is describing is normal air that we breath. lungs are now full of CO2. Like i said in post, heart now pumps this oxygen depleted blood or CO2 blood through the body. brain lasts about 3 minutes and then begins to die. When you pass out or loose consciousness in this space filled with CO2, your not getting up and walking away. if someone is with you they also will most likely pass out trying to save you as its human nature or reaction to run and try to see why your co-worker or friend passed out.


    We wear air monitors on us while in a confined space like a under ground tunnel or drainage system. that thing goes off, they tell you hold what breath you have at that instant in your lungs and GET OUT!



    This is all information and training I received directly from OSHA.


    Exposure to high concentrations of o2 does not cause the bends. Its 2 different animals. High exposure to 02 can cause edema or fluid build up but that is different from the bends or DCS. Its similar to CHF.


    Heres the definition of the bends.


    decompression sickness a condition resulting from a too-rapid decrease in atmospheric pressure, as when a deep-sea diver is brought too hastily to the surface. The popular term bends is derived from the bodily contortions its victims undergo when atmospheric pressure is abruptly changed from a high pressure to a relatively lower one. Called also caisson disease and divers' paralysis. A similar condition, altitude sickness, is suffered by aviators who ascend too rapidly to high altitudes. Decompression sickness may also be a complication in a type of oxygen therapy called hyperbaric oxygenation, in which the patient is placed in a high-pressure chamber to increase the oxygen content of the blood. Personnel and the patient within the chamber must be protected from decompression sickness when they emerge from the high-pressure chamber.


    Symptoms and Treatment. Symptoms include joint pain, dizziness, staggering, visual disturbances, dyspnea, and itching of the skin. Partial paralysis occurs in severe cases; collapse and insensibility are also possible. Only rarely is decompression sickness itself fatal, although a diver while in this condition may suffer a fatal accident unless he or she is rescued. Treatment consists of placing the victim in a decompression chamber where the air pressure is at the original higher level of pressure. If the victim is a diver, this is the pressure at the depth where he or she was working. Pressure in the chamber is then reduced to normal at a safe rate.


    As for suffocation you missed the most important verbage. The stopping of breathing. Even if you walked into a room that was completely devoid of 02. you wont stop breathing immediately. It takes a minute or 2 for that to happen.


    If your boss is saying to hold your breath and run, because your air monitor went off, Id find a new job since you shouldn't be in that type of environment to begin with, or not understanding why a monitor goes off, with out an independent outside air supply of some sort.




    Hazmat Tech

    US&R Tech

    US&R Tech Instructor

    Confined Space Rescue Tech

    Special Operations Command


    Dive Master

    PS Diver



    If your boss i

  2. Do the Dream and Fantasy cold iron when in PC?

    I know they have capability like the Wonder had to get for the Alaska cruises?

    Did the Magic get the same ability during her dry dock?


    ex techie



    As far as I know no. The only place I know is in Ca that cold irons ships. All of the ships as far as I know have the capability as when the ships are in drydock they have no way to effectively cool the mains so they basically plug into shorside power. They most like cold iron as many engines as they can as power demands, but they definitely don't run all of them in port.




    For this one, notice DCL is mentioned and the ship in the picture.



  3. So for the less informed, whose terminal are they building on the south side of the channel now? Does it only belong to CPA? ( Canaveral Port Authority)

    I thought it was for NCL?

    Is it for all who pay?

    Such as Rccl and NCL, etc?

    Is this terminal not dedicated one to a specific cruise line?

    I thought it was for a specific cruise line. :confused: Who would likely would rent it out to others. :confused:

    Are the cruise lines not assisting in the funding?





    The new terminal is basically everybodys. Any ship that moors there will pay a given amount for the service. Its one of the ways that the port makes money. For example, when we did the Eastern on the Fantasy in Oct of 13, the Magic had just come in from dd and was tied to the DCL pier while they finished her up. When the Fantasy came home, the Magic moved to the next pier up, so the Fantasy could get in. Disney paid for the Magic to be at terminal. When the Dream and Fantasy both came home, they spent time at terminal 2, while the Magic and Wonder were in port. They paid for that terminal while the ship was there also.


