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Everything posted by lazey1

  1. I am another fan of the Mrs. Murphy series, believe I have read all of Rita Browns book. Another suggestion for books to read while cruising are The Cat Who series by Lilian Jackson Braun. I will gladly take all the avacados from any of you who don't care for them and exchange them for watermelons. I love the taste of watermelon but the watermelons do not love me. Today's meal and wine sound good. I agree that we will probably have some variant of Covid with us forever. Thank God the current variations are usually mild. Hopefully Maderna will have it's new vaccine ready in time for me to get a jab before my Nov. cruise. There are many different school districts here in the greater Phoenix area and it seems that each district sets it's own date for opening. The Mesa schools begin next week. Sorry I don't know when they get out for spring. Back in the beginning of time when I was in school in New Mexico school started the last Monday in August and ended in the middle of May. We only had the week between Christmas and New Year for our winter break. We were off on Thanksgiving and the next day and got out of school at Noon on Easter. To quote the old song "the times they are a changing"'. Jane
  2. Yes, I read it today and will try your suggestions tomorrow when I have more time. Thank you very much. Jane
  3. We were in St. Petersburg Russia aboard the Eurodam in 2008 for 3 days, 2 nights. We saw most of the usual opulant buildings, including the Hermitage Museum and one evening we went to a Russian Folkloric Show. Fascinating the way the men can dance so fast without loosing their balance. One of the days we were there was 08/08/08 and apparently the Russians saw that as THE DAY for weddings. We saw at least a dozen different wedding processions walking around the various parks. So glad we went when we did s I will never go there again. This native New Mexican ate lots of pan dulces for breakfast growing up but I had never heard the term concha. I enjoy bag pipes in moderation and I value my life to much to try to walk on stilts. @0106Thanks for your offer to teach me how to post photos. I do all my posts on my desk top computer, I have a new cell phone and so far when I go on Cruise Critic I have not even been able to find the Holland America Board. If you want to take on a real challenge please email me; themang;inos@cox.net. (Omit the ; after the g.) Jane
  4. Guilty! I am one of the lurkers who reads daily but doesn't post often. I always love to look at everyone's photos, whatever the subject is. If I wasn't so computer illiterate perhaps I could learn how to post photos. I had 1 aunt and 4 uncles, all deceased for many years. As an only child I have no nieces or nephews so I claim my late husbands 1 niece and 2 nephews as my own. @aliaschiefKnowing nothing of Scotland or it's history I find your photos are magnificent and I would very much appreciate an explanation of what you are seeing. @kazuI am looking forward to seeing photos of Shadow.
  5. I have been away since Sunday when our power went out at 8PM and was not restored until 7:15 the next morning. The power had only been off for 2 hours whtn the back up battery for my computer (which I didn't know I had) decided to squeal at me. By flashlight I disconnected everything I could find to disconnect in my home office so when the power came back on I had no computer, no printer, no telephone and no t.v, but the squeal continued. About 1PM I was able to get hold of a neighbor who came over and turned the battery off then reset it stopping the squeal and plugged in my t.v.. No computer, telephone or printer until after 5PM on Tuesday. Thank God when the power came back on my air conditioner worked. We had a low of 92F that night and a high of 112F. The power had been knocked out by either lightning or 80mph straight line winds. Thankfully no damage outside other than my heavy chairs being blown about 40' to the end of the patio. A lot of neighborhood trees, fences, signs etc blown down but no injurys reported. Yesterday I took my next door neighbor and her dog to a new vet for some ongoing problems. 4 new meds for dog plus blood work $$$ but we both were very impressed with how thorough the new vet was and with his caring demeanor. I think that I will transfer to this new vet for my cats. Prayers for all who need them whether they know it or not and congrats to those who are celebrating. Now I need to go back and catch up. Jane
  6. I have had, pre-covid, fixed early dining and had a late HAL excursion. I explained to the dining room manager the day before the excursion and he was fine with me going to the flexible dining after the excursion. I would not do so without asking the dinning room manager first.
