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Posts posted by pmang

  1. On the Divina, aren't they doing dueling pianos now? That is quite interactive and audience driven. Not a cocktail lounge at all...



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  2. Since everyone seems to be mocking the OP, let me say I am Gold with 3 cruises to go to platinum. The perks on Carnival are already the worst of any line, and now you let people pay a trivial amount to receive the perks I am working towards. Not good, shame on you Carnival for selling out your platinum members for $50.



    What?!? You're not "working" towards anything... You're taking a vacation.


    I'm an elite frequent flyer on delta. I get upgrades to first class on 75% of my flights. I don't get upset when someone purchases a first class ticket and sits next to me when I've "earned" the right to be there....


    It's a vacation, not an accomplishment !!




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  3. One thing I found interesting about the Youtube video is that they are bringing in a high end sound system. I thought they may be using the house system as it is a very good quality theater system (EAW speakers, MIDAS mixing board). By them having to rent a line array system, that must be an additional $5K+ expense easily (if not more). Carnival can't be making much money (if anything ) off these concerts after paying the band, travel for those involved and gear rental and only charging $20-$40 a ticket. I'd guess the only benefit is getting fans of the bands to book cruises.

  4. i think the rules on land are different than at sea--


    if they ask for a tip on a land venue --I would have no issue--On a cruise , for which we paid to go on--all entertainment is included in the passage--

    I have no issue with offering a tip -- I have an issue with them almost demanding one and mentioning it numerous times-


    Sorry Mark... no one is charging you for entertainment... you can go in and watch the show as part of your cruise fare... Where does it say in your cruise contract that you get to pick the song lists of the musicians in the lounges? That is extra and a tip for a request is expected in any piano bar on land or sea.

  5. I had never heard of Howl at the Moon before. I thought it was something specific to the Breakaway, or maybe to NCL, and it never occurred to me to google it or check it out at youtube. I really and truly thought that I was going to listen to two pianists play songs. Yes, I also listened to the piano player on the ship play songs and sing.


    I don't know how many people on the cruise thought the way I did, that Howl at the Moon was entertainment, just like the jazz band or the guitar player or the party band, where you sit and listen to the music, not where the musicians spend more time trying to get money out of people than actually making music.


    Who said you can't sit and listen to the music? Perfectly acceptable...


    Think of this... If you're sitting in a bar that has a juke box, you can sit and listen to it all night long. If you want to pick the songs, you need to put some money in. Simple...




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  6. This is contradicting to what others have said is normal practice in this show.




    The OP is stating that if they requested a song, they got asked for tips, I'm not sure how that isn't feeling pressured to give.




    On the other hand if you didn't request any, then there would not be a feeling of pressured. Which is not what the OP is talking about.



    So you think it's ok to request a bunch of songs with no tip? That's not how it works... Songs without a tip will be placed to the side and maybe they'll get played if they fit in the show... A request with a tip will be given priority and played much sooner.... A big tip will probably be played right away...


    Why is this a big deal?



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  7. Yeah - it's part of the show. I do agree with you though - if you give money to hear a song, they should play the song.



    In "most" cases, stoping the song is done more for a comedic effect. Say if someone requests a "joke" tune like a guy singing Miley Cyrus or Celine Dion... Another example would be "fight song battles" = College fight songs or New York vs Boston songs... Highest tip "wins" and stops the other.. It is part of the show.



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  8. Is it just me--or do you find it offensive that the piano players come right out and ask for tips, if you want them to play a song of your choice..


    Why should they be the only person on the cruise asking for tips like this..



    It's absolutely part of the show... In no brochure for any cruise line does it say you get to pick the performers set list... If you want to make a request, tip... If not, sit back and enjoy the show...



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  9. On a recent (last summer) Cruise, there were a number of "Code" calls.




    There are heard throughout the ship - except in the staterooms - where the say "Code Bright Angel - Forward Laundry" or "Code Bravo - Portside". The crew seems to stop for a second, listen to the announcement and then go back to work.




    A kid (probably platinum elite and maybe 12 years old) told me that "Code Bravo" was man-overboard.




    Does anyone have a comprehensive list of "Code" calls we might hear on our upcoming Carnival cruise?




    I am particularly interested in the one that is "Let's beat the passengers to the Lifeboats!" ( A smiley for the humour impaired).






    Jerald Pendleton



    With all due respect, It really is none of your business. This isn't meant to be a snarky reply either. There is a reason these announcements are given in "code". They are only intended for the response team who have to tend to the situation. If it is something that concerns everyone on the ship, clear instructions will be given. If someone is injured or passes away, they and their family are due some privacy. You don't need to know....


    I really don't understand everyones fascination with this topic. Codes are given so it doesn't cause unnecessary panic or prying eyes where the general public can interfere with a life saving situation.


