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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good morning from central Texas. I'm going to stop the weather report since it is the same everyday. Another interesting collection of days to celebrate. Like Sandi, @StLouisCruisers, I like the harmonizing of a barber shop quartet, but in small doses. I try not to live in a fool's paradise, and definitely not right now. I'm not much of a geek, but do appreciate them to handle the technical issues. The Mahatma Gandhi quote is very true. While the sorbetes look and sound good, I'll pass today. Tonight will be an easy and lighter meal than yesterday. We'll be having hamburgers cooked in the George Foreman and French fires cooked in the air fryer. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you are enjoying your relaxing time on Cape Cod. @grapau27 Graham, I'm glad that Sarah is feeling better, and hope she is over this horrible virus soon and with no lasting effects. @dfish Debbie, safe travels tomorrow. @cat shepard Ann, another great meme today. @Vict0riann Ann, sending positive thoughts for a negative test for both of you. Also, sending positive thoughts for an easy time at Heathrow and for safe and on time flights. @kazu Jacqui, I'm really enjoying your flowers. It's too hot and dry here this year for any flowers. All my plants, what few I have, are drought tolerant. @durangoscots Susan, that is impressive the ER saw you quickly and has called twice. @Cruising-along Carolyn, that's a cute picture of the kids. Glad you found someone with a lower estimate. We have been to Monte Carlo eight times, and all but one were on BHBs. Our first time there was in 2001 on Golden Princess' inaugural TA. In 2002 and 2004 on Noordam III we made three stops there. We were also in MC in 2008 on Prinsendam and three stops in 2019 on Veendam. Many times, we took the train to Cannes or Nice, and once to Genoa. In 2019, we stayed in Monte Carlo, taking the city bus the first time and the Ho-Ho the second. By the third stope there, we just stayed on the ship and relaxed. There is a "new" dock in Monte Carlo that can accommodate one small ship. In 2019, we docked there twice and Oceania was there one time. Before that, we always tendered in Monaco, with the exception of the time in 2004 Captain John Scott moved the Noordam to Ville France during the day because the seas were too rough. Imagine our surprise and the train from Genoa rounded a curve and we could see the harbor but no ship. They had a bus to take us to the Ville France. These pictures are a compilation from all our visits to Monte Carlo. The casino from the ship and the front of the casino looking across the circle in front of it. In 2001, there was a fountain in the circle. Near the fountain and behind me when I took this picture, there is a nice, tranquil park. I didn't discover the park until 2019. There were several topiaries with metal additions like this one. A local enjoying the park. A view of the harbor outside the train station which is in the upper part of Monte Carlo The Palace Another building near the Palace In 2019, we got a free ride on this self driving vehicle, which was a work in progress with a lot of jerky starts and stops. There was someone with an tablet who control the vehicle, which seemed to be most of the time. Preparations for the 2004 Grand Prix A statue honoring the drivers in the Grand Prix The new pier viewed from the Veendam. My version of the fleet report with former BHBs. Veendam at the pier in 2019 and at anchor in 2019 Finally, the Prinsendam at anchor in 2008 Lenda
  2. Yes, the heat will end, or at least it should, but the question is when. It started a lot earlier this year and has been hotter than in normal years. But then, the weather patterns have not really been normal for several years. We'll just have to ride it out and hope it ends in early fall. Lenda
  3. That is good news all around. I'm glad the airline gods were in a good mood today. Lenda
  4. Sandi, that is good news that your DH's spot was pre-cancerous. Hopefully, all he will need is a cream. I hope Sarah feels better very soon. Lenda
  5. We will move down the highway from Whitehorse to Carcross. To reach Whitehorse from Skagway, you take Highway 2, Klondike Highway, which goes to Carcross. From there you can follow the highway to Carcross Junction and take Highway 1, Alaskan Highway into Whitehorse. The other way, is to take Highway 8 from Carcross to Jakes Corner and join the Alaskan Highway there. If you chose the to go through Jake's Corner, you will cross the Yukon on this bridge. Another picture of the Carcross Desert. You might want to find another table for your picnic. One of the older buildings in Carcross The train station, which is now a souvenir shop. The old railroad bridge If your looking for a place to live and don't mind a fixer-upper, there are older places on the other side of the railroad bridge. Since our first visit to Carcross in 1992, the town has evolved and become a tourist spot, with more shopping and eating places being added. Also an old steam engine has been restored. The D Chess in 2008 and in 2010. The newest shopping area as of 2017, the last time we were there. In 2017, we were camped in Whitehouse, and decided on a warm sunny day to drive to Skagway. When we got there, it was cloudy, cold and there was a bitter wind blowing off the Lynn Canal.. There were very few people on the streets. I think most passengers from the Volendam, were in the stores or restaurants, on tour and back on the ship. After getting a pizza at the Red Onion Saloon, we headed back to Whitehouse. Once we were in Carcross the weather turned warm and sunny again. One the way back to the motorhome, we decided to take advantage of the good weather and visit Miles Canyon. That's when we realized what a small world it really is, as we ran into a friend who was the Event Manager on the ship, and who along with her sister and one of the entertainers had driven up for the day. Lenda
