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Posts posted by YoHoHo

  1. On 11/13/2023 at 8:53 AM, JLobdell said:

    I am potentially going on an Ama trip next year, does anyone have a referral?  

    Did you go on your Ama cruise? If you, or someone else has a referral code let me know ASAP please as we will be booking soon

  2. On 8/4/2024 at 12:53 AM, donaldsc said:


    Thanks for all the information.  I had read somewhere that Atlas tended to cancellation shore excursions.  This is my first Atlas cruise and my TA said that her clients who went w Atlas had a positive experience.  


    One more question.  What are the group sizes on most of the tours.  When I cruise I usually do private tours and I keep my group size to 8 people maximum and often less.  I don't like big bus tours.


    Again - thanks a lot.  I am looking forward to my 1st Atlas cruise.



    We were as small as 6 or 8 and as many as 30 or so on one.


    What is your dislikes with big bus tours? Assuming you'll be taken shopping? Never happened.


    That there will be a lot of mobility impaired fellow pax slow to load a big bus? Seemed the nature of Atlas cruise appeal is toward more active folks, regardless of age, so we did not run into that. That said the one with the larger bus load (30 or so) WAS slower to load and leave because a large group is slower to assemble and slower to load and more likely to include one or two of those who do want to shop and shop and dawdle so hold up the re-boarding ( yes we did have one of those)


    Lousy guides? We had some excellent, excellent guides. And yes, the guide on the big bus, "scenic" tour was the poorest but in fairness, her tasks was to get us to point B and back, give overview on the bus (done well), walk to a 'your on your own point' and that is all. So while was not hand holding or personalized she met the expected mandate and did that better than others I have had on similar, and more expensive, tours.


    We also prefer to hire guides for small groups, preferably 6 and customize the tour. But some small ports there are limited options. So we took tours we otherwise would likely have passed on but still enjoyed - some thoroughly.


    I encourage you to go with an open mind and roll with the circumstances. If you are adamant going in that you will not enjoy a big bus tour you might very well not enjoy the included "cultural expedition" they could be providing  for your cruise. it will take all who want to go, which in our case was 95%, to a nearby town on several big buses, a larger venue etc. For us both of them were extremely well organized, loading and unloading and reloading well handle and very enjoyable. But it will be in effect, a big bus tour. But bear in mind, still just max 150-200 pax.


    Hope your enjoy your cruise

    • Like 1
  3. I don't know what you are referring to by "Atlas is not good at managing excursions". If you are referring to the possibility of an excursion being cancelled then yes, in my experience excursions are cancelled but was always from insufficient participation.


    Last year 21 days Adriatic / Med we took many more shorex than usual for us. Normally independent or hire local guides or tour companies but so many small (and lovely) ports there are few options so used Atlas. We did have several cancelled on us due to lack of participation. 


    As for managing that, they did a good job. On board the Excursion Manager would promote upcoming tours that may be in jeopardy of cancellation trying to fill to the threshold. And I had a feeling she tried to negotiate with the provider, possibly not directly, when numbers were close. Also she did send the notice with alternative suggestions. And if those did not suit she would suggest ideas for independent touring. Cancellations are not processed on board, only requested so it takes a few days for the credit, IIRC after the cruise is completed, to be issued and if you want a replacement must pay on the spot. Not a big deal.


    I felt for the Excursion Manager as it was a lot of work for her to cancel, rebook, process requests and try to get the numbers up or tour providers to carry on. 


    We had several cancelled; seems our tastes did not match the majority of shorex buyers. The Excursion Manager likely braced herself a little as I walked by in the mornings having received the cancellation notices yet again. I never blamed her, in fact praised her efforts. There were only a few of us on one excursion that clearly could have taken many more and I suspected that she managed to get this one to go ahead so as to not disappoint us and some others once again.


    One area I did think Atlas (corporate) badly managed was with excursion cancellations for the first day following embarkation. We were on back to back cruises and this happened to us twice. Being as purchases close seven days prior to sailing and the cancelation due to low numbers notice was in our cabin on embarkation day, they clearly knew seven days prior that the excursion would not happen and yet never told us. So when we learned of the cancellation it is too late for us to make other arrangements or have to scramble on embarkation day after boarding to even map directions to sites. I did express THAT to her the second time this happened. 


