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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good afternoon after a busy day. DD and DSIL arrived about lunch time with two hot pizzas from our local pizza place. We had not tried their pizzas before, and I thought they were both good, but DH thought he'd had better. However, for a small regional chain, they were not bad, and I plan or getting pizza there again, especially when it's too hot to make pizza. . One pizza was pepperoni, which is a favorite and was good. The other was a veggie pizza, and being a carnivore, I was really surprised at how good it was. It may have been the extra creamy cheese that held everything together. Besides the great pizza, we had a wonderful visit with the "kids", and appreciated them making the 2+ hour one way drive here and then fighting the Sunday afternoon traffic on I-35. We all take the back roads most of the way, but we can't avoid I-35 completely. While we talk on the phone fairly often, there's nothing like getting together to catch up and talk about other things. When they left, we had time to get to Waco to pick up DH's phone with the new screen. He had the sim card in a spare phone, but it just wasn't the same. Somehow, we made the round trip, including time in the store, in less than two hours. Susan, I hope the monsoon rains arrive soon and lessen the fire danger. I'm glad your neighbor was not injured in her fall. Ann, I'm happy you had a good trip, and that Pat did so well on the trip and is adjusting to the new normal. I hope the antibiotics knock out the infection this time. I also hope your headache disappears soon. Beautiful pictures, Brenda. Arizona has a stupid motorist law which makes drivers who go around barriers and need rescuing pay for the rescue. Sadly, it still doesn't stop some idiots from trying to get past barriers. Karen, you are very lucky to have the support of your DS, and that he has the time to help with the projects. It's a win-win for both of you since you are able to pay him for his work. I'm sure his help planning the Celebration of Life is a comfort for both of you. Terri, I'm glad you had a great day in Kirkwall. We enjoyed the town in spite of heavy rain that was going horizontal at times. I want to get back there on a good day and explore more of the island. Wow, on 7+ inches of rain. I hope no one was injured in the building collapse, and hope all are all right after the water rescues. I hope the rain misses you tomorrow, or at least, is not as much. Lenda
  2. Good morning from a partly cloudy central Texas. It is 85F and feels like 92F with a predicted high of 96F, but like yesterday, I think we'll go higher than 96F. I managed to get my walk in while it was still very cloudy and comfortable outside. After breakfast, I did a light dusting and vacuuming before older DD and DSIL arrive later this morning. She just texted DH they were leaving, so they should be here shortly after 11 am. Sugar cookies are another favorite cookie after any cookie with chocolate. I usually turn the sugar cookies I make into snickerdoodles though. We've followed the call of the horizon both on land and sea for most of our married life. I still have some more fashionable items in the closet which I haven't worn in a long time, but I probably can get into them again now, if I want to take them on a BHB. Mostly, I dress for comfort now. I keep clothes for a long time, because once I find a style I like, I often get it in several colors and variations before it is not longer sold. Today's quote is interesting, and thanks to Tina @0106 I understand it better. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I'm not sure what we'll be having as DD and DSIL are bring the meal with them. Yeah, two days in a row I don't have to cook. The wine sounds nice but again pricey. We have not been to San Antonia, Chile. We sailed from Valparaiso twice on BHB, and it was a port and turnaround day on our 2015 Ruby Princess cruise. I don't follow tennis but I do know about Wimbledon, along with the other three tournaments in the grand slam series. @kazu Jacqui, I'm happy Ivan is having another good day. I hope the tide has turned for the better in this latest episode, and he enjoys good health and less pain soon. @cruising sister Lorraine, thank you for the update on Murphy. Sending very positive thoughts that her recovery continues on an uneventful course. HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY a day late to your DGD. @Nickelpenny Penny, that's the nice thing about retirement. You are free to do as little or as much in a day as you want, and you don't really need a set schedule or routine. There's room for spontaneity. @cunnorl Charlene, you have been busy lately. I hope the upcoming doctors appointments go well and you are cleared to play golf soon. Please be careful in the heat when you are on the golf course. I think you summed up the people staying on the beach in thunder and lightning with one word -- crazy. @ottahand7 Nancy, thank you for the pictures of the countryside in Chile. We have gone from Santiago to Valparaiso twice, but after an overnight flight in coach, I think I slept most of the way. Last night's party sounds like fun. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad the weather cooperated and everyone had a great time at Summerfest. Thanks for all the pictures. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I'm sorry for the test results delay and for the death of the vet's father's death. I'm glad Jasper is acting his usual self. @grapau27 Graham, I saw that article too. I'm just glad the newest ship we've been on was the Koningsdam which entered service in 2016. This will be a big problem for the cruise lines, and I can see cancelled cruises as they replace the panels. What a mess. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry everyone's sleep was interrupted. I hope getting your DH to the doctor is not too difficult with the rain. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry your knees are so sore today after all the steps yesterday. Thanks for the pictures. Lenda
  3. Good afternoon. I was finished in record time with the yard work, mainly because I didn't need to mow the part of the yard that wasn't watered and had turned brown. After I showered, we went to Waco to get DH's phone fixed. It needs a new screen. The guy said he thought it would take about two hours, so we decided not to head home as that would take an hour each way. At the two hour mark when we were on the other side of town, we called before heading back to pick up the phone. It was taking longer and would be another two hours. We said we'd get it Monday, but now it will probably be Tuesday since we're going to Waco then anyway. We appreciate everyone's good wishes for DH to have the nph fixed soon. The procedure was delayed last year because of the back surgery. By the time the nph started causing problems again, it took almost two months for an appointment. Now that things are in the works, it should take no more than a month or two to get the shunt put in if that is what they determine is needed. Like most things involving specialists, it's hurry up and wait. Paul, I hope you feel better soon. Brenda thanks for the great pictures of today's port. Edi, I'm glad they found the polyps before they became cancerous. I'm also glad you could change your cruise to 2025, and now have a great PCC. Lenda
  4. An early good morning from central Texas were it is 77F and feels like 77F. Our high will be 97F, so I'm hoping to get outside soon and get the mowing and trimming done early. Luckily, we won't reach 90F until noon, but without a big cloud cover, the sun that is just now coming up will be strong. I want to get started while there is still a lot of shade in part of the yard. There will be no body paining here. We had blueberries in the fruit salad yesterday, and it's been a long time since I made a blueberry pie. I have never liked motorcycles, but DH had a Gold Wing for many years. The Robert Herrick quote is interesting. The meal sounds interesting, and the Pad Thai I make takes 10 minutes or less to cook, but the prep times takes longer than 10 minutes. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice and not pricey. We have not been to Omaezaki Japan. Vasco da Gama was another brave explorer who helped open up the world to Europeans. Jacqui, Ivan sleeping better and getting on the couch by himself are good signs. I hope the bland diet helps too. Only in Texas would that happen. Thank you, Terri. It has been a long road, but hopefully the end is in sight. Last year, the neurosurgeon wanted DH to have the back surgery first because he thought it might solve the problem. It did help, but we think it meant spinal fluid leaked during the two back surgeries. In the last few months the nph symptoms have been getting worse. At least, this time we're not starting from scratch and things should progress more quickly. Lorraine, thank you for the update on Murphy. I'm glad she is tolerating the new machine better. It is good news that the surgical work is good. Annie, I'm glad the PT helped yesterday, and I hope the pain lessens as the day progresses. DH just informed me that we may need to go to Waco today to get his phone fixed. Nothing he's tried seems to work. Lenda
  5. Good evening. Both DDs called to see how today's appointment went, and we had a nice visit with both. Even better news is older DD and DSIL are coming Sunday and bringing lunch. We getca goid visit and I don’t have to cook. Brenda, it took time, but great news on the pathology report. Jacqui, I agree a dog will try to hide the pain up to a point, but a caring, observant owner will know when their dog is in pain or distressed. I would not apply the b word to you for caring about and fighting for Ivan or any animal. However, as far as his former owner .... Ivan did not deserve her, but definitely deserves you, and you deserve Ivan. I'm glad he made the effort to join you on the couch. Lenda