    Again, I'm not trying to slam the OP for this post. It pops up all the time from different members.


    Enjoy your cruise and mind your business... :)



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    • Haha 1
  10. My examples are FTTF and specialty dining restaurants onboard. I even don't understand paying for the specialty shakes and desserts, or cappuccinos in the dining room. I'll just stick to regular coffee thanks, even though I previously enjoyed their (free) cappuccinos. I am not cheap by any means but I am savvy. I refuse to patronize specialty restaurants (the MDR food is wonderful enough, as it should be), and in my opinion first to the fun may only save you a half hour here and there. Are people that impatient? You're on a cruise, it's not like you have to get to work in a hurry! What's next, charging to have your luggage delivered to your stateroom? Where does it end? That's right, why WOULD the nickel and diming by Carnival end if everyone keeps shelling out?


    It amazes me that you just don't get it.... NOTHING was ever "free"... It was included in your fare... Fares are lower or the same as they were 25 years ago yet all the costs have gone up cosiderably. Instead of rasing all the fares, the cruise lines have figured out a way to stay profitable with a low base fare by giving the guests..... CHOICES!! It can't be both ways. You want everything included, be prepared to have the fare go up around 50%. Some people aren't interested and just want the lowest price point for a vacation... Others want to spend more for an upgraded experience. Why should those who aren't interested in those things subsidize it for those who are? What is so hard to understand about that?


    Cruise lines are in business to make a profit. This isn't a secret.... If you want everything included in your base fare, there are other upscale lines that do this. Of course, you don't pay $79 a day....

  11. If there is an object sharp enough to cause a gash in someone's leg when being used properly, it is their fault. And a good business would at least take care of the medical treatment associated with such a mishap as a gesture of good faith. Now, if she was standing on the toilet and fell off, that's her fault. Let's see how you feel when something happens to you or your family. Smh


    so are there lines of people in the medical center every day due to this "negligence"?.... you may have a point if that's the case...


    Otherwise, it was someone being careless in unfamiliar surroundings. Sorry it happened but it's the op's fault. She saw where it was when she sat down...

  12. It was not properly used. She rammed her leg into it hard. She knew where it was. I am assuming she used it. She then I guess she forgot where it was and stood up ramming her leg into it. It is a shame she got hurt. But that doesn't mean it is Carnival's fault.


    People always looking to blame others gets old.


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    Yup.... well said...

  13. I agree that they should have done the stitches at no cost to her if this injury happened as a result of a problem with the ship design, etc. The OP should post a picture on here so we can all weigh in.


    How exactly is it a problem with the ship design? It's a stationary object... It didn't move from the time she sat down to the time she was finished... Are multiple people being injured every day due to this "design flaw"? What didn't fit perfectly for her may have been just right for someone else...


    Also, why should the medical staff (which is independant) do this for free? She cut herself on a stationary object.... I'm sorry she was injured but it isn't always someone elses fault...

  14. We cruised Carnival the first time as a family last Fall. We were Disney cruisers before that. Our oldest two were never much into the clubs/lab/whatever at Disney. They would go when we sailed without relatives to watch them if we wanted to do spa or adult dining. Other than that-- not much interest. Our youngest two loved the clubs-- but it was a big change from when oldest two went-- you could do whatever activity you wanted from age 3-10, or not-- you could just do arts and crafts, watch TV or play video games. They never took them out of the club for activities, etc. So youngest dd did arts and crafts and danced with princesses (even though the activity was recommended 3-6 years old and she was 8) and youngest ds sat in front of the Wii or a computer terminal.


    I was worried when I read that on Carnival they expected the kids to participate in the activities scheduled-- if not-- they were booted. This was a cause of concern for us because youngest ds is developmentally delayed (has a rare genetic disorder), speech delayed, etc. But the staff on the Dream handled it perfectly. He loved Camp Carnival. They adapted to his needs-- just letting him be and not participate but do his own thing if it wasn't disruptive, and they managed to get him into activities he'd never do otherwise.


    The only thing I didn't like about CC v Disney-- after ten you had to pay for time in the club/camp. On Disney-- it's free until they close. There were nights on many a Disney cruise with the younger kids where we had to set a wake up call so we could get them out of the club after we were asleep.


    All this said- the kids' programs don't work for every kid. Our highly sociable older kids hated them (though as a teen oldest ds liked the Carnival program better than Disney-- he said the counselor was better because she didn't try to be like a cool, hip friend but acted more as a chaperone/activities director-- and the kids were down to earth and not trying to be cool). Our more sheltered, younger kids loved them.


    You never know what kids will like, so be prepared either way.


    And what was the price difference between Disney and CCL? I'm sure even after you paid for after 10pm babysitting and a soda card, it was much less on CCL..... apples and oranges.....