    Bottom line is:
    1. Definitely: if booking a shorex for the first day have a plan B ready.
    2. Have some plans / ideas even not for day 1 just in case. Makes it easy to carry on.
    3. Book early. Remember you can cancel within terms. But if you don't book until late then it might already be cancelled. 


    Certainly Atlas handled the cancellations better than Oceania last Dec when 5/8 were cancelled, mostly, but not all, weather related. The issue there was indeed the management of the cancellations, getting proper credit, getting replacement excursions at the discounted price due to the number of excursions booked, questions (with differing answers) if the credits would be in cash (back to credit card) or to OBC now unusable as not on account perhaps until last night, etc.


    Other than the cancellations I thought the excursions were well managed and good product. 

  4. 1 hour ago, ORV said:

    You can get the prices for air if you do a mock booking. I was looking at one today on an SE Asia cruise, I've never flown there before but it seemed just a little north of 4k for 2 economy tickets is a little steep. That is without any deviations or special requests. And I would have to drive 3 hours each way to get to the airport. I think I can do better. 

    I had my TA recently price Vancouver to Bangkok for end of Oct (actual dates by a few days made little difference) ~CAD1300 pp economy, ~cad$2300 pp PE. Not a cruise as have moved more to land, not by plan but just working out that way so maybe by interest / value. And definitely less O. Again, not a plan just finding better / more interesting offers on the cruises we have taken the last two years.


    I suspect O does not want to sell flights but if you want to buy them, they will mark-up similar to their pre-cruise hotels.  cad$300 pp admin fee is crazy. Funny pax will pay that but when a post is made that their TA wants a small fee (FAR less than $US400 / $600 per booking of two) the replies are get a new agent. (< that is a period)

  5. Thanks for the quick reply. I am over thinking, I'm sure it will be great either way. And I re-read both itineraries and it will work. 


    I'm in Canada; long flights, time changes. And the lag seems to hit harder as each year passes. Met with some folks from Australia last month in Prague. Much longer trip for them. Australians are such great travellers despite often such long distances. But then, as you say you have some amazing destinations not so far away.


    Enjoy your trip in January and hope you have awesome weather.

    • Like 1
  6. Reaching out as a bit of a decision rush. Have a hold on a trip that becomes a non-refundable deposit end of day Monday July 1 so need to make a decision now.


    The trip is Mekong river. Currently have hold on late October HCMC to Siem Reap. I like this for a few reasons Seems to me ending rainy season but not as hot as later. Also do not want to be away too close to Christmas this year. And like arriving a few days early in HCMC to get over the flights.


    After the cruise we will fly to Bangkok for about 10 days.


    But now we need to defer this trip to next year. Problem is the same date and direction is sold out. Before and after are available, prices $300 pp higher but in opposite direction, Siem Reap to HCMC. For same direction either have to go late September or early November (and $200 more)


    Not having yet done a dive into pre-trip research, I know little about Siem Reap and wondering if this is as suitable as a starting point.


    We would still arrive a little early to overcome jetlag and acclimatize. And then this means not spending time in HCMC unless we add some days before flying to Bangkok. (going to Bangkok is firm). So to have some additional time in HCMC we also will be away longer (and spend more)


    Is Siem Reap a good place to spend a few days pre-cruise or better stay with the original plan of arrive in HCMC and a few days pre-cruise? The original plan was to fly to Bangkok at the end of the tour having seen Angor Wat as part of the tour.


    I guess the question is...which is more preferable, from HCMC in September or from Siem Reap in October?


    I am thinking upstream or downstream is not much of a difference. I read it is shorter sailing times downstream as it is faster but still passing the same scenery.


    Suggestions are welcomed



  7. Re: IT issues - just wait until you get on board. Bad, poorly designed and executed. I dont understand how anyone could have signed off on the User Interfaces and the connectivty design.


    A. room service menus are only online on the TV. cant navigated page they move automatically. Hope you've memorized the page before it moves to the next.


