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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. UT Southwestern uses a screening process with the NP, and it would have been the end of September before we could see a doctor. We'd hoped by going this route, he could get the MRI sooner and then see a doctor sooner.. We just found out the MRI is a week from Monday with the next visit with the NP on the 23rd. This will give them time to get the MRI and review it. This should have been caught last fall when DH saw the neurologist at Baylor, Scott and White in Temple, but he did not think a cat scan was needed. The neurosurgeon in Waco who referred DH to UT Southwestern told us that in his opinion, the shunt and back surgery would help DH, but he was not expecting him to get 100 percent results, after so long. We wouldn't be as far along as we are if our PCP's PA hadn't orfered the cat scan tge doctors failed to order. Lenda
  2. Good afternoon. We survived the drive to Dallas and back on I-35E. It was certainly a lot busier today than on Tuesday. The nurse practioner was pretty through with her questions and exam. After looking at the CT scan from last month and doing some tests, she ordered and MRI. Fortunately, we can have it done closer to home at the same place that did the CT scan. Even though our PCP thought DH's symptoms all matched those of NPH, she wasn't so sure. However, DH did some research on line while I was in W-M on the way home. It turns out, the medical sites have what she was seeing as symptoms. I guess we'll see what they find on the MRI which will give a more detailed view of the brain. DH has a follow up with the nurse practioner on August 23, a Tuesday. For now, we are still in the wait and see mode. @Tbay πŸŽ‚ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU AND YOUR DGD! 🎈 Sorry your DH has tested positive and I hope he feels better soon. Also, hope your DGS feels better soon too. @JazzyV 😱 Yikes, Vanessa that the Covid levels in your area are now high. Glad you are masking and taking precautions. Everyone at the clinic, including the people at the valet parking, were masked, and all patients were required to mask. @cruzn single Mary Kay, I'm sorry your lung problems have progressed and become pulmonary fibrosis, but it is good it has not changed in the past year. Stay healthy and active. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad you arrived safely at your DD;s. I agree that drivers are getting crazier and crazier. @NextOne It's good you tried again. Persistence can pay off. Whatever, you and your DS decided, enjoy the planning and the cruise. Lenda
  3. Terry, that's good news that almost all of you tested negative. I wish Tana was in the negative group and hope she feels better soon. @cunnorl πŸ₯‚ 🍾 HAPPY 44TH ANNIVERSARY! 🌹 β™₯️ Lenda
  4. Ann, my guess is your very smart, agile creature is a racoon. Lenda
  5. In 2011, we were in Bordeaux for a full day without an overnight. This allowed us to take a tour to Cognac and to Hennessey. Before the pictures of Cognac, here is one more of the pilot being lifted off the Prinsendam. He had a harness that went under his arms. He did not hold onto the harness, but kept his arms straigt. Our tour to Cognac took us to the Hennessey Distillery. The bus dropped us off at the visitor center where we boarded a boat to take us across the river to the distillery. We then went back to the visitor center for a tasting where DH got my sample. Follwing that we had lunch at this restaurant, and as the name says, we had chicken. After lunch, we had some free time to wander around Cognac. We found the flower market, which was basically closed by the time we got there. On the way back to Bordeaux, we crossed the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, where a monument to the pilgrims had been erected in the roundabout.
