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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Terry, thank you. Yes, we were both very happy with the doctor's report. As I've said before, I admire Tana's attitude and fighting spirit in the face of all her problems. That is good news your PCC got your seat assignments for your flights. Vanessa, there are some camera stores that will buy old photo equipment. They might also be able to give you an idea of their worth. I know your BFF appreciates your helping him go through his DF's things. Bailey is a real cutie. Melisa, thank you for telling us about the crew member who died in a diving accident. Our condolences to the family and to all the crew on the Nieuw Statendam. Thank you. It's always nice when you leave the doctor's office with a good report. Lenda
  2. Terri, I'm sorry Tana has other issues that preclude either a transplant or the new meds. Terri, if it had been me, I'd have appreciated them telling me it was because of an emergency surgery. I guess "for your convenience" is their standard reason. Thank you Graham. Sandi, it was the news we expected and hoped to hear. Debbie, after all that we went through last year, it was good to hear that things are progressing on track. Lenda
  3. Good afternoon from a still very cloudy central Texas. We only got a few sprinkles of rain, but more may be coming, but who knows for sure until it happens. It is 77F and was pleasant when I started my walk because of a slight breeze, but when the breeze died, it was just downright muggy. The three Silverado sage that I was afraid had died because of the drought, heat and then very cold temperatures last year are beginning to put out new, very tiny leaves. Now, I don't have to worry about digging up the plants and plating new ones. DH got a very good report from the surgeon. The bone in his spine is growing nicely to complete the fusion. He now has no restrictions, but it will still take more time tor things to get much better and for the bone to fully fuse. I don't know how the ribs will taste, but they sure smell good while cooking. Karen, that was good news that your DH wanted to talk to you yesterday and that you had a good conversation. Annie, I'm sorry you and DH became ill after eating dinner last night. I hope you are both feeling better, and I hope DH did not have any trouble driving today. Carolyn, I'm glad you also slept better last night. Thank you for the pictures of Saguenay. I would love to go back and spend more time there. Annie, as others have said, the orange party can vary from ship to ship. I have a peachy orange shirt I wear and DH has an orange polo shirt. For 25 years DH wore his tux on formal nights, but about seven years ago, he took his suit, then switched to a blazer, and now wears a collared shirt and nice slacks on dressy night. I have switched to a nice skirt with a nice top for dressy nights. I have two DDs and a DH who like peanut butter, but I have never liked it. I can manage to smell it, but that is as close as I come to ingesting the stuff. 🤣 Mary Kay, you should be able to receive emails and texts, but as others said, be sure to switch your phone to their wifi and not be on cellular at sea or whatever they are calling the ship's "phone" service now days. A word of caution. Even though that service is not supposed to turned on until the ship is a certain number of miles off shore, even seen it turned on as soon as the lines were dropped and the ship pulled away from the dock. Once, that cost us about $50, so we now make sure the phones are off or not on any phone service before we sail. Sharon, thanks for your pictures. What a great picture of your DM. She looks so young . I'm glad you slept better last night. Jacqui, that is great news you are making so much progress with your physical therapy, and it sounds like you have a great therapist. Plus, you are putting in the hard work needed. I know I don't need to tell you to celebrate with a glass (or more) of wine. 😉 🍷 Sorry, there's no emoji of a white wine glass. Brenda, thanks for the pictures from Hawaii. Sandi, I'm sorry your DB was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. I hope he can get help with the new meds and that the can slow it's progress. That's good news your blood tests were normal. Lenda
  4. RABBIT! 🐰 RABBIT! 🐰 WHITE RABBIT! 🐇 Good morning from a very overcast and grey central Texas where it is currently 69F. So far, the weather forecast for rain overnight and into the early morning was typical, since there was no rain. It is now predicted for the time we're heading to the doctor for DH's four month post op check up. So far, after spraying the heavy duty weed killer last Saturday, there is no sign of the weeds dying. I read on line that it could take three applications done two weeks apart. It seems the native invasive grasses and weeds may be immune to weed killers and may even actually thrive with them. I know I call the weed and feed granules we put on the yard "feed the weeds". 🤣 Pigs are an important part of the food chain, but they are not my favorite farm animals. I will definitely celebrate Peace Corps Day, and remember when President Kennedy established the Peace Corps. DH and the rest of the family can celebrate peanut butter lovers' day. I'm not sure I totally agree with today's quote. I think you can also enjoy life in your comfort zone. We'll pass on the meal, although DH can grill a very good pork chop. Tonight, we'll be having Korean beef short ribs cooked in the slow cooker. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have been to Saguenay once when we rented a car and drove there in 2013 when Veendam was in Quebec for three days. DH and I remember taking pictures of the area, but neither of us can find the pictures. We think they were part of the ones that were apparently deleted when an update for my iPad removed all my pictures during the update. We remember Saguenay as a nice, friendly town where not many people spoke English. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad the Benadryl helped you get a good nights sleep. @smitty34877 Terry, you are not alone. I also do not like peanut butter with one exception. I like the peanut butter and cheese crackers you can buy as snacks. I hope today's appointment gives you some idea about what is happening, and that the further tests help the doctors plan a treatment. I'm glad you DD is able to work and help Tana as needed while you are at the doctors. @NextOne I remember Miss Lillian joining the Peace Corps. She was quite a character, and I think that is where Jimmy Carter learned to do all the good works in his post Presidency years. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad your sleep is improving, and the swelling in your foot improves too. @ottahand7 Nancy, enjoy your time cruising the Amazon. It is amazing how wide it gets during the rainy season. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I hope you were able to get back to sleep. I also hope you can tender at Fanning Island. We haven't been there, but have been to Christmas Island several times. @cat shepard Ann, I'm happy that Bindi has settled back down and got to see her favorite mail carrier. @mamaofami Carol, I'm sorry you are having trouble sleeping, had a sciatica attack, and are battling at UTI. I hope everything improves soon. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope this time the partial is fixed for good. The afghan sounds like a great buy. @aliaschief Bruce 🎈 🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRUCE! 🥂 🍾 It's time to go put the short ribs in the slow cooker. Lenda
  5. Melisa, I didn't mean it to be funny, but tapped the wrong reaction on the tablet. It has now been changed to like. Thank you for pointing my error out to me since I hadn't noticed my mistake. I am totally sympathetic to the situation both you and Terri @Cruzin Terri find yourselves dealing with. It could happen to anyone of us. Lenda
  6. Welcome to CC and to the Fleet/Daily. We are a very welcoming and supportive bunch. I hope to see you here often. Melisa, very well said, and much better than I managed. ((((((HUGS)))))) to you too. Lenda
  7. Our afternoon turned out to be longer than expected. After leaving later than expected, it took longer at W-M than expected, but not because of installing a new battery. The battery was borderline, but with only two people working in the shop, it would take awhile to get to us. The things I needed were all over the store, and it took a while to find everything. Hopefully, we can get the battery installed when we are back the county seat tomorrow for DH's 4 month post op check up. We're not expecting surprises. Debbie, the dining room looks so comfortable and ready for some fun meals with your family. Sharon, I hope your tummy issues clear soon, and that you can get some rest. I hope the mammogram and x-ray are normal. Roy, good news that the doctor thought the swelling looked better, and I hope the suggested and prescribed meds help lessen the swelling. Sandi, ouch about so many pokes to find a good vein. We actually left the missing couple at the museum. It was while we were waiting for them that the driver told us what he did with chronically late couple on a multi-day tour. IIRC, by telling the couple one time and the rest of his passengers a later time, everyone arrived at the bus at the correct time. I hope you sleep better tonight. The new airport looks nice. Sorry about the roundabout way to LV. Jane, I'm sorry you have been feeling bad the past month. I'm glad the new medicines are helping, and I hope you continue to feel better. 🤞 that March is a much better month. Don't forget "rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit" in the morning. Terri, I'm so sorry your DH is beginning to have some prolems in addition to dealing with the issues arising from the flood. Sending you our best wishes and positive thoughts as you navigate both these problems. ((((((HUGS))))). Lenda
  8. Karen, I'm glad your DH is continuing to improve and be home Friday. Roy, thanks for your pictures. Nancy, I hope the third time is the charm and you will have the crossing the line ceremony. Edi, I'm glad the chest x-ray was the problem and hope you don't have to have a heart valve replaced. Carolyn, I hope all your doctor appointments have good results. Lenda
  9. @superoma 💞 🌹 HAPPY 53RD ANNIVERSARY! 🥂 🍾 I hope you have many more happy anniversaries. Lenda
