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Posts posted by TampaJules

  1. Cozumel photos.  The blue one is from the submarine.  It looked better than this photo appears due to the glass.  The other two underwater ones are from the Money Bar.  Also a photo of the steps at Money Bar.  The water was pretty calm that day but you had to be careful getting in and out when a boat had gone by.  Wear aqua socks if you aren't snorkeling with fins.





  2. It doesn't seem that anyone posts trip reports anymore and I always love to read them, so here I go.  We took a 5 night cruise from Tampa on Majesty going to Key West, Havana, and Cozumel.  It was me and my hubby plus his cousin and her hubby (we are ages 39-60).  The trip was just amazing.

    Boarding in Tampa was very quick and efficient.  They were practically waiting on people to check in at about 1:30 (plenty of staff ready to go and several people just directing everyone to the correct places).  We explored the ship for a while (we had been on Sovereign years ago and this ship was similar) and then we had the muster drill.  Finally we were able to put on swim suits and get some sail away drinks!  They do buckets of beer (which is buy 4 get one free).  Sailing under the Skyway Bridge was very cool.   


    Key West... We booked the hop on\hop off trolley tour through the cruise ship ($29 each) which meant we got our tour stickers on the ship and immediately got on the tour from the Outer Mole port (instead of having to go into town on a tram and then getting on the tour).  We hopped off around stop 5 and wandered around town a bit then got back on at stop 3 and took it all the way around the island (we wanted to do this for our future reference so if we come back and stay at a hotel we wanted an overview of where things were) to the Southernmost point.  Hopped off and got our obligatory photos and then got back on.  Continued to the end of the line (Mallory Square) and just wandered around town more.  It was Fantasy Fest so it was quite an eye-full.  Beers weren't really cheap at the various places we got them but prices were to be expected ($4-$6 each). Time certainly seemed to fly by, and we even had an extra hour in port.  Getting the tram back to the outer mole was not a problem at all, but then we also did not wait until the last minute either.


    Havana... Amazing.  This was the main focus and reason to choose this ship\itinerary.  All I can say is GO!  And NOW!  We booked Blexie Tours so we met at the fountain in Plaza Francisco (right across from the terminal) at 9 am.  We had gotten in line to exit the ship at about 7:50 (we got room service breakfast to make it easier) and we were at the fountain by 8:30.  A lot of tours were exiting around the same time.  There was a long line through immigration but the staff kept everyone moving and put everyone where they need to be.  The Cuban staff at the terminal seemed extremely sour and unwelcoming.  After the x ray, you could exchange money and then away you went out to Cuba.  The cruise had a Q & A on the whole process the day before which I highly recommend attending.  We exchanged $180.  $65 was for our half of the Blexie tour and the rest was for lunch, tips and souvenirs.  We should have exchanged $200 or more.  You can always exchange it back before you get back on the ship so I definitely suggest exchanging more than you think you need up front.  We budgeted $40 for lunch but it was $58 (including tip) because the hubby was "up-sold" on a special that we did not realize was $30.  Mine was $15.  Still pricey but what we expected.  We gave out probably $10 worth of tips to musicians and people that pose for photos.  We got two Romeo & Juliet cigars at $7 each and a keychain that will be a Christmas ornament for $8 at the terminal when coming back in.  There was no wait getting back on the ship other than just the line to scan everyone's SetSail cards.  The City was old, relatively clean, friendly, and what I expected but also not at the same time.  There were small parks sprinkled through town which was nice to see rather than a concrete jungle (like NOLA).  There is no driving on most of the downtown streets so there is plenty of room for all the tours and people walking around.  Down every street corridor its the same view, old run down concrete buildings just one after another.  A few were being renovated but it will take a very long time for a lot of progress to be made.  People have gift shops in their porch or front room areas and sell items they make.  I got a cross-body purse for $5 in one.  Hubby got a rosary bracelet at the Church for about $5.  Our tour guide was excellent and I highly recommend Blexie.  The cost is at least half what the cruise ships charge, and it was just the four of us instead of a huge group.  Our car was air conditioned too (red 1955 Chevy Belair).  We saw lots of others in convertibles, which look cool but after about an hour baking in the sun most people did not seem very happy to be in one.  There was no toilet seat in either bathroom I went in (at the Hemingway Hotel and at the restaurant).  I had to tip for t.p.  at the hotel and the attendant had to flush using a water bucket.  This was at the nice hotel.