  6. A very early good morning from a breezy central Texas. The sun is not even up yet. We will be leaving for Dallas and DH's appointment about 8:30. On our dry run Tuesday, it took us about 1 1/2 hours, but since we have to be there by 11 am, we are planning on allowing extra time since there was construction on I-35E and it is Friday. I used to like beer on hot days, but in the last few years, I've lost my taste for beer. Underwear is good and clean underwear is better. I like fried oysters and oysters Rockefeller, but not raw oysters. The quote is interesting. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I'm would like to taste the wine, but I would not pay that much for it. @kazu Jacqui, I hope today is a better day for you. Celebrate how far Shadow has come since she arrived at your loving home. @StLouisCruisers Safe travels today, Sandi. We have been to Bordeaux three times on the Prinsendam, and we docked in Bordeaux. We have only sailed by Le Verdon entering and leaving the river. This is what I posted on July 11, 2021. We have been lucky enough to visit Bordeaux three times on the Prinsendam, in 2011, 2016 and 2017. In 2011, we were there for a full day and took a tour to Cognac. We did get a few pictures of Bordeaux after the tour. In 2016 and 2017, because of the tides, we arrived mid-day and sailed mid-day the next day. On those visits, we toured the town on our own walking and taking the tram. Place de la Bourse with and without the mist both daytime and evening. The wine museum, Maison du Vin de Bordeaux The remnants of the German sub pens The Basilica of St. Michael The Sunday market next to the basilica. They had just about everything you could want. Various street scenes from our three visits The Prinsendam sailing toward her next port in 2017 In 2011, the Prinsendam reached the pilot station early the morning after leaving Bordeaux. Because the station is so far from where the pilots board and disembark the ships, it is done by helicopter. Lenda
  7. Good afternoon. The house is clean, the motorhome is ready for DD and DSIL Saturday, and the last load of towels is about ready to come out of the dryer. Not a bad day's work, and it will be leftovers tonight for supper. @StLouisCruisers Safe travels tomorrow and have a good visit with the faily, Sandi. @cat shepard Ann, thanks for the info on the wine. It sounds lovely, but the price. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I'm sorry about yur plants, but in this heat, I'm not surprised. That's why be have only drought tolerant plants here. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad everyone except Tana is feeling better and that you are back in the kitchen. I wish this isn't so hard on Tana, and that the nurse can help her. It's good the resident teen is back to being a teen. @bennybear Thanks for the pictures of today's port. @durangoscots Susan, glad the leak is fixed. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm glad you got a good night's sleep. @HAL Sailer So glad you enjoyed your vacation respite and that DH got to spend time with his son. Hope the confusion is from the traveling and it is better soon. @cruzn single Mary Kay, I hope the doctor's appointment went well. And I hope there is not flooding. @Vict0riann Welcome home Ann and Pat. Glad you luggage stayed with you. Ann, I hope your legs and feet are better soon. @AncientWanderer Maxine, hope the little one arrives soon and that mother and baby are healthy. @Horizon chaser 1957 Laura, also don't get downwind of a skunk in a spraying match. 🀣 @Cruising Terri Terri, that's good news you made it home safely. Sorry you may need a knee replacement, but glad the hand might not need surgery. Best wishes for a good visit to Mayo next week.
  8. A very early good morning from central Texas. This will be a quick post before I start cleaning the house and giving the motorhome a quick once-over since it's our guest bedroom, it was thoroughly cleaned when we got back from Arizona, but I also need to straighten up somethings we've just dimped in there. I"ll celebrate Chinese Valentine's/Daughters day since I celebrate my DDs everyday. We enjoy chocolate chip cookies πŸͺ, but it's too hot here to bake anything. A salute to the Coast Gaurds of the world and the amazing job they do. An interesting quote today. It made me thing of the old saying that a lady only has her name in the newspaper two times -- when she marries and when she dies. I will check out the recipes. We're looking for a good way to cook steaks inside. It's too hot to cook them outside on the infrared grill in our very hot weather. We'll pass on the drink, but might like the wine. When I looked at Google maps, I realized that we've been to Otaru in 2000 on the old Regal Princess. It was our port for Sapporo. Unfortunately, that was before I had a digital camera. DH might have some digital pictures on his computer. @cat shepard Ann, I understood the meme, but still need a little more info about the wine before deciding whether or not to give it a try. 