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Everything posted by JOHN 57

  1. I have taken all of my vacines, so that is up to date, but still staying from others. Online with others is so different, but I hope others will not be offended, if I I do not mingle.
  2. did test for heptitus, hiv, etc, all showed negative results. Yes, I am well aware of being careful, that is why I try to stay away from others and wear a mask. Concerning meals, Myriam will get my food and bring to me from Buffet etc. At main restaurant, we will ask for an isolated table. Concerning comedians getting there early and leaving late, again hoping to sit in isolated areas. Concerning meet and greet intend to keep my distance. Which is hard but has to be done.
  3. just checked the inside cabin and balcony still on sale
  4. Good morning, to one and all. Only 48 days to go and our ship is at sea. Plan for meet and greet under planing stages 1.Proposal for first two sea days which is 30 Sep or 1 Oct
  5. the first two sea days would be 30 Sep and 1 Oct, a Saturday and a Sunday, any other thoughts
  6. so it has been proposed, meet and greet, 1st two sea days, ok where, any other suggestons.
  7. with 49 days to go, now comes the issues of meet and greet> I favor aboard ship but not 1500, 3pm, the first day, because I have a prior meeting. So, please give me your views and thoughts. We can discuss and go from there.
  8. well another morning is here, so I say to all a good morning, 49 days to go and our ship is in New York. Oh, yes, we are past 50 days and only 49 more days to go
  9. Lab results came in, egfr went from 41 to 49, low but a slight improvement. I am so happy to hear that. I will be on this cruise with you all.
  10. update only 50 days to go and our ship is at sea 1John57 John, Myriam, Robert, and Johnny Huntsville, Tx 2.Raymic Raymond, Vikey Phoenix, Az 3.Bigma66 Charles and Jennifer Al 4Zeploc Cheryl and Ashlee Il 5Hal Jo 1935 Lynne and Elizabeth Arlington, Tx 6Cowichan Vancouver, Canada 7.Whiting Margie and Chri Whiting, NJ 8Tinkio Valerie and Gary Tonopah Az 9Switasugar Easton, Pa 10Jamman 54 Jeff and Patt NJ 11.CDN cruiser Ottawa, Canada 12Marianneyaya Dave and Marianne Sunny Stafford, Ct 13Retrcrr Mexico City, Mexico 14Happycruiser George Bronk, NY 15.K and J NJ 16Destiny0315 Rob Ma 17d-lite-n-cruisin Daniel and Amanda Boyd, Tx 18foundmyGyver Scott and Thomasina Keene, NH 19andymaher@yahoo.com Andy Suzy Westchester, NY total 19 that will be at least a total of 40 people states 2 NY 3 Tx 2Az 1 Al 1 IL 1 Pa 3 NJ 1Ma 1 NH 1 Ct total 10 states Canada 1 Vancouver 1 Ottawa Mexico 1 Mexico City 2 other countries total
  11. good morning everyone, it is another morning, 50 days to go, and we have reached the 50 days until. Now, is the time to make final arrangements. Time thankfully is getting short. our ship is at sea
  12. just checked looks like balcony and inside cabin are still up for sale
  13. time for update, and let us see, if I do this one correctly 51 days to go and our ship is at sea 1 John 57 John, Myriam,Robert, andJohnny Huntsville, Tx 2.Raymic Raymondand Vicky Phoenix, Az 3Bigmac 66 Charles and Jennifer Al 4.Zeploc Cheryl and Ashlee Il 5HalJo135 ynne and Elizabeth Arlington, Tx 6Cowichan Vancouver, Canada 7 Whiting Margie andChris Whiting, NJ 8Tinkio Tomapah, Za Valerie and Gary 9Switasugary Easton, Pa 10Jamman54 Jeff and Patt NJ 11CDN Cruiser Ottawa, Canada 12Marianneyaya Dave an Marianne Sunny Stafford, CT 13Retitrrr Meico City, Mexico 14happycruiser George Bronk, NY 15.K and J New Jersey 16Destiny0315 Bob Ma 17d-life-n-cruisin Daniel and Amanda Boyd, Tx 18 foundymcgyver Scott and Thomasina Keene, NH states 1 NY 3 Tx 2 Az 1 Al 1 Il 1 Pa 3 NJ 1 Ma 1 NH 3 Tx 1 Ct total 9 Canada 1 Vancouver 1 Ottawa Mexio 1 Mexico City Let me know, if corrections are needed.
  14. Italian meatball hero served in tomodoro restaurant, made of meatballs, olive oil, roasted bell peppers, onion, and pizza sauce
  15. good morning to one and all, 51 days to go and our ship is at sea
  16. this is the Italian sicilian chicken wrap available on our ship at Tomodora restaurnt, which is open on embarkation. Years ago, Myriam and I use to own a Greek and Colombian restaurant called Puerto Aventura before we soldit and retired from corrections. Ours was made from pita bread.
  17. this is the Torta de milanese, looks like a chicken sandwich. I can eat all the chicken I want, but not steak. Anyway this is available on Tomodora Italian restaurant on our ship, on embarkation day.
  18. Looks like carnival stuck with the inside cabin
  19. JUST checked only 1 inside cabin available for $929
  20. well time for a good morning greeting to everyone, our ship is at Half Moon Cay, the beaches there are amazing. Only 52 days to go
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