    Last I heard RCL will get terminal preference for the new terminal, since they are paying 50% of the 65 million build cost.

    As far as I know, DCL is the only cruiseline that has its own terminal. Anywhere. There are some piers that are "contractually obligated" to a given line for 1 reason or another (there is a few cruiselines that when the ship is being turned, plug into the local power grid instead of generating there own power. In return to putting in the infrastructure to do this, the ports give theses piers to the lines that put in the money for the transformers)

  4. Port Canaveral wants the number 1 cruise spot in Fl. They are number 2 right now behind Miami. The new terminal that opened recently and also the new Terminal 1, are both capable of handling Oasis class ships. Port Canaveral is talking to an unspecified line for basing a ship there, but last I looked haven't said who that line is. It is entirely possible that the new Oasis Class ship will go there, and replace one of the 3 RCL has there now. Considering the Ports agreement with Disney, and the fact the RCL is footing 50% of the build cost of the new terminal, with preference I wouldn't be surprised if one of the 3 Oasis class ships calls PC home. Or a different new build.


    This is the latest from outside sources:


  5. I would "imagine" she will have new bells and whistles added up top once the Panama canal widening is finished and not before. Circa 2016 I think?


    I heard that the Magic can get a 1 time pass from (Truck1) to go through the existing canals due to the ducktail that was added to the Magic. Not sure if that means she can come back as well or if it was a one way trip through the canal and a long trip home?


    I would also hope that there were a lot of lessons taught to the "Imagineers" that what the engineering dept. said was only possible were only "if's" and not guarantees regarding the plumbing challenges, painting the whole of the outside of the ship, and that they get reigned in when challenged rather than just given Yes answers.

    Dreamers can be dreamers, but it needs realists that know boundaries to turn those dreams into reality.




    ex techie


    It would be a 1 way trip. Then they would have to go thru the whole, can we get an exemption thing again. On top of the lottery to transit the canal in the first place. The way it reads is a 1 or 2 time lifetime event, on a case by case basis, no guaruntees. Looking at the lock dimensions, theres 1000 usable feet of lock space. With the new ducktail the Magic is 988 I think or somewhere there about. Close enough for government work. So she should be able to make the locks under perfect conditions. Ie, tides being right, little to no wind, the ship behaving in the locks and not drifting too far in the current while the chamber is being filled, etc. This would all be under the exemption rule if applied for.

  6. Yes its very doable and most people that rent cars do the same thing.


    As far as walking to the ship, thats not a problem, its not like the airports where everyone needs to be together. However someone at least 1 person will need to wait on you in the terminal as they will have your KTTW card, which places you on and off the ship.(on the assumption that this is during open boarding. Otherwise, everyone gets to wait until your number is called)

  7. Interesting. We did the 2005 EB Panama crossing. At that time we were told that the ship was intentionally built 1 inch less than the maximum width allowed and 1 foot shorter than the max length. The duck tail exceeds that max length....and we all saw what happened to the side of the ship (that 1 inch might be hypothetical' date=' but the ship hit the sides many times. On the WB it gouged a huge hunk out of the hull!)


    I'm not a ship expert by any means; just know what we were told by speakers on board.[/quote']


    Technically its true. Theres 2 different sizes for the locks. Theres the actual size, and also the usable size. The usable size depends on the length of the individual gate sizes. I figured it out one day that she would still fit, on the assumption that she got permission to begin with. They would have to wiggle a little bit, and prob leave a set of lock doors open, but I think she could do it.


    The Disney Magic can still fit into the Panama Canal locks. But with her duck tail, the clearance is such that she requires "special handling" by the mules and as such, is very expensive and difficult to schedule.



    Theres also a special permission that needs to be acquired. Its usually done on a case by case basis, and usually its only a one off permission.

  8. A note about Downtown Disney. I'd pass on a visit in the very near future. We are annual pass holders and DD is one of our favorite night spots. However we were there last weekend and its so torn up and walled off from construction we are not going back for some time. its just not fun right now, as all of the views are blocked and too many diversions on the sidewalks. However will be great in about 12 months!