  6. I just finished going through my pictures from Whitehorse and Carcross, an found a few more. They were taken on motorhome trips in 2008, 2011, and 2019, and on a cruise on Amsterdam in 2010 when, guess what, we rented a car and drove to Whitehouse and Carcross.. All our other trips and cruises to Whitehorse were pre-digital. Unfortunately, my pictures of downtown Whitehorse are all pre-digital. I'll start with pictures of Whitehouse and the Yukon River at Miles Canyon upstream from Whitehouse. The pictures of Carcross will be in another post as soon as I get the chicken cooking. We'll start with the Yukon River and an overview of Miles Canyon and you can see the bridge that spans the river. The view from the bridge looking upstream and downstream The bridge. In 1992, our dachshund Brandy did not want to walk across the bridge because of the spaces between the board;, so naturally, the boss was carried across both ways. Heading downriver into town, there is a fish ladder at the dam which forms a floatplane lake. More pictures of the Klondike, a riverboat that plied the Yukon during the gold rush days. The boiler. I can't imagine how hot it was in that small space, even in the cooler weather. The stern wheel My one digital picture of a street in Whitehorse. The Transpiration Museum which is home to the DC3 weathervane. It is on the main part of the Alaskan Highway next to the airport. If you have time, it is well worth a visit. Lenda
  7. Good afternoon. Even when trying to stay inside, I had to make two forays outside. One to bring the garbage can in from the curb and the other to the cluster mail box to get the mail. Even though there is a speed limit in our little community, I will admit I went over the speed limit in the golf cart to create a slight breeze. It helped a tad bit, but it is still hot outside. Tonight, we will be having comfort food for dinner. I'm making chicken with rolled dumplings, Watergate salad and collard greens. In other words a good old southern dinner that @Seasick Sailor Joy's husband would probably enjoy. @Dr.Dobro Welcome to the Daily. I hope you will join us again. I have a friend who loves all things related to cows, and she would love to stay in that Airbnb. @kb4683 Kay, thank you for your pictures. We drove to Alaska once at the end of May, and the rivers were still frozen in the far north, but we didn't see the snow you saw. @durangoscots Susan, I'm glad you were not seriously injured, except your pride, last night. Thank goodness your neighbor arrived soon afterwards and came to your rescue. Dogs have a sixth sense when they are needed, and Bandit and Monty showed that last night. It alsot shows that Monty has settled in and is now a member of the family. @grapau27 Graham, while I could not like your post, thank you for letting us know that Sarah has Covid. Sending positive thoughts that she recovers completely and quickly. I also know you and Pauline would do anything for Sarah. Frankly, I don't understand parents who abandon their child for any reason. For the last seven years and for the future, your and Pauline are Sarah's parents in every respect. She is a very lucky woman. @Seasick Sailor Joy, how awful your sister is having a problem with her eye. I hope you find a doctor and that he has a quick fix. At least, she is in good hands with your care. @TiogaCruiser What is it about men and new gadgets? 🤣 Your sky light sounds like a good solution for Arizona. That was one option we ruled out for our place in Quartzsite. @NextOne Edi, we used paper bags for book covers when the ones we were given at the beginning of the school year wore out. The ones we were given had ads from local businesses, and the teachers were not happy if we turned the covers wrong side out. @marshhawk Ann, I had to laugh at your DH's comment about good ball bearings. @Norseh2o I'm sorry your DM had Covid, but that's good news she is recovering except for the fatigue. That's good that your sister is there to help her. Lenda
  8. We have been to Whitehorse many times since we have driven to Alaska seven times beginning in 1992, and gone there from Skagway several times on a cruise. I found just a few pictures as most of my pictures of Whitehouse are pre-digital. The worlds largest weather vane is at the airport outside the transportation museum. And yes, it does turn with the wind. The visitors center The Klondike, a Yukon River steamboat The suspension bridge over the Yukon River just outside of Whitehorse Lenda
