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Everything posted by JodiCruise

  1. No… what I mean is that on this ship (on every ship really) the rooms flip flop one way then next then back. If this is the actual photo (and hadn’t inverted in in the photo) then this room is indeed the “wrong way”. Meaning bed and bath on the left.
  2. This photo? That’s opposite. this bed is near. bathroom. Which I call “the wrong way”. What do you think?
  3. @hvbaskey hello! Per the chart, 8090 has bed by bath. So bathroom to the left when you enter. By this standard, would you say it’s correct that 8092 has the bed by the balcony? I’ve researched the heck out of this… can’t find out for sure. It’s VERY important to me to have the bed on the correct side (near balcony).
  4. Can you PLEASE tell me which side the bed was on in 8192? Was the bed near balcony, with bathroom on right side as you walk in? Very important.
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