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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. @ger_77 Gerry, I forgot to thank you for your concern about my working outside in the hot weather. I try to do the outside work and the errands as early as possible in the day when the weather is still relatively comfortable. The rest of the day, I find things to do inside and only venture forth when there is a doctor's appointment later in the day. Thank goodness, the a/c in the cars works well. @SusieKIslandGirl HAPPY 76TH BIRTHDAY TO YOUR DH. Lenda
  2. All the more reason to eat your ice cream. I was also thinking cake is soft too, as are mashed potatoes or baked potatoes, BUT, ice cream is more fun! 🤣 🍦 🍨 Lenda
  3. Good afternoon from a hot central Texas, where it is 96F and feels like 112F. I only ventured out long enough to put a couple of things in the store room and bring the garbage can back in. It is an oven out there. The house is clean and the bath towels are washed, dried and put away. I divided the large washer load into two dryer loads, and they both dried in less time than one big load had been drying. the fan in the vent hose may have helped. Jack, I'm glad you found the color you want with the help of the painter. I guess we lucked out in Quartzsite. We wanted the trim a shade darker and the main coat a shade lighter, and what we picked out worked. Oops! The good wishes for the team and Ren still hold for tomorrow. I'm glad they will have an early time. It will more than likely be warm and humid, but not nearly as hot as later in the day. Right now, Frisco is also 96F and feels like 112. Tomorrow morning will be partly cloudy until 10 am with the temperature ranging from 79 at 8 am to 84 at 10 am, and there should be a pretty good breeze too. This weather is unusual for this time of year. It used to be late July or August before it got this bad. Bruce, like Sandi @StLouisCruisers all the people lined up on the river bank reminded me of the Prinsendam going through the Kiel Canal. We were told that a local radio station was broadcasting the estimated times for the ship to pass various ferry crossings and other areas. It looked like a few people were following the ship through the canal. Gerry, I also don't like the olives, but then I don't like martinis either. I prefer my margaritas without salt or other things on the rim, too. Even bloody Marys are too spicy for me. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Loved looking at the birds and animals. Annie, I'm glad you and Chuck are all right and it was only the internet and phone. That is a strange feeling being cut off from the world, as we learned last week when our internet then email disappeared. I hope Chuck's appointment went well and he is safely home now. Bruce, thanks for the pictures of Nantes. We don't need the pine trees either. They don't grow as well here as they did in The Woodlands. We had 38 large pine trees in our backyard, plus several in the front yard. We had to get permission to cut down any tree with a diameter bigger than 4 inches. Terri, I'm sorry you got so tired with the walk, but being outside should help set the body clock. My two cents worth is that once you are on the ship, you will be able to relax and get some much needed rest. Then you can decide on a port to port basis whether you are up to getting off that day or having a relaxing sea day. Debbie, I agree that somethings work out for the better like your losing the first house. It's been a long time since I've seen a wild turkey. Roy, I'm sorry the tooth has to come out Thursday. But having an excuse to eat ice cream is good. Thanks for the pictures from today's port. It looks like I place I'd enjoy exploring. Lenda
  4. Good morning from a very humid central Texas. It is 79F and feels like 87F. The dew point is 78F and the humidity is 99%. The high to day is predicted to be 103F, but the heat index will be higher. There is an excessive heat warning with the heat index between 110 and 120F from noon until 6pm tomorrow. I'll get my exercise cleaning house instead of walking today. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, Ren and the Jags are lucky to be playing this morning. Frisco is a little cooler at 75F now with 79% humidity and a dew point of 69F. It will be 97F this afternoon, but will feel hotter. Wishing Ren and the Jags a good, safe game and win this morning. When I was growing up in west Texas, Juneteenth was a big day in the African American community, and my parents told me the history of the day. I'll pass on national martini day, but will celebrate all the pets in film. We don't have cats now, but when we did, our cats would hang out in our home office. One in particular liked to "help". The George Eliot quote is very true. True Texas chili does not have beans, but I like beans in my chili, and I also prefer it with beef too. The drink sounds good, and I'd like to try the wine. The Metropolitan Police also got the name Bobbies from Sir Robert Peel. We have not been to Puerto Madryn, so thank you Nancy @ottahand7 for your pictures. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you get more rest today, and can enjoy London tomorrow. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope the oncologist visit for your DH goes well. I'm glad your DD is going with you today. @cruising sisterLorraine, I'm sorry the kids lost out on the house. I know they must be very disappointed. Lenda