  15. I think the people arguing this new program are really grasping for something to complain about....


    It's not uncommon for ships to be in Nassau and Cozumel until midnight. In fact, there are usually complaints about ships leaving too early so people can't enjoy the night life (the greedy ship just wants to go slow to save fuel and make us spend money on board). The "professional" entertainment used to be the Mexican Folklore show.... ummmmm.... it wasn't that good. And that was better than the game shows.....


    Also, it's not uncommon for the main theater to have a show cancelled due to rough seas (magic, dancing, etc) or a fly-on missing a flight.


    If you must gamble in those hours, Atlantis is a short distance away.... Sorry, you can't gamble for a few extra hours Cozumel.... go enjoy the many bars or see a movie (Mexican movie theaters have the best carmel corn).. As a scuba diver, I would be thrilled as I would be able to now do a night dive in Cozumel (amazing seeing the marine life at night) Also, for the gamblers, there is a sports book in town when you can go bet whatever game is on and they also have simulcast horse racing. So there are gambling options for those who must do it every evening.


    Saying that the shops are closed for that evening and indicating this is a problem is the biggest joke on these threads... The shops are open more than enough during the cruise and you're not going to miss out on some Tuesday night special.... They will still sell the same perfume, watches and booze (that you can't use until you get off the ship) the rest of the trip....


    I think this is the first positive step they have taken in a long while....

  16. Look, I'm a retired (sort of) concert promoter. I know the real overall numbers from all these past acts as well as the acts of the day. It is without question Lady A is currently an A+ act in all genres of music. They are one of the top grossing acts in concerts as well as sales of albums and downloads. To get them to do a concert on a ship is a big deal, but mostly because the agents at Creative Artists Agency bent over backwards to work with Carnival even though this whole thing is a logistical nightmare for the artists.


    I'm just guessing here as I haven't studied the dates.... These concerts will mostly be midweek (Mon-Thurs). I'd guess that the artists management is booking these as off-night gigs around whatever weekend tours they are doing in theaters or casinos... Day of the week doesn't matter on a ship as it would on land. The price for a Tuesday night booking will be much less than a Saturday.


    One thing I've wondered about is if Carnival will be providing pro-level back line gear (drum set, piano, amplifiers, effects, etc) so the artist can just fly in with their personal guitars and play. It would be a much bigger production if the artists need to bring these things...

  17. Everyone with a job works for food. They also work for clothing and shelter.


    I'm sorry for not making my point easier to understand.... Of course I meant to ask is anyone here PAID in food and shelter?.... No


    All I wanted to point out is posters here always bring up "but crew don't have to pay for food or their cabin" in justifying whatever their agenda is.... Food and a room is not relevant to compensation.. It comes with working at sea.... And yes, many still pay for a home where ever they come from. Banks and landlords still expect their money while the sailor is at sea....

  18. Finally I get my son and his family to go on a cruise and all of these changes happen. My grandchildren are young (4,10 and 12) but the older two really enjoy fine dining experiences. I was looking forward to the old menu which is now the gone menu. My husband enjoys meatloaf and he loved the starters as appetizers.


    I am hoping the changes do not get to the Splendor until after July 2014


    You're seriously concerned about a 10 & 12 year old not being impressed with dinner? Really?

  19. DISCLAIMER: no stewards were harmed by the response to this post.


    Well.... my reply wasn't totally intended for you... Only the math part was. It was wrong and didn't take into account that they pay assistants out of their tips.


    As for the room/board.... I do apologize as that was a response to a general theme that pops up here a lot. Almost every tipping thread, someone will chime in that they don't have to pay for food or housing on board. Yes, it is demeaning (not directed at you) to assume that anyone should be paid with food.


    Yes, they do earn more than a hotel maid... The maid also doesn't work 12-14 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 8 months strait.


    My last statement was not directed at you... I should have made that more clear.....

  20. First of all, I tip the recommended amount on a cruise - always.


    I know there's a breakdown somewhere but for argument sake:


    If a steward makes $2 per person in a 4 person filled room on a 7 night cruise that's $56 per cabin.


    If that steward has 20 cabins that's $1120 per week. That's just his/her "steward" portion. If he/she works the buffet etc there may be more? (not sure if they do multiple positions) so, $1120/wk X 6 months = $26,880 (+ cash tips "above & beyond)

    Are they paying rent? Do they pay for food?


    Everyone keeps talking about the workers behind the scenes.........Do you tip the cooks and line cooks at the restaurants you frequent? How about the stock boys at the local grocery store.....someone mentioned McDonalds....most of these people work for minimum wage!


    UPDATE: Just looked at the carnival website. Steward tips are $3.70/day/pp. I'm not going to redo the math and I'm sure Carnival gets a piece but my numbers are probably pretty close.


