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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good afternoon. The laundry is washed, dried, folded and put away. I got my walk in while the wind was really blowing in hopes it would help keep me cooler in the humidity. It worked until the wind slowed, and now that I'm inside for the rest of the day, guess what? It's blowing again. Vanessa, I hope the injections on Friday help with the pain. One thing I keep reminding myself when trying to figure out what to pack, is that I'll probably never see most of these people again. If we're doing b2bs, I pack for the longest segment. Then if there is room in the suitcase, and the weight is still within the allowed limits, I add a few extra things, so I won't be bored with wearing the same thing all the time. I've never mastered the art of packing light. 🤣 I guess I'm the odd ball when it comes to eggs. I like the white cooked and not runny, but I like the yolks runny. DH on the other hand likes his eggs cooked hard with broken yolks. 🥂 🍾 👏 That's great news! Dixie, that is good news about the tumor, but sorry about the lymphoma diagnosis. I hope the aggressive pill is not to hard for her to handle, and that she will have several more good years. Debbie, time to celebrate! Lorraine, that is a cute story about your grandson. Lenda
  2. Good morning from a very windy and cloudy central Texas. It is currently 72F which is slightly above what it was when I work up this morning. It will reach the low 80s later (maybe) and rain is predicted tonight. We got about 1/2 inch of rain on Sunday night. It's a busy day here. I put a load of laundry in and headed to a 8 am appointment with our physician's assistant for my six month check up and to get prescriptions renewed. They also drew blood for the usual tests. When I walked in the door an hour after I left, DH said the washer had just stopped. Later this morning or this afternoon, we'll get the flat tire off the car and put a spare on, then take it up to the neighborhood station to have the new tire put on the wheel. We'll probably need to ask a neighbor to help us get the tire off. While I won't get a chance to hug a newsperson, DH did hug one this morning -- me. I have a degree in journalism and worked on several papers when we were first married. News reporting is a lot different today than it was 50+ years ago. Walk around things day using Graham's @grapau27 definition is a good thing. School librarians are very important. I worked in the school library in junior high school, and my BFF was an elementary school librarian. The Frank Herbert quote is one that makes you think. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I'd like t try the wine, but it is pricey. Sadly, we have not been to Haugesund. @Crazy For Cats I like your version of a double scotch on the rocks. 😀 @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for the pictures of the soccer game and the team. It looks' like they are off to a good start. I'm glad they welcomed Ren to the team. @seagarsmoker Thanks for the pictures of Falmouth. We spent a week at a resort there in 1975, but have only been to Ocho Rios once since then. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad your DH got a good report from the second cardiac specialist. I hope the interview with the private aide goes well, and you can hire her. @marshhawk Annie, sending good thoughts that your PET scan Thursday goes well and it reveals things aren't too bad. @RMLincoln Maureen, I hope the follow-up for the surgery shows the pressure in your DH's eye is greatly reduced. Thanks for the update on your friend's DH. Thanks for the pictures of today's port. @MisterMatthew Welcome to the Fleet/Daily. We hope you will join us again and often. We are really a nice group of people. @summer slope Dixie, I hope you get good news from the vet. @grapau27 Graham, I hope the steroid shot gives you some relief. @aliaschief Thanks for the information about how maple syrup is made. @kochleffel Interesting information, thanks, Paul. @luvteaching Karen, it sounds like your DH is making good if slow progress. I hope the heart test shows the problem was due to the infection and was not permanent. @durangoscots Susan, I'm glad you are doing better, and you sound more like yourself. @Cruising-along Carolyn, I'm sorry your DH tested positive, and I hope it's a mild case. I also hope you don't get Covid. That is good news your kidney tests results are heading in the right direction. We may not be getting the tire fixed today. DH decided he didn't want to deal with it today. Frankly, I'd rather do it on a nicer day. Lenda