🀣 πŸ˜‰ @dfish Debbie, a step in the right direction that HAL is now looking for a suitcase. Good that you and Sue are still testing negative, and I hope Donna is better soon. @Heartgrove Liked the picture. @aliaschief Thanks for more pictures from Scotland. Hope the seas are smooth for your ferry ride. @Rowsby Sue, even though they are bigger, I recommend an air fryer with racks not a basket even for one person. They make it easier to cook several different things at one time. Last night, I cooked salmon, aspargus and sweet potato fries at the same time. I won't mention my brand and model since they no longer sell that one I have, but there are many very similar ones. It took me awhle to find the one I wanted and for the way I cook. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, how nice that channel 7 recognized the Tiger's win. Lenda
  9. πŸŽ‚ 🎈HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JANE! πŸ₯‚ 🍾 Lenda
  10. Glad you got good reports from the dermatologist. When my father asked his doctor about a place on his ear, the reply was, "Process aging." It's now working on me, but I try to ignore it as much as possible and hide the results if possible. Lenda
  11. Thanks for the pictures of today's port. It's another Japanese port I wouldn't mind visiting. Terri, I'm glad you made it safely, but sorry you had to fight the rain. They say great minds thing alike! πŸ˜‰ Lenda
  12. Sure, I can give it a try. Just try reading it more slowly. 🀣 Lenda
  13. Good afternoon. It's been a busy on the Fleet/Daily. I hope I have not forgotten anyone or anything. On my grocery run, I wound up having to go to both stores since the good deal I was looking for had been printed in the store flyer by mistake. The actual price was almost twice the flyer price. 😬 By going to the other store, I found the same thing for only 25 cents more than the incorrect price. At least, I got out and back before it got hot as usual. @aliaschief Thank you for today's pictures. We noticed the different colored strips on the sheep the last time we were in Scotland. We were told that each farmer spray painted the back of his sheep a different color or combination of colors. The sheep are great escape artists, and will join other flocks when they get loose. The paint is the best way to prove that the extra sheep in the flock is yours. @RedneckBob Welcome to the Fleet/Daily Report. I've also enjoyed your posts over the years. If you want to save time in responding to all the welcoming posts, you can either multi-quote by clicking on the + in the quote box of each post you want to quote. When you are ready to post, there will be a box to the lower right of the quote box, and it will show how many posts you're responding to. Just click on that box, and the quotes will appear in the quote box. The other way is what we call the blue bubble. Your get that by typing the @ sign, and then the CC user name. There will be a drop box under what you typed with the user name or a list of names. Just click on the name, and the blue bubble will appear -- that is if things are working correctly. Sometimes, CC gets ornery. πŸ˜‰ @Overhead Fred Safe travels tomorrow, and enjoy your time at the cottage. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry Tana and your DH are still having such bad symptoms. I hope they improve quickly and feel better soon. I'm glad the rest of the family is slowly improving. Hope it turns into improving quickly. @1ANGELCAT I'm glad you finally have a plan for the hand pain. I hope this fixes things, and you don't need surgery later. @Mtn2Sea Hopefully, by now you are on the ship and ready to have an amazing cruise. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm glad the hand is better, and I hope it keeps improving. Glad yo got the computer updated. I always say that computers are great -- when they work. 🀣 I hope the Benadryl helps again this week. Enjoy you dinner with your BFF, and not having to cook tonight will be an added benefit. @Sharon in AZ Sharon, we have done TA''s in both directions, and each has it's advantages and disadvantages.. Going west to east, you will lose five to six hours over the course of the cruise, but you will arrive rested and not jet lagged. Coming back, east to west, you will gain the hours back and arrive home rested from the cruise. I know I didn't exactly answer the question as to winch is better, but that's up to the individual. Lenda