  9. Good morning from an already warm 81F at 7:30am central Texas. I'm heading out shortly for a grocery run before it gets too hot. Our high for today is predicted to be 106F. so we'll stay inside keeping cool most of the day. I appreciate cows for what they give us, but have learned from watching Dr. Pol, that they can be mean. I discovered the DD's Etch-a-Sketch last year when I was sorting through boxes in the attic. It's either still there or was donated to the thrift store so another child could enjoy it. Paper bags have a lot of uses, but you rarely see them anymore. I cannot agree with the part of the quote about hurting those you love. The meal looks good, and the wine sounds nice. We'll pass on the drink. We have driven to Alaska seven times going through Whitehorse, and driving back through there on the return except the one time we took the Alaska Marine Highway back to Prince Rupert. I'll look for the pictures I posted in a few minutes. I'm glad to see that several Canadian Dailyites are getting much needed rain. I wish it was possible to send some our way. @aliaschief Safe travels and on time flights today. I can relate to leaving in the middle of the night to get to the airport. @dfish I'm glad that Donna's flights are all in order. Now, you can relax, pack and enjoy a great cruise. @cat shepard Ann, the girls picked another great meme today. @kazu Jacqui, I'm happy that yesterday you got to enjoy good conversation, cheese and wine with a neighbor. @Vict0riann Ann, with the heat, you probably made the right decision to skip today's outing into London. Thanks for the pictures. @HAL Sailer I hope your DB is feeling better today. It's too bad that he won't be able to do his last race. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, while you do not have a blood clot, I'm sorry the leg issues are still ongoing and a solution has not been found. @ottahand7 Glad your new water heater has been installed. @marshhawk Sorry you have been exposed to Covid through someone who was exposed. Fingers crossed that no one gets it. Lenda f
  10. Melisa, I'm sorry you DB is so sick with Covid. Sending positive thoughts that he improves quickly and makes a full recovery. Yikes! 😱 Debbie, I can't believe you now have to do battle about your friend Donna's reservation too. Good luck, and hope this time, with your experience today, it will be easier to straighten out. Lenda
  11. That's why we don't spend summers in Quartzsite. This year, it's almost as bad here, but hasn't gotten in the 110s, but at this rate, I hate to think what temperatures August will bring. Lenda
  12. Sandi, I'm glad you got the ultrasound, and I am sending positive thoughts that nothing serious showed up. Roy, our condolences on the loss of your cousin. Expected or unexpected, losing a loved one is never easy. I hope the good memories of your cousin can bring you and your family some comfort and peace. Lenda
  13. Good afternoon. It's 3pm and 103F. We will be inside the rest of the day. At least, at my doctor visit and DH's PT session, both places were nice and cool inside. It was just getting to and from the car, and the hot car that was the problem. DH said that several of the exercises are getting easier, but some others are increasing in difficultly. I'd say the PT is showing results. @dfish Debbie, that's good news you decided to call about your flights again. Glad you have the ticket numbers and that the problem seems to be resolved. Now, you and relax and get ready for your flights and cruise. @Seasick Sailor Joy. It soumds like you and your sister are having a lot of fun. @cruzn single Mary Kay, just look at your temperatures as a way to begin to acclimate for your trip. I hope everything goes smoothly and that it doesn't get too hot for you. Lenda
  14. Good morning from central Texas where it will be very hot for the week. Cheering up the lonely should be every day. We like blueberry muffins, but will wait until it is coolermto bake any. I think Bowlsder's day should be observed not celebrated to remind us of the evils of censorship. If you don't like or approve of something, then don't read it, watch it or listen to it. We need the free flow of ideas and correct information. I like today’s quote. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. We have not been to Tunisia. @cat shepard Ann, the girls had another hit with the meme. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you are going to take the dog. You need each other. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm sorry your DD has Covid, and hope she is better soon. It is good that so many are able to visit Buddy. It's good his son's school is able to work with him to give him the time to be with his father and family. I'm glad you were able to get through to the doctors office and are going in to be checked today. @aliaschief Enjoy another day sightseeing, and a safe travels tomorrow. Still sending good thoughts that the airline gods look kindly on you. @smitty34877 Terry, how sad Camilla and her parents have Covid formthe second time. Enjoy your time at the cape. Glad things are going well at home. I'm off to see the PA at the doctor's office to check the prescription for blood pressure medicine since I just started taking it in April. It's worrking but I probably need to have it adjusted. Lenda