  7. Happy 4th of July everyone. I got kicked out of cruise critic about 4 hours ago. It finally let me back in. No idea what on earth is going on there. I like all the days, the food, the drink and the wine, even if it is a little over my budget comfort. Country music has always been my favorite. For many years my husband and I went to see The Oak Ridge Boys every year when they performed in Laughlin, Nev. And yes we could fry an egg on the sidewalk almost every day here. Yesterday was quite busy as I went to church in the morning then returned at 3PM to help in the kitchen for our Pot Luck Fellowship dinner. There was a very good attendance which is rather unusual for July. So many of our members are winter visitors and went home in April if not before No BBQ for me today. I am having fried chicken, potato salad, and crudites with a fudgesicle for dessert. Now to go back and read yesterday's daily. Jane
  8. Good days, good meal, good drink and very expensive wine. I have been to Honollu to many times to count. The first was a land tour of the 4 main Islands. We landed in Honolulu on May 1st1983 , a belated 25th Wedding Anniversary celebration, and we enjoyed it so much that two years later we bought my parents along on an exact repeat as our present to them for their 50th Anniversary. That photo you saw of King Kamahameha was covered in lei's that extended fom his head past the bottom of his feet on May 1st as May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii. That you to all who posted photo's bring back such wonderful memories. @marshhawkHas your DH consulted with a pain specialist? A nerve ablation which can be done with only mild sedation might be something that he could tolerate and still be helpful to him. Jane
  9. @Sharon in AZ and @AncientWanderer Hello Sharon and Maxine. I went back to yesterdays post and saw that both of you were asking about my Iron Rx. If is Ferrocite 324 MG Tab, generic for Ferrous Fumarate. I had to take it daily for 6 months, then some blood level go to high so for 6 months I only took it once a week and that level dropped to much to now I am on twice a week. Prior to finding this Iron Rx. I had to have iron infusions once a week for 6 weeks repeated every 6 months. My Dr. is a Hematologist at M.D, Anderson Cancer Hospital. No, I have never had cancer but apparently cancer hospitals are the only place where hematologists practice. Jane
  10. My TA has told me that a person can be added to a cruise 1 week prior to sailing. I expect that would apply to a change or passenger also.
  11. HAPPY CANADA DAY to all our Canadian cruisers. A pox on whoever dreamed up the ArriveCanada app. I am with the others who love the San Diego Zoo, also the San Diego Wild Life Park. When we lived in the greater Los Angeles area we ued to visit both at least a couple of times a year. Last month was filled with medical appointments for me. All good news; my chronic anemia has disappeared thanks to a new iron Rx. that my gut can tolerate; my eyesight has only changed slightly, new glass will help; my pulmonologist was extremely happy with my progress with new medication plus the Vest Airway Clearance System; and my cardiologist tells me that the mitral valve and aortic valve leaks are both small, stable and not of concern at this time. I will pass on todays meal, drink and wine. I have not been to todays port but as always I enjoy seeing the photos. Jane
  12. Great opportunity to buy additional shares at this low price, hold them for a few years, keep the origional 100 shares for the "perks" then sell the balance of the shares when the prices go up. That is what my financial advisor recommended. Jane
  13. I worked in the insurance industry for 40 years before retireing so you could say that I am aware of insurance. Paul Bunyon and Babe were favorites of mine as a child. The food, drink and wine all look very good. Thanks to all who posted photos. I loved seeing Iceland but it is way to cold for me to ever think about going there again. So far this summer we are having an active Monsoon season. I know it is much worse in both northern Az. and southern Az. especially where the fire have burned in the past couple of years. A lot of people are getting flooded out of their homes. Stay safe Sharon. Prayers for those who are in need and cheers to those who we celebrate. Jane
  14. And we all welcome you Nickelpenny. Most of us have actually never met each other. We just all have in common our love of cruising and I am sure that you will fit in perfectly. (Good to see another Arizonian chime in.) Jane
  15. Photo's of new Log Cabins are absolutely beautiful. Old log cabins not so much. I don't care for catfish or any fresh water fish for that matter although I love ocean fish. My late father-in-law was a bartender all his adult life and apparently a very succewssful one. I am not much for mixed drinks but I love a good wine, preferably white or rose. I love sloppy joe's, haven't had one in many years. I actually am going to make the quick & easy recipe tomorrow. ( Have left over roast beef that I have to eat tonight). @VictOrian I am glad that your DH is seeing the Dr. for his spinal stenosis and sciatica problems. I had the same thing and eventually had to have surgery so I could walk without what I would describe as bolts of electricity shooting from my back down both legs and rendering me paralyzed for several minutes. I pray that he doesn't get to that point. @HAL SailerIt is heartbreaking what your nephew is going through. Prayers for his recovery. At the age of 89 DH sister has made the right decision to sell her lakeside property and move to senion living apartment although I am sure it was an extremely tough decision to make. @StLouisCruisersGood to see that both you and your DH are now able to enjoy the rest of your cruise. Jane
  16. I will pass on todays meal and say yes to Roy's alternative. I like peach iced tea but without the vodka please. The wine sounds wonderful. Never tried to skateboard or tried yoga; now I am to old and inflexible to even try. We are now officially in our Monsoon season. Wind and the posssibility of rain every day this week. So far we have only had a couple of light sprinkles that left spots on the windows. Right now it is hot, 108 in the shade in my carport, and muggy with dark grey clouds all around. The predicted low for tonight is 84. I believe that whoever says "but it's a dry heat" has never lived through Monsoon season in Arizona. When and If the rain comes it will coll off for a short time. @smitty34877I am so sorry that Tana has pneumonia. She is on my prayer list. @1ANGELCATKakalena was able to transfer all her OBC and FCC to me before she passed. ( I still had to use all of them before 12/31/22). Jane
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