    I agree. I was going to suggest trick or treating there until you reminded me about our recent experience. Were AP holders also, and I took my wife horseback riding at Ft Wilderness about 2 weeks ago. We got done at about 1230 ish, and we decided to go to DTD to have lunch at Planet Hollywood. It took us probably close to an hour, to find a parking spot, then find a clear path to the restaurant. I know it took us close to 25 minutes to walk from my truck. On the upside, is that PH was just about empty. We walked right in. For the forseeable future, well go to Hard Rock at Universal.

  9. With all things being equal, motion sickness is generally from the perception of what your eyes see, and your body feels. For example, when Back to the Future first opened at Universal in Orlando, the ride was very slightly out of sync with the video. Not enough for the average person to notice, but enough that just about every body getting off the ride was getting sick, to some degree.


    Same basic principal with sea sickness. Your eyes see the walls not moving but your body feels the roll or pitch of a ship.


    The best places on a ship, is as close as possible to the ships center of gravity. This point will move from trip to trip and even during a trip, as fuel is burned, ballast is taken on or pumped off etc. The further you are from that point, vertically and horizontally, the more motion you will feel. Doesn't matter if its the Magic Class, Dream Class or even the Oasis Class.


    For those that are susceptible to motion sickness, best place, inside midships. 2nd best, though not by much is midship balcony. There about equal with the deciding factor being the cause of the discomfort. A balcony offers you the option to sit in a chair, looking at the horizon and basically letting your system reset itself. The further out you look, with as little as possible in the foreground the better.


    If a person feels sick, do 2 things if you are going to stand at a balcony.

    1. Locate the nearest bathroom ahead of time.

    2. Take stock of which way the wind is blowing. If it is blowing in your face, and you think you might get sick, beeline to the restroom. Otherwise you might end up wearing something undesirable, or someone standing nearby might get it.


    Stabilizers on all ships are computer controlled, and are designed to limit or reduce the side to side motion of a ship. They don't do much if anything for pitching (bow going up and down) motion. Theres any number of reasons for a ship to roll or pitch, and in some cases theres not much that can be done about it.


    If it were me, Id select my ship based on the itinerary I wanted, and select a lower balcony cabin.

  10. Capt. BJ, Ive honestly never seen it worded as loading passengers in a US port. Ill take your word for it. The typos were from trying to type on my phone at work one day.


    Ive noticed that several countries have taken the IMO requirements, and changed the title to something else, but in the end the actual requirements are almost verbatim if not copied exactly. I can think of a few other areas that do similar things.

  11. Heresbthe short English version regarding drydocks. All ships must undergo a drydock inspection 2x in a 5 year period not to exceed 3 years. A ship under the age of 15( I forget whatvyeat the new rule took effect) can forgo 1 drydock in lieu of an in water inspection.(there's a few specific items that have to be met in order for this to occur) The Dream and Fantasy both fit the requirement. The drydock period has nothing to do with most upgrades to a ship unless they are required by IMO SOLAS or a handful of other alphabet soup organizations. Its just a convenient time to upgrade cabins paint the ship and deep clean where its not normally possible. Every ship afloat has to follow this schedule. New ships such as the NCL Breakaway and Getaway also fall under this rule. How much gets done besides the mandatory inspections is line specific and also what shape the ships are in. In some cases a ship is lengthened and others paint clean and new sheets and beds. Using Carnival as an example with its Funship 2.0 upgrades a ship may take a number and get a routine drydock until there number is up for the full upgrade.

  12. My wife and I were married on the Magic in 2010.


    This is normally how it works. Im not sure on the pricing as I have heard that pricing has gone up.


    Before you book your cruise, call DCL weddings and they will assign a shoreside assistant to you. She will send you all of the info that you need. Theres only 3 spots available on a cruise to be married. 2 onboard the ship, and 1 on CC. If all 3 are filled, you might need back up sailings.

    Once you get the dates nailed down, the price of the wedding is added to your cruise. So say the wedding is 3500, and the cruise is 4000, your total due 75 days before sailing is 7500.


    In the paperwork they will send you, they will ask you to choose songs from a set list, or you can create your own.

    They will give you choices of cakes, toppers, cake cutters, flowers boutonnieres etc.

    Unless something has changed, you are also entitled to a free dress steaming, and tux pressing, as well as a comp night at Palos, on the night of your ceremony. You also get champagne glasses, a free bottle of champagne.