  15. Terri, we enjoyed our day there. As I said, it is and easily walkable town, and you can see a lot from the little tourist train. We were there on September 15, 2009, so I don't know if being that late in the season made a difference in the weather. Lenda
  16. We were in Kristiansand in on September 15. 2009, on the Tahitian Princess. It was the first half of a b2b cruise from NYC to Cape Town. Fortunately, our day was sunny and cool. The town is surprisingly flat with low hills outside of town. It is on the southeast part of Norway. The town is an easy walking town. To get from the port to town, we took the little tourist train. There is a lot centered around the cathedral and the square in front of it. Some of the buildings and sights from our walk. For the Garden Club and others. The building with the vines on the side is the cathedral We walked through their market Town from the ship The coast as we sailed to the next port. Lenda
  17. A late good morning from central Texas where it is sunny and getting hot. By the time I finish typing this, it will probably be afternoon. A busy morning, but things had to be done. I got outside earlier than normal, but not as early as I planned. It was already 80F before I got out side. It isn't the heat as much as the intense Texas sun that gets to me. My hat and the cooling towel helped. The yard was trimmed and mowed, and the patio and port were blow clean (or as clean as possible with the breeze) in about an hour. It helped that not all the yard needed mowing since the grass is very dry and not growing. By now, the first load of laundry, which I started before I went outside, is dry, folded and put away. The sheets have been changed. Now I'm waiting on the second load to come out of the dryer, so I can put the third load in and the last load in the washer. Yesterday afternoon, we got to do something that we hadn't been able to do in many weeks. We got to open the binds and look outside. It has been so hot, that the blinds are closed most of the day to keep out the sun and reflected heat. Even our west facing blinds are closed down a ways to keep the reflection from our neighbors house out of ours. Our electric bill is high enough without letting extra head inside. Unfortunately, the clouds did not bring rain although it was raining all around us. Kittens and teddy bear picnics will be celebrated here even though our last cat died many years ago. It's also too hot for a teddy bear picnic if we had a teddy bear. I'm not a fan of pina coladas. The quote by Charles W. Eliot is very true, since I'm an avid reader. The meal, drink and wine all sound good. I'll keep the meal in mind of another day, and unfortunately, unless someone else is buying, the wine is a little pricey. Have enjoyed many mai tais, and the best place to have one is at the patio bar at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel watching the sunset behind Diamondhead. We have been lucky enough to be there when we could get a table looking toward Diamondhead. We were in Kristiansand in 2009 on Tahitian Princess. I'll post my pictures from July 24, 2021, in a little while. The second load is waiting to be folded, while the third is drying and the last one is washing. I use cold water for washing, but with our heatwave, that is even warm water. In Quartzsite, many people turn off their water heaters in the summer as the water is very warm out of the tap.. @kazu Jacqui, ouch about your toe. I hope it is healing well and not too painful. After reading your second post about the plan to talk to the person at what we called the doggie spa, I think you are making sure what's in your heart will work. If she is on onboard with working with a dog with issues, then follow your heart. Only you, not your friends, know what is right for you. That is a lovely scarf that Laura @Horizon chaser 1957 sent you, and it was so nice that we were included in the gift. Wear it and remember all the love that it represents. @Horizon chaser 1957 Laura, the scarf is lovely. It was a sweet thing to do, and even sweet that you included all of us in the gift. @Heartgrove Jack, I'm glad your brother is now home. I hope you have a good visit with him when your go to the wedding. @aliaschief Safe travels, and may the airline gods look favorably on you when you fly home Tuesday. @mamaofami Carol, what a nice surprise to see your grandsons, their father, and his sister when you went out to eat with friends. Now, it's back to the laundry, and then an afternoon with my book. Lenda
  18. Here are the pictures I took of Mumbai from the bus on the way to the ship from the airport. These are the ones I posted on August 8, 2021. As I said earlier today, we have seen India. Cochin was not too bad, but in Agra and Mumbai, we have never seen such filth. The Taj Mahal was always on my bucket list, but not India. Now it's Been There, Done That!. Lenda