    Cozumel... We booked the semi-sub reef explorer through the ship ($49 each), mainly so that one of us could really see a reef without having to snorkel.  It was an hour and half tour which met at the end of the pier.  We got into port early so we had time to shop a little and have some beer before going (I suggest Tecate Light - its like Bud Light).  The sub is well lit and air conditioned.  The guide was knowledgeable but did not talk too much.  It was well worth the money because the reef was beautiful (Paradise Reef and Paradise Shalllows).  There was tons of fish and coral to see.  After that we took a taxi to Money Bar ($12 for 4 people and it took maybe 5 minutes) and arrived around 4 pm.  Snorkeling was amazing along the marked line.  Beer and food was cheap.  Happy hour was 5-7 pm and beer was 2 for 1.  There was a band at 6 pm which was about when the sun went down.  We had 10 beers total, 2 orders of quesadillas, chicken wings, guacamole and soda and the bill was $58 (American).  They have showers and air conditioned bathrooms.  The staff called us a taxi which was there in just a few minutes (this was at like 8 pm).  I could have stayed there for several more hours (more snorkeling, more beer and some dancing would have been nice).  The cruise line let us check out towels on the pier which was very convenient.


    Hubby had the basic soda package ($50 total) so he had a refillable cup.  It would have been nice if there were more than two freestyle machines for filling (level 4 at the coffee shop and level 12 near the pizza place).  It always takes forever to get it filled in the dining room so its better to go in with it filled already.  We brought on a 6 pack of water and 2 bottles of wine (they were in our checked bags).  The wine really helped keep the bar tab down.  We filled an empty water bottle with the wine and re-filled our glasses while out on deck.  Water bottles are like $3 on board.  I mostly used my water for overnight drinking and morning.  We were on the 2nd level so any dining options for drinks were quite far away (and I drink a lot).

    We also had the VOOM surf package for one of us just so that we could keep in contact with our dog sitter (we have elderly dogs).  It was pricey ($50 total) but worth it for the peace of mind.  Just turn on airplane mode, Wi-fi calling on, and log in to the Wi-fi with the code that they give you (its in your room when you get there).  Everyone else not using it should switch to airplane mode so you don't connect to the ship tower).  Texting was not completely reliable, but the internet worked great (Facebook and Messenger).  Of course you will have normal cell service in Key West and even Cozumel.  Havana was going to be a large per minute\gig fee so we left it on airplane mode there.

    Dining was fine in the dining room but the Windjammer had cold food each time we went.  Entertainment was good except the musicians could have been better.  When the DJ is 10 times better than the band, perhaps they should re-evaluate.  Cruise director Patricio was excellent.

    Oceanview room on 2nd level was tiny (I swear they get smaller on each cruise we take) and the shower was very small (Golden Princess was worse) but it was adequate.  You definitely need to do things one person at a time (one hanging out on the bed while the other is getting dressed, etc) and then switch.  Steward William was excellent and we saw him many times in case something was needed.  He always kept ice in my beer bucket for my wine and water.  Also he brought better pillows and added a blanket under the sheet because the mattress was pretty hard.

    Since we were traveling with another couple in another room, we should have brought our walkie talkies.  We managed by slipping notes under the door.  

    Disembarking went quickly.  It was maybe 15 minutes from lining up to get off, exiting, walking down the gangway, collecting our bags, jetting through customs (oral declaration and they didn't ask or check anything other than our passports), and out to the pick up line.  The staff have it all very organized with plenty of people directing guests on where to go and what to do.  We were ready for pick up at 9 am.

    Overall it was an awesome trip and I would do it again in a second.

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  3. Absolutely no reason not to book something now in Clearwater for March!!! No way anyone would know what it will be like then, plus red tide generally is worse in summer\fall when it has been hot. In March when the water has been (and still is) cold, its not prevalent. BTW, red tide is always around, its just not usually visible on the beach itself, or as deadly as it is now (and that is well south of Clearwater).

  4. Agreed. Option 1 - aquarium (something like $20 per person) and then Ybor (shops, bars), then uber to airport. It might be hard to stretch the day though. Option 2 - rent a car and drive around (go west to Clearwater beach, then south along the Gulf boulevard to see all the beaches along, then maybe stop in Ft Desoto and drive over the Skyway bridge and back and if that wasn't enough stop in downtown St Pete). I'd probably chose option 2 so you have more freedom, and since you have the whole day to kill.

  5. OP's issue is that with a 1:00 arrival they will likely not get to the beach clubs until almost 2:00 - giving them only about 3 hours until closing. Spending $30-35 on r/t cabs plus $50 plus for AI is tough to justify for only 3 hours at the beach.


    Agreed, and we have the same question as the OP. Get in on 10/27 at 1 pm. Leave at 9. We went to Chankanaab last time we were there 4 years ago for snorkeling (loved it), and would do it again but they close at 4pm, so we would only have 2 hours there. I was thinking Money Bar as the new option. We have our own gear and want decent snorkeling, drinks\food, loungers\chairs\umbrellas. I wouldn't be opposed to leaving at maybe 6:30 after sunset and heading for dinner or another bar though close to the port. Do they have changing rooms at Money Bar? Any suggestions welcome!