  3. Susan, I'm glad you felt like running errands. We have been talking about having to fly to cruises, and I think the problems the past year have almost convinced DH to fly a minimum of two days early instead of the day of. It's just too risky, and the one time we flew three days early, we had fun exploring Honolulu and just taking it easy. Send me the carrots. 🤣 I know about being careful when baking. When DH was in the Army stationed at Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey, I worked for a chemical company that also made margarine and shortening for several grocery chains. Part of the job was to test the various batches by baking cakes and pies. The only time I've ever messed with a cake recipe was to add blueberries to a lemon Bundt cake, and that worked. Otherwise, I don't mess with the recipes. Lenda
  4. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for your nice comments. @dfish Debbie, I've been meaning to say this for some time. Thank you for all the information you give about tweaking recipes. It has given me the courage to change some recipes that either weren't working or needed updating. Last night, I switched my Thai Pork recipe from the slow cooker to the Instant Pot pressure cooker. The slow cooker called for cooking the pork tenderloin 2 to 3 hours, which always made it come out dry. I found a couple of recipes on line for the pressure cooker and used the one that the picture of the finished meat looked the most appetizing as a guide for the timing . That was the best the recipe has ever been. The other recipe was a 1950s recipe that used a lot of butter to brown the ground beef, and the result was very greasy. By getting leaner ground beef and using half the butter, the meal turned out just a tasty, but with very little grease. There are other things I've had the courage to try, so again thank you for letting all of know it's okay to deviate from a recipe. I thought we could use some laughs this afternoon. There are only two, as FB was rather lacking today, and the third was just a little to iffy. Lenda
  5. Good morning again. After looking at the weather forecast this morning, I think spring might finally be here. Our highs will be in the 80s with some 70s for the next ten days, unless the forecast changes -- again! Another sign of spring is one of my iris is preparing to bloom in a few days. While, I tried to have fun at work, there were some days that fun was the furthest thing from my mind. We have some lovely rainbows in Quartzsite, and I have a few pictures to share. I've always thought rainbows were magical even if there was no pot of gold at the end. I don't think I've ever had anything tweed. The Richard Bach quote is very true, and I'm very glad my mission on Earth is not finished. I thing we'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. @richwmn Rich, we had one of the earliest mobile phones. It was a box that mounted on the floor of the van, so it was not truly mobile unless we were in the van. When our van was stolen off our driveway in The Woodlands, it was stripped of just about everything, but they left the phone. 😁 @StLouisCruisers Sandi, the odd building in your pictures is the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. @seagarsmoker Thank you for your comments about the NS and not feeling too crowded even when full. @mamaofami Carol, I'm glad your eye has healed enough that you can now drive. @marshhawk Annie, sending good vibes for a good follow-up visit with the oncologist for your DH. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad you got your flights straightened out today. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope all goes well for your DH at the doctor today, and that your DD and Tana have an easy day at home. @ottahand7 Nancy, that is a nice project for the bank, and it helps your garden club too. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm so glad you met the young Ukrainian family and are able to help them. I, also, doubt I could have made it to the car before the tears came. That little girl has been given a good head start in life by her parents. @TiogaCruiser Sending positive thoughts for successful oral surgery for your father. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I'm glad you are beginning to feel better, but please don't over do and get plenty of rest. @cruising sister Lorraine, I'm glad you made it to Tucson safely. I think the double rainbows were a sign your DH and DS approved of you cruising and getting on with your life. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you are getting the projects done, and you sound like you are in a better place. As usual, I couldn't decide on just one rainbow picture, so you get four pictures. We are lucky to have some very good rainbows in Quartzsite. Occasionally, we even get a double rainbow. This is our cruise related rainbow that was taken at Dittifoss outside Akureyri, Iceland; on August 23, 2017, when we stopped on Prinsendam. Lenda
  6. Now, for the rest of the pictures. These are from 2013 when we did two roundtrips to Quebec City on the Veendam. We were back in Boston for the turnaround day on September 7, 2013. Because a short day, we opted to take a ship tour of Boston. Our first stop was Boston Commons. These pictures are in around the Commons. Paul Revere statue with Park Street Church in the background. Our next stop was Harvard Yard. Our final stop was the Old North Church, Christ Episcopal Church. The first is a common garden with the church in the background. The church is tall and the area around it does not give much room for a photo. I had to take two pictures to get the entire front of the church. The inside of the church A neighborhood street leading to the church. Lenda