    B. Movies. Listing are Alpha ordered. Next page, next, next, next... (no looping back) So if watching "Zorro" you get a lot of "nexting" to do in order to get back to it. There is no "resume watching, pick up where you left off". So next, next, next, next. then can restart the movie from the beginning, and then next next, next, 20 or 30 (?)seconds at a time. So needs many "nexts" to get to where you left off IF YOU REMEMBER THE TIME LINE. VERY BAD.


    C. Lots of pax complain of the wifi. I am not sure it IS the wifi but rather internal networking. TVs freeze. presentations freeze. the wifi freezing I suspect is in fact the networking. The "IT tech" on board was not an IT tech but one of the engineer team given this unfortunate tasks. mostly advises to disconnect and reconnect. He is the point man that will call to the land based provider and accepted a lip service answer from them (based on my IT background).


    The front desk persoanlle waste a great deal of time assitng pax with getting their devices connected. over and over. There is no cost saving here using this solution. But  maybe mgmt is unaware (head in sand)?


    Without a proper redesign or a new provider this will not work. Maybe it works for Mystic when running river cruises but not here on the ocean. They need a proper solution.


    rant over

  8. On 6/9/2024 at 11:53 AM, donaldsc said:



    1.Are the excursions and the guides usually pretty good?


    We took perhaps 8 over 21 days and all were of good quality. A couple very good and and others still enjoyable and interesting. Where you are travelling of course impacts what is available. As Atlas often is docking at smaller ports there is naturally less available as the providers are fewer and are not cruise ship focused. Larger ports will have the usual offerings (and quality).


    On 6/9/2024 at 11:53 AM, donaldsc said:


    2. How large are the tour groups?  I would not want to be on a bus w 40 of my new closest friends.


    Varies. A couple were small (8?) and one was larger (25?). That one was a big bus 1/2 full for a longish scenic drive to a pretty place.


    Don't over think this. The ship sails with only a few pax. It is not likely 1/3 are wanting to take the same excursion. No big ship, multiple bus excursions except for the included "expedition" when almost the entire ship load of pax joined in. They managed those very well and quality was excellent.


    On 6/9/2024 at 11:53 AM, donaldsc said:

    3. Do the tours waste time on shopping stops or will I spend my tour time actually seeing stuff.

    We were not taken for shopping on any of our excursions. I don't know how you will spend your time. Some of the tours were focusing on history and place and the very informative guides usually also allowed a little free time for seeing stuff on ones own which was often appreciated as sometimes information overload sets in for those not as keen on the topic (or distracted by heat of the day or beckoning blue sea.)


    On 6/9/2024 at 11:53 AM, donaldsc said:



    4. Did I forget to ask anything else about the Atlas excursions.



    On 6/9/2024 at 11:53 AM, donaldsc said:

    5. Do they ever cancel tours because of an insufficient number of booking after I have booked the tour or especially after I am on board?

    Yes! This is a great question.


    We had several cancelled due to lack of participation. So book early, book often to get numbers high and not risk having it cancelled before you buy.


    The person managing excursions worked very hard to provide alternatives and encouraged participation up to the last minute trying to get enough to be able to provide the excursion. 


    The biggest problem is when have one booked for the first day out as we did not find out until once on board and then it is too late to find a tour on our own. So if you do book a shorex for day one be prepared with a backup plan. We weren't so missed touring opportunity.


    This cancel day 1 excursions was annoying because Atlas head office knows the participation levels a week before sailing as purchasing is closed a week ahead, so they could have told us of the cancellation several days before. This happened to me twice. The excursion manager on board must face the disappointed clients and has no control over the (bad) timing.


    We had a great tour that I suspect was run despite low numbers just to not have to cancel once again. 


    Other than the "day 1" issue, despite cancellations I was pleased with the excursion and the price and the efforts of the excursion manager to ensure satisfaction.


  9. I can't imagine that you'd have to wait until the 7 or 9 days have passed to qualify for a bag of laundry. E.g. get it done on day 2 but not again until after the 7 or 9 days have passed from the start of the cruise.

    We had 21 days (a 9 and a 12 day) and sent just a couple of items once as we generally do small washes freshly so no actual experience with the rules. 