  6. I usually drank mine on the balcony before dinner. I did take some out with me around the ship a couple times but per the rules thats actually not allowed. I brought a glass but there were a couple wine glasses in the room already. Wait staff around the ship will clear your glass if empty so pay attention if it was yours.

  7. Makes sense. I ordered a little cooler with 4 beers, 2 coozies, 4 cups and bottle opener and it didn't show til day 2 of a cruise out of Texas. Texans are cool about guns. Alcohol, not so much.:D


    I ordered the same thing and asked for it the first day. It was there when we got to the cabin (we went out of Miami). It didn't come pre-loaded though... no ice and the beers were not cold. Still a good deal though. We used the cups and coozies all week. The frig didn't stay really cold so it was good to have the beer on ice. Your steward will keep it full of ice for you (tip the kind man, please). A bucket full of beer is cheaper at the bars than what they charge at the funshop by a couple bucks (even after tip). And they will also keep your bucket full of ice for you.

  8. We went to Goff's Caye last year on our October cruise on Carnival Magic.


    I will be very honest with you. It is a very small island and the day we were there, there was a large wedding party. ....


    Interesting place for a wedding, and I'm sure the were more disappointed than you. I guess that just the luck of the draw if that happens when you are there. Do you remember what tour took you there?


    I knew about the rockiness, and that is common for areas that are good for snorkeling. I will let everyone know how our trip goes when we get back!

  9. Oh my, good luck to you!


    We applied yesterday for ours. They pointed out that our birth certificates (neither, from different states) have our parent's names and that could mean a rejection. Since we never have time to go get the application submitted, we went ahead and submitted it and I will order new "long form" birth certificates to be ready to go once they send a rejection letter. I didn't expedte since it seemed pointless with a probable rejection.




    Update... Rob got his passport a week ago and I got mine Tuesday the 23rd. So for mine, it was just short of 6 weeks, but I had a couple week delay due to waiting for my long form birth certificate. That was the biggest dissappointment, how long it took Knox County TN to process that request. Ours went through the New Orleans center. Oh yeah the picture thing was just an error. I called them and they said just ignore that part of the rejection because it was fine. So, if you have a complete application, it would maybe be done in 4 weeks...


    So glad to have them! Now on to the travel!

  10. Update...

    The checks cleared to the government, so at least they got the applications. Looks like it being processed in New Orleans. Long form birth certificates are on order, pending the rejection.


    Got the rejection letters today, needing the birth certificates. Hubbie has his and I still haven't gotten mine. They also rejected mine for the photo being not the right size (from chin to hairline). Purchased at Walgreens drug store for like $12. I measured the duplicate and its within the guidelines so I don't know what they are talking about. I called the main 877 number and they basically just left a message for the New Orleans office to call me. Strange.

  11. I received an upgrade (OV to Balcony) due to a huge price drop , after I made the final payment. I could have cancelled, paid the penalty and re-booked and still made out way better that what I paid. But they know that, so that is why they save you the headache and just upgrade you. We're talking a 40% drop.


    I have no clue why Carnival would create this issue with so many different fares, price drops and increases constantly. You'd think they would be able to just set a fare based on past bookings and average fares paid on that itinerary, and leave it at that. I can understand a last minute fare, maybe a couple weeks out, to get the last cabins booked (but everyone else that booked before paid what they paid with no credits), but how its done now is crazy.

  12. Oh my, good luck to you!


    We applied yesterday for ours. They pointed out that our birth certificates (neither, from different states) have our parent's names and that could mean a rejection. Since we never have time to go get the application submitted, we went ahead and submitted it and I will order new "long form" birth certificates to be ready to go once they send a rejection letter. I didn't expedte since it seemed pointless with a probable rejection.


    What was odd was I brought my marriage license, but she insisted they won't need that. How can my name not matching not matter but my parent's names not showing does? BTW, my parents names are on my marriage license.


    I totally didn't even think about giving them our original birth certificates, and that now, if we don't get the passports back by our cruise, we won't even have them for the cruise. I suppose I'll need to order two copies of the new certificates just in case.


    Vitalchek is a waste. They don't do anything more than go to the County or State Vital Statistics office and get the certificate for you. You probably pay more and wait longer than if you ordered it yourself. I order death certificates often at work and never use Vitalchek and only order direct (by mail) from the County or State. Just an FYI for those out there.

  13. Ok so when you bring the water\soda on board, where do you put it? Do you have them empty the minibar frig? I heard thats not very cool anyway. Is ice available for guests to pull from, like at a hotel?


    On a past RC cruise, I got a bucket of beer the first day and still had one or two left and took it to the room. The steward kept filling the bucket with ice for me for days. Will they do that for soda? I wouldn't think they would be so accomodating for stuff brought on board...


    If I buy a soda package from the ship, I assume its ust dropped off and left room temperature or will they automatically make room in the frig?


    You know, they wouldn't have so many issues with people bringing this stuff on board if they just charged a reasonable price for a soda onboard.

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