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Posts posted by nascargirly

  1. Question for you, we are meeting Tex in May for our tour.. How old were his boys? I know your cruise was last year, I would like to get him some things for them. Thanks! And thanks also for your great reviews!!



    Headed for beach. Tex said we would want to be at West Bay area to snorkel. Most places he said tried to charge a resort fee but that if we just walked through and put towels on sand and not on a chair we wouldn't be asked to pay a fee. He needed to drop us off and told us how to go through a place called Paradise Beach Resort and get to beach. He would wait in the parking lot where he dropped us off since walking in with him would make them want to charge us knowing we weren't staying at the resort. Inside perk...yeah!


    We followed Tex instructions and easily made way to beach. Put our towel down and saw a few others doing the same. Nobody ever questioned us about not having pass. Beach was nice, white, and water was great. Waiter approached us and we ordered drinks. $2 buck beer and $4 mixed drinks.

    Son and I got snorkel ready and headed out in water. Water was a little choppy and we didn't have fins. After only a few minutes out we were approached by a guy in a kayak and he asked if we wanted to be paddled around out further to the edge of reef area to see much more. We asked him how much, he said tips only. SOLD!

    We held on to a rope behind kayak and just floated as he pulled us out pretty far and then pulled us all around reef area. It was fantastic. Water was actually more clear here than Cozumel and we saw alot more fish. If we ever get back to Honduras THIS will be our snuba and scuba location for sure.

    Kayak guy paddled us for about 30 minutes all around. I felt bad the water was choppy and he was working hard paddling both of us but we were glad he was taking us all around. We got more great pictures and video. It is also included in my youtube link video.

    I tipped kayak guy and we grabbed another drink while we packed up and washed off. We were approached a few times by vendors but it wasn't bad. Son got hair braided in a few strands for $5. Then we headed back to find Tex since it was about 30 minutes til we needed to be back on ship and we still needed cigars.

    Tex was actually waiting on us by the entrance to Paradise Resort and off we went to a local cigar shop. Tex said cigars in the port shops were not very good quality and you pay cheap for bad quality there. He took us to a cigar shop near the port but not inside the port. We grabbed a few hand-rolled honduran cigars of a couple of varieties and then time to go. Tex dropped us at port entrance and we tipped him and thanked him and gave him the gift for his kids. He was very appreciative and told us to please come back again. Wished us a blessed life and off we went to get back on ship. Exhausted but had an amazing day!

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