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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Terri, the condo sounds like a much better solution than a hotel. Glad the insurance adjustor made a through inspection of your house. I'm also happy the light cover missed you. Lenda
  2. I know you are relieved. I remember for our last cruise, they told us we could print out test results from the web portal. When we did, they did not have our names on them. We had to go back to Parker to pick up the reports. I guess Murphy's Law is still at work. Lenda
  3. Good afternoon. There's not much going on today, but I did get two things crossed off the to-do list. I just still haven't gotten to the one that I've been putting off for a few months. Maybe tomorrow, but then, maybe not. 🤣 Eva, I hope your DH's cataract surgery was successful and by now, he is safely home. Thank you for the pictures of today's port. That is a cute story about the Queen and the tourists. Ann, hope both tests are negative, but that should not be a problem. Thanks for the pictures of Agios Nikolaos. It looks like a place I'd like to wander around. Lenda
  4. Good morning from central Texas. I have a couple of errands I want to get out of the way early; then, I don't know what will be happening the rest of the day. Always had a few Teddy bears growing up, but none now. I never got into sudoku, but enjoy crossword puzzles. Some people might call me a wierdo, especially since I don't generally follow the latest trends. I like the quote. We'll pass on the meal, although I like sardines. We'll also pass on the drink, but the wine sounds interesting if it's not too pricey. We have been to Crete three times on BHBs, but not to today's port. I hope someone has some pictures to share with us. @dfish Debbier, I glad you're getting help with the painting and decluttering. @jodi58 Our granddog started out as a foster, so who knows what will happen. @kazu Jacqui, I hope all the plans and preparations for Jose's celebration of life are going smoothly and that the weather cooperates. Lenda
  5. Terri, I'm glad you have a calmer place to stay while the housenis repaired. Lenda
  6. No, we didn't attend that ptogram. Our daughter had joined us for the first 11 days and was disembarking that day. We were busy getting her off and to her hotel before we did a full day of touring.
  7. We were also on the APEC cruise,and it was special. This was before the Grand Voyages, but Peter Harris and Hans Derison decided to treat it like the world cruise. Not only were there a lot of pillow gifts, but special dinners for all passengers doing the entire 64 days. A lot of great memories.
  8. Graham, this tribute to the Queenbr brought tears to my eyes. She was always a very regal lady in public as befitted her position as Monarch. However, later in life, in some of the pictures, you could get a glimpse of her personality in her smile. She had a wonderful smile. I was 5 when she became Queen, although I don't remember that. I do remember driving 150 miles to Ft.Worth to my great aunt's to warch the coronation on tv when I was 6. Basically, as far as my being aware, she was the only Monarch I've known. Thank you so much for sharing the montage of pictures with us. Lenda
  9. Graham, I thought about you and Pauline when I read the sad news. Our condolences to both of you on the passing of a remarkable lady, the Queen. Lenda
  10. Good afternoon. There is a lull in the action as far as the yard work is concerned. Right now, I'm waiting for batteries (both for the mower and trimmer and mine) to recharge. After all our rain, the grass is growimg so fast and thick in places, the mower has to work harder, and then the batteries run down faster. It's not too bad outside with the breeze and a fan blowing on me. I have my tablet and my book, so will just enjoy some down time. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you can reach the insurance adjustor and get coverage for a motel or short term rental. @marshhawk I hope your DH has some good results at the pain doctor. @kochleffel Good to know you are feeling better. Have you done a second test? @Heartgrove Jack, glad Sam is adapting to his condition, and I hope the coming cooler weather offers some improvement. @Cruising-along Carolyn, our condolences to you, your family, your DSIL, and his family on the loss of his grandmother. @fieldsofclover Welcome to the Fllet/Daily. I hope you will join our happy group often. @Vict0riann Ann, good to know you upgraded to a balcony. Now, you can enjoy the glaciers without worry. I also thought the Queen would live to 100 or 101. She has had an amazing life. @Sharon in AZ Sharon thank you for the anniversary wishes. Hope the rain holdsnoff and the girls can make it to the cabin. Sadly, I just saw breaking news that the Queen has died. May she Rest in Peace. She will be missed around the world, and the world is a better place because of her presence. Lenda
