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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. DH found his videos and stills taken in 2007 when we were snorkeling off the beach at the Intercontinental Hotel. Some of these pictures are stills and some are screenshots of the videos. It is easy to see how shallow the water was. This is the hotel looking from the reef. Lenda
  2. We have been to Moorea five times on Wind Star, Princess and HAL. Most of our pictures are from prehistoric times before digital cameras, but I did find a few. In 2002 on the APEC cruise on Volendam, Moorea was not a port. We took the ferry from Papeete to Moorea, and rented a car. In fact, we've rented cars there every time except 2007. That time we took a taxi to the Intercontinental Hotel to snorkel. The reef comes very close to the shore there, and the colors of the fish and coral are outstanding. These first pictures were taken in 2007 at the hotel. These were from our drive around the island in 2002. We stopped at a park where a tour was watching a feast being prepared. A young man carrying on an ancient craft. Moorea is our second favorite port after Bora Bora. The night in Moorea on Wind Song, dinner was a barbecue on deck complete with a roasted suckling pig. In 1996, on the Wind Song, anytime the pilot was not on the bridge, passengers could walk into the bridge. One evening, probably in Bora Bora, we did and started talking to the young deck officer. He even took us out on the bridge wing and pointed out the Southern Cross and other constellations. Fast forward to 2016 on the Prinsendam and a talk with Captain Tim Roberts. In 1996 he was a young officer on Wind Song. We all decided it was probably Captain Tim who was the young office we talked with 21 years earlier. It really is a small world. Lenda
  3. Good morning from another cloudy day in central Texas. It is 75F with 98% humidity and a dew point of 74F. We have a predicted high of 86F with rain about 3 pm, then again from from 7pm until 1 am. The plan for today is pressure washing the port and the house walls in the port. It is usually a two day job, with all the vehicles sitting outside overnight. That part may have to be changed. At least, I got part of the prep work done yesterday. It's hard not to be aware of all the gun violence with all the news on tv. Rotisserie chickens are good for a quick meal. As an avid cruiser, I'll honor St. Erasmus. An interesting quote today by Joan Powers. We'll pass on the meal. Although I love chocolate, I'm not fond of raspberries. We'll also pass on the drink and the wine. We've been to Moorea several times beginning in 1996 pm Wind Song. Marconi's application for a patent for wireless telegraphy was a big step forward in communication. My parents and I drove to Fort Worth to see the Queen's Coronation on their tv, since television had not come to our town then. I was 6 and can remember parts of the ceremony, but my biggest memory is how "snowy" the picture was. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you have an appointment with the vascular surgeon, but yikes on having to wait until July. @aliaschief Bruce, I'm sorry your back is acting up again. I hope it's better soon. @Denise T Denise, oh my on the damage done by the racoon. Lenda
  4. @luvteaching Karen, I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing cruise. Lenda
  5. Good evening. It was a long day, and needless to say, I'm tired. The port is just about ready to start the pressure washing. There are a few things that need moving, including the motorhome. We split a ribeye for dinner and added baked potatoes, salad and wine. After dinner, we took the golf