  10. Good morning from a sunny, 59F central Texas with no wind, and it will be 84F this afternoon. Yesterday, I noticed that the oak trees that sent so many dead leaves into our port, now have new leaves to torture us next fall. It looks like today, we will be heading to W-M to get a new car battery. This one is 9 years old, and the car still started yesterday, but we don't want to take any chances. For years I was a fill the vase with water and just stick the flowers in type of girl. Then when older DD was in high school, one of her electives was floral arranging. So now, I fill a vase and try to arrange the flowers. We like chili in this house, but I'll wait until Friday, when it's supposed be be a high of 60F. Sleeping in public is proudly celebrated on BHBs, and I've been know to sleep on tour buses, especially after a big lunch or a long day. Most nights, I can sleep soundly while DH is the light sleeper who has trouble getting to sleep. Last year, during the stress of not knowing what was going to happen until DH finally had his surgeries, and then after his surgeries, I was a member of the 3 am club. Since he's been home and improving, that does not happen as often. I like today's quote by J. K. Rowling. The meal sounds nice, but probably not tonight. We'll pass on the drink, but I would like to try the wine if it wasn't a little pricey. We have not been to Lyttelton, New Zealand. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm sorry you are having so much trouble sleeting, @ger_77 Gerry, I hope you DH can get his partial plate fixed easily, and that the teeth stay put after this. @ottahand7 Nancy, thank you for your pictures of Belem. It looks worth taking the long bus ride to see. Oh no about the lost pallet of cookie dough. For me that would be worse than no flowers. 🍪 The Volendam won't cross the equator until after you leave the Amazon and begin heading north, so there is still hope for a crossing ceremony. People who are late or no shows at the end of a tour are being rude to everyone else. Once in Auckland on a tour we picked up in port, the driver left a couple at the museum when they hadn't returned after a reasonable time. He told us that on a multiday tour, one couple was always 30 minutes late. When they were not on the bus, he told the others that the actual time to be on the bus would be 30 minutes later than the publicly stated time. No more waiting on the tardy couple. 😄 @dfish 👏 Yeah on getting your dining room chairs today, Debbie. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I hope your day stays calmer than yesterday. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you hear back from the contractor with a date for the tilers. Enjoy your new tv table in the meantime. @marshhawk Annie, I too would keep the doors locked since someone is breaking into homes and storage rooms even when people are home. Can you get the police to patrol the area more often? @cruising sister Lorraine, have a safe flight this afternoon and enjoy all the distractions LV offers. @kochleffel Paul, I hope your energy returns soon. @JazzyV Vanessa, thank you for your pictures today. Lenda
  11. Joy, the same thing happened to us in 2018 on the Westerdam. It was better than sitting off Kauai in rough seas. There's a lot to see and do in Honolulu. It was part of a transcontinental train trip from Toronto to Vancouver and back. DH broke the trip up with the side trip to Churchill from Winnipeg. Three of them who were there for one day, rented someone's truck to tour Churchiill. Lenda
  12. Welcome to the Daily, and we hope you'll join us often. Thanks for your information and pictures from Churchill. About 30 years ago, DH took the train from Winnipeg to Churchill just before our Thanksgiving to see the polar bears, which he did at the local dump. Welcome to the Daily. How sweet of your grandchildren wanting to see you and give you a hug. And it was nice your son to drive them over. I bet he wanted to give you a hug too. I'm glad the number of unaccounted is down to three, and I hope they are safe. Sandi, I'd been thinking about getting a steam mop for a while. Last week, I saw an article rating the ten best on Amazon. The one I got was number 1, and also the least expensive. We've just begun considering a new washer and dryer. DH said something about getting ones like we have in Quartzsite, but they are 15 years old. I know about what I want. When I first started posting on the Daily, I took notes, but either I couldn't read my writing or remember what I meant. Now, I multiquote, and then, make comments either using the blue bubble or multiquotes. That eliminates going back and forth. I hope the antibiotics help your DH. I'm glad your appointment went well. Lenda
  13. Good afternoon from sunny central Texas. I'm very late today since it was house cleaning day, and it took longer than normal. I ordered a steam mop for our tile floors and it came today. It had been way too long since they were really cleaned, and a lot of "stuff" had collected in the little crevices that give the tile a somewhat textured look. Once I got started using the steam mop, it lead to more cleaning and even redoing some of the floors I'd mopped this morning. The floors look so much brighter, and with continued use of the steam mop, they should look even better as time goes by. I've finally caught up reading the Daily. As others have said, polar bears deserve our help. We were fortunate to see a huge male polar bear, and a momma and her two cubs in the wild when we were scenic cruising around Spitzbergen in 2016. I managed to get a few pictures from the Prinsendam, but the bears were so far away, they look like really fuzzy white blobs on land. Today has been a no brainer day as I don't need to think too much to clean. I guess or 55+ year old toaster is retro. It was a wedding present, and I can't believe it is still working. As I have said before, I am a big reader, so books have been my friends forever. I remember going to the library when I was in elementary school. We'll skip the meal, drink and wine. Unfortunately, we have not been to Andalsnes, Norway. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers thank you for not only starting the Fleet/Daily this morning, but for sharing you pictures of a pretty Norwegian port. I also think two puppies might mean more interruptions for your DSIL at work. I'm glad you slept pretty well last night. @grapau27 Graham, I have enjoyed all your pictures of the Art Deco buildings in Miami. @Mr. Boston I'm very glad your are enjoying your cruise. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time finding a reliable aide for Tana. It is great that her friend will stay with her tomorrow, and hopefully, another day or two. I hope all your DH's appointments go well. @0106 I loved the pictures of the daffodils. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you slept well, but sorry about the 3 am curse. I hope the podiatrist appointment goes well tomorrow. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm sorry about the computer and email problem. I hope you got it fixed, but could Staples offer some advice if you called them? @1ANGELCAT Thank you for your pictures from Longwood Gardens. We visited there several times when we lived in Kemblesville, and always took visiting family there. @superoma Eva, enjoy your visit with your DSIL, and I hope the border crossings aren't a big hassle this time. @cruising sister Lorraine, I hope the cast isn't too itchy. When my grandmother broke her leg, she was not having any problems with itching until my father asked her if it itched. The power of suggestion. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope the contractor can get the tilers there soon. I'm sure you will enjoy your new tv table. @durangoscots Susan, such sad news about all those caught in avalanches and being killed. I'm glad they were able to rescue the one person. No comments on what I think about their choices to be outside the designated areas. @Cruising-along I hope the doctor can help your DH with his cough. It must be quiet around the house with the grand kitties back home with the DGSs. @Sharon in AZ Sharon, cute picture of Blue. @tupper10 I would love to see a launch in person someday. @cruising Katie I'm so sorry you had to help Jerry cross the Rainbow Bridge, but as hard as it is on the humans, it's the right thing to do for our four legged family members. I hope all the good memories with Jerry can give you comfort. For everyone in the path of winter storms bringing snow, sleet, winds, etc., I hope you all stay safe and do not lose power. We are beginning the process of looking for a new washer and drier. Ours are 1999 models and still work, but the washer is making a extremely loud noise when it spins. The sound reminds me of standing on the platform in NYC as a subway train enters the station. I don't think this is the appliance gremlins, but old age. Now, it's time to fold the last load of towels and start dinner. Thank goodness for leftovers that only need heating. Lenda
  14. Thank you, Rich. I thought there should be away to load more than one picture at a time on the computer, but hadn't figured it out after all this time. Again, I learned something on the Daily. On my tablet, it is easy to select multiple pictures. Lenda
  15. Carolyn, I'm sorry your didn't sleep well last night. I hope the doctor's appointments this week go well, and that the lab tests show that things are at least stable. To post multiple pictures in one post, click on choose files and select a picture. It will only let you select one picture at a time as far as I can tell. Repeat the process until all the pictures have been selected below the post. Next place the cursor where you want the first picture then click on the picture. Add a space between pictures and continue until you have all the pictures in the post. A hint is to be sure to have enough space below the pictures so there is room for all the pictures. The extra space can be deleted at the end. I hope this helps and is not too confusing. We were sorry to miss Luxor, and hopefully, we'll make it someday. The Taj Mahal was always on my bucket list, but the first sight was a little disappointing. All the pictures I had seen showed a very white building, but it actually looked a little off white or grey. I found out that was due to the semi-precious stones and other colorful inlays in the marble. We saw the Taj Mahal at sunset one day and sunrise another. I'm glad we went, but I won't be going back. Lenda
  16. I have a few pictures of Safaga that I posted on April 4, 2022. It really does not seem to have much to offer except being the gate way to Luxor and the Valley of the Kings. When we got off the ship, there was no way to get into town except a long, hot, dusty walk. These are a few of the pictures of Safaga we took from the dock and from the Regal Princess. These pictures of Safaga were taken as we entered the Suez Canal after we departed Safaga. The part of town we could see from the ship as we entered the Suez Canal looked nice, but we couldn't see this part from the dock. Lenda