  5. Karen, I think I'd be panicking in that situation. I can't believe that when the driver was early he wouldn't wait or have someone come at the correct time. I'm glad it worked out, ajd y9u enjoyed the concert. Enjoy the wine. You earned it. Lenda
  6. Sandi, I'm glad the Jags won. This must:be a difficult tournament with two wins by penalty kicks. Good luck with their game Tuesday. Lenda
  7. Terry, thanks for the nice compliment. I'm not really that talented, but being married to an engineer who did most of the repairs for nearly 56 years, I learned a few things. Basically, all I did was pull off the old vent hose, and put the new one in place, using ring clamps that were screwed down tight to hold it in place. It doesn't take much talent to use a screwdriver. Besides, DH was helping as much as he could, and prompting me when needed. On the days I mow the yard, I get out as early as possible and get the job done before it gets really hot. I also drink plenty of water, wear a hat, sunscreen and use a cooling towel which helps. If possible, I pick a cloudy day with a breeze. Lenda
  8. Good afternoon from hot, humid and partly cloudy central Texas. It is currently 93F. So far, today has not gone as planned. It started off all right when we drove into town to pick up donuts for breakfast. About that time, the in-line fan that DH wanted to try in the dryer vent hose arrived. After breakfast, I decided to tackle the installation, which didn't go quite as planned. We cut the vent hose and with a lot of difficulty and a few adjustments got it on both ends of the fan. When I was pushing the dryer back in place, the hose would not move back as far as it should. I reached down to lift it a little and the hose came off the fan. That is when I decided to go get a new hose and clamps, which is a good thing since the hose was 23 !2 years old and getting brittle up near the dryer. It may have been over kill, but I got two hoses so we did not have to cut one and struggle to get the cut ends on either the fan or the dryer. The second installation when a lot more quickly, especially since I could put the hoses on the fan then get behind the dryer. We're not sure if the fan will help much especially with the longer hose, but I'm glad we got new vent hoses before one tore even more. If this doesn't help, the next step is to move the vent outlet from the end of the pipe that runs through the slab to the outside wall where it will vent into the port. It's not an ideal location, but the only choice. After all this, tomorrow's house cleaning looks easy for once. 🤣 Terri, that is great news. Now, you can relax and enjoy your time in London. The last time we flew Delta from DFW to Atlanta to Rome, we had a very tight connection in Atlanta. Shortly after we were on the plane and before the doors closed, we got a text that our bags were on board, and we didn't have to worry about the bags all the way across the Atlantic. I think we agreed to the texts when we checked in for the flights. Karen, I'm glad you and your DH will be able to go to the concert today. It is great that SKAT has the free service to take you to and from the venue. That's one concert I would like. Jake, thanks for the video. I have enjoyed looking at all the pictures of Rotterdam today. Thank you to all who have posted. I'm not sure if I remember all who posted, so I'm not going to try to list you in case I miss someone. Lenda
  9. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL THE DAILYITE DADS! Good morning from another cloudy day in central Texas. It is already 81F. feels like 90F with humidity of 90% and a dew point of 78F. Our predicted high is 97F but I'm guessing it will go above that. We're still under a heat advisory until 8 pm. It looks like rain, but none is predicted, for what that's worth. Rain was predicted for yesterday, but we didn't get any. After all the yard work yesterday, and walking behind the mower for double the time of my walk, I think I'll skip the walk today. We stopped fishing years and years ago when we realized the fish headed to the other side of the lake when they saw us. 😁 I try not to panic, and found last year when DH had some scary medical issues, I didn't panic at the time. It's just too hot for a picnic now. The Mahatma Gandhi quote is very good. We'll pass on the meal (tofu) and drink. I'm not sure if it was Chateau de Beaucastel Chateauneuf-du-Pape or one from another cellar, but we had Chateauneuf-du-Pape at a wine tasting and enjoyed it. Just wish they hadn't been so stingy with the pour. 😉 Unfortunately, we have not been to Rotterdam in all our visits to The Netherlands. Amelia Earhart set many records and proved women could do the same things men could. @kazu Jacqui, some of the diehard fishermen in our community say that cloudy days and even days with light rain are the best fishing days. @ger_77 Gerry. I like the tradition of gathering to tend the graves and cemetery of family. @Cruzin Terri 😱 I'm sorry your bags didn't make it to London. Hopefully, they will be there today. You deserve to have things go your way now, but I hope that black clouds leaves all the Dailyites alone. @ottahand7 Nancy, thanks for the lovely flower pictures. Lenda
