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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Nancy, I'm sorry things are not going any better with your DB. I hope they can get the infection under contol and cleared up. I agree it is a good sign he was sitting in his wheelchair. I can sympathize with his BP and heart rate issues. Wishing him all the best. Carol, I hope the dentist can take care of your toothache easily. I'm sorry your grandson has covid, and I hope noone else gets it. I'll that drink to that idea. However, and this is probably heresy, but I skipped the wine tonight. Since I had bacon and eggs, wine just didn't appeal to me. Now, if I could have made mimosas that wouldmbe different. As it was, I had a virgin mimosa. 😩 Carolyn, I'll wish you luck, amd raise a glass of wine in moral support while you paint. 🍷 Lenda
  2. Roy, I just saw the rail workers rejected the tentative deal and a major strike is looming. I hope you make it home before that happens. That may explain what is happening with the autotrain. Lenda
  3. At least, I have cardbordeaux in the refrigerator and flour in the pantry. 🤣
  4. What was a gray, cloudy day at home, turned into a gray, wet and gloomy day in Waco. Luckily, it didn't start raining until I got to Waco. DH has his evaluation tomorrow, and with the progress DH is making, we think the discharge date of 11/28 will hold. Today after PT and after a shower, the BP didn't drop. In some ways, we both would be comfortable with another week in rehab to make sure the BP issue is headed in the right direction. It would also give him another week to strengthen his arms and legs. When he goes home, we'll arrange for in home PT. I want him to have the best chance possible to be able to return to an active life and cruising. Whatever happens, it will take time for healing. Sandi, we noticed on our Koningsdam cruises, the beverage runners were using the carafes, but the pour was decent. It's probably more efficient than bring the bottle to the table, especially if others are drinking the same wine. An early HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I join you in hoping for a better year for you and for many of our fellow Dailyites. Carolyn, I'm also a messy baker as well as a messy painter. I always seem to wear black or dark blue when baking, not that they stay black or blue for long. 🥴 Vanessa, I hope your video visit with your PCP goes well. We try to keep our PCP in the loop, too. I'm glad you liked the photos of Longyearbyen. It is an interesting place to visit. My heart goes out to the people of Java who were affected by the earthquake. I am thinking of all the wonderful crew members from there, and hope they and their fsmilies are safe. Lenda
  5. Eventually, hopefully later today, the house will be clean. The floors have been vacuumed and mopped. Dusting later today will be easy, but will take time. It is an interesting port, and HAL usually does one cruise a year during the height of summer. Spitzbergen as the Dutch called the group of islands or Svalbard, as the Norwegians call it, was discovered by the Dutch. It is now "managed" by Norway, but it does not not belong to any country. It is basically a research station with people coming and going, but there are probably a few full time residents. The two towns cruise ships visit are Longyearbyen and Nu Alesund. Joy, those mismatched socks are just weird, but then even matched, they'd be too wild for me. Glad you made it home safely. How nice of your DDs to provide food for two nights. Lenda
  6. These pictures are courtesy of Sandi, @StLouisCruisers. The map was from another post Sandi made that day. As usual, her words are in Italics. Arriving at the dock in Longyearbyen at 8:30 am on July 5, 2013. The people there to attend to the ropes were women. Equal opportunities for all in Norway! Off we went along the road lined with bits of coal, towards the town of Longyearbyen. It was even more grey there that morning than it is here in Georgia today. The first thing we saw was the offices of a coal mining company. An art sculpture along the way Our first glimpse of the "city". This was a school/university. Looking inside we see lots of shoes. Hopefully you can wear a different pair in there so you don't have to attend classes in your socks! Walking further into town we saw a statue of a coal miner. And a daycare. Love the little guy peering out the window at all the strange people in town. The busiest place in town was this supermarket. Inside the doors in the "foyer" of the supermarket was this beautiful picture of a polar bear. We had been advised you were not allowed to venture outside the city limits without an armed escort due to polar bears. Made you wonder if the bears knew about that walk we made from the ship to the downtown area? It was nice inside, just like any grocery store. There were signs in the liquor and wine department telling everyone only local residents were allowed to buy alcohol, due to limited supplies. Who could afford Norwegian prices anyway? From there we went to a couple of shops in town with unique souvenirs. A monument along the road on our walk back to the ship (watching for polar bears!). An overview of the town. Coal, and more coal Back on the ship in the early evening When we sailed from Longyearbyen that evening, the weather began clearing right away. All in all, a very interesting day spent 800 miles from the North Pole! This map shows you Svalbard, where Longyearbyen is located. You can see how far off the mainland of Norway it is and how close to the North Pole. The Arctic ice cap is not that far off.