  11. The news about the Queen is very concerning, especially in light of the fact her family is in Scotland or is heading there, including Prince Harry and his wife. I hope she can recover from this latest set back. The Queen, her family, and the Commonwealth are in my thoughts. I remember going to Ft.Worth to watch the coronation on television. Lenda
  12. Good morning from cental Texas. This morning, I need to trim and mow the yard. I had planned to get out early while I could do a lot of the work in the shade, but according to the weather app the relative humidity is 91%. So it's either work in the humidity or wait an hour or so and work more in the sun. Neither is ideal. Decisions, decisions. Literacy is nery important and should be celebrated every day. Someone can have my date nut bread. The lowly & is often maligned, but it does have its uses. I like today’s quote. Sweet and sour sauce is also good with crab cakes for a change of pace. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds interesting. We have not been to today's port, only to Manila. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the port. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad you gave yourself more time before the pictures of the house are taken. I was wondering how you were going to get the hall painted and the house decluttered in two days. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope Linda was transferred to rehab, and that someone got the dog out of the kennel. Lenda
  13. Good evening. We enjoyed our belated anniversary dinner. The restaurant had more people at 2:40 than normal, but there was still enough room so it wasn't crowded. Gerry, thanks for the update about the capture of the second suspect. It finally made our news a little while ago. I know everyone is relieved. The effects of the smoke in the pictures makes for some very interesting photos. Vanessa, thanks for the information on the new boosters. It is good to know when deciding on which booster to get. Lenda
  14. We also don't get door-to-door delivery. In Texas, we have a cluster box near the front of the community. In Quartzsite, since we own property, we get a free PO Box, but for the past serval years, the PO was a mess. That's why everyone in town was happy when a new Postmaster was appointed. From what I've read on FB, it already looks like things are improving there. Tina, I've read her first book and enjoyed it, but I keep forgetting to look for more of her books. Thanks for the reminder. Lenda
  15. I thought that with all that is going on with the heat, fires, etc., we could use some smiles and maybe even some laughs. I fund thins just going though my FB news feed. They are better that a lot that was posted as serious posts. This is for all the retired teaches on the Daily. This is either for would be drummers or the parents of would be drummers. Naturally, I thought of all our cat lovers when I saw this. I guess this answers the question. It made be thing of National Lampoons "Vacation". If any of our knitters or those who crochet run out of projects, they might consider this. For all the Rolling Stones fana. No explanation needed. For those who are left a BHB in a port in Scotland for a day of touring.
  16. You may already be reading these authors, but I enjoy David Baldacci, Ken Follet, John Grisham, and Jeffery Archer. For some lighter reading, I like cozy mysteries. Lenda
  17. We also still take paper back ups for everything,. Our last cruises were b2b2b2bs out of San Diego. We were told we needed to carry the CDC cards if we left the ship on the turnaround days. There were some places that required proof of vaccinations to enter. While that may have changed in recent months, it is a good idea to be prepared.
