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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Melisa, thank you for sharing your wonderful photos of the elephants. Lenda
  2. Debbie, safe travels, and 🤞 fingers crossed you find the perfect house Saturday. I think you made a good decision to replace cardbordeaux with a house hunting trip, and I'd wondered if you would decide to go. BTW, if Tina can't fill in for you, I'm sure we'll all find something to eat the days you're gone. 🤣 Lenda
  3. I'm glad you had very little reaction to the bivalent booster. That gives me hope since the last booster and the shingles vaccine caused a significant but short lived reaction. The first time we drove to Alaska, it was 92F in Fairbanks the day we arrived, which was warmer than it was in Texas when we left 11 days earlier. Also, we were in Ketchikan for the 4th of July in 2018. It was a sunny day with highs in the 80s. The locals, who generally don't own shorts, were miserable sitting in the sun for more than an hour waiting for the parade to begin. DH and I were very comfortable in our t-shirts and shorts, a first for us in Ketchikan. Good you got your fifth vaccine today, and I hope you don't have any side effects. Debbie, I hope your Michigan realtor finds some great homes in your price/size range for Sue to tour Saturday. Oh, Debbie, I hope the report about the basement wall does not wind up costing you thousand of dollars, especially since it's been that way since you moved in without any problems. I don't know what is happening with customer service now days. The window company telling you they'd ordered the windows and an installation date, then, changing the story today. I hope they put a rush (at their expense) on the new windows. Be sure to pick up some cardbordeaux today, you deserve a glass or two after today. Susan, it's always good to read you are getting rain today. It will not only help your area to keep fires from breaking out, but hopefully help the areas downstream. I noticed that the the Animas River flows into the San Jose River and eventually into the Colorado River. Glad you got your booster. Sandi, I'm glad your DS landed safely in Detroit, and got to see the last flight ceremony for the pilot. I hope you get the flight mess straightened out and can cancel the one flight with a refund. Terri, I hope signing the contract lessens some of the pressure on you. Thank you for your kind words, Graham. Lenda
  4. This is my post with pictures of Anchorage from November 1, 2021. I found some pictures of downtown Anchorage. As we usually rent a car, we don't often spend time in Anchorage. In 2018 on the Zaandam, we did not have a car rental reservation, so we walked around the area where the shuttle drops us off. We then checked with the company and were able to rent a car. The visitor center Downtown Anchorage The Alaska Mint is actually an unique store that is worth wandering through for a few minutes. There are flowers all over Anchorage and Alaska. This is for the garden club. In 2015 on the Statendam and 2012 on the Amsterdam, we went to the State Fair in Palmer. This is the "big" or main state fair, but since Alaska is so big, we have seen signs for the state fair in southeast Alaska, on the Kenai Peninsula and Kodiak. The fair in Palmer is held in August and ends Labor Day weekend. The fair is not big like the state fairs in Texas, Minnesota or even Arizona, but it is more a traditional state fair from years ago. They even have tractor pulls. I think the sign says it all. The stories about the giant vegetables are true. The Matsu Valley has warm summer days with a lot of daylight for growing big produce. Then there are the giant pumpkins. The midway and the vendor areas A lot of flowers I'm not sure why, but I thought this group would like this picture. I think even though the growing season is short, the long days of sunshine are the reason for the giant vegetables and the bigger flowers seen all around Alaska. Lenda
  5. Good morning from sunny, wind still central Texas. Today may be the Autumn Equinox and the beginning of fall, but our weather does not agree. We will be in the upper 90sF for the next week, followed by a few days in the upper 80sF before heading back into the 90s in early October. Welcome to fall in Texas. Autumn is my least favorite season, even though I do not the triple digits in summer. Autumn means the days are getting shorter, and I prefer longer days. Three interesting days, and I'll celebrate business women's day and elephant appreciation day. Whenever I see a story about elephants dying because poachers took their tusks, it makes me sad and upset. The J K Rowling quote reminds me of the quote "United We Stand, Divided We Fall." Sopaipillas (sopapillas) are usually served as a desert in Mexican restaurants in the border states. They are great with honey. You tear off a corner of the puffed up sopapilla and drizzle honey inside. We'll pass on the drink, but would not turn down a glass of today's wine. We have been to Anchorage many times, both by land and by sea. While it was not listed as the port of the day, it was mentioned when Seward (Anchorage) was the port on November 1, 2021. Once when we were in Anchorage, we saw a moose walking down the street. The Seward Highway and the Old Seward Highway parallel each other a block apart for many miles. We were having work done on our car at a shop between the two streets. A bull moose walked down the shoulder of the Seward Highway, turned on the connecting street, then walked to the left turn lane and turned onto Old Seward Highway. The locals were used to such things and stopped to give the moose the right of way. That was the one time I did not have my camera, and it was before smart phones with cameras. @dfish I'm sorry you lost the Midland home and have to start the search over again. While what the seller did might not have been unethical since he never formally accepted the offer, I think it was very wrong to string you along. If he'd been honest, you could have kept looking for a back up house. In other words, what he did STINKS! I'm glad you got a good report from the inspection except for the buyer wanting a foundation expert to check out a wall. @kazu Jacqui, you were certainly busy yesterday. I have my fingers crossed 🤞 that Fiona heads out to sea for an unlamented death. She's done enough damage already. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you got a preliminary contract with the contractor so he can negotiate with the insurance company. I'm sure he knows how to handle them and is aware that the adjustors probably try to low ball the estimates to save the insurance company money. It's always nice to have someone who knows the ropes on your side, and to know you are not alone. @ottahand7 Good luck with the booster shot today. I hope your get the bivalent Pfizer booster you want. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad Tana's medical appointment yesterday went well. I'm sorry you are having insurance problems with getting your DH the Botox shots. @rafinmd Roy, thanks for the pictures from your safari. We did a half day safari out of Durban on our P&O world cruise, but there were no elephants at that reserve. @kplady Laura, congratulations on your upcoming retirement. Thanks for the pictures, especially the one of the "rules". All those in the path of Fiona, developing tropical storms and wildfires are in my thoughts, and I hope no one is in any danger. Lenda
