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tiger belle

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Posts posted by tiger belle

  1. I think I am one of the minority group that was not that impressed with the warm chocolate melting cake...perhaps my expectations were too high after reading all the raves about it on the boards...one of my tablemates said that the one I ordered appeared to be very much undercooked...all I know is that it looked and tasted just like chocolate cake batter...it just turned me off, and I didn't want to try it again


    now...the bitter and blanc is another story...loved it...I think it was my favorite dessert on the ship...a close second was the cappucino ice cream pie :)


    wasn't too wild about the Grand Marnier souffle...on Thanksgiving Day, I had the pumpkin pie--ok but nothing special

  2. I can't add much to what others have said...I did see some promising things in Kenley's line, but I definitely thought she was an appropriate third place


    I liked both Leanne's and Korto's lines...I would have liked Korto to win--mainly because she wanted it the most in my opinion...like others, I also thought Leanne's line didn't show as much versatility in style as Korto's did...however, I think what won the judges over to Leanne was the variety of style types she had; i.e., shorts, pants, long gowns, short dresses...Korto did have the one pants outfit


    I know the items in the line are supposed to relate to each other and be cohesive, but Leanne's line didn't have enough variety in colors...after seeing the first two or three, I actually was a little bored of it...at least Korto had enough variety in color and style that she kept it interesting


    it was a good season overall...I am not happy to see roadblocks to the next season starting...I don't care what network it's on, but I want Project Runway back!

  3. I think Kenley's mother is dead, and her Dad could be away on a boat. She doesn't have a boyfriend, so who else would be there?



    friends? surely even Kenley has friends :p


    I understood what you meant about people in urban areas not routinely having people entertained in their homes....however, this was not just a routine, day-to-day thing (at least I don't think so)...this was part of a contest that could have life-changing implications...there is celebrity and national exposure involved, and it seems like a big deal to me


    of course, I can respect Kenley's desire, if that is the case, to experience this solo--as an individual...I respect that choice, but I just find it unusual and not typical of other contestants from this season or past seasons

  4. I definitely noticed that Kenley had no friends or family to meet Tim Gunn...I would think that if you were in the top 4 of a show like Project Runway and someone famous--at least in your field--was visiting you and filming your visit for an episode of the show, that you would at least have one friend or family member--even if they didn't live real close--show up for the visit


    I thought Korto looked like an excellent hostess...she had her family there as well as friends...and I noticed she had a nice spread of food for him...it just appeared that, out of all 4 designers, she went to the most trouble to make Tim feel like a special guest...it might just be the southern hospitality thing--we southern women like to think of ourselves as model hostesses :cool:


    Wouldn't you love to see a challenge where the designers all had to design for plus size women?



    good idea...but with the current societal attitudes, I doubt that will happen


    question: I thought that in past seasons only two designers competed at fashion week...has it always been three finalists?


    PS I am looking forward as usual to CJW's commentary

  6. agreed, Alice--it does seem like a cop-out, but there was a hint they were going to do that when Michael Kors made the comment about all 4 of them bringing something different to the table and how interesting it would be to see all 4 of their collections


    I also am looking forward to CJW's comments

  7. like cruise mom, I would also like to see Jerrell, Leanne and Korto in the final three


    I agree with the general consensus that Leanne should have made the top 3...I actually agree with Jerrell as the winner, but I think Leanne should have been second and Korto third...then Kenley should have been 4th


    I also agree with Joe's being voted off this week, though he was one of my favorites at the beginning of the season...like many have noted, Joe was inconsistent, and he truly did a bad job this week...Suede's design was marginally better, to it was fair that he got to stay over Joe...I feel like Suede is very much in danger of being the next one voted off...if next week's challenge is about hip hop design, then Joe will have an advantage over Kenley for sure, and maybe even Leanne as well

  8. I preferred both Joe's and Leanne's creations to Jerrell's...I would have chosen Leanne first, followed by Joe...Korto and Jerrell were a tie in my judgment


    Blayne's last place finish was one of the most justifiable so far...design-wise, I thought Suede should have been voted off before Terri...I think Terri was voted off purely because of her attitude


    Kenley was right in the middle--neither good nor truly bad


    any ideas about next week's challenge?