    You are also guaranteed a ships officer to preside over the ceremony, not necessarily the Capt. We had Walter from accounting and have seen him several times since then on cruises. On our last cruise, this past Oct,we asked where he was an had transferred to the Wonder. Ray the CD on the Fantasy at the time, sent a message to him and Walter not only remembered us, but sent us a picture holding an Happy Anniversary sign, in front of 1 of the lounges from the Wonder. To me, that is what sets Disney apart.


    What you will pay extra for is pictures. Theres a few different picture options. We ended up with over 300 pictures.


    You also need a marriage lic, in hand when you board. Youll have a small ceremony onboard and a notary will marry you. Ours was in front of the Walt Disney Theatre on the Magic. Your legally married when the ship leaves port. The actual ceremony for you at least will be at CC. When my wife asks me whens our anniversary, I jokingly reply which one? Its the 16th or 18th of Oct depending on which date(s) you go by.


    When you board, youll meet with a shipboard asst, who will help arrange any last minute items for you, and answer any questions for you. They will also help arrange a time to meet the photographer before the ship sails. They'll show you a book with standard pictures and ask if you have any other ideas. Which is how we got the 300 pictures. Like on deck 10 with the sunset in the background at sea, against the funnels, with the DCL logo, in front of the statue in the atrium, etc.


    Other then being cost prohibitive to some people, the down side to a Castaway Cay marriage, is weather, if it rains, or is otherwise inclement weather, (think wind) you have to come back to the ship for your ceremony, and a CC wedding, takes up most of the day, so you lose that time on the island. Which is basically all day when you figure, a 1 oclock ceremony, cake, pictures preparation etc. Even earlier like 11 oclock( I forget what the actual time is) eats up your day.

  13. Something you wont see on just about any other ship, other then the Disney Magic. Go out onto the deck 4 promenade. Look for lifeboat station #10. I think its on the port side.There is a seam that goes from the deck to the upper levels of the ship. Its a fake seam. There is an identical one on the Disney Magic. That one is real. The Disney Magic was built in 2 different yards, then the bow was towed to the yard the stern was being built in. And then welded together. To keep the ships almost identical, when the Disney Wonder was built, several months later, the builders put a fake seam in.

  14. Just a suggestion on transportation. Im assuming your flying in so when you get to MCO/OIA use the DME (Disney Magical Express) bus. It is free to any resort guests between the WDW resorts and the airport. From the resort to the ship or ship back to the airport, I would look into renting a vehicle as well as pricing out private transfers. There are several different rental agencies that serve the port and they all are minutes from the port and offer a shuttle of some sort to and from the pier. I know that there are usually any number of discounts or codes that can be applied for savings on most rentals. Its only about a 45 minute trip from the port to the airport and about 115-130 from the resorts to the pier. Depends on how you drive.


    Just a word of warning, if you do decide to drive, when you get on the Beachline/528/Beeline, after you pass the airport, get in the right lane and stay there. The road will split not far before the port, and 1 side goes to the port, the other to the KSC. If you make that mistake and head to the KSC, its a pain to get back to the port, and there is no eastbound reentry. You basically have to go all the way to KSC, and come across a few back roads that the last time we went out there, just to see how hard it wasn't exactly clearly marked. (The more direct route through the KSC was closed not long after 9/11)

  15. Heres a few examples I found. Not sure on how long the ships may or may not have waited. I think whether a ship waits or not may depend on a few things. Like how far the ship has to go for its next stop, will they get charged for staying later, is the pilot onboard and waiting 10 minutes mean that the ship loses its departure spot and now has to wait say over an hour longer to depart waiting on the pilot to come back..... I can think of other reasons too.





  16. I was on the Norwegian Getaway. When we docked in Nassau we were parked by the Disney Wonder and the Disney Dream.



    Just curious, what exactly happened? I didn't stick around to find out. The guard said the ship would not wait, but then we later saw that as it was maneuvering to turn around, it stopped completely. Did a tender boat take this family out to the ship?


    Lesson learned, always be on board with plenty of time. I find the ships usually depart about 30 minutes after they say everyone should be back on board, so they apparently probably had a 4:00 onboard time and were 30 minutes late. I bet those parents will never make that mistake again.