  6. For the past six years, we've seen this strange tower near I-35E on the way to Dallas. We've wondered what the hectic it was, and have speculated about it. Today, on the way home, DH tried to see if we could get close to it. We managed to find the road that leads to the gate to the field, but that is as close as we could get. Facebook/ Lenny zoo DH was going to stop in the nearest town and ask about the tower, but the only place I could think to stop was the Post Office. It's that small a town. One the way, I Googled tower with the town's name and found several articles. The first article mentioned it as a Tesla tower, since it reminds people of Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower where he envisioned wireless transmission to create a wireless telephone system. This is a picture of Tesla's tower. Photo: Wikimedia Commons A company called Viziv Technologies built the tower in 2017, and hopes to transmit energy between two points on the globe wirelessly. They are planning on using Zenneck surface wave, which has not been experimentally observed, and not radiated waves. And that folks is about all I understand, if that much. This is a link to the article I cited, and there are more articles online. https://texashillcountry.com/mysterious-tesla-tower-texas/ Lenda
  7. Good afternoon from a partly cloudy and windy central Texas. It is 92F but feels like 99F. Fortunately, the humidity is down to 48% and the dew point is 69F. Our high is supposed to be 94F. While it is warm, it was not unbearable when I was unloading the car. On the way home, we stopped at a Total Wine near where DH had his appointment. It is a smaller store than the one we go to in Ft. Worth, and did not have everything on the list, still the liquor cabinet and wine "cellar" are somewhat replenished. All the days are good today, but I'd be happy with just chocolate day. I'm a confirmed chocoholic, but I refuse to enter a 12 step program. In fact, I enjoyed my daily ration of four Dove promises while I was reading the Daily that I hadn't gotten to while waiting for DH to be called back. Global Forgiveness would be wonderful, but any type of forgiveness is good. While my father and I didn't take many walks, after my mother was diagnosed with MS, he and I did a lot of things together, and we were very close. He's been gone 20 years, and I still miss him very much. I have been living the Mark Twain quote for the past three years, only is don't put off this year what you can put off for another year or two. Now, I'll have to start tackling that list in the next week or two. The bass looks good, but not today. Today we'll have more of the brisket, beans and fruit salad. Oh, and there's still a lot of cake left too. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. As you could see from all the pictures Sandi, @StLouisCruisers reposted for me, we have spent a lot of time in Rome and Civitavecchia. Thank you very much Sandi for taking the time to find all of the pictures. I didn't remember posting so many. Also, thank you all who shared their pictures today. They bring back such good memories. Today in history was a good day for Martina N. In the 1990s when we would play Trivial Pursuit with the DDs, whenever younger DD did not know the answer to a sports question, she'd answer Martina N. 🙂 @smitty34877 Terri, I'm so happy for you all that the pathology report was amazingly good. I'm glad for some good news here today. @ger_77 Gerry, your summer fest sounds like a great party. I hope the weather cooperates. @kochleffel Paul, thank you for the pictures of Basilica San Clemente al Laterano. It looks like an interesting place to visit the next time we're in Rome. @marshhawk Annie, I'm sorry you don't have any more campaigns now, but the time off should help your arm and back feel better. I hope the therapy helps; so hang in there and give it a chance. @NextOne Edi, I hope you get a good report from today's procedure. I know you will enjoy your VOV cruise. @kazu Jacqui, I hope Ivan's new meds help with the pain, but I'm happy he is in good health otherwise. It helps that the vet is hopeful. After what you've said about his previous owner and the condition he was in when he came to live with you, he might have been complaining to her but was ignored. I hope that was not the case though. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope the knee replacement is not needed for quite some time, and that PT helps. @Sharon in AZ Sharon, thank you for sharing your pictures of the Etruscan burial ground. It is an excursion I've considered in the past. @Denise T Denise, I hope with your doctor's help, you can get your numbers back down where the should be. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope Mark can be helped by the interventional radiologist. DH's appointment this morning was at UT Southwestern to see what needs to be done about the NPH (normal pressure hydrocephalous) that was diagnosed last year. At that time, the surgeon was hopeful the back surgery to relieve the spinal stenosis would also help with the nph. For a while it looked like that might have happened, but now we know the nph needs to be addressed. The nurse practioner we saw today will set up a definitive test as quickly as it can be scheduled, and then we'll know how to proceed. He seemed very hopeful of a successful outcome. The NP we saw today, is also a faculty associate at the UT Southwestern medical school, and seems very knowledgeable. As of now, @JazzyV he doesn't not need to be on the care list. The good news is most of the road work we encountered going to Dallas last year has been finished, and the travel time was quicker. There's still more traffic than we like and much more than in our little town. Lenda