  7. I also posted this on June 12, 2022. Since I doubt that the polar ice cap will be a port of the day, I'll add these pictures On August 11, 2016, the day between our calls at Longyearbyen and Ny Alesund, Captain Tim Roberts took the Prinsendam as close to the polar ice cap as he could safely steer the ship. The previous few days, the wind was blowing the ice floes toward the ice cap, and he thought we would be able to get very close. Unfortunately, overnight the wind changed directions and was blowing the floes away from the ice cap. We could only get as close as about five miles, but we could see the edge of the ice cap from the upper decks. We were still about 500 miles or so from the North Pole. The polar ice cap with the ice floes in front Later they lowered a tender so the photographers could take pictures of the ship, and bring back a chunk of ice. This pictures give a better idea how far from the ice cap we were. A group of walrus relaxing as we cruised toward the ice cap. Seals resting on an ice floe Evidently, we had a couple of stowaways that day. I guess they were trying to get warm. The ice chunk This was about as far north as we could sail Lenda
  8. A very early good morning from a chilly and still dark central Texas. It's 42F outside. I'm up early to finish the house cleaning I started after I got home yesterday. I got the bathroom and kitchen cleaned. Now I just need to vacuum and mop the floors and dust. I'm doing the floors this morning and will dust if I have time, or when I get home this afternoon. Since gingerbread cookies are a family tradition, I will celebrate their day. I'm not sure if Ill be making them this year. The other two days are interesting. Speaking of odd socks, I usually get one sock out of a pair with a hole, but this morning I noticed a hole in both socks I wear to sleep in. A very different odd sock story. The quote is interesting. We'll pass on the meal since we're not fans of curry. We'll also pass on the drink, but the wine might be worth a try. Longyearbyen was the destination of the day on June12, 2022. Here is the link to Rich's @richwmn post that day. The Daily for Sunday 06/12/2022 By richwmn,June 12 in Holland America Line @richwmn Rich, I was happy to see you have your power back on. @Mr. Boston Our condolences on the death of your dear friend Father Rene McGraw. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your foot gets better soon. Are you going to see a doctor there about the injury? @dfish Debbie, I hope your DB's tests turn out all right, and that you can get your tests scheduled soon. This is my post from June 12, 2022. We were in Longyearbyen in 2016 on the Prinsendam.. It is a rather bleak looking area without much vegetation, but we enjoyed our day there. It was cold and windy that day, but clear. We walked into town since the wind was at our backs. After exploring the town, we stopped at the hotel to use the wifi. They called a taxi to take us back to the ship as walking into the wind was brutal. Longyearbyen as the ship approached the pier. There were t-shirts and souvenirs for sale in the white tent. The airport The power plant Our walk around town An interesting museum The hotel which had a comfortable lobby and displays of various local animals Lenda
  9. Good afternoon. I've been catching up on odds and ends since I've been home. In spite of the BP issues, which are still a problem at times but seem to be getting better, DH is making good progress and doing his PT even if a little dizzy. The therapists today said he has passed some of the requirements for discharge. After his walk down the long hall and back, the therapist said in was good enough to go out including Wal-Mart, etc. That may be a stretch from our standpoint, but it means that he's good for walking around the house and maybe outside. A number of items on the check list on the chart on the wall in his room have moved closer to independent instead of dependent. Once he recovered from the blood clot, he really began working hard. It helps that he really wants to come home. As of now, his discharge date is a week from tomorrow. There will be another reevaluation Tuesday, so we'll see what happens. I will need to get busy to get some things done around here in addition to going to see him every day. The only unresolved issue is the BP and the dizziness, but we are beginning to figure them out ( I think). I'll talk to him about making an appointment with our PCP for right after he gets home. I just hope the new wheel gets here in time, since that car is the smoothest riding one. Vanessa, I'm glad the eye and the tummy are better. Hope things stay that way for your road trip and cruise. Terry, the people at rehab are great and keep an eye on him. They've learned to read the signs to tell when his BP is dropping. I try to get some rest, but I wish my mind would not decide to try to figure things out at 3:30 AM. It can do that on the drive to and from Waco when I'm awake and have time to think. I also wish I could take some of the people from rehab home with us. They look after me too. Glad you made it home safely and that the cats weren't to upset with you for leaving. Roy, I hope your dinner with your brother's widow was nice. Sorry about the messy day of driving. At least, you won't have to drive all the way home. I hope your foot is better. Lenda