    A lot of times, if a person/family is late to the ship, and can see it, someone will contact the ships agent, who contacts the ship, which will slow or even stop at the entrance to the channel out of the way. If the affected people can play lets make a deal, a lot of times the pilot boat which has to go to the ship anyway to pick up the pilot will run the people out to the ship. If not your basically on your own dime to get to the next port.


    Ive always told my family when we are wandering a port on our own, to be back at the ship at least 1 hour prior to the All Aboard Time, just in case.

  17. How current is this information? Years ago' date=' the kids went to the pool deck for food and the Lab group had activities held in various locations around the ship. However, after the big "rules changes," food was served in the OC/OL and kids who were in "secure programming" were not taken from the Club/Lab area for anything. That was part of the "secure" issue. Kids in the Edge and Vibe do have activities in other locations, but these kids don't wear the ID bracelets.[/quote']


    About 3 years now. That was the last time my oldest went to the clubs. We went to get him and his sister, (we never gave the kids sign out privileges so they didnt get lost getting back to the room or we wouldnt be there when they got back.Now they have to call and tell us where they are going etc. before they do it. ) and the counselor looked at the computer and said hes in the arcade, and she was in the lab. I was talking to someone recently from the island and said not long after our 2010 cruise they were supposed to put the tracking out there as well. Both my kids have told me that while they were in the clubs for the Fantasy Maiden,and the Magic before that that they were on shipwide scavenger hunts. Unless its on the new ships and not the classics because of the tech involved.

  18. Someplace else you could go to is the KSC. Its only a few minute ride from the port. You wouldnt be able to see everything there (The bus tour alone can take 3-4 hours, and thats getting off and doing a quick look around at each site.Not spending any real amount of time checking things out) but its something to do and plan for on the next trip.

  19. Probably when she comes out of drydock, but I cant swear to it. Im not sure how much work there is to add the app to the Wonder since the Magic class, and the Dream class have 2 different types of communications setups. Someone posted the difference a while ago, and I cant swear as to what 1 will handle and the other wont.

  20. Not sure that I'm following you. Are you saying that one particular line's cabin count will remain stable, or the industry as a whole?


    Total passengers carried, worldwide in 1990 was about 4 million, while in 2013 it was 20 million. The only way you could do a 5 fold increase in passengers, without significantly reducing the number of days for each cruise, would be to have a 5 fold increase in cabin capacity. And the 2013 capacity figures are a 3+% increase over last year. Ship counts continue to rise, and capacity continues to rise.



    I use a lines count as my thought, but the industry as a whole could be looked at the same way.


    Say line "X" has a room inventory of 20,000 guest cabins available under perfect conditions, meaning no rehabs on cabins, cabins that dont have a permanent block on them due to noise etc.


    Line "X" builds a new ship. That ship has 3000 cabins. Under most circumstances, when the new ship is delivered, or somewhere there abouts, at least 1 ship is sold off or transferred to a lesser line, which replaces another ship that is moved out, etc. Lets say Line "X" retires/replaces a 2000 room ship. Thats not big news. The big news is that the 3000 room ship is coming, book a cabin etc, while the other ship is quielty sometimes with a news blurb, sent on its way.


    So on the surface,it looks like 3000 rooms are added to the fleet and world wide count. But in reality, when all of the ships settle into their new homes, sold for scrap etc, the total addition is more like 1500-2000.


    Most major lines Ive been seeing lately have been releasing/selling their older ships off as they build newer fleets. Princess has done it, RCCL has done it most recently releasing/transferring Monarch to Pullmantur, and adding Quantum. Just an example.


    In reality, the cabin count is going up worldwide, but not as quick as it appears on the surface. In most cases the individual ship count a line owns/operates will stay the same, but the cabins increase slightly. On occasion a line will increase its ship count for 1 reason or another, (RCCL come to mind, they are adding at least 3 more ships I know of, but the only ship I know that has transferred or planned is Monarch, though I would hazzard a guess and say that Majestys days are numbered as a RCCL flagged ship.That would put the total fleet count slightly higher as 22 instead of 21.)

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