  10. We arrived at the small cruise port in Venice a little before 3, greeted at the entrance by ship personel who walked with us through national's security with four other pax and escorted along the pier to the ship. That might have been a courtesy of might have been a requirement to keep us within the marked walking path; don't know.


    If by early your are an hour or two then likely okay and maybe just have to sit in the lounge until your cabin is ready.  Remember it is a small ship with few pax so quite relaxed and flexible for a Med cruise

  11. August last year we embarked at San Basilio in Venice. It was very convenient to our hotel. Quick and easy small terminal. After a quick document check, luggage scan we were escorted on foot (by Atlas rep) to the gangway. Seeing the beautiful ship waiting at the pier as we walked up was so much more interesting than the usual big terminal walkways and elevators.


    But exactly which terminal will they use for your trip as Jazzbeau wrote "only Atlas will know for sure".


    I realize not knowing makes it hard to plan assuming you are staying (at least) the night before in Venice and want a nearby hotel. If you are arriving the day of then less concern as there are several transportation means available form the airport. As our hotel was nearby we took Aqualina to Zattere and walked to our hotel and then a walk from the hotel to the terminal for embarkation. I know that bridges are a big problem with handling luggage, especially crowded bridges but doing (lots) of map checking using a street view you might find that some of the bridges are only ramps or some are stairs on one side and amps on the other (the locals need those for taking goods across, too) but they are usually larger, wide bridges.


    Some info on San Basilio:

    and the always useful:


    • Like 1
  12. Atlas markets three types of sailings: Polar Expeditions, Epicurean Expeditions and Cultural Expeditions. The "expedition" is the journey itself I think is what they are saying.


    Sorry, I don't know what activities they might have on that sailing (which looks like a great itinerary; unique and interesting) beyond the purchased excursions. From our experience on an Antarctic expedition (and that met my expectations of an expedition) and a Adriatic / Mediterranean expedition (Culinary) they do strive to give pax interesting and entertaining things to see / do on shore.


    Can't see the optional excursions you mentioned but if there is one in each port then I suspect that is all there will be offered for that port. Possibly an "expedition" activity could be hike on a glacier but as a pay-for excursion.


    I would not expect them to haul out the cold weather gear (parkas, boot, life vests and such) for a one time zodiac ride unless that is part of the "expedition (like as is in Antarctica landings) .


    Still sounds like a great trip. I hope someone who has been on that or similar Greenland itinerary chimes in with first-hand experience but this board is fairly quiet so thought I'd add a couple of thoughts.

  13. It is not good. Very dramatic headline. But still, not good at all.



    To avoid avian flu spread our expedition team last year was very strict with constant reminders to not kneel down, never put anything down, ensure your gloves are secure so don't drop a glove taking them off and on for photos, etc.  And always, always stick to the paths they have laid out and don't stray (for the penguins safety), yet see fresh paths forged along side established ones as people are too impatient and have to pass others. Very annoying. And not following these rules can endanger this fragile environment. Hope it gets under control.

  14. 26 minutes ago, gnome12 said:

    The EQ card is not actually a debit card. It is not accepted in places that don’t accept credit cards. It is a (prepaid) Mastercard. I remember trying to use it to buy foreign currency, and they wouldn’t take it. Then I realized that all I needed to do was to walk a bit through the mall to take out cash from an ATM to buy the foreign currency. I don’t use a lot of cash, but I do like to have some local currency with me. 

    The ATM fees are only rebated in Canada. If you use it outside the country you will pay any ATM fees charged by the foreign bank. 

    I use the card all the time now when I travel. I had no problems using it in Germany and France as well as the US. The 0.5% cash back isn’t a lot, but there are no foreign currency fees. 

    Thanks for the clarification. The effect of its use was to withdraw cash from an ATM and the funds were debited from the EQ Card account so hence the thought of a debit card. 


    Yes, I only used it once and in Canada to see how that "no fee" use worked. I am fine paying (reasonable ) fee for the foreign ATM service. It is so very convenient. And would not have bothered with the EQ Card had my previously go-to TD Bank not raised the fee from the original 0 to 3.5% even with high monthly account fees and not the most favourable exchange rate to buy cash at a branch.