  10. Good morning again. DH's BP didn't drop after his morning PT. We're beginning to think one of the heavy duty pain meds may be causing some if not all of the dizziness. We talked about it, and hopefully he can get by without taking it unless absolutely, positively necessary. They are allowing him to use Aspercreme, and that seems help ease the pain to tolerable levels. Last year, they made some very favorable mistakes in our favor. Those I didn't complain about. I felt it was compensation for spending so much time in line at Guest Services trying to straighten out charges for the free or half prices dinners we get. If the ship and land based accounting can't agree, who am I to do their job for them. We used the extra obc for gettimg some nice things in the shops. Bruce, thanks for the pictures. Looks like a lovely place to spend some time. Dr. Joy, could you prescribe some of the crazy pills for me. 😁 Your rain is heading this way. It may make it to Waco before I head home. Our rain at home is supposed (emphasis on supposed) to be overnight. Sandi, it always seems on the first night of a cruise, dinner in the MDR does not go smoothly. I think it is a combination of new crew and new passengers. Usually, by the second night things are better. On Koningsdam last spring, our wonderful waiter was a dud the first night. I was glad we gave him a second chance. He took such good care of us for four weeks, then left the day we left. Sharon, I'm sorry you have been ill, but glad you are improving. Debbie, like Carolyn @Cruising-along, I wondered if they were hoarding the kitty litter or saving for the driveway. Great minds. 😉 Carolyn, I'm glad you had a good time with your grandson yesterday. Looking forward to a report on the remodeling. I bet the "new", new home is spectacular. Tina, I read about that horrific shooting, just before Transgender Remembrance Day. There has to be a way to stop all these mass shootings. In my opinion, if you don't agree with someone, a lifestyle, or someone's beliefs or politics, just stay away from those you don't agree with. Lenda
  11. Good morning from a frigid and windy (north wind) central Texas. It was 29F when I got up a little while ago. Yesterday, DH's BP had one big drop, but he had been working hard on one of the machines. Later, the BP was not as low, but still low for him. He still managed to get in several PT sessions. The therapists are working around the BP issue to keep him making progress. On the way home yesterday, I picked up the new tire. Boy am I glad our neighborhood service station can mount the tire on the new wheel and put it on the car when the wheel comes in. The tire store in Waco was a zoo. There was a long line of cars circling the parking lot waiting to have the work they paid for done. I can think of better ways to spend my time. Peanut butter fudge is not on my list of treats, so I'll let others celebrate the day. The other two days are worth celebrating. I like the quote from Plato. The meal might be worth trying, but I might add chicken for the carnivores in the family. Younger DD gave me a recipe for black bean enchiladas that is very good. I'll pass on the drink, but would like to try the wine, which costs more than my cardbordeaux Pinot Noir. We have not been to Gisborne, NZ, and Sandi, @StLouisCruisers, indicated they have not been there either. It was the destination of the day on February 21, 2022. Here is the link to Rich's @richwmn post that day. @kazu Jacqui, sorry your disembarkation was not hassle free and glad you arrived home safely but very late. Too bad the air line lost your luggage. How nice of your neighbors to pick up some groceries for you. Hope the foot is better soon.. @richwmn Rich, thank you for reposting @rafinmd Roy's lists from yesterday's Daily. @rafinmd Safe travels home, Roy. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I hope you and your DH have a safe trip home. @cat shepard Ann, I'm glad we will not need to use a fence to protect our tree from cats. 🤣 @mamaofami Carol, I can't believe the temperatures in Jersey are slightly warmer than ours in central Texas. @Cruzin Terri Terri, safe travels to Jacksonville, and I hope you get a good report from the doctors. @dfish Debbie, how nice of the previous owners to leave you 300 kitty litter containers. 😉 Lenda