  10. Good evening. The last we heard the rain was supposed to begin at 8pm. It's almost 8:30 and so far no rain. Even the radar shows we should be getting rain. As usual, the rain will be appreciated, but I'm not holding my breath. We had the Korean barbecue ribs tonight, and they tasted great, but the meat was not as good as in the past. At least, there were plenty of veggies in the sauce. Sandi, thanks for the information. All I can add is some players make good coaches and some don't for whatever reason. Paul, thanks for the link to an interesting article. Sounds like the changes will be well thought out and based on science. That is such sad news. Our condolences to the officer's family and friends. I hope the other offiver survives. Lenda
  11. Sandi, I'm glad the Jags won, but what was the coach thinking. I hope they do well tomorrow. I know what you mean, but with the motorhome you have everything you need. The last few summers before 2020, we would start out in the motorhome, find a good cruise deal, and return home to go cruising. Lenda
  12. Terri, we have flown Delta for our last several overseas flights, and have been impressed with them too. It's great they could check you in for the flight at the lounge. Safe continued travels. Lenda
  13. Good afternoon from central Texas. It is now 90F and there is hardly any wind. I got the yard work done before it got too hot, and there was a decent breeze most of the time. As usual, I found other things that needed taking care of besides the mowing. The marigolds I planted earlier are really growing and looking good. However, they were growing over the zinnias, and half of the zinnias are almost dead. While it's not a good time to move them, that was the only chance they had, so they are now away from the marigolds where they can get sun and water. I just hope it's not too late for some of the ones in the worst shape. Three are doing fairly well at least. Jake, while I like veggie trays, I'll take yours any day. 🤣 Gerry, they probably moved the drug dealers and ladies in waiting way from the bus route. 😉 Panama City is marginally better, but it looks better from a BHB than up close. There are shanties between the high rise buildings. At least, we've been there, done that. Lorraine, enjoy your day with the DGS. I hope his parents' offer is accepted. Terri, that is good news the agent was able to check your bags all the way to London, and with the added bonus of being a pleasant person. Add me to the list of those who hope you can recheck in for the next flight without having to go through security. Karen, I'm glad that your DS is making good progress on the new roof. The news about your DH just keeps getting better and better. I'm glad he wants to take part in the activities, and hope the goal of getting in and out of the car is reached soon. Brenda, many of our road trips were in the motorhome. For years we'd visit a place for a few days, and then move on to other places. The cost of sites in RV parks has gotten ridiculous too. Before Covid, it reached the point that to be cost effective, we needed to stay for a month because the daily rates were outrageous. It was also almost impossible to get into state parks, national parks and national forest campgrounds. We've heard that since Covid, the situation is even worse. Mary Kay, I'm glad you can wear your glasses most of the time now. Good luck with the downsizing. Lenda
  14. We have been to Colon once in 2009 when Statendam had a change of itinerary and spent the day on the west coast of Panama. We took the train over to Colon and the bus back across the isthmus. We only saw Colon from the bus and that was more than enough. I hope the Panamanian government is spending money to improve that side of Panama. Lenda
  15. Good morning from a cloudy central Texas, and I hoping it stays that way until after I finish the yard work. Currently it is 72F and feels like 72F. 👏 The humidity is 97% with a dew point of 72F, so the humidity should drop some as the sun warms the air. The weather app says we will reach 95F with a chance of strong thunderstorms this afternoon and evening. I hope we get some of the predicted rain or otherwise, I'll need to turn the sprinklers back on. We try to eat our vegetables and fruit everyday, but some days you just need to indulge in junk food. We will sometimes take a day road trip in the country just to get out of the house, but that has been curtailed in the last couple of years. With all the aggressive drivers, it's just not that much fun anymore. I am not a fan of jugglers, but like may they deserve their own day. Laughter any day is good, but I agree with Jacqui, @kazu that a day is not wasted without laughter. It's just not as much fun. Our vegetarians would probably like today's meal, and the wine sounds good, but it's more than I want to pay for a bottle of wine. We'll pass on the drink. We were in Colon in 2009 on the Statendam. I was glad we didn't get out of the bus. Francis Drake helped open up the world with his voyages. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers sending good wishes to Ren and the Jaguars for a good tournament without any unsportsman play from the other teams. Terry, @smitty34877 I'm betting most of the Juneteenth dishes are what is now called Soul Food. A lot of southern comfort dishes were developed by the slaves for their meals using the leftovers and less desirable cuts of meat that made up their diets. Carol @mamaofami enjoy your Father's Day dinner tonight. Terri, @Cruzin Terri hope your flights today go smoothly and your luggage stays with you. Lenda