  6. Our condolences to you, your DH and his family on the passing of your DFIL. I'm glad your DH was there to be with your DFIL, his mother and sister. Sorry that your flight was cancelled, and I hope the help @rafinmd Roy and @kazu Jacqui, offered helps you get a new flight arranged. Lenda
  7. That fire still looks big and scary. Stay safe and don't take any chances. Still, sending positive thoughts for your safety and the safety of your town and everyone there. Lenda
  8. Like @RuthC . DH and I were 4 star in 2009 when the star system was instituted, and we were 5 star when that level was added. Our first HAL cruise was a 25 day b2b in 1998 when I was 51 and DH was 55.
  9. The level for a new faucet sounds fair. I have no doubt you'll find the perfect house. In the meantime, relax with some cardbordeaux. 🍷 I'm sorry the insurance denied the botox. I hope the doctor can appeal. Lenda
  10. Our visit to the Tex/Mex restaurant did not disappoint. We've been going there ever since they opened, and the food is consistently good. Joy, I feel your pain. I've been bitten by fire ants 🐜 more times than I want to remember. Debbie, to quote my favorite line from A Christmas Story, "Oh, fudge!" on both counts. Could you, if you wanted to continue dealing with that jerk, make a new offer? On the other hand, your realtor may find you an even better house. While this is not nice, hopefully the jerk will do business with someone who treats him the same way. 👿 Can you get the inspector to pay to replace the faucet he broke? I'm sorry your cruise was cancelled. Lenda
  11. Good afternoon. Things did not go exactly as planned, and I had to make two trips to the store. 😒 At least, I got everything on my list, for once, nothing extra! Unfortunately, that made me later doing the outside chores than planned, It was already warming up, but they are done. That was followed by some more paperwork. The good news is, we decided to go get an late lunch/early dinner, at our favorite Tex/Mex restaurant. It sounds like your trip is set, and will be a busy one with lots of good visits. Bruce, thanks for the recipe. It looks good. I'm sorry about your DH's father nearing the end of his life. Safe travels to you DH as he heads to NC. I hope the situation with your father improves. We have both lost our parents, and know what you are going through. I'm glad you felt comfortable sharing with us, and we're here for you whenever you feel like sharing. That is good news that the Junior Cat asked to be fed. Sending positive thoughts for continued improvement. Hope you do not have a bad reaction to the third booster. I'm sorry they have not found Nimbus yet. Hope he turns up soon. Lenda
  12. Melisa, that is the best possible news under the circumstances. I'm happy for your DSIL, you, your DH and the rest of the family. While she has a long road ahead, there is a much better outcome in sight. Lenda
  13. Good morning from central Texas. I have an errand and also a few things to do outside, and I want to get them out of the way early. It will be in the 90sF later today, but nexxt week is supposed to be cooler. International peace day and world gratitude day are worth celebrating. We have a lot to be grateful for. I think the last time we played miniature golf was more than 20 years ago on a RC ship I really like the John Lennon quote. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. We have not been to Townsville, Australia. @Crazy For Cats HAPPY BIRTHDAY to two cute kitties. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you can get evrything done today. Great you have your car back. I also hope the cool water will lessen Fiona's intensity. @dfish Yeah, Debbie, on the dry basement, and for your neighbor Trevor. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope there are no surprises at Tana's apointment. You also have wonderful neighbors. @HAL4NOW Hoping that you and the town are spared be the fire. Lenda
  14. Thank you for the update. I hope you got some sleep. Continued positive thoughts that you and the entire town stay safe. Lenda
  15. Oh, no! Stay safe. Debbie, like you I hope the plumber's fix solves the problem with the water. You've done your best and everything that could be done. Now, for the hard part, relax and get a good night's sleep. Ann, another great installation to your travelog. Lenda
  16. Terri, it was good to see that progress is beginning to be made. Lenda
  17. I hope the flight is going all right today. Still, good wishes to them for save travels from Baltimore tomorrow. Lenda
  18. Good afternoon. It's been a busy day trying to catch up on paperwork. 🤕 At least, I'm caught until new mail or email comes in. Susan, I'm glad you got the smoke detector replaced. I'm found that sometimes the "helpless, little old lady" routine can work wonders. 🤣 Glad the pain form the lower back surgery is getting less intense. Ann, enjoyed another great report. In June, 1992, we drove along the highway by the Chilkat River and through the bald eagle preserve. At that time, the trees were full of eagles. June must have been the nesting season. Jack, I hope Sue and DSIL have better luck with their flight tomorrow, and good wishes for safe travels for them. Lenda
  19. You will get a letter a few days before your arrival in Ft. Lauderdale with the information for the turnaround day. You will wait in either one of the lounges or the showroom depending on how many are in transit. Once the departing passengers have cleared immigration, an officer will escort you to the terminal, where you will go through immigration and be allowed to reboard the ship. When we did it in 2019, we were also given the option to go to a waiting room where they had free wifi. We chose to return to the ship.