    I don't think its as bad for them as people are led to believe. I know it sucks to be away from their families and they bust their asses but there are people that do that all the time. (my own dad lived in a hotel for 10 months while working out of state)


    JMHO. :o


    Your numbers aren't close at all.....


    First of all, most cabins would have 2 people, not 4.... no steward will get 20 cabins with 4 people nor will stewards work in the buffet where they'll be making more tips.


    Second, they will have 1-2 assistants that they pay themselves out of the tips they get.


    Third (and this one really bugs me)... saying they don't pay rent or food. This is a necessity of working at sea, not a bonus. Food isn't part of compensation and to think that it is is quite demeaning. Does anyone here work for food? As for rent, don't you think there are quite a few crew members (especially those over 30) that have homes? Crew members aren't homeless vagabonds! Mortgage/rent and utilities are still due every month regardless if you are at sea.


    The $11 a day really should be viewed as part of your fare. If you have a VALID reason for poor service, adjust away... But if any of you don't agree with the system that cruise lines set up years ago, seriously, pick another way to spend your vacation and don't take it out on the little guy on the corporate ladder.

  21. As soon as we boarded the Carnival Liberty in March, we were bombarded by people from the spa department. They told us to go to the Spa immediately to enter to win a $500.00 gift certificate for the Spa. So we went and entered. We were told we had to come back at 5:00pm for the draw. (have to be present to win). So there we are, ship is leaving Miami, and my GF and I are jammed pack in the "gym" portion waiting for this "draw" to take place. Must of been 300 people jammed in that space. All of a sudden, we get a lecture on services they offer, and then they do a draw for $50.00. They go on and on and tied up close to an hour drawing $50.00 every 10 min. I WON!!! Go to book our Spa package and use the "$50.00" certificate, and was told it was only good on regular priced spas! LMAO everything was on sale, and if you wanted to use it the spa packages started at $205.00. What a scam! What a way to force you to see what the Spa offers.


    Don't waste your time with this "draw" as its bogus.


    BTW we never did see a $500.00 winner.........:cool:


    First of all, you're upset with Steiner Leisure, not Carnival. They're an outside company who runs the spa (and about 75% of the cruise ship spa industry). You could have left at any time... You're not out any money and you didn't have pay to enter their drawing. Did you think they were giving away $500 out of the goodness of their heart? They're a business who where making new customers aware of what they offered. They were GIVING AWAY $50 credits every 10 minutes, which you won and were under no obligation to use, and yet you're upset that you weren't given something free and it's a scam???? It's called a promotion. There's a little known secret obout these cruise ships.... They're a business trying to make money. If you didn't like what you were seeing after 10 minutes, walk away. Nobody owes you anything and there certainly wasn't a "scam". I'm sure many of the winners were happy to apply a 25% discount off their $200 treatment. If you're not interested, walk away and enjoy your vacation.....

  22. I have seen the same show two years later! I am not sure why Carnival does not understand that there are repeat guests that would enjoy different entertainment. It is not only for the comedians but the 'specialty' act that is typically shown midweek too.


    Do you also complain at Disney World if Space Mountain is the same ride year after year?


    Think of the big picture for a moment... How many ships are out there? How many full time entertainers are needed to "fly on" to all of them weekly? It's a full time job. They don't have different acts only doing 2 weeks a year. If you book the same cruise line over and over, expect to see the same employee's. If that is someting you don't want, cruise on a different line every year and you won't have that issue.... They're not going to fire people who put on a decent show (and are willing to do the travel needed for it) because a small percentage of repeat guests may have seen them on a previous cruise....

  23. A lot of people here really have no idea how the entertainment business (on ships or land) really works.... Go see any "name" comedian in the US at a major city... Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Jeff Dunham... Go see them a week later in a different city. 95% of the content will be the same show. Having 45 minutes of stand up material is a major amount of work. It can take a comedian months to come up with a solid 10 minutes of original stuff. Now, the big names can take time off, work out new bits (10 minutes at a time at local clubs), and have a new show every couple of years.


    I just don't think a lot of people understand what goes into producing up to an hour of stand up comedy.

  24. I hardly ever visit the piano bar on cruises but this time I was with friends who enjoy it so I went with them. We were on the fantasy and Larry was the piano entertainer. I one of those carnival cheerleaders that most speak of and never complain but this guy was really bad. I mean really really bad. He didn't have a song list and most of his songs sounded like the last one before it. He didn't know the words to a lot of song. I was not impressed at all. However, my friends liked him a lot.


    Please don't judge a player on whether or not they put out a song list... Most top players won't as they know thousands of songs and are constantly adding new ones..


    Not being a good performer is another story though!

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