  16. I'm sorry your test came back positive for c-diff. I hope the prescription will clear itmup quickly. Terri, I'm glad the trip was easy today, and Imhope tomorrow is just as easy. We've been to Trondheim twice, and it is an easy walkable town. There will probably be a shuttle into town. The last time we were there, we found a local tour at the Visitor Center that was not too expensive and was very interesting. It took us to a park like area where they had moved several old buildings. One of the buildings was a Stave church, and out guide sang one of the old songs for us while we were in the church. Lenda
  17. People who know me well, know I love waterfalls. The DDs can tell you that in 1992 on our first trip to Alaska, I pointed out every waterfall I saw, l and I probably drove them crazy. I found a few we have seen when traveling on BHBs and around the US and Alaska by motorhome. The first three were taken in 2017 on the Prinsendam in Iceland. Dittifoss, which a picture cannot really do it justice as Ann @cat shepard can tell you. It is quite a ways from Akureyri, and we only found it because we rented a car that day. The next two are just off the main road heading east from Reykjavik. Seljalandsfoss Skógafoss This one was taken in Yellowstone NP. It is the Yellowstone River in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. I could not find a name for this one, but we saw it on the glacier tour out of Whittier. It is in Blackstone Bay. Lenda
  18. Good afternoon from a windy and cloudy central Texas. It is 95F now. It turns out, today would have been all right for mowing since it wasn't as muggy feeling out when I went for my walk. But, by then the laundry was already going. I hope tomorrow is another day like today, so the mowing won't be too bad. I'll get out as early as I can, and hope the dew isn't too heavy. At least, this week I remembered to charge the batteries for the mower, trimmer and blower, so I won't have to wait for them to charge tomorrow. Thunderstorms are predicted for tomorrow afternoon, and we do need the rain. It has been a busy morning, but at least I was able to find what I went to buy and to pick up DH's prescription. The last load of laundry is in the washer, but because the dryer vent line in the slab is smaller than the normal 4 inches, the dryer takes longer to dry than necessary. DH found a possible solution of a fan that we can put in the vent hose behind the dryer and hopefully keep the air and lint flowing better. I'm just glad the dryer is not as heavy as the washer, so I should be able to move it out to work on the vent line. After looking at the pictures, I ordered a remote switch to turn the fan off and on without having to unplug and plug it every laundry day. I also don't run the risk of dropping the power cord behind the washer and dryer. I also noticed when I finally got back to the Daily that I need to be more careful when I post in a hurry early in the morning otherwise it's an OOPS! like today. I didn't notice I posted one meme twice, and the one I missed was below the post. Laura, what a mess with your email. I'm glad you got it straightened out. I can't imagine not having email for so long, especially since we were not getting any emails yesterday afternoon and this morning. We kept getting messages that our credentials were out of date, but we couldn't update them. Then by late morning, everything was working again. Gerry, yes it is terrible about the tornado. After I posted about it, the next update was 70 to 100 injured, but nobody was missing. One of the fatalities was in a mobile home park, and most of the homes were destroyed. The problem with tornadoes is they can pop up quickly, so there often is not much if any warning, and the big ones are so destructive. While it will take time, the hardy panhandle farmers and ranchers will rebuild and come back strong. Terry, that was so thoughtful of your DS to change the reservation so he can help you care for your DH. You have a wonderful, thoughtful and supportive family. Katherine, that is good news that you and your DH are safe and no damage. Lenda
  19. Terri, wishing you safe travels today, and safe, uneventful flights tomorrow. Lenda