  8. OMG is right. Sending positive thoughts for Murphy to overcome this major setback, and for strength for her parents and family during this very difficult and stressful time. I can't help wondering why the ECMO machine wasn't monitored more closely, and if there was a backup machine. Lenda
  9. Carol, our condolences to you and your friend's family and friends. I hope the wonderful memories of your friendship can bring you some comfort. Lenda
  10. Terri, don't worry. It does explain why the tour wasn't offered when we were in Kristiansand. 🤣 It can be confusing with two towns having only one letter different. We have not been to Kristiansund, but if we ever make it there, I know what we'll do. Lenda
  11. Thanks, Terri. We were in Kristiansand many years ago, but the Atlantic Ocean Road was not a tour that was offered. For us, the highlight of the tour from Molde, was the unusual bridge. I'm glad the weather was better. Lenda
  12. I know these scams have been around for a while, but this one was new to us. I doubt many (if any) on the Daily would fall for such a scam, but it never hurts to remind people of the unscrupulous people and their scams. Lenda
  13. I just want to give everyone a heads up about a scam email we received today. It was supposedly from a company that advertises a lot on tv about their computer security with the initials LL and that is now owned by another well known computer security company that starts with an N. The email had an attachment with an e-bill for the renewal of our LL account for several 100 dollars. We had 24 hours from the renewal to cancel and get a refund. The only thing is we have never subscribed to their service and have not even gone to their web site. DH did a little detective work and could definitely tell it was not from LL or N. Unless you use these services, if you get an email from them, delete it as fast as possible. Luckily, we only looked at it on a phone and a tablet, not any of the computers. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers I'm glad you got a good report from the dermatologist. Thank you for taking care of posting any pictures tomorrow. Now I can sleep a little later. Lenda
  14. Mary Kay, I wish I knew what to advise you about all the genealogy stuff. I just started looking into my ancestry in 2020 and didn't really do much until this past February. All my research has been on line, so everything, except the few pages I printed, are all on the computer. If there is a genealogy society in your area, they might be interested in some of the things. Also, the LDS church has a big genealogy data base. They might have some ideas. Karen, what a lovely and loving tribute to Phil. I loved the pictures too. Like Ann, @cat shepard, I'm so glad you mentioned all the wonderful members of his care team, who are seldom thanked and even less rarely thanked publicly. Lenda
  15. Good morning for a sunny central Texas where it is 82F but feels like 89F. Our high today will be 92F if the prediction is correct. I got my walk in early before the sun was too high and it was still pleasant outside. Three interesting days today. Kissing is always good as is fried chicken which will be our dinner tonight, cooked in the air fryer. Since we don't have a patio umbrella, we can't celebrate umbrella cover day. The Marcus Aurelius quote is very true if not always easy. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. On a driving tour of Spain in September 2001, after spending the night in Alicante, we planned to stop in Valencia and tour the old city. However, between lack of parking near the walled city and pouring rain, we decided to keep driving. I hope to get back there someday. I'm glad that Pope Clement VI did not blame the Jews or any other group for the black plague. @summer slope Dixie, you and your DH are in our thoughts after Bailey crossing the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. She had a long life in a loving home. ((((HUGS)))) @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm curious what today's port is that offers another chance to see the Atlantic Coast Road. Enjoy your tour. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for your pictures of Valencia. Could you do me favor tomorrow and repost any pictures of mine from the port of the day? DH has an appointment in Dallas early in the morning, so we will have to leave here by 7 am to allow time to get there and add a fudge factor for traffic, road work, accidents, etc. Oh, and it will be all right if you want to correct any typos you find. 😁 I hope all goes well at the dermatologist today. @Denise T Denise, I'm sorry your blood sugar is high and is not responding to diet, exercise and meds. I hope your doctor has a solution. @aliaschief Bruce, I wonder why I'm not surprised you booked a cruise to fill in the gap between your last cruise and the world cruise. Thanks for the wonderful pictures from Valencia. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm very happy that Lou was able to come come yesterday, and that he had no trouble walking from the car and up the stairs. I'm very happy to hear that the family is taking on some of the chores you have been doing. It sounds like the teenager is becoming a big asset in the house, and I know Tana is proud of him. I hope he enjoys his job as much as he did the day camp as a kid. I also hope Tana can get some relief from the humidity so that life can become a little easier for her. @kazu Jacqui, sorry the pill pockets are not working. Have you thought about a less expensive cut of meat or chicken for Ivan's pills? I hope the vet can get to the bottom of why he improves then crashes when she sees him tomorrow. I hope you get a good report today. @cruising sister Lorraine, positive thoughts for Murphy, her parents and medical team are heading her way for today's surgery. @ger_77 Gerry, I agree that HAL's buttermilk fried chicken was great. I tried making it in the air fryer after finding a recipe in an air fryer cookbook. Even with turning the chicken over halfway through cooking, the bottom side was always mushy. Wet batters and coatings just don't work well in an air fryer. I finally started using my mother's method of putting flour, salt and pepper in a bag, adding the chicken and shaking the bag to coat the chicken. I then lightly spray vegetable oil on the chicken and pop it in the air fryer. I still turn the chicken over halfway through cooking so all sides are nice and crispy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to DH's DD. @marshhawk Annie, I'm sorry you are still in so much pain. I know pain can radiate to different parts of the body, but what you described doesn't sound like a pinched nerve in the elbow. I hope the MRI gives you some good news, and that the PT will help with the pain. I'm also hoping Chuck qualifies for the new chemo drug. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope the hand pain and inflammation go away soon. Lenda
  16. Ann, I hope with your exercises and the PT, your back problems will be solved. Have a safe trip to Bellingham tomorrow. Marcia, I wish we could have done without the a/c for the last month, but with triple digits it isn't possible. Vanessa, I'm glad you are seeing progress with the PT. Ugh! on whoever set the firecracker off near the crowd, I'm sorry so many were injured because someone's stupid action. Paul, that's good news that the treatment helped with the breathing. Lenda
  17. Good afternoon from a hot, 94F, central Texas, where the could are building, but there is only a chance of rain about 7 pm which probably won't happen here. It is typical on summer afternoons in Texas for clouds to build even on non-rainy afternoons. There's not much going on here after two busy days. I'm even taking the easy way out tonight and serving leftovers from last night's dinner. Even with another meal, there will be plenty of brisket for many more meals. Fortunately, there were no loud fireworks near us last night, so we could get a good night's sleep. I am trying to go through as many generations as possible on my maternal grandmother's maternal before my Ancestry membership expires on July 9. To keep it from automatically renewing at the full rate, I canceled my membership this morning. I'll renew when there is another half price sale, and I know I will have plenty of time for six months to work on the family trees. In between, I'll go through what I've found and correct any mistakes, and there will be some from getting information from so many sources. I'll also take the time off to catch up on some chores I've been putting off, unless I can find other excuses to procrastinate further. 😉 Ann, I'm glad Pat is feeling better, but oh no on another emergency room visit. I hope it wasn't anything too serious. I also hope the physical therapy will help relieve your headache. Vanessa, I'm sorry about all the fireworks and also about some crazy guy ringing your door bell so late at night. I hope the PT helps, but be careful out with the air action alert. Karen, it is so nice of you to take flowers to the nurses at the ACU and the two care facilities. They do so much for their patients, and get so much grief from some patients and their families, which they don't deserve. I'm glad you weren't alone all day yesterday, but still got the time to yourself which you wanted. Lenda
  18. Good morning from a mostly sunny central Texas. It's 81F and feels like 88F with 83% humidity and a 75F dew point. I got my walk in early when it was still comfortable and the humidity not really noticeable. Our predicted high is 97F and if correct, we will be in the upper 90s through Saturday. Sunday will see the return of triple digit temperatures for the foreseeable future. That's summer in Texas. Apple turnovers are good, but I don't make them. Besides we still have a lot of cake left from yesterday. I won't scare the neighbors by wearing a bikini today. I've had two piece swimsuits but never a bikini. I won't celebrate work-a-holics day. We have another good quote from Oscar Wilde. I'll take my vegan chili with meat, thank you. Mai Tais are good, especially at the Mai Tai Bar at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel watching the sun set behind Diamondhead. At least they were until I looked up the price today. The are now $20, so I'll wait until we are on a BHB. The wine sounds nice, and the price is much better than recent red wines. We have not been to Vigo. Dixie @summer