  14. Good morning from central Texas. Not much planned today except a quick grocery run and catching up on some computer work. There are a few things I need since older DD and DSIL are coming for the weekend. Since DH has an appointment in Dallas Friday, I'll need to clean house tomorrow which means I have to go to the store today. The nuts I'll grab today will be almonds in my daily ration of dark chocolate since we don't keep nuts in the house. The floors will be cleaned tomorrow. I too had to look up Cloves Syndrome. An interesting quote today, and I try to be myself everyday. The meal and wine sound good, but will pass on the drink. Sakaiminato is another Japanese port we have not visited. @Cruzin Terri Terri, safe travels today and hope the appointment goes well tomorrow. @kazu Jacqui, it sounds like Shadow is making progress, and learning what she should be doing, even with some steps back. Thanks for the pictures of her, and for the memes. @dfish Welcome back to the Food and Beverage Department. I'm sorry Donna has tested positive, and I hope it is a mild case and she recovers quickly. I also hope that you and Sue stay negative. @1ANGELCAT Good luck at the hand specialist today, and that you get the answers you need. Lenda
  15. Actually, DH is a mechanical engineer with an emphasis on HVAC. The job at GD was a summer job before his final year at UT. He took flying lessons while he was in college, too. Between everything, engineering, flying and computers, you probably could have had some interesting conversations that were above the pay grade for the rest of us. Lenda
  16. Good afternoon. We decided to drive to Dallas to be sure we knew how to get to the correct building in the large UT Southwestern Medical Center complex, and to see how long it takes. I'm glad we made the effort because a glitch in the GPS directions had us turn two driveways too soon. It didn't take that long to find the correct driveway thanks to a nice security guard, but it would have been nerve wracking if it had happened Friday. After we left the clinic, we drove through downtown Dallas and took I-30 to Ft. Worth and our nearest Total Wine store. We got what we needed, and I got eight more bottles of my favorite Riesling after seeing a sign saying 15% off if you buy six bottles or more. Well, I didn't read the fine print that bottles whose price ends in 7 are excluded. Yep, the wine price ended in 7, but at least I didn't pay any more than I would have at the local grocery store. We took a few backroads home and saw some areas between here and Ft. Worth that we'd never seen. Boy is the grass in the countryside brown and dry. We need rain desperately, and hopefully there won't be many more grass fires before we finally get some rain -- some day. Also, there was very light traffic today, and we've noticed this on Tuesdays before. Years ago, we'd get ice cream sandwiches often and enjoyed them. The last few I've had, it seemed they used inferior ice cream, and they were not as good as in the past. Maybe it was the brand. We also have a tens unit, which DH uses on occasion. It is easy for him or for me to place the pads, depending upon where he needs them. We've taken the unit with us on cruises too. Thanks for the information. I hope this means they can find the money to keep the two R class ships in the fleet and in good condition. I hope the problem with the elbow is not serious. If it's just a bone spur, many times they can shave it down arthroscopically with minimal cutting. Hopefully, they won't even need that. I imagine that DH remembers the ink-on-mylar method. The summer before we were marred, he worked at GD in Ft. Worth on the leading wing edge of the F-111. First, Jacqui, you needed to make the decision for you not for your friends, and once it was made, they should have supported your decision. You are the only one who knows what is best for you. Debbie, @dfish, said it best, and like the rest, I'm glad you have something to look forward to each day, and that you will have a loving companion. Another indication you made the right decision is the progress you've already made with Shadow, in addition to saving her life. Please, as we've all said before, don't hesitate to vent when needed, and you're not seeking attention. It is a lot worse to hold things in than to vent. Ann, the brownouts are bad, but no water is worse. I hope they (or the lone worker) gets the water main fixed soon. Bruce, thanks for the pictures. It was good your guide could adapt so readily, but I bet that's not the first hiccup he's had on a tour. That is good news that you could get your FCC extended to cover your cruise next year. That's good news about the appointment with the hand surgeon. I hope you can get in earlier, and that Mayo Clinic will work with you on scheduling the surgeries. Lenda
