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Posts posted by jenseib

  1. akl237.jpg


    I think this was the shower tiles in there.




    They had a walk in closet that was the size of some people’s bedrooms. It was massive!



    We headed out to see her view.




    They had 3 huge balconies! It was just amazing.




    We settled in for a bit and chatted.

    She was telling me how they had to cancel their annual girls cruise, as one of the girls now had to work. That was a bummer, as I love reading their reports about them. They really have a good time.

    She also started talking about a Diser who lived in her town and was a school teacher, but also did side work in the same industry as I. I asked her the name and she told me. Well what a small world …that girl is my co-worker Nikki!

    Soon we needed to wrap things up. WE needed to check out of our room yet and have our bags taken and go to our morning ADR and she needed to get Sean going and off to meet the rest of the family.


    Claire was a tiny bit bored too. (love the wild hair)




    We had Claire take pictures of us. She brightened up when we asked her to do that.



  2. akl230.jpg

    I fooled around a bit and took a few pictures of Flat Ben for my fellow Diser Dee.

    And I got this one that was so cute. Claire never saw it till we got home and she was surprised to see it.


    I decided that maybe I would try to do laundry. I know that staying on DVC points you get free laundry services. I headed out for a bit too look. Just so you know, Claire knows that if she wakes up and I am not there she is NOT to leave the room or answer the door. I only leave for a few minutes at a time and come back to check on her frequently if I walk out.

    So I went in search and found a room not too far away. Now we didn’t have much laundry dirty, but I thought it would be nice to stay ahead of things. Well this was not for DVC members as you had to pay to use it. I went back to the room and looked at the resort map and still couldn’t find it. I wasn’t going to pay to do a few pieces of clothing, but I would do it for free. LOL

    I think I snuck out a couple of times and never could find it.

    In the meantime, while out searching, I was texting my Dis/Cruise Critic friend Ellen (podsnel). She had arrived yesterday as well and was staying in some fancy shmancy suite at AKL. She invited me to her room , but they were going to be leaving soon.

    I told her I was going to run and get Claire dressed and we would be right over. I got Claire up and she was a little slow, well VERY slow. I put her dress on and told her we would skip brushing the rats nest and her teeth and just head over so we didn’t miss them. She could do those things when we got back.

    She grumbled a bit, but was a little curious to see the room.

    We headed out and I realized that Ellen’s room was about as far down the hall as ours was, but on the other wing.

    I believe this is when, as we were walking a lady came out of her room and started walking as well and then asked me if I posted on the Disboards. I told her yes and she said she read my reports. We said hellos and she told me her name …Jedijill! It was so nice to meet her!

    We continued on our long journey to Ellen’s room with the clock ticking. We arrived and knocked and she answered. It was a bit chaotic in her room too, as they were getting ready to leave and some of the family was walking out the door.

    This was such an awesome fun meet though. I have been following Ellen’s reports for about a year now. She is married to Pods and has 3 boys, Sean, Tyler and Timmy. I believe her brother in-laws family was staying with them too. I got to meet them all!

    It was so unreal to be saying hi to Timmy and Tyler. They were just as she writes about them. Super cute boys, btw! I bet they are breaking hearts all over.

    After saying hi, all of them left except for Ellen and Sean, who was sleeping on the couch. Sean is Autistic and so is my nephew. After reading some of Ellen’s reports, it’s so funny how similar they are. I give Ellen a lot of credit, because I do know how hard it can be to raise a child like that. My nephew is wonderful too, but stubborn at times. I believe Ellen once had to take one of Sean’s favorite books ransom in order for him to get on a plane to fly to Florida one year. These are things my SIL has to do at times too.

    We left Sean sleeping and Ellen gave us a tour of the place. I am going to say I was really bad and not on my game as I mostly gawked at the beauty of this place rather than taking pictures. I think it had like 4 bedrooms and a pool table room, a living room and kitchen too, if I remember right and several bathrooms. Ellen was beaming. She said it was the best place she had ever stayed at.

    Here are the few pictures I did take.


    This is the master bathroom.


    Isn’t this just so cool!



  3. Excellent review.




    Just joining in here so I don't lose your report. Love it and all the photos. We will be on the Dream this coming November 10 for a 4 night cruise so I am really interested in how you liked it at that time of year.


    We will also be heading down a few days early but plan on going to the F&W Festival. We have done Halloween a few times and love it. I am really enjoying all your photos.


    I am up to page 7 but will leave reading the rest of your report for over the weekend.


    Thanks for posting.




    Thanks for reading along. I am slowly getting more updates done this week.

    We really enjoyed the weather though. We had very calm seas too.

  4. We had been carrying “Flat Ben” all night and just plain forgot to pull him out for a picture, so we did get one shot before leaving.




    We went to the locker and retrieved our things and then back to turn in the key. We were thirsty, so we pulled out 2 pops to purchase which basically came to the same price as what the locker deposit refund was.


    Out to the bus stop and our legs were starting to hurt. We did get a seat, but the bus was pretty crowded. It made a stop at Kidani first and then to Jambo where we got off. Claire was dead tired at this point. She was wishing I would either carry her, or that she would sprout wings so she could fly back to the room. Neither of those things happened!


    I guess I had enough energy to take a shot of the lobby.




    And then the long hallway to our room.




    It did not take us long to get ready for bed and go out. It had been such a long day, but a very fun one too. We made new memories and new friends and we couldn’t have asked for better weather either.


    I laid my head on the 2nd pillow of the trip so far. In 2 days I had slept in 2 different spots. “Oh the Places We go”.

  5. After the parade, I believe we headed over near the jungle cruise and hit the jack pot of trick or treating. They had 2 lines and they were competing on how much candy each side would give the kids. The girls were happy about that.

    At this point, I think Carey’s family decided to head up front and try to see the princesses, but Claire and I weren’t quite ready to leave, so we said good bye and headed off on our own.


    My favorite ride is Pirates of the Caribbean, so I convinced Claire to head that way.


    It looked like it was on fire with an orange glow around it.




    I took some pictures on the ride, but most came out just too dark.

    We did see the new mermaid additions and that was exciting to us.


  6. loving the review!!!:D you said something new about fast passes? what is it?:confused:



    Thanks. Eventually I will get to the cruise portion...I promise!


    The new fast pass system has not been released yet, so there is still speculation. But it is appearing that you wil lbe able to pick your times for about 3 rides per day prior to your trip ...60 days in fact is what it looks like. There are a lot of complaints and the new webiste is not working correctly, so I am not sure when it will go into full swing. Over the past 6-8 months they have done some testing with it and people have been chosen to try it out on their trips. The feed back was good, but they actually ran it very different than what it is predicted to be when it is up and running, so only time will tell. The rumor is that the old fast pass system will then be taken away. That is the biggest complaint right now. Many people want to have the otpion to do one or the other or even both.

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