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Posts posted by riddle

  1. This wasn't weird but just plain fun. I was travelling solo my last cruise. I stopped in the buffet to grab a bite to eat. The buffet was pretty empty and I sat down at a table for two. A few minutes later a man came up and sat in the chair across from me. He said something to this effect: "Honey I have been looking all over for you. I am glad I finally found you". There was a lone women sitting two tables over who then said "get over here" to him. We all had a good laugh. Apparently, it is something he does as a ruse from time to time. We ended up chatting for about an hour. Turned out his wife and I both had similar positions and we had a lot to talk about.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. Don't be nervous. I have been doing this for about 2 years now even though I am married. DH is not in love with cruising although he goes once or twice a year. I enjoy my solos. It is my "me" time.

  3. Happened to us I think on the Jewel. It was every night and we were under the buffet. It was many hours and awful. Also there were loud banging noises I thought sounded like they were working on the elevators. We complained to the hotel director but the person in charge of housekeeping managed to move us to another cabin when someone left the ship on Wednesday (probably an entertainer). We went from an inside to a balcony so that helped and they did move out stuff

  4. I share your concerns as I often cruise solo. I have joined groups thru CC and it has worked out great. I am on the Escape in two weeks and have reached out through my roll call but so far not much response. I am ok with that as I will meet others at solo gathering but that won't help with excursions. I am an introvert but try to push myself out of my shell as much as possible.

  5. You did absolutely the best thing having your DD checked out. Two years ago my dear 3 year old granddaughter was hit in the head by a metal pole from an outdoor toy. It was a freak accident but after a few tears she seemed ok. A few days later her mother discovered a swelling in her head at the site. We took her to the ER and found out she had a skull fracture but they felt that she just needed to go home and rest. They advised us what to look for if further problems arose. The next morning she was vomiting repeatedly and listless. We headed off to the ER again (should have called 911) and within about an hour she was in surgery as there was bleading near the brain. She could have lapsed into a coma had we not reacted within several hours. Thank God she is a happy, well little 5 year old now. She does, however, still have issues anytime she bumps her head as she remembers what happened and she can be overly fearful.

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