  17. Good morning from sunny and breezy central Texas. National Night Out is not really celebrated in our small community. DH used CAD in his work when modeling the steam systems of various refineries, paper mills, etc. It's been years since we had an icec ream sandwich. Another good quote from Mark Twain. We'll pas on the meal, drink and wine today. We were in Horta in 2002 on Noordam III during a TZ from Tampa. @Rowsby Glad you could still get the condo after changing you mind about Hawaii. I know you'll have a great and safe time there. @dfish Debbie, I hope they find Sue's suitcase soon. Ouch about Donna's feet after having to walk at the airport. @kazu Jacqui, it'd good to know that Shadow (Little) is learning some commands. Thanks for the flower pictures and the picture of Shadow. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad all are beginning to feel better, and especially that Tana and your DH are less congested. This is what I posted about our visit to Horta on August 27, 2021. We have been to Horta once in 2002 on the Noordam III. I don't think too many ships had called there before. We just walked around town. I hope there is only one picture that is a repeat of those @StLouisCruisers Sandy posted. Lenda
  18. Mary Kay, I'm glad your sister is doing well and that her doctor thought you both did everything right the first week. It's good she is managing by herself. I'm sorry you had to cancel your TA on the Rotterdam. We all have to make the hard decisions about what is best for us. Lenda
  19. Terry, you have some very wonderful and caring neighbors. I'm very glad they are looking out for all of you. Rest and get well soon. Sandi, that is really good news that your PA did a thorough exam and has a plan to help heal your leg. Enjoy your visit with your family and safe travels. Gald you both tested negative. Enjoy your cruise. Ann, good for you gerring part of your life back. Thanks for sharing the email with us. Lenda
  20. Welcome home. Hope the missing suitcase turns up soon. Enjoy your last sea day. Safe travels home. Hope the flights and luggage are all in sync and there are no delays. Lenda
  21. Terry, I hope you all feel better soon. Is there someone who can come in and help you and/or bring you meals? Below is my recipe for Chicken Parmigiana cooked in the air fryer. For the sauce, I either use one similar to the one @0106 Tina found, or leftover spaghetti sauce if there is not enough for another meal of spaghetti. I also use a oil mister or sprayer to spray the oil on the chicken, and it only needs a thin coat of oil.. If possible, I use thin sliced chicken breasts, which our grocery usually carries. Also, you don't need to put a lot of flour on the chicken. If I don't have fresh basil, I will sprinkle dried basil on the sauce before adding the cheese. CHICKEN PARMESAN 2-4 c bread crumbs ΒΌ c chopped basil grated Parmesan cheese 2 T flour olive oil Β½ c tomato puree mozzarella chicken breasts salt and pepper 2 eggs Place chicken breasts between two sheets of heavy plastic (resealable freezer bags work) on a solid, level surface. Firmly pound chicken to a thickness of Β½ inch. Or with the knife blade parallel to the cutting board, slice the breasts in half horizontally. Season chicken thoroughly with salt and pepper. Beat eggs in a shallow bowl and set aside. Mix bread crumbs and Β½ cup Parmesan cheese in a separate bowl and set aside. Place flour in a sifter or strainer, sprinkle over chicken breasts, evenly coating both sides. Dip flour coated chicken breasts in beaten eggs, then place in breadcrumb mixture, pressing the crumbs into both sides. Place chicken on a crisper tray sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Spray the tops of the chicken with oil. Set the temperature to 350oF and the time to 8 minutes. When finished, turn chicken over, and spray with oil, then top with sauce, basil and cheese. Return to air fryer and, set the temperature to 350oF and the time to 7 minutes. Cook until the cheese is browned and bubbly and the chicken breasts are no longer pink in the center, approximately 15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the chicken. The internal temperature should be at least 165oF. Lenda
  22. Thank you, Graham, for your good wishes for DH. This appointment is an evaluation with the PA as i said. We figure, she will determine which doctor would be best for DH. It will be the beginning of a long process, with tests and trial treatements before they can put in a shunt, which is the best solution for NPH. A lot depends on how soon we can see the doctor. I hope it's this month, but it will probably be sometime in September. 🀞 Specialists are booked so far in advance now. I'm glad that it is back on yesterday's Daily. I just checked and it's the second post! Ann, thanks for the heads up. I wondered if she was responsible, but didn't want to mention it on here. I did mention it to DH. Just very happy that it has been reviewed and resolved. Lenda