    When only infrequently travelling there was not so much a difference to worry about (other than being annoyed) but travelling a lot more now it does add up especially with a credit card and paying for the bulk of an entire trip in foreign currency.

  15. Yes, as @gnome12 mentioned the EQ Bank debit card is a good choice for ATM transactions too. I really like the high rate interest is the same as in the regular account (and credited monthly to the regular account not to the debit card account).


    I have never used it outside of Canada so can't say if any issues (Hometrust Visa) was a real hassle twice when using it in Buenos Aires with security approval required but sent to a different (but related) device than where they sent the security alerts - so appeared just as a warning but was actually being denied after the fact)


    I tested the EQ debit card once locally, was charged an ATM fee by the bank 's ATM but EQ credited it to my card account so it worked great.

  16. Scotiabank has at least one Visa card Infinite Travel or such) that has no Foreign Currency (FC) transaction fee.It has additional value such as some insurance component, points (though I've not figured out how to use them but recently changed to apparently make them more useable),  and a generous compared to many airport lounge inclusion. It has a $130 or 140? annual fee but a 2nd card is n/c. Fee waived if $6k minimum maintained in (very high fee but waived) chequeing account.


    I also have a Hometrust visa that I got because it was a no FCT fee and n/c for the card and 1% in points. They still promote that card as no FCT fee but they no longer give points on foreign transactions so really is costing 1%. Still good as it is no fee for the card but I don't like that description of no FCT. Lower initial limits and really annoying multiple and badly / wrongly worded alerts when it is used outside of Canada but I've gotten used to it.


    I don't know if they still offer it but Roger used to have a sort of FCT free card. You were charged a fee but they rewarded points of equal value to "rebate". But the reward points could only be used for crediting Rogers account such as phone or internet. As I will not use such Rogers services I passed on that but it might still be available and work for you.


    Note when searching for a FCT fee free card I never found the FCT fee listed under fees. Even a search would have no result. You'll see it after selecting to apply. A Terms box will be displayed and the FCT fee I've found is listed there.



    • Thanks 1
  17. Been on Adriatic / Mediterranean and Antarctica trips but not Iceland or Norway so can't give first hand experience of that area but relatable from the other two perhaps.


    And having been, I know understand better why Corporate might not know about use of "toys".  Prior to our Med cruise I too phoned them and was disappointed with "they'll decide on board so maybe" response. 


    Use of kayaks is very dependant on sea conditions but more so, wind. And not just now but in say 30 minutes later when you are trying to return. We were out in a tandem and doing well. Excursion team started rounding up the various kayakers to bring them back to the nearby ship (providing lee from wind). We were doing fine a little separated from the rest. We started paddling back. Harder and harder but just a wee bit better than just holding position. Nearing the ship we were surprised how far away the excursion team had drifted with their group rounding up the others to tow them back. Felt safe but an eye opener how strongly affected a kayak is in the wind.


    The other issue is the port authorities. We were anchored off Dubrovnik. The team were on stand-by waiting for approval. And that is also dependant on how the port authorities are predicting the weather and the port traffic. They do not want group of amateur kayakers interfering with other traffic or worse.


    So will you get to kayak? Maybe. I truly believe the ship team wanted to provide the experience and did their best to provide it when possible.


    As for other "toys" I can't say. Use of seado was not available for us due to insurance clearances ( so we heard though the rumour mill). 


    As for zodiacs that, while still subject to favourable weather, and again wind seemed to be the big one (we were out in snow and hit light rain a couple of times) I think their use is more itinerary dependant.


    If your cruise is ports then no but maybe a ride within a fjord. That said the ships are so nicely small sized and manoeuverable that they can tour wonderfully within fjords I suspect. 


    So after all that, maybe. Hopefully someone who has been on your particular itinerary will respond. I've just tried to give some thoughts on why "maybe".

    • Like 1
  18. On 10/28/2023 at 2:59 PM, ShopperfiendTO said:

    Are the openings of the boots fairly narrow enough so that most/all typical ski pants will comfortably go over them? I.e., bottom of ski pants would fit outside the boots instead of having to be stuffed inside the boots?