  19. A very late good afternoon from a very hot central Texas. Our thermometer said it was 107F about an hour ago. Tuesday is supposed to be 108F. This is more like Arizona weather in the summer on cooler days. 😱 My plan for today was to mow a small part of the yard where the weeds are growing. With our hot weather and lack of rain, the grass does not need mowing. In fact, it crunches when you walk on it, it is so dry. At least with Bermuda grass, it does not die with lack of water in the summer if it gets watered occasionally; instead, it just goes dormant. It doesn't look good, but then most yards are brown now, and we have been asked to limit water use. When I saw that it would be 90F by 9 am, I decided to do the yard and laundry tomorrow, and clean house today. I was almost finished at a decent time when I remembered that I needed to vacuum under the bed since the dust bunnies had great, great, great grandbaby dust bunnies. To see what I was doing required lying on the tile floor with a flashlight and looking under the bed. Anyway, that's done until it gets really bad again. 🤣 I like sugar cookies, but I'm the only one in the family. When I make them, I usually turn them into snickerdoodles. I think the call of the horizon applies to all on the Daily. I'm not too much into fashion, but try to wear what is comfortable. My style runs more to tailored looks, and our daily outfits are shorts (jeans in cool weather) and t-shirts. It has been years since I made a deep dish pizza, since we prefer thin crusts. When I make them, they have just about everything but the kitchen sink and anchovies. If I order one for me, it's usually double pepperoni, onions and mushrooms. In Italy, we tend to get a Margarita pizza. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have been to Mumbai once, and that was enough. We actually did not see much of the city since it was at the end of an two night overland trip from Cochin to Agra and picking up the ship again in Mumbai. What we saw was from the bus going from the airport to the ship, which was the old Regal Princess in 2003. @MISTER 67 I hope your back is better today. @cat shepard Ann, enjoy your visit with your niece and her family. I loved the meme her daughters picked out. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you made it home safely. Relax, and plan for your next cruise. @Heartgrove I hope your brother made it home today. @Crazy For Cats Welcome home. I enjoyed your live from. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope Buddy remains comfortable in the time he has left. I know it was hard for Amy to go to the funeral home yesterday and make plans, but it would have been harder later. @Vict0riann I'm glad you are enjoying your time in England and getting to see Pat's cousin and friend. Hope the rest today makes tomorrow a better day. @smitty34877 Safe travels tomorrow and enjoy your visit with your family and at the Cape. Looking forward to pictures of you finally meeting Miss Camilla. Even with all her problems, I like Tana's attitude that she could still order people around. @ottahand7 Great pictures and a great view. @jimgev Glad you enjoyed your cruise and your tour and that your luggage made it with you. Sorry the flights were so messed up. @aliaschief Enjoy your last day at the beach and your drive up the coast. Safe travels back to Seattle and home with hopefully no flight problems. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope today is calmer and that your temperatures stop imitating ours. @TiogaCruiser Sorry the tire deal turned out to be too good to be true. @durangoscots Susan, that's good news that the shelter staff is well with not lasing effects. It's good you got the animals moved. @Cruising-along Hope you've recovered from yesterday's babysitting. Wow, about the sky light. It may have been from something from July 4. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you got the tetanus shot without having to go to the hospital. I'm pretty sure my last one in 2018 was just the tetanus vaccine. @bennybear I'm sending good thoughts that the surgery in two weeks gets it all and that is the end of the melanoma. Lenda
  20. I think today you could fry an egg not on the sidewalk, but on the new black paving on the Wal-Mart parking lot. I could feel the heat rising from the asphalt and that was at 1:30. 😱 @JazzyV Vanessa, DH looked up the back surgery that uses glue, and it's for herniated discs, one thing he doesn'thave. The surgeon we saw yesterday uses polymer ties that look like cable ties to hold the vertebrae together, with polymer wedge discs between the vertebrae. He drills two holes in the vertebrae to thread the cables through. The cactus flower is lovely. Too bad it doesn't last long. @bennybear Thanks formthe good wishes. I just wish it didn't take so long to jump through the hoops to get approval fot the surgery. Love the Japanese peony. Lenda
  21. Maybe @Horizon chaser 1957 needs to start posting the elevator mat pictures again.😉
  22. I am enjoying all the pictures of today's port. It is a lovely place to walk around and relax, especially on a sunny day. It always amazes me that even in a smaller port, we all find different things to do and different things to photograph besides the main attractions. Even if I've been to a port before, I always see something I missed and want to see next time. @rafinmd Welcome home, Roy. I hope disembarkation and the trip home are both easy. @smitty34877 Thank you, Terry for the information about patients you've seen that did well after the shunt. Any improvement from the shunt placement will be a game changer. We're still waiting for the hospital in Dallas to call with an appointment time for the first visit. The surgeon is using a new procedure for spinal fusion that does not use metal screws. It was approved by the FDA in 2021. We hope we don't have a long wait, but as I mentioned yesterday, in order for Medicare approval, there are certain steps and tests the surgeon must take before surgery. I'm hoping that both doctors can go through those steps concurrently. Then it will be the shunt, recovery and the spinal surgery. BTW, sometimes the blue bubble seems to go on strike or the CC gremlins hide it. 