  7. Good morning from a sunny, slightly breezy and humid central Texas. We woke up to fog this morning, and it didn't clear until we got back home after running errands and getting a drive-thru breakfast. While it was still 70F out, I took my walk, but with the humidity I only did the shorter loop. Our highs are predicted to reach 93F this afternoon. We have been to Boston several times, and these are my pictures from 2004 on the old Regal Princess. In 2004, on the old Regal Princes, we stopped in Boston twice on a roundtrip from NYC to Montreal. The first day, we took the Ho-Ho around town. We'd planned to go to see the USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) the second time we were there. However, Mother Nature had other ideas, and it poured rain that day, which turned into a sea day. These are a few of my pictures from 2004 and from our sail aways. The area where the Boston Tea Party took place Quincy Market, which we wandered through for a little while. We also visited Faneuil Hall, but I don't have any pictures. The Charlestown Navy Yard This is as close as we came to Old Ironsides. We did tour her sister ship the USS Constellation in Baltimore many, many years ago. A few pictures from our sail aways leaving Boston. Lenda
  8. Laura, I'm so sorry you both tested positive for Covid. I hope you both have very mild cases, and are over them soon. Lenda
  9. For the Dailyites who are wondering if spring will ever arrive, I thought these pictures might give you some hope that spring is moving north, if somewhat slowly. I see these Texas Bluebonnets, the state flower, on my walk every day. But first, the small patch of bluebonnets in our far backyard, which grows a little larger each year. These are in a neighbor's front yard growing around the paving stones. These bluebonnets are in the field across the street and fence from the yard above. A popular spring activity for families is to head for the country and take pictures of their kids sitting in the bluebonnets. There is a big bluebonnet festival in a town about an hour or so from here. We drove up a couple of years ago, but the traffic was so bad, we just headed back home. Now, we enjoy the bluebonnets nearer home. Lenda
  10. I found three pictures taken on our first two visits to the American Cemetery at Omaha Beach that I've not shared before. On our first visit on May 28, 2004, on Noordam III, the visitor's center at the cemetery was still a small building, but this picture says a lot about how the people living near the D-Day beaches feel about the allied soldiers who liberated France beginning June 6, 1944. Our second visit to the area was in 2011 on Prinsendam. We visited the new visitor center at the cemetery and found it very moving. The two displays that say it all are in these pictures. The flags of the Allies in Europe in WWII. This one makes me tear up every time I see it. The tribute to the fallen soldiers. It is just outside the door as you leave to walk to the cemetery. Lenda
  11. Good morning again. It has warmed up to 73F, but unfortunately, we still have clouds, so it's still a gray day. We will definitely celebrate children's book day. My father and my grandmothers read to me often when I was little. My father was an avid reader and instilled a love of reading in me. DH and I read to the DDs every night, and once they were in school, it was books from the library. Mainly, they would bring home Curious George and Dr. Seuss books, and I would read the Dr. Seuss books while DH read the Curious George books. Both DDs still like to read when they have time. Add me to the rare ones who do not like peanut butter. Ramadan is a very important time of reflection for a great many of the world's population. Today's quote by Oscar Wilde is another interesting one, especially if you know the story of The Picture of Dorian Gray. We'll pass on the meal, the drink and the wine. @MISTER 67 Have a great time on your cruise. @GTVCRUISER @StLouisCruisers Sandi, safe travels to your DS today. I hope Ren's new team does well in the tournament. @kochleffel Paul, thank you for the explanations about the Jewish and Muslim calendars. I knew both religions used the lunar calendar, but did not know about the leap month added periodically to the Jewish calendar. @mamaofami Carol, it sounds like celebrating the Seder at the synagogue is a good decision for this year. For us, just having the family together during the Christmas holidays is more important than having then on Christmas Day when that's not possible. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad your Ohio friends are all right and have power after yesterday's storms. @ger_77 Gerry, your story about helping the young Ukrainian couple, and the outpouring of items and money by your friends, helps restore my faith in my fellow human beings. @Vict0riann Ann, how sad about the passenger dying. Our condolences to the family and friends. I hope by now, the ship has been cleared and you get some time on shore at HMC. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm sorry your friend's husband is dying. I hope he has an easy and comfortable passing, and that she can find peace in the good memories of their time together before the cancer battle. @cruising sister Lorraine, I hope your fight from Atlanta to Tucson is on time. I like your attitude about not getting upset. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I'm sorry you are still feeling bad. I hope you are feeling better soon. @GeorgeCharlie I especially liked reading the note left by the WWII soldier apologizing for throwing a grenade into the cellar. @sunviking90 Thank you for your pictures from Cherbourg. We also liked the Umbrellas of Cherbourg. @luvteaching Karen, the news that the blood tests are continuing to move in the right direction and that the PT got your DH to sit up are all good signs. The tele sitter is an interesting addition to his medical team, and I'm glad he is obeying. Lenda
  12. I'll continue the tour of Normandy with a few more pictures. We were there in 2011 and 2016 on the Prinsendam. These pictures are from 2016. We stopped in Arromanches that day. Some of the mulberries still in the harbor. After a stop at the American Cemetery, we drove the Saint Mere Eglise. This was the first time we were able to drive in the town and to stop at the church were one soldier's parachute was caught on the steeple. He was lucky the Germans did not see him. IIRC, some of the towns people cut him down. In 2011, we saw this cart being driven on Omaha Beach. In 2004, after the D-Day ceremony, we drove to Mont Saint Michel. We had time since it was a very late sailing that day. The next day we were in Le Havre. I forgot to mention the security surrounding the D-Day ceremony. We had to park about 10 miles from the cemetery and take a bus to and from the cemetery. Before June 4, 2004, when driving around the area of Omaha Beach and down to the beach, we noticed a missile battery and a field hospital just below the ridge where it was difficult to see from the cemetery. They brought many soldiers from Germany to be in the cemetery on June 4. Lenda
  13. Good morning from a cloudy, windy and cool, 63F, central Texas. Thunderstorms are predicted for this afternoon and early evening. We decided to go get donuts this morning, since we finally tried the local donut shop the other day. Our favorite donuts are Krispy Kreme glazed, especially when they are hot. Our local shop is the only one who comes close to matching KK, which is good since the nearest KK is 60+ miles north of us. Since I'm late this morning, I'll repost my pictures, then go back an finish reading the Daily. We've been to Cherbourg at least four times by 'BHBs. We have always rented a car and toured the Normandy beaches. I thought I had pictures of Cherbourg but didn't find any. In 2004, on b2b2b2b cruises on Noordam III, we were in Cherbourg twice, for a total of three days. Most of the pictures are from the ovenight on June 5 and 6. The ship had passes to the 60th anniversary of D-Day ceremony, and we were lucky to get a couple. While I don't have pictures from the ceremony, which was very crowded, I do have other pictures from the American Cemetery on June 4, 2004. These pictures are of Pointe du Hoc, where the American Rangers scaled the 100 foot cliffs and took our the German emplacements. The first group of pictures of the American Cemetery were taken on June 5, 2004, before the crowds arrived the next day. This was the seating arrangement for the D-Day ceremony with the tv camera platform in the foreground. They had tv monitors placed at intervals on each side of the seating. When we were there a few days earlier, the chairs were not there. Instead, there were risers along each side facing the center aisle. That was changed when the White House said the arrangement was unacceptable. It really didn't matter since we were just a few rows from the back and could not see much of the ceremony. These pictures ere taken on June 6, 2004. Preparing for the 21 gun salute Omaha Beach from the cemetery I have a few more pictures that I will post separately. Lenda
  14. Good afternoon. Our mostly sunny skies are now cloudy, but with the breeze and 72F it's not bad outside. I'll head out for my walk in a few minutes. Bon Voyage, tomorrow! Vanessa, I'm sorry you had a rough night last night, and hope you feel better now. I hope the heat and taking it easy helps with the hemotoma. Fred, I hope you are able to get to FLL on Monday. As I've said before, the snow is beautiful -- from a distance of many miles. 😉 Karen, it's good to know your DH is improving everyday. Charlene, I'm sorry you will have to have surgery. Sending positive thoughts for an easy procedure and a quick recovery. Brenda, thanks for the picture. The Ukrainian Easter eggs are incredible. Paul, I hope the doctor can adjust the BP medicine. Lenda