  17. Good morning from a foggy central Texas. When I checked the weather app this morning, it said the humidity was 100%. After I opened the blinds, I understood why. The fog is clearing a little bit, but I'm glad I don't have to drive to Waco in the fog like I did last November. Our high is predicted to be 78F today and tomorrow, and in the upper 70s and lower 80s until Friday. Three days worth celebrating. If @dfish Debbie is too far from anyone who doesn't like pistachios, I'll take them. An interesting quote from Jane Austen. We'll pass on the meal since DH is not a fan of the mac part. We'll also pass on the drink, but I would like to try the wine. We were in Safaga once on the old Regal Princess in 2003. As Sandi @StLouisCruisers said, there is not much to see in Safaga. We got off the ship and walked the dock before returning to the ship. We had to cancel our overnight tour to Luxor due to lingering cases Delhi Belly which makes Montezuma's revenge seem like a walk in the park. The only good thing was we didn't have to be put on IVs or taken to the hospital in Athens like some others who went to the Taj Mahal. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I think your generous idea to donate cat food to the local rescue was very nice. I can't believe they are so short sighted as to refuse any donation. @cat shepard Ann, I loved the dog meme. Those little dachshunds are tenacious. I hope time with his uncle helped your DGH. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad your friends made it home safely after being medically disembarked in Santos, and that the lady who fainted is all right. Thanks for the pictures of the Reistafel. Prinsendam had one for b2b passengers, and I enjoyed it. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you got out to visit your neighbors yesterday, and that you went grocery shopping with your neighbor. I hope the anniversary of your DM's death was not too sad. Maybe wine or really the lack of wine contributed to the potting mess. 🤣 @rafinmd Roy, good to know your are sleeping better. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm sorry you are still not sleeping well. @Cruzin Terri Terry, hopefully after the bathroom is finished, there will not be any more problems. Glad your neighbor could fix the second toilet. I also hope the contractor can get the tilers there soon. @dfish Debbie, it was nice you and your sister visited your former dentist's widow. I agree that the Daily was very important during the pandemic, and it still is to many Dailyites who are not able or comfortable cruising. It's nice to have friends to visit with each day. @richwmn Rich, thank you for making sure we have the Fleet/Daily each day while you are enjoying your cruise. Thank you @rafinmd Roy, @StLouisCruisers Sandi, and @JazzyV for making the Fleet/Daily happen, and also thank you to the F&B department. @grapau27 Graham, I am very happy Sarah seems a lot better and happier now after the injection. I'm also glad the chiropractor is helping her. @smitty34877 Terri, I haven't tried chicken cacciatore in the slow cooker, but have a very good recipe for making it in the pressure cooker. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope you can put the top down on the Spyder and enjoy a drive in the good weather. Lenda
  18. Frankly, I think everything shows dust, especially in this house.🤣 Lenda
  19. Welcome back. I now understand why you were absent for a while. I don't envy you moving and remodeling these last few years. Enjoy your new kitchen. We started out with Whirlpool avocado appliances and kept them for several moves. One house where we knew we'd be there for two years max, we left the coppertone appliances which didn't really go with the avocado refrigerator. However, we changed the panel on the dishwasher which was next to the refrigerator to avocado. By 1985, we switched to almond and had some GE appliances, the built in oven didn't work on all settings even new, so I shunned GE until the house in Quartzsite came with them. These are good appliances, and stainless steel. When we built the Texas house in 1999 we had black appliances, mainly JennAir, until we replaced the refrigerator with the stainless GE. Joy, that is one reason I've never seen at a port. I hope the captain and the Coast Guard can prevail and you get ashore. Tina, thank your for this. My thoughts are if someone finds books offensive, just don't read them. I've read several on the list and enjoyed them. Paul, thank you for your pictures of Aarhus. Good luck with the kitchen remodel. One suggestion about the stainless appliances. Check them out for showing finger prints before you buy. Out stainless GE refrigerator in Quartzsite, a less expensive model, does not show fingerprints, but the GE one in Texas, a upper level model does. Not a deal breaker, but at times it can drive me nuts. Maureen, I'm glad all the family made it to Ft. Lauderdale and are all on board. Have a great cruise. Now, its 50F and not windy, so I'm heading out to spray weed killer on the many, many weeds. Lenda
  20. Thank you, Graham. It is a nice town, and the living history museum was interesting. Lenda