🤣 @TiogaCruiser That is a good deal on the tires. When you asked what you were missing, I thought of the saying "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." Just enjoy getting such a good deal. @ottahand7 I'm glad the pork shoulders turned out so well. @ger_77 Gerry, the advice to let the bank know where you are traveling is good advice. We also inform our credit card companies. For I last cruise, the cc companies said the travel advisory was not longer necessary as they monitor the cards 24/7. I'm not sure how that helps when the cards are used in foreign countries. Then again, unless it's a tour, car rental or large purchase that requires a credit card, we mainly use cash overseas. I also want to thank everyone for their kind words and positive stories about DH's problems and their solutions. It is so nice to have a supportive family to turn to in times of trouble or joy. Lenda
  23. From the pictures I posted on December 30, 2021, we have been to St. Peter Port three times, and did not miss the port. This is what I shared last December. We have been to St. Peter Port three times on BHBs. In 2004, when the Noordam III stopped, it was a overcast and dreary day. We took a city bus that made a loop of the island, but I don't have any pictures from the bus ride. Here a a few from our walk around the harbor. It was very low tide when these pictures were taken One of Noordam's tenders We were back in St. Peter Port on the Prinsendam in 2016 and 2017. In 2016, we walked over to the war museum and then to Castle Cornet that is in the background of the picture just above this. in 2016, there was a lady near the museum entrance selling her book about her experiences in St. Peter Port during the war. It was fascinating to talk to her and hear some of her stories. I now regret that I didn't buy the book. A couple of pictures as we walked from the museum to the castle. The swimming area along the beach with the Prinsendam and a P&O ship in the background. Castle Cornet Pictures from our walks around St Peter Port. Most were taken in 2016, but there are one or two from 2017 when we just walked into town, did a little shopping and went back to the ship. We went in the church in the picture above.. More pictures from our walks around town. Lenda
  24. Good mooring from sunny central Texas. There's not much on the agenda today, except running errands while DH is at PT. The errands will be to drop of used towels at Paw Pals and pick up a few thangs at Wal-Mart. Today, I''ll pass on the body paint and motorcycles. DH had a motorcycle for several years. There are blueberries in the refrigerator and some will go on my cereal this morning. Today's quote is interesting and it made me smile. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. We've been to St. Peter Port several times, and we may have missed it once, but I'm not sure. @dfish Debbie, I hope your get your flights home ticketed and don't have that worry any longer. @marshhawk There are several ways to get euros for your trip. You can order them from your bank and take them with you. The ship will have euros and can exchange dollars for euros, but the exchange rate is not good. We've found the best exchange rate is getting euros at an ATM once you are there. A word of caution, always use an ATM at a bank, not a free standing one in a store. If you have euros left, the ship will exchange them for dollars, but again the rate is not good. We usually just bring them home to ise on the next trip until we can get to an ATM. On our last trip, a woman was at Guest Services trying to exchange her euros back to dollars, and DH noticed the rate of exchange was not in her favor. We did not have lot of euros left, so he brought her to the cabin and we exchanged our dollars for her euros at the prevailing rate. It was a win for both of us. @Cruise Suzy That is also good advice your gave @marshhawk. We also have a credit card with not exchange rate fee. Our ATM card company refunds any ATM fees in foreign countries. @cunnorl The birthday celebration weekend sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Glad you are getting help with the golf tournament, and are having the food catered. With less work and stress, you will be able to enjoy the celebration more. Lenda
  25. Thanks, Jacqui. BTW, the new doctor is Canadian. He got is degree and medical degree at McGill in Montreal and his neurosurgery training at Stanford University. How he wound up in Waco, Texas, I'm not sure, but I'm happy he did. Maxine, that is good and encouraging news about your sister. A BHB out of San Diego or even Princess, sounds good. Terri, I'm happy things are improving for you. If the steroid shots keep working, the trip, anniversary celebration and cruise are worth the wait. Sending good thoughts all three happen without any problems, especially from the airline. Lenda
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