  9. I appreciate CJW's pictorial review even more this week, since I am in the Hurricane Gustav disaster zone and haven't had power all week until last night...I am very disappointed to have messed the show this week--sounds like it was a good one--but maybe I can catch a re-airing before next week's show

    it certainly looks like Leanne's was a deserved win...the purple silk dress is lovely...the jacket is nice, too, but I do not like the two together...of course, it obviously fit the challenge well...and I did not get to see the DVF line that was the theme

    I am glad Joe did not get voted off this week, although his outfit did look hideous...I think Suede's was just as bad...and Blayne's was not much better...either one of those could have been voted off instead of Sleatha Stella...it was only a matter of time for her, though--just like I think it is only a matter of time for Blayne and Suede, too...Joe I am not too sure about, since--like Curtis Jerome mentioned--he is inconsistent

    any idea what the next challenge is?
  10. Seabunny: of course, advertising is expected and pays the bills...but the time for advertising is during the commercial breaks in the show--or maybe a mention just before a commercial break...I am so used to it, though, that it doesn't bother me; however, I can see where it would aggravate some viewers

  11. it'll be interesting to see what curtis jerome has to say about tonight's show...I have a feeling that he, like us, will pretty much agree with the judges' choices


    I also liked Korto's and Leanne's a lot and thought either could have been #1--I was happy to see Leanne finally get some recognition, though, so I was happy she was the winner


    I was also happy and satisfied that Keith was sent home...he was definitely overly conceited and didn't accept criticism well...he was also rude to the judges and fellow contestants...to top it off, his outfit was terrible...I thought it was ironic that--after he lost--his 'tude totally switched around as he became a cry baby, poor me, I didn't deserve to lose whiner

  12. as usual, I agree almost entirely with CJW's comments...Joe's definitely was the right winning choice...I also thought Korto was the right choice for second...not sure about Terri's being #3 instead of mid-pack...I tend to go with CJW in thinking Leanne's should have been top 3 instead


    as for the bottom three, I agree--I also think that Daniel was the right one to be voted off--for many reasons--that particular design, the fact that he hasn't really followed the rules of the challenges and particularly for his bad attitude and unwillingness to graciously accept criticism


    for a Halloween costume, I think I would go with the winning design by Joe...I might go for a different color but stay with the same neon-y effect--maybe an aqua blue or lime green :)

  13. thanks as usual for your commentary, Curt...I am disappointed that I missed the earlier airings of the show yesterday evening...I had a relative visiting from out-of-town and didn't get home until late...I then tried to stay up for the last replay of the night--which was at 1:00 a.m. I think...and I just couldn't stay up for it :(


    It is being replayed again tonight in about 45 minutes...I am trying to keep myself awake so I can watch it, but I am not sure I can make it all the way through...but at least I got to see all the contenders posted here, and I could read other posters' opinions :)


    I also agree with the top two...and even agree with the choice of winner


    also, I agree with the bottom two choices....I think, though, I would have chosen to "off" Blayne...that outfit looked terrible, even on a beautiful model...it also was entirely inappropriate for most offices and certainly for a night on the town...I agree that it could have looked much better and been more appropriate with different fabric choices...however, a big part of fashion I believe is the choice of fabrics..textures....colors...and combinations thereof


    I don't think the producers were ready yet to get rid of Blayne...that is why I think they went with the design choice that they did for the loser...but they could have solved that by voting Leanne out


    oh well...let's hope I can stay up for the show

  14. I think the top 3 picks were correct...and I think Korto justly won ahead of Terri...I also agree that Jennifer was the correct one to be voted out...as others have said, I think this week's challenge was a good one and very timely indeed

  15. will be interesting to read Curt Jerome's comments about tonight...I thought the judges' top 3 and bottom 3 picks were reasonable and close to what I would have done


    I think I would have chosen the 2nd place dress as the winner over the one that did win...in fact, I think even the 3rd place dress was better than the winner


    as for the worst design, I think either of the other 2 in the bottom 3 should have gone before before the one that did...my choice for last place was the one that had all the scraps of fabric making up the dress...that ws horrific

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