  12. Good morning from a cold, windy and cloudy central Texas. I'm going into Waco a little later since I'm waiting for the clothes to come out of the dryer. I discovered this morning that I needed to do laundry. Three days worth celebrating. An interesting quote that I can relate to. The crispy mushrooms and Muenster looks good, but maybe not as a slider. It would be good when our vegetarians are here. We'll pass on the drink, but I would like to try the wine. @cat shepard Ann, there are many days, more lately, that I resemble the meme. 🤣 @MISTER 67 I'm glad the finger is healing. Hope there is no pain soon. @Cruzin Terri Teri, good luck on the email change. Glad you have a cruise to look forward to. @Seasick Sailor Joy, last night sounds like a lot of fun. Even better that they raised $1300 a good cause. @GTVCRUISER 🎈 🛳️ BON VOYAGE! 🥂🍾 We enjoyed our eight cruises on Koningsdam. Fairbanks was the destination of the day on Tuesday, April 13, 2021. Here is the link to @richwmn Rich's post. It works, just doesn't look like Sandi's @StLouisCruisers link. We have driven to Alaska in our motorhome seven times, and have taken many cruises to Alaska. All our visits to Fairbanks were on motorhome trips. Below, is what I posted on April 13, 2021. DH and I just went through our pictures from our motorhome trips to Alaska. Evidently, all the pictures of Fairbanks were taken the old fashion way and are in the photo albums. The other alternative is that somehow I accidently erased them from the computer, but that seems unlikely as there were quite a few from more than one trip. I did find a few from that area, plus a couple from Fairbanks. These pictures are of the Dalton Highway (aka Haul Road) that goes to Deadhorse near Prudhoe Bay. The start of the highway is about 80 miles from the outskirts of Fairbanks. We drove up the Dalton Highway, but did not go as far as the Yukon River. A view of the highway and the surrounding area. This is a roadhouse shortly before you reach the beginning of the Dalton Highway, and the last pitstop before the highway, complete with outhouses. This sign was at the viewpoint along the pipeline. A group of car enthusiasts gave us a antique car parade through the campground in Fairbanks. We could walk around and look at the cars, many of which had not been restored. We especially liked the Metropolitan since we had a black and white one in New Jersey when DH was stationed at Picatinny Arsenal in Dover, NJ. We also visited Pioneer Park which is free. There is a transportation museum in the middle of the park in addition to buildings from the area that have been moved to the park. Alaska weather is a lot like Texas weather and changes often. Shortly after we entered the park the dark clouds in the picture above opened up and the rain poured. Being the smart people we are, we left and came back later that day. The weather had changed completely by then. You will find wildflowers, including lupines, along the highways. They are a different variety than the Texas Bluebonnets. Lenda
  13. Sandi, I've learned some things about buying tires. However, DH is the one that found the website that saved us almost $200 on the wheel. I showed him the tires available at the tire store, and he picked the one we needed. He tried to order it on line, but all the extra fees were added. So, I called the store and ordered just the tire. It will be here tomorrow or Monday and I'll pick it up then. Carolyn, I'm sorry about your DH's bladder cancer, but glad it can be controlled. I imagine the procedure is not that pleasant, but it makes life more livable. I like your attitude about the situation. Tony, thanks for your pictures of Kushiro. We were sorry to miss it. I wonder why you ever thought this group would like the tree. 😄 🍷 😉 Clever idea. Lenda
  14. Today didn't go as expected. This morning, DH's BP dropped again after one 30 minute session of PT. The doctor ordered an ekg, which showed some slightly abnormal t-waves. It was decided to send him to the ER for evaluation. This time at DH's request, they sent him to the other big hospital in Waco. After all, one doctor at the first hospital refused to keep him for further observation and evaluation. There was no heart attack, and his blood enzymes were normal. He also tested negative for flu and covid. They did a chest CAT scan with and without contrast. There was no evidence of the monster blood clot in his lungs or any clots in his heart. In other words, everything except his BP checked out okay. The ER doctor said he'd admit DH if he wanted, but since there were doctors at rehab monitoring him, he was comfortable sending DH back. If I was taking him home, then he would not release DH but admit him. While we were waiting for his transportation back to rehab, DH said he wanted a Big Mac and fires. He also said by the time he got back to rehab, he'd probably miss dinner. So while he was heading back, I made a McD run for supper for both of us. When I got to DH's room, he was just finishing his dinner of fish and rice. He said it was too good to pass up. However, he did have room for most of the fries and the fried apple pie. We decided the uneaten Big Mac would not reheat well with all the lettuce and special sauce on it. I took it up to the nurses station for one of the nurses or aides to have for their supper. Lenda