slope I'm so very sorry you will be saying goodbye to Bailey as she crosses the Rainbow Bridge today. Bless you for doing the right thing for Bailey even when it is so hard on her humans. @smitty34877 Terri, I'm glad Lou has improved enough that he may be coming home today. @kazu Jacqui, I hope all goes well at the dentist today, and that Ivan likes the pill pockets. I hope he is better soon. @Overhead Fred Fred, what a lovely, relaxing place to spend warm summer days. @aliaschief Bruce, I also hope your dental visit goes well. I had a great dentist as my first dentist, but still look on visit to my wonderful dentist now as a necessary evil. @cruising sister Lorraine, I'm sorry the holidays are so difficult for you, but I admire you for not putting pressure on your DS and DDIL. Remember, that while it's not the same, you have your Daily family on all days including holidays. It must be bad in the aunt's apartment in NYC if someone has to see if there is room for her walker between the rows of treasures. Sending positive thoughts for Murphy as she undergoes tests today and surgery tomorrow, and for strength for her parents until Murphy is out of a successful surgery tomorrow. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad that even with your preparations, you did not get any frost. The Summerfest sounds like a lot of work, but a lot of fun. Lenda
  19. Good evening. We were very pleasantly surprised with how the brisket turned out. In spite of all the trials getting it cooked, it was the best one we've ever ooked. A lot had to do with cooking it long and slow, which we'll do in the future, but I hope using only one cooking appliance. Very little of the meat was dry, and a first, it was so tender, we could cut most of it with a fork. The rest of the food and the cake weren't bad either. I just finished watching the Boston Pops and now the foreworks in Boston. In spite of all the fireworks stands around here, including one just down the road, it's been relatively quiet tonight and the past few nights. I hope it stays that way the rest of tonight. Our little town and a community near here both had their fireworks displays last night . Normally, we could have seen one of them from our port. Last night there was a low cloud bank to the north which block our line of sight. Occasionally, I could see flashes of light at the bottom of the clouds. Lenda
  20. Good afternoon from a hot central Texas. It is 96F and mostly sunny. While it's not as hot as last week, it's hot enough to want to be inside. All the preparations for dinner are completed except getting the corn ready to cook. The barbecue sauce is finished, the salad is made and the cake is baked and decorated. Cooking the brisket turned out to be more of a challenge than expected. It started out all right at just after 6 am, and the smoker was putting out a good amount of smoke. I was surprised that when I got back from my walk at 7 there was no smoke, but I though maybe the wood was already finished smoking. I checked the temperature of the brisket every so often, and it was going up. When DH got up, he discovered that the smoker had quit working. We went to Plan B which was to put it on the grill and let it finish cooking. The grill would not light, so we were going to put it in the oven, except it would have to wait since I had a coffee cake about ready to bake. After fiddling with the grill, which had not been used for two years, DH finally got it to light, and the brisket was back cooking. That is it was cooking until sometime between 2 and 3 pm when the grill shut off. I was trying to finish in the kitchen and didn't go out to check, but I would check the internal temperature of the brisket, and it was still going up. Now, the brisket is in the oven, and fingers crossed that it gets done. 🤞 I know this is a first world problem and nothing compared to what some Dailyites are dealing with, but it is still frustrating. Here are my culinary efforts for today. The first is my red, white and blue salad, and the other is my attempt to redo the flag cake from 2020. Gerry, YIKES! on the frost warning. I hope the forecast changes, or if not, that the papyrus can be protected without too much trouble. Roy, thank you for the pictures of the Iowa and the Queen Mary along with the hanger for the Spruce Goose. Roy, it's nice to know where the former BHBs are today. Thank you. I bet your mom was happy to be able to teach her caregiver more about the caregiver's new country. Jake, I hope the weather cooperates, and you get to see the parade. Terri, I'm sorry your cold is not better, but glad the covid test was negative. I also hope you can do the tour of the Atlantic Coast Road again. We really enjoyed it when we did it. Roy, we were in Ketchikan in 2018 on July 4, and enjoyed their 4th of July Parade. It was 82F that day and sunny. It was the only time we've left a ship in Ketchikan in shorts and without a jacket or raincoat. The locals were dying in the heat while they waited for the parade to begin. In 2019, we were on Veendam on July 4 in Europe, and that year they did not do much for the day except US flags on the tables at dinner. The drive from Inuvik to Dawson City and on down to Whitehorse and Skagway is nice. There is a lot of wonderful scenery and history. I'm glad you got to experience it. Lenda