  20. Good morning from another cloudy and humid day in central Texas. It is 77F, feels like 77F, with 94% humidity and a dew point of 78F. Our predicted high is 100F. There were a lot of thunderstorms in the state yesterday, but they missed us. The worst storm was in Perryton where a tornado killed three people and injured at least 10 in addition to destroying most of the town. We have driven through Perryton a couple of times. It is in the Panhandle northeast of Amarillo near the Oklahoma border. It is a town of about 8500 and is the hub and supply point for the ranchers in the area. I join Graham @grapau27 in hoping no Dailyites were involved in the horrific bus crash in Manitoba. While the cause of the crash is not known, I read it occurred at an intersection on a rural road. Fresh veggies are good, and the medical community would be lost without good nursing assistants, many of whom we've met this last year. My favorite day is Waterfall Day. Bertrand Russell was correct with his quote for today. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I'd like to try the wine, and the price is good. We have not been to Arlie Beach, but sailed by there going from Cairns to Sydney if that counts. I also remember when Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space. It took the US a long time to send Sally K. Ride into space. @aliaschief Bruce I hope you enjoy your stay in Bordeaux. @seagarsmoker Beautiful sunset picture. @grapau27 Graham, I'm glad you enjoyed the Hollywood tour. We thought it was a great tour when we did it in 2007. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm so very sorry they cannot help your DF's brother. I hope he can be made comfortable with the help of hospice. Wishing Ren and the Jaguars a good tournament, and 🤞 fingers crossed the LA team are better sports this year. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your back loosens up soon. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope they get your road fixed soon. Beautiful iris. @St Pete Cruiser Wonderful sunset pictures. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you have a day to regroup. Today is laundry day, so I better get the first load going and take my walk before it gets any hotter outside. At least, there is a pretty good breeze for the walk. Then, it will be a quick trip into town to pick up a few things. Lenda
  21. I am going to add some of my wildlife pictures we've taken over the years. The first group is from various trips in Alaska, and the second group is from the other end of the world. They were taken when we did a half day mini safari outside of Durban in 2000. A humpback whale and an orca on a whale watching trip out of Juneau. Another humpback and sea otters in Icy Strait. Sitka with an eagle on shore, sea lions just hanging out and eagles on the church steeple, which are considered good luck. A Kodiak bear near a stream out side of town past the Coast Guard base. Now, we head to South Africa and a small game preserve outside of Durban. Unfortunately, they did not have any big cats or elephants. Lenda
  22. Good afternoon. This morning we went over the the regional hospital for DH's back x-ray before his follow-up visit next week. We didn't want to wait until just before the appointment incase there was a problem. We also made a quick stop at W-M. BTW, they changed the name of the Pad Thai kit to Market Street, but it is the same thing, including wheat noodles. It is in the area with the Asian food and condiments which in our store is between the noodles and the pasta. 🤷‍♀️ The weather hasn't improved and the air can be described as heavy while the sky and air of hazy. We are under a heat advisory until 6 pm tomorrow and may get a severe thunderstorm this afternoon late. Right now, it is 90F and feels like 106F. Needless to say, I'll be staying inside this afternoon. Jack, I like the colors of your house now, but can't wait to see the new color scheme. I hope you can get the insurance claim settled and get the roof replaced soon. Lorraine, as others have said, just ignore the rude woman and enjoy being with your friends. Your Shetland sheep dog was very handsome, and I'm sorry he died so young. And to be a good babysitter too. Congratulations on the Panama Canal cruise. Laura, I'm glad you could help your friend, and also that the tent caterpillars are moving one to bother someone else. I loved looking at the wildlife pictures, especially the lions and the leopard. Susan, I'm very happy Bandit has recovered. I'm sure you'll know when the time is right for a move. Thank you, Graham. Mary Kay, I think you made a very difficult but wise decision to move. The new apartment sounds like a good fit, and it's nice there is a senior relocation company you can use. We've moved a lot, so I understand about upsizing and downsizing. In between deciding what to take and what to keep, take a few breaks and book some lovely BHB cruises. I'm also glad your recovery is progressing well, and hope you can wear your glasses soon. I love this picture. Sandi, I hope your friend's brother gets good news today and can receive treatment. For some strange reason, I thought of Annie @marshhawk when I saw that meme. 😉 Sharon, I loved the picture. Enjoy your cool weather and your DGD's visit. Thank you for sharing the great wildlife photos. Gerry, @ger_77 please wish your DS HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. Lenda
  23. These are just a few of our pictures walking arund town. Both times we walked around town were on Sunday, and the weather was less than ideal. View from Prinsendam across the bay Town Another view from the ship The lighthouse and headland as we sailed toward the next port Lenda
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