  15. Good morning from a cold 36F (but not as cold as Midland, MI) central Texas. While I was writing this and also looking on-line for a wheel, DH called and said he found one on a site I'd missed (he's better at Google than I am). While we were talking, he placed the order and saved us about $200. We don't know how soon it will arrive, but there is another car available. I'll pick up a new tire when I go to Waco today. I'm learning a lot about tires and wheels, since DH usually handled that department. I have never been fond of apple cider, nor was I a princess except maybe in my father's eyes. I like Mickey Mouse. I think the Lady Gaga quote is a little cynical. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. We have not been to Kushiro. It was the first Japanese port on our 2018 circle the north Pacific cruise, but it was canceled when we had to slow down going through two typhons between Dutch Harbor and Japan. Terri, I'm glad you were able to make all the selections for the new bathroom in one stop. I hope there is good news on your neighbor Joanne today. Safe travels today. Have a great cruise. 🛳️ 🎈 BON VOYAGE! 🥂🍾 Nancy, I'll take our cold weather over your snow. I'm glad your meeting was canceled yesterday. It does seem like your DB is improving if he's interested in the news. DH started taking more of an interest in outside things when he started feeling better and improving. Lenda
  16. I didn't get a chance to post last night since I had to do some research on Google. And I joined my neighbors for happy hour first. Because someone lost a load of firewood on the highway coming home yesterday, I spent the evening looking for a new tire and wheel. I was just "lucky" to come upon the one piece of wood that was in the middle of my lane when there was oncoming traffic and I could not avoid running over it. I stopped on the shoulder immediately and checked for damage. There was no visible damage and the car drove all right. There was more firewood on the shoulder for more than a mile. Evidently, the piece of wood cracked the wheel, and by the time I stopped at our local service station a piece of the wheel was missing and the tire was damaged. I was lucky to make it there. I then slowly drove home. Once I get a new wheel and tire, I'll take the car back to the service station to have the tire mounted and put on the car. Thankfully, I have another car to drive in the meantime. If there was one good thing about the incident, it is the wheel that was ruined was the one with a slightly bent rim from a blowout several years ago. I can get the tire today when I go to Waco, but I have to order the wheel. There's never a dull moment around here, but I would like one every now and then. Sandi, I'm sure you're on the road by now, but safe travels. I hope you leg is better today, and doesn't give you any trouble on the drive. Have a wonderful cruise. 🎉 🚢 BON VOYAGE 🥂 🍾 Ann, I'm sorry Pat had a problem and you had to cut your trip short. I am glad he started feeling better on the ferry. Mary Kay, I don't think my pictures are from the same place. Ko Samui is an island in the Bay of Thailand south of Bangkok. The pictures you mentioned were likely from Pattaya or Phuket. Vanessa, I'm sorry you had more tummy problems. I also hope you can get this figured out before your cruise. Lenda
  17. DH is making steady progress, I’ll definitely take slow and steady. His blood pressure is still dropping at times, but today it didn't seem to go down as far as it was. Doctors need to realize that like all norms, the best numbers don't work for everyone. Some people's makeup has different set points. At least, the doctor and staff here have realized DH is not in the one size fits all group. All the staff who work with patients are very nice, friendly and caring. They also take care of the family members too, and give us support when down and cheers when things are going better, along with hugs. @Cruzin Terri Terri, my apologies for not proofreading my post. I meant I was sorry the Prednisone had not worked yet. Bruce, I'm glad everything worked out well with your flights. Enjoy your time with your family. Nancy, I hope your DB has a good report from the doctor today, and I hope the rash continues to recede. It's good news he is doing his PT. Be careful in the snow. 🤞 the meeting is canceled tonight. Carolyn, I'm hope the insurance adjustor gives your neighbor a good estimate on the repairs. I know the whole family is relieved your DS and DDIL are moving into their new home and the work is almost complete. Vanessa, I'm glad your tummy did okay last night. Hope all goes well tonight. We've used GoodRx for several years. I found out recently when the clerk at our pharmacy said GoodRx isn't always the least expensive. She added they always check the other discount plans they accept and go with the least expensive one. You might want to ask your pharmacy about other plans. Annie, I didn't even notice the cell phone. The park was being built in 2002. My guess as to why the cell phone is poetic license. Lenda