  21. As I mentioned, we had two turnaround days in San Pedro in 2016 went we did a 7 day Mexican Riviera cruise, a 15 day Hawaii cruise and a 10 Sea of Cortez cruise on Ruby Princess. Most of my pictures were taken from the car. We wanted to see as much as possible and still be able to head back to San Pedro before rush hour. Downtown LA and the Parker Center. The iconic Capitol Records building. Sorry about the reflection in the glass in the picture. Griffith Park We saw the observatory but I can't find any pictures of it. Warner Brothers Disney Studios The mouse is everywhere! Setting up for the Oscars Hollywood Walk of Fame Rodeo Drive We made better time than expected getting back to San Pedro, so we drove across the bridge to Long Beach. Queen Mary and the Russian Sub Long Beach skyline from the island where Queen Mary is berthed The main Street in Long Beach Lenda
  22. I hope all the US Dailyites have a great 4th of July. Good morning from a sunny central Texas. It is 79F with a predicted high of 94F. When I got up just before 6am, it was 73F, and I could see the full moon out the front window. By the time I took my walk between 6:30 and 7 this morning. the sun was up and I could not get a good picture. It was cool (that's relative to our highs) and pleasant. We are having smoked brisket for dinner, and that is why I was up before 6 am. It takes 10-12 hours to properly smoke a brisket, and I needed to get it in the smoker as close to 6 am as possible. I had it going shortly after 6. True barbecue is meat smoked or cooked over wood in an enclosed smoker. We use an electric smoker which means we don't have to worry about adding wood or charcoal all day. We will also be having corn-on-the-cob, fruit salad, beans and at DH's request, cake. The cake is out of the oven and in the refrigerator cooling. I'm going to attempt to recreate my flag cake from 2020. I am not a huge fan of country music, but there are some country music songs that I enjoy, especially since they have a good beat and you can understand the words. 😁 I think it was hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk a week or so ago, but we didn't try it. An interesting quote, and thanks to @0106 Tina, I understand it a little better, but I still have to think about it more. We'll skip the meal and the drink today. The wine would be good with the brisket, but not at that price. Actually, beer would probably be better with the brisket, but for some reason in the last few years, beer has not been agreeing with me. We have sailed out of and into Los Angeles (San Pedro) several times, and were there in 1983 on a land trip. In 2016, on Ruby Princess we did b2b2bs and spent the turnaround days driving into LA. I'll post my pictures shortly. The action by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, changed the course of the Colonies. I wonder what it would be like now if we had not won our independence. @cruising sister Lorraine, our condolences to you and your family on the passing of your aunt. I'm glad her passing was peaceful, and I hope the family can find a good and easy solution to where the other aunt will live and the disposal of your aunt's things and apartment. @smitty34877 Terri, that is good news that DH was improved yesterday, but sorry he needed another transfusion. I hope he can come home soon. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I hope the in home PT helps your DH strengthen his legs. @dfish Enjoy your burgers and brats with your DS, DBIL and DB. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm very happy you were able to go into Haugesund, even if it was cold. I hope Jim feels better tomorrow. Thank you for your pictures of a port we have not been to. It looks lovely. @dobiemom Marcia, I'm glad everything for your December cruise is all set. I hope your friend feels better by the time you head for LV. @Heartgrove Jack, the area where you father tried surrounds the Quartzsite area. It went from Yuma north to the area north of Bouse, AZ and west to Chiriaco Summit, CA, near the entrance to Joshua Tree NP. You can still see tank tracks in the desert, and remains of many of the camps in the Bouse area and north of Blythe, CA. There is a small George Patton museum in Chiriaco Summit that is very interesting. There is the Quartzsite alignment in the desert between Bouse and Q that soldiers added to help pilots find Q. It is a very large rock arrow with the word Quartzsite at the point of the arrow. Lenda
  23. Jacqui, no apologies needed. We're all concerned about all the Dailyites, including the four legged ones. It's nice and interesting to know what is going on, and it gives you a chance to vent, and to get ideas, no matter how wild or crazy they are, and to get help. Lenda
  24. Again, I hope your vet can get to the bottom of this. It does seem puzzling. Could he have gotten into something without your knowing it the day before? I know you keep a close eye on him, but if he's anything like our dachshunds, they can be sneaky. BTW, the dosage for Ivan on the Gabapentin is the same as DH got, and I think it's the same for the Tramadol. Lenda
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