  20. Good morning from a pleasant but warming central Texas. It was so nice early this morning that we decided to put the top down on the convertible and go for a drive-thru breakfast. When we finished, since there was not much on the agenda today, we decided to take a ride. We headed toward the dam, but took a side road which turned into a dead-end a few miles later. After we turned around, we found a road that branched off the first one, and we followed it until we came to the dam. From there, we headed back home. We saw areas we'd never seen in the 23 years we've lived here. Once home, I took the car up to the gas station across from our little community to get it inspected. It passed with no problem. Pepperoni pizza is my favorite, but I usually get it double pepperoni with onions and mushrooms. Punch is all right at a party depending on the punch, but it cannot have Hawaiian Punch as an ingredient. Get ready day is interesting. I found this explanation of Get Ready day on line: "The American Public Health Association's (APHA) Get Ready Day is on the third Tuesday in September, coinciding with National Preparedness Month. The campaign's aim is to prepare American citizens and their communities for emergency crisis situations like natural disasters or hazards." The Dalai Lama's quote is very true. I will take the chicken salad with out the quinoa. I know it's healthy for you, but I just could not like it when I tried it. The wine sounds good, but we'll pass on the drink. We have not been to Trieste. In 2019, when the Veendam stopped in Rijeka, Croatia, we had a tour schedule to go to Trieste. A few days before we arrived in Rijeka, the tour operator informed the ship they were canceling the tour. It seems there were problems with the border crossing in both directions with long delays. The operator could not guarantee he could get the tour back in a reasonable time for the ship to arrive in Venice the next day at the scheduled time. @dfish Debbie, I have my fingers crossed 🤞 today's fix does the trick. The one "good?" thing about a roof leak is you don't have to go into a basement to see it. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you get your car back today. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the awesome picture of the eagle. @ger_77 Gerry, welcome home. I'm glad you got most of your hugs. @Cruising-along Thank you for your pictures of Trieste. The day in Rijeka was rainy, so that might have been our weather in Trieste, too. Lenda
  21. Debbie, I'm going to add my two cents worth of advice. Since this is the apparently first time it's leaked, it sounds to me like your neighbor has the correct solution, which shouldn't be too expensive to fix. If it was me, I'd do that, then, if it turns out to need more done, I'd give the buyers the money to fix it. Now, I'll shut up and mind my own business. Lenda
  22. Oh, Debbie, just what you didn't need. The good news is your neighbor will be able to fix it for your and at least, the rain let you discover it in time to remedy the situation. Than goodness for good neighbors. Fingers crossed 🤞 that this is the last surprise. Lenda
  23. It is now quiet again. The two guys finished replacing all the screws on the house side of the metal roof about two hours ago. They found at least two, maybe more, bad screws. Hopefully, this will fix the leaky roof problem. Of course, now there is no rain in the forecast, and our rainy season isn't until next spring. Maybe, we'll get a couple of good rains sooner, so we can determine if the work today solved the problem. DH and I are working on cleaning up my computer and removing outdated programs and files. He just finished with the big stuff, and now I'm going through files to see what I can get rid of, too. @Cruising-along Welcome back home, and I'm glad everyone had a good time. I hope your DGS's cat is found soon. It sounds like your DS and DDIL's new house is coming along. @aliaschief Welcome home, Bruce. Good to know you had a great time with the grand kids. @durangoscots Susan, we also watched the Ken Burn's Holocaust special last night. It was disturbing in many ways. Lenda
  24. If the turnaround is in San Diego, and you're not getting off the ship, you will go to the World Stage. CBP officials will come to there and scan your passport. At least, this was the porcedure last April. Customs and Immigration set the rules for each port, so whether or not you go through immigration on the ship or in the terminal depends on the port. If you are changing cabins, the only things you will need to pack are those things not on hangers. The srewards who move your things to the new cabin will hang your clothes on a trolley to move along with your luggage. There will be a quiet lull between the departing passengers and the arriving passengers where you'll feel like you're on your own really big private yacht.
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