  21. We have been to Aarhus twice, in 2003 on the Rotterdam VI and in 2005 on the Marco Polo. When we were there, the town's name only had one A. 😉 In 2003, we did a tour to The Old Town, Den Gamle By, which is a living museum of life from 1864 to 1974. After the tour, we wandered around town, and got a Danish pastry. In 2005, we just walked around town and got a Danish pastry. While many will get coffee, beer or wine, when we are in a port we usually get a pastry or gelato, and we've been known to get both. 🍦🍩 These pictures were taken at Den Gamle By. In addition to walking around the site, you could go into most buildings, and watch people performing tasks from that time period. The pictures of Aarhus were taken on both cruises. I hope there are not too many almost duplicates. Looking at the town from the Marco Polo The rest were from our meanderings on both cruises. Lenda
  22. Now, I can take my time commenting on the remaining posts. @RMLincoln Maureen, I forgot to add that I'm glad your DH is tolerating the eye drops better. I wonder if the change of scenery could be part of the reason since you may have gotten away from some pollen that was causing the problem. Just a guess. @cruising sister Lorraine, enjoy your visit to Las Vegas. We've had to cancel our bookings several times over the past three years because we were still not comfortable during the worst of the pandemic. Now, our favorite hotel has been sold and the offers we're getting for the other hotels in that group are not nearly as good. The trip sounds like it will be good for you before you tackle the taxes and your DS estate. @superoma Eva, when we replaced our refrigerator several years ago, we got one with the freezer on the bottom because there were no side-by-sides that were big enough to fit the space. I try to arrange the food in the bottom, but that only lasts a few days. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad you have heat and that the furnace was fixed promptly yesterday. Enjoy you new, faster computer. @marshhawk Annie, you were smart to keep busy yesterday after such an emotional morning. Remind Chuck that the vet who wants to cure all the pets said it was time for Neko to cross the Rainbow Bridge. ((((HUGS)))) @HAL Sailer Melissa, I'm glad you are giving yourself a day or two to relax while you recover emotionally from the last six months. @MISTER 67 It was good to see you here again. A belated HAPPY 77TH BIRTHDAY! @ottahand7 Nancy, first thank you for the pictures, especially the one with the rainbow. I'm sorry about the medical emergency, and the diner who's roommate was being tested for Covid. Please wear your masks and stay well. 😷 Our refrigerator is is not a counter depth but it is next to the pantry so from that side it looks like counter depth. On the other side it does stick out from the counter, but it is not a problem. I like the French doors and we have water in ice in the door. I just wish the ice container would hold more ice, and we opted to not get the second ice maker in the freezer since most of the time we need the space and not the extra ice. BTW, ours is a GE. Lenda
  23. Good morning from a still cloudy central Texas. It is about 42F and will reach 55F this afternoon. The good news is that for part of the afternoon the wind will be below 5mph. Maybe I can get the weed killed sprayed on the yard today. 🤞 Starting tomorrow we will have high winds and rain off and on all next week. Well, I accidently hit submit replay instead of the quote posts. I hope I can finish adding everything before this times out. So please forgive any typos I miss as I hurry to finish. We'll not be patenting a pistol today, and you have to be really careful saying tongue twisters. I'll be opening a new bottle of Riesling tonight. The Oscar Wilde quote is true. Thanks to @Horizon chaser 1957 I started cooking mashed potatoes in my instant pot. It really isn't quicker if you add in the time for it to reach pressure, but the cooking time is about six or seven minutes. The big plus for me is that the instant pot does not boil over making a mess on the stove top. Besides butter and milk, I add sour cream and bacon bits to my mashed potatoes, especially when I'm not making gravy. We'll pass on the drink, but would like to try the wine if it wasn't pricey. We have been to Aarhus twice, and I'll find my pictures in a few minutes. @Crazy For Cats Jake, the seminar should be interesting. For us, it was better for DH to wait until he was 70, but for me, 65 was the best time to start collecting social security. It varies depending on one's circumstances. @Lady Hudson Katherine, enjoy your day in Charleston. @Mr. Boston Hope your relatives arrive safely and on time. Enjoy the Champagne. @RMLincoln Maureen, I hope all are safely in Ft. Lauderdale by now. 🎈🛳️ BONVOYAGE AND HAVE A WONDERFUL CRUISE! 🥂 🍾 @aliaschief Bruce, I'm glad the doctor appointment went well, and that your back is better today. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you slept better, and I hope the swelling subsides soon. @1ANGELCAT The food at the fire departments sounds wonderful. Here it's fish fries (catfish) or barbecue. I wish we'd know about these fund raisers when we lived in Kemblesville. I'll stop now and finish the rest in another post before this one times out. Lenda
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