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Posts posted by lka1012

  1. Thank you for your thoughts. This dog has had issues for a while. (It is fun running around behind her trying to catch a "specimen"). Considering her age (10) and other issues, if she is diagnosed with cancer I will probably go with palliative treatment. She is already on some hefty (and expensive) medication for another problem.

  2. I wish someone could explain the time change to my dog. She is so confused! Food is not appearing when her little tummy says it wants it, and we are going to bed much later than we should, as far as she is concerned. She's very needy. Crying all the time!



    I reset my body clock easier and quicker than my dogs. They want to be fed an hour earlier than the clock says.


    I should be here. One of the dogs is at the vet right now having some tests run. Depending on when she is done and I have to go get her, I might not be here. I assume we have more sail-aways this weekend?

  3. 3 instead of 4 downs, longer and wider field, more players on the field, backfield can move before ball is snapped, all in all a better game. Major League without mega hype. Then of course there is the Grand National drunk AKA the Grey Cup Game, which is the Championship game of the CFL. The end result on the field is irrelevant, the parties leading up to it can be magnificent!:D


    We have a CFL team here in Memphis several years ago, and I LOVED it. My friend and I went often and we both fund it more exciting than the NFL. Wish more Memphis folks had felt that way and supported the team!

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