  18. Good morning from a clear, wind still, and cold day in central Texas. The thermostat says it's 37F and the indoor/outdoor thermometer says 42F. Either way, it is cold outside. I'd been noticing that no matter the outside temperature, the auxiliary heat strips in the heat pump would come on when I'd raise the temperature more than two degrees, no matter the outside temperature. I called our heating/ac guy, only to learn the digital thermostat is set for them to come on whenever the setting is raised more than two degrees. Now, I just have to raise it by two degrees until the desired setting is reached. The good news is I don't have to stay home and wait for them to come out. The Great American smokeout is good, but quitting smoking takes more than one day for many. Students can learn a lot form being or hosting international students. I'm not a fan of Baklava so @MISTER 67 can have my share. Another weird quote from Oscar Wilde. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine sounds nice, but pricey. We have been to Ko Samui (the name of the island) once on April 9, 2003, on the old Regal Princess. It was a substitute port on our mystery cruise from Bangkok to Rome. Koh Samui is a district on the eastern side of the island, and Nathon is on the western side where the cruise ships tender. @cunnorl Charlene, I'm sorry your DD will not be able to go ashore in Cairns (pronounced cans like two coke cans according to an Australian entertainer once). It is a nice town and easily walkable. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, good luck with getting DH's information into VeriFly. Be safe going into Atlanta and on the road tomorrow. I'll also look for your pictures when I look for mine. It just might not be until late afternoon some days. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope your polymyalgia is still acting up. I hope that being able to slowdown after picking out the tile and vanity, will help it calm down. Sending positive thoughts for your neighbor Joanne. I bet the neighbors understand why the POD is there and don't mind it. @Lady Hudson Katherine, how nice of your DS to help with meals for your DH. @Ichiban Nekko You must be relieved that the unpacking is just about done, and the house is almost complete. Enjoy Thanksgiving and your much deserved cruise. We hired a taxi for a tour of the island. This is a map of the island that was at one of our stops. The red arrow points to the park with the giant Buddha and other statues is located. The other arrow points to Nathon and the area of the tender dock. Koh Samui district is around the "bump" on the eastern side of the island. This is the dock where we tendered. The people on the right side of the pictures near the bus with all their luggage were catching up with the ship. They fly flew to Bangkok in time to catch the ship, but there were problems with the plane, and they made an unexpected stop in Anchorage until another plane became available. Most were dressed for tropical weather, and were not dressed for Anchorage in April. Regal Princes is in the background. There were so many flying from Bangkok that Princess chartered the plane so there would be room for the passengers and their luggage. The non-ship passengers were booted off the plane. The Giant Buddha up close and viewed for a town outside the park. Here are a few more of the many statues. The park was still a work in progress. A small temple Ko Samui has many very nice beaches and an interesting coastline. We just viewed the shore from the top of the steps. A shopping and dining opportunity near a beach This is as close to riding an elephant as we've ever been. 😉 The main street in Nathon. We enjoyed our day on Ko Samui and meeting all the friendly people. Lenda
  19. This morning's PT went very well. DH walked 166 feet, and then requested a chance to try one of the bicycles which uses his arms and legs. He used it for eight minutes total. He is also getting better at transferring between the bed, walker and wheelchair. The therapists checked his BP often. It did drop once, but not as far as yesterday. The next time they checked it was already coming back up. He has four therapy sessions between 1 pm and 4 pm. No telling what will happen with the BP then. I will probably head back home after the first session, since he will be busy or resting between sessions. It is really nice to see progress, however small or large, from day to day. @dfish Debbie, your new neighborhood looks so peaceful. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, great news about the negative tests. Good luck with verifly. @*Miss G* HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Lenda