  15. Sharon, getting the new key has been different over the years. In the past, they would send the key with the letter about disembarkation day and changing cabins. In 2021 on Koningsdam, we waited in our cabin for them to come get our things. After we moved, we needed to go to Guest Services and pick up the knew key cards. This may have been because they were short staffed. Also, we had to ask a few times when they were going to move us, since cleaning the cabins seemed to take priority. If you want to do ashore that day, double check that they will move your things while you are off the ship. Since things seem to be more normal now, the process could have changed, and also different ships can handle moves differently. Lenda
  16. I wish we had seen this before we hit that big pothole last Saturday. Lenda
  17. RABBIT 🐰 RABBIT 🐰 WHITE RABBIT 🐇 Good morning from a mostly sunny and slightly breezy central Texas. It was 48F when I woke up this morning and is now 51F. It should warm to the mid-70s this afternoon, and then repeat the cooling/warming cycle over night. There is an interesting collection of days today. I admire the finished product of those who can do tatting, but I would not have the skill or patience to try tatting. Most of the time I had fun at work, and atheist day gives atheists a day to celebrate. The Anthony Burgess quote is one I need to think about. The chicken tacos look good, but we usually wind up having chicken fajitas with guacamole. We'll pass on the drink, but would like to try the wine if we ever see it in NZ. We have not been to Hammerfest -- yet. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers thank you for your pictures. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the explanation of the days. @StLouisCruisers Sandi and @marshhawk Annie, I hope you remain safe during the storms, and Sandi, I hope the gutter fix works. @richwmn Rich, thanks for the information about Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs founding Apple on April 1, 1976. @Crazy For Cats Jake, a VERY HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY TO AMELIA. She is beautiful even if spoiled. @cruising sister Lorraine, I hope the internet problem is fixed soon. Ours acts up, and every so often, we have to reboot the router. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope your DH gets good news from the consultant soon. @marshhawk Annie, I hope your power remains on, and I hope you make a sale today. @ger_77 Gerry, bless you for getting others to help the young couple get settled. And bless all those who answered the call to help. Lenda
  18. @Sharon in AZ Sharon, we've changed cabins many times. The last few times, including last year, we were told to pack everything except the clothes hanging in the closet. Either the cabin stewards or someone from housekeeping will move your things to the new cabin. We've noticed the process has changed over the past five to eight years. You should get information about changing cabins a day or two before. Lenda
  19. Jane, it seems you got a good report over all today. That is good news. Terri, I hope the installation of the washer goes as smoothly as ours did last week. They were in and out in almost no time, so it really wasn't stressful. Lenda
  20. Mary Kay, I hope you have a great day in Key West. It is a very interesting town. Karen, it's good to read about your DH making more progress. Susan, I'm glad you are doing better, and hope your energy levels improve soon. Roy, it was good to read that you are notching some improvement now. All the stories about the delayed and damaged luggage made me wonder if the gorilla from those old luggage commercials is now working for the luggage forwarding shippers. 🤣 Thanks for sharing your pictures of Robinson Crusoe Island. Jake, glad you could take advantage of the $25 deposit and book another cruise. I think the most we've had booked at once is two. Usually, we book closer to when we want to cruise. Carolyn, I hope your eye feels better soon. Sandi, I also hope the roofers fix the leak. While ours is better, there is still a leak, and we are not ready to have the ceiling torn down to have the leak. We've been to several countries in Africa, and I would also recommend stops in Namibia and South Africa. I think I'd be interested in doing the Grand Africa some day. Lenda
  21. Gerry, that is interesting about someone dropping off more afghans. Nancy, thanks for sharing your pictures. I'm sorry you decided it was better to stay on the tender and had to miss the island. My mother also thought the 24 box of crayons was enough. I think I finally talked her into getting the 48 count box. Welcome to the Fleet/Daily. I hope you'll join our happy group again. When we were in Puerto Vallarta last year on the Koningsdam, we stayed until 9 p.m. but I've never been on a ship that overnighted there. Not good for the ego! Lenda
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