    No. See post #2. Look up Muck brand boots. Can't say for certain if Atlas supplied boots are Muck's Arctic model or similar. 


    They are not a low boot. The pants go inside. Function over form. The objective is not so much for dealing with snow - you could be waking on snow but not trailblazing through snow. Rather the boots height is to keep feet and pants dry from water when stepping off the RIB on wet landings. 


    Our pants maybe could have fit over the boot top as I had purposefully purchased pants with an adjustable gusset but never tried as we did as everyone following instructions to have the pants inside the boots. Ironically of course the added material in the pant leg bottom so more to stuff into the boot top.


    We knew of one person once who stepped into water too deep and so some water entered the boot over the top. I don't know if they immediately went back on the zodiac's return to the ship for the next load in order to change socks or hoped the trapped water would eventually warm like a wet suit. It would not have been pleasant.

  19. My TA 's booking statements have wording saying to confirm things such as names (matching passport) and to report errors / changes immediately and that it is my problem (though that is arguable) if not corrected.


    A. If the TA has not responded yet to your messages and emails I suggest you escalate to a manager immediately.

    B. It might not be a problem, i.e. our first and middle names are often contacted into one word, though in the correct order. But it might be a really big problem so I would absolutely want to speak with the agency and get things in writing.

    C. In the USA the airlines have a cancel within 24 hours rule (subject to some conditions such as if they had been on a hold)

    D. A browser search for that in Australia had a result that includes Qantas page that they have a 24 hour CFAR.


    So if you can get action from your TA quickly this might be fairly easy to straighten out.


    Good luck!

    • Like 2
  20. The SM included drinks package is for beer and also wine by the glass in dining venues only when eating; no room service, no bars.


    Yes, all the wines listed in the "by the glass section" on the venue's wine list are included. Note a few unexpected things such as a glass of Port is included in the package but not a glass of sherry which they have put on the liquor menu. Another is exclusion is Saki that is sold in Red Ginger is not included. It is on the RG menu but not the wine by the glass menu. 


    There is no hard limit to the number of glasses but I've read on CC that folks who have finished eating could have a "final" drink but say, can't just continue to sit in Waves pouring them back. No personal experience.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  21. Yes, when O introduced selling in various currencies they served up page content relative to one's (apparent) location. Current as you noted is a easy indicator. O forces the currency of they offer it. Sometimes we gain a little sometimes lose a little bit it is annoying to not have a choice as some other sites do.


    Sometimes small sections / areas of a page can not display, or display in unexpected areas of the page depending on the browser, device and orientation. CC's search is useless on the tablet I am on now as no option to search just within a thread of forum but another device is okay. Or something like words on a side of a page do not appear at all unless change orientation, etc. *maybe* a field to the left is taking slightly more space today (even whitespace) so the page thinks there is no room for the SM stuff. If you go to the main "specials" page, not for a certain itinerary but overall offers, you might see a graphic about SM.


    Or as per others, today could be a day they are fixing things and next week will be resolved

  22. 35 minutes ago, elbowroom said:

    Just looked at the Oceania webpage (Europe) to find that all reference to Simply More has disappeared completely. Is this a hitch? An adjustment?

    Any suggestions?


    With a VPN establishing my session in Netherland I see SM on de.oceaniacruises.com


    I don't know the "Oceania webpage (Europe) ". What is the URL in your browser's address bar?

  23. 5 hours ago, Michael_A said:

    What was the reason stated? Weather? Mechanical?

    Yes, I wonder what the CD said was the reason. Especially seeing Michael_A's track of all the Atlas ships there doing similar maneuvering for a day or so. What would have affected them all? Very curious.


    Sorry about your sailing @EricaD. I'd expect much disappointment with looking forward to such a great adventure. I am sure there was much discussion on board as to why, and conspiracy theories but I am wondering what Atlas had to say



  24. 3 minutes ago, LHT28 said:

    On VISTA  Aquamar is not open  for dinner  so I suspect it will be the same  on Marina

    They also took over the seating area  outside the La Reserve location  as part of Aquamar

    Including that outdoor space certainly adds to the seating. I imagine it will be a popular place for a lunch.

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