  23. Good afternoon from central Texas -- where at 1:15pm it is a cool 94F, with a slight breeze. This morning, I was in a hurry to get the first load of laundry in the washer and get to the store, that I forgot to say Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit before I said good morning to DH. Finger's crossed 🀞 that I didn't jinx August. So far, it doesn't look like I jinxed anything since DH receiver a call from the Dallas hospital and now has an appointment with the Physician's Assistant for an evaluation at 11 am Friday. It's a good thing DH gave them my cell phone number because they still could not reach him on his phone. When we did the online check-in, which took an hour it was that complete, I discovered they had the wrong number for DH. @rafinmd Roy, I think you can take DH off the care list since we're now definitely in their system. Friday's appointment will begin the process to take care of the NPH. It looks like it's been a busy morning on the Fleet/Daily with a lot of posts taken down. I'll try to be careful what I say. For the record, I had no problem with Father David's sermons and know many enjoyed them and found comfort. If you didn't want to watch, you could just scroll by. I also agree with others that if it was a Dailyite, which I very seriously doubt, who complained, I wish he or she had "talked" to us first. The most likely scenario, as others have mentioned, is that a lurker either took offense or wanted to be mean. Now, back to our regular Daily programming. I have two girlfriends that I've know most of my life, one since we were 18 months old. While we don't talk or see each other often, we always pick up where we left off. The other I've known since at least the first grade, if not before, and she's my nextdoor neighbor. We don't always agree, but we're there for each other. I've never learned to play Mahjong, but @Seasick Sailor Joy, will be celebrating today. I've climbed a few small mountains, most really tall hills, but found that is not really my thing. I prefer walks and hikes on level or almost level ground. Like all Mahatma Gandhi's quotes, this quote is very true. We'll take the meal and the wine, but pass on the drink. I have been making chicken parmigiana in the air fryer for a couple of years now. My recipe, which I'll share in a minute, is similar to the one @0106 Tina found. Mine combines two of the steps, which lessens the cooking time. We have not been to Gaspe, so thank you @Cruising-along for your pictures. It's been on the bucket list for quite a while. @marshhawk Ann, I'm glad you finally decided to quit the dog walking job. A month is a generous time for giving notice, and most people give two weeks. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad Liz came by and worked with Shadow, plus giving you some good tips. After what you gave as the reasons they are trying to rescue the dogs, I can definitely understand Shadow's trust issues. Hopefully they will lessen with time and patience. If anyone can help her, you with Liz's help can do it. Loved the flower pictures. BTW, 🎈 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHADOW! πŸ– @Paw13 Pauline, we can finally officially welcome you to the Daily. Through, @grapau27 Graham, you have been a part of this group for a while. @grapau27 Graham, I like the new avatar. It's hard to tell, but ours was taken on the Great Wall 20 years ago on a stop on Volendam's 60 day APEC cruise. @HAL4NOW Thank you for the pictures of Mt. Beckler. @ottahand7 I liked the pictures of the loons. Thank you. @aliaschief Bruce, again, thank you for more pictures of Scotland. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad Ren is doing better and never tested negative. It's good he could to to the soccer camp, but I hope he doesn't have trouble with his leg. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry the steroid shot is not working as well this time. DH found the shots effect lessened over several years. The dryer just dinged, bot I better go fold clothes. Lenda
  24. My father introduced me to the Cat Who series many, many, many years ago; so I've read all for them. Abd I introduced older DD to them. For Alaska cruises, two authors whose books are set in Alaska are Sue Henry and Dana Stabenow. Both have two series of books. Unless the excursion has changed, the White Pass and Yukon train out of Skagway stops short of the Canandian border. It is a great excursion with great scenery. Lenda
  25. Debbie, I'm sorry about your sister's lost bag. That's not the way you want a great cruise to end. I hope they find the bag and get it to her soon. I hope someone did not pick it up by mistake, and if they did, I hope they will return it to her asap. It was good that the rest of the disembarkation and the security at the airport worked so well. Safe travels the rest of the way home. Maxine, what a great idea to get the family together to celebrate Pocket's first birthday, so they could all be together before the next little one arrives and school resumes. It seems families are busier than we were when our kids were little. Looking forward to pictures of the little one if you are able to share pictures with us. Lenda
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