  20. Bruno, this is just a thought which might help both of you. It is very likely you could get in home care for a few hours to a day or two a week. That would give you a chance to get out or just take a break to recharge your batteries. The last thing either of you need is for you to get to the point you can't take care of him. Only you an decide if this is an option. Lenda
  21. 🤞for negative test results. Safe travels to both of you. Hoping Irving improves and doesn't have cancer. Now, I'm just about ready to head to Waco. Lenda
  22. A very good morning from a cold (39F) central Texas. I got a little more sleep last night. DH and older DD played clarinet in their high school bands. DD stilly plays in the Austin Civic Wind Ensemble. Tolerance is needed now more than ever. I have more buttons than I'll ever use, but I hesitate to call it a collection. They are just buttons that came with clothes or with other sewing accessories. I guess I should do something with them. The Anais Nin quote is interesting and true in many cases. We'll pass on the meal (kale), drink and wine. @MISTER 67I'm glad the infection is gone, and I hope you will be allowed to golf again in two weeks. @atexsix It was good to see you posting Bruno, but I'm sorry the news wasn't better. DD is lucky to have your as his caregiver, but remember to take care of yourself too. I know it is hard to find time for yourself, but I'm learning how necessary it is. Christmas Island, Kiribati, was the port of the day on May 12, 2021. I don't have a link to @richwmn Riches post, but to mine. This is what I posted on May 12, 2021. FYI, there are two Christmas Islands, and today's port is the one in the Pacific very close to the equator. The other is in the Indian Ocean and is under the authority of Australia. On trivia questions, it is the one in the Indian Ocean they are asking about as Christmas Island is it's only name. We've been to Kiritimati (Christmas Island) Kiribati at least three times. This is a tender port, with the ships anchoring in the lagoon. It is very shallow in places, and the tender drivers have to be extremely careful. However, that was not enough as one tender ran aground, and it took a while to get it refloated. Fortunately, we were not on that tender. The first time there was in 1997, so no pictures from that stop. I'll see if DH has videos of the sunset that day since it as the best sunset we've ever seen. The water was glassy and you could see the clouds looking like they were rising from below the curvature of the earth. They were not thick clouds and we were able to see the sun set and IIRC the green flash. Christmas Island is a fairly undeveloped island. These pictures are from our 2007 b2b Hawaii-Tahiti-Hawaii cruise on Pacific Princess. As we left the dock the pre-school class was there to serenade us. The local "tour bus" we picked up at the dock for a tour of the island. Notice the "sturdy step" to help get in the truck. In 1997, they had a old school bus donated by the state of Hawaii as their tour bus, complete with a view of the road as you passed over it. 😀 At the other end of the road is the Captain Cool Hotel, the only one on the island. It offers air conditioned rooms and non-air conditioned rooms. Fishermen would fly in for a week's fishing trip. It was a week long trip, since the only flight was a weekly one from Hawaii, as of 2007. The beach at the hotel. Where some of the islanders live Back from our tour, some of the adults put on a show for us. They even had an Internet Cafe, with very slow speeds. The shopping for the tourists Add the shopping for the locals, but of course, they would take our money too. Looking down the beach from the dock If you ever see an itinerary with Christmas Island, it is well worth a visit. Lenda
  23. You're correct. He seems to be lasting longer before the BP drops. At least this is so for the first time each day. At 1 pm, it happened sooner. The BP situation is improving, but slowly. When it gets very low, its hard for him to think and hus eyes don't focus correctly. We're just happy with any improvement no matter how small. It will take time for things to get back to normal. Lenda
  24. Good evening. Today just got even better. At the first afternoon therapy, after a couple of BP checks, DH walked from his room to almost the midtle of the gym before he got tired, his BP started dropping and he sat back down in the wheelchair. Hena measured the distance at 158 feet. He was definitely walking better than he has since before his first surgery. I think there will some not as good days amid the dood days. BUT, he's definitely headed in the right direction. Lenda
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