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Posts posted by DisneyJen

  1. Hi DJ. You have been quiet lately. Good to hear from you. I agree with you (as usual). In my line of work in the yachting biz, I am frequently on board large yachts (working here) and, even if I had the $$$$, I prefer SeaDream. Owning a large yacht is definitely running a business and the inevitable personnel problems. Don't worry, let SeaDream do it for you.:D:D bEsides, for a mere $2mil per year, I bet SD would cut you a permanent deal on a suite.


    Been busy working on our villa trip to St. John first week in June but I have been paying attention to info on my beloved SD!


    I can't imagine all the headaches with owning a large yacht! When I am on SD I really do feel like I own the yacht:p

  2. You all are too kind! This has been in the back of my mind since meeting the Lepisto girls last March. They told me what a blast the Christmas cruise always is. After spending this past holiday without family and freezing cold...I thought, SD next year!! Then we'll have a BIG family to celebrate with!! :eek::D


    I am thinking that spending Christmas with the SD family in the warm Caribbean is definitely the way to go!:cool:

  3. Beer is good! But you're REALLY addicted to SD' date=' when you willingly sit there, drinking beer, thinking about getting on the ship, not about how much your wife is spending in the jewelry store!:eek:[/quote']


    Like that has ever happened!!


    I can tell you feel my pain.:eek: We really have to sail together some day. We can compare notes. Talk cars too.:eek:


    We definitely need to sail together ... and drink martinis! Zoltie, Clint and Jasper know exactly how we like them!


    Sadly, I'm not there yet. If I have enough beer so that I don't care about jewelry store spending, I'm comatose so can't be thinking of embarkation....


    Heck, you are so well trained that you don't even have to be on the same continent and you approve jewelry purchases ... just saying:eek::cool:

  4. Yeah...luv 'em. Thanks Ctbjr... She's now gonna w(h)ine and cry untitled you guys depart in January' date=' and she realizes that she really isn't joining you... And it will be down-hill from there!


    I must say, if money (or a job!) weren't an issue, we'd be there with you in a heartbeat!:mad:[/quote']


    Trust me, I know we aren't sailing next month! I just updated my countdown clock and it has way too many numbers.:rolleyes:

  5. I think you should!! What wonderful postings about the crossing and all else! I first the motion--SDJen!! Sounds good! You deserve it. :p


    I appreciate and am honored by the motion!


    My vote was for "GoofyJen"' date=' but I got voted off the island:(


    All I know, is that she has a passion for both...so when Jen says "why dont' we...", you can bet there is a 95% (or greater) chance it has something to do with Disney or SD... and my response is (whenever possible, of course)..."yes, Dear!"


    And with all due respect, there aren't too many people out there more knowledgable about both, than my very own DisneyJen!


    How does SDisneyJen sound?[/quote']


    Obviously your ploy to distract me from researching trips for '11 is not working.


    To keep us on topic...


    You know you and your DH are addicted to SD when the conversation goes like this


    Me - "I would consider a trip to French Polynesian for my BIG birthday in '12."


    DJ's DH - "Instead of the Corinth Canal Transit on SD?"


    Me - "Yes ... You know we are doing that on SD anyway!"


    DJ's DH - "What??"


    Me - "It's a given, isn't it!:p"


    DJ's DH leaves the room, mumbling under his breath "She's always right!":D

  6. ... when you attend the Christmas party with your neighborhood foodies/wine clubs and all you cal talk about is how incredible your first (and it will not be your last) Crossing on SD was the trip of a lifetime!


    The highlight of the evening is when they said ... "So perhaps we need to test drive a SD cruise in the Caribbean this season":D And DJ's DH's response was "She who must be obeyed has spoken!":cool::p:cool:


    Talk about spreading the addiction ...

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