  18. Good morning from a partly sunny central Texas. I'm late this morning since we got a few outside chores done before it got hot. It was 71F when we started and 75F when we finished. It was pleasant in the carport, but the sun was already making it warm out of the shade. At least, three things are crossed off the to do list, plus some straightening up in the house. This afternoon, we'll finally go to our favorite Tex-Mex reataurant for our delayed anniversary dinner. We usually go shortly before 3pm to take advantage of the lunch specials, which are the right size for us. A bonus, is this is also the time the place is the least crowded. We like salami, but don't have it often. Our regular letter carrier is good, and with a new Postmaster, I've read the service in Quartzsite is improving. I used to drink beer regularly, but in the last few years, I've lost my taste for it. I always prefer a Pilsner. I like the quote very much. We'll pass on the meal since we are not curry eaters. We'll also pass on the drink and the wine. Late harvest Rieslings are a little sweet for me. We visited the Kennedy Space Center in the mid 1970s on our way home from Disney World., but we have not been to Port Canaveral. @SusieKIslandGirl it looks like your in the right place for one of the days. @marshhawk Ann, I liked the story about Corrie and the autographs. Good luck with the new campaign. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope the the resident teen makes the JV team. @dfish Debbie, you have a busy week ahead. I hope you get the house listed Friday. BTW, since your sister is a neat painter, I guess she can be an honorary member of the messy painters wine group, especially if she provides wine. 😉🍷 @durangoscots Susan, I'm sending positive thoughts that your friends continue to be safe from the fire. I hope you get good news from the cardiologist, and that therenis less stress at the shelter since the work is almost finished. @Vict0riann Ann, I join you and your doctor in thinking "no news is good news". Lenda
  19. Oh, Terri, how awful. I so sorry the damage is so much worse than first thought. Just take it one day at a time and don't do more than you can handle in a day. Debbie, I hope the sellers will be reasonable and that you get the house. It sounds like you will have some work to do on the house. That prompts me to ask is your sister qualified to join the messy painter gang, or is she one of those who can paint a room and come out paint free? Lenda
  20. This is really weird. Looking out the window to the south, south west, I see very dark clouds, but the sun is shinning and it looks pretty clear in all other directions. I know Texas weather is always unusual, but this year has been down right weird. Who knows what will happen next. Debbie, welcome home. Hope you can work out a very good deal on the house your are interested in buying. Looking forward to pictures of the new house when all is settled. Glad you had a good trip and arrived home safely. Linda, it looks like you've really settled into Mobile and are having a good time. Your up coming cruise should be a lot of fun. We always enjoy Alaska. Karen, thanks for the pictures of Glacier Bay. Enjoy ISP tonight. Good you found a place to get the watch battery changed. Ann, you must be very organized. We always pack the day before we leave for a cruise. However, we do try to get everything in one place so it is easy to throw into the suitcase. Good news on the upgrade, and I hope the upgrade fairy visits again. Lenda
  21. This morning I've been fighting procrastination, but not by doing the project I've been putting off for months. Instead, I'm working on all my pictures on the computer, trying to make some look better and not as tilted, and culling some really bad ones and duplicates. This has been an on going project for a couple of years now, and it will probably take at least that long to finish. After a while, it gets tedious and boring, and I think the computer feels the same way. At least, it starts really slowing down when I click to save the changes. 😁 Yikes, two lightning strikes in four weeks! 😱 You might want to take that target off the tree. 🤣 Ann, I think I would have told your neighbor very politely that you are too busy this week to walk the dog, and add, again nicely, you gave her four weeks notice, not the normal two. Please don't let her take advantage of your generous nature and keep roping you in to dog walking because she is too lazy to look for a dog walker and does not want to stay home. That's her problem. I'm sorry half of your friend Margot's cruising group got Covid. I'm afraid as long as people put themselves and their comfort and pleasure ahead of the passengers trying to do the right thing, we'll have more Covid on the ships than necessary. 😷 Gerry, I saw on our news feeds about the one suspect having died. I hope they capture the second suspect, so the victims and their families can have justice, and the rest of the province can relax. Joy, I'm glad Allen is feeling fine. I hope the doctor has some answers for you soon. Susan, I hope your friend and her family are safe from the fire. I also hope there are no more fatalities and that the fire can be contained soon. I enjoyed your story about the teenagers entertaining themselves at the hotel on the Isle of Skye. Carolyn, thanks for the pictures. I hope we can get there someday. Bruce, thanks also for your pictures. It looks like you had a good day to visit the castle. Lenda
  22. Good morning from central Texas. Our weather will be about the same. I definitely need to fight procrastination and tackle a project I've been putting off for months. However, I'd much rather read a book instead of tossing eggs. The Eleanor Roosevelt quote is very true. We'll pass on the meal and the drink.. i'd like the wine if it's not too pricey. We have not been to the Isle of Skye. Thank you , Sandi @StLouisCruisers, for the pictures. This morning, I need to run a couple of errands before the stores get crowded. Lenda
  23. True. We did spend quite a while using the stern thrusters getting off the sandbar. This was in April, and it was dark when we docked. It was at the end of the rainy season and the river level was very high. That was in 2006, so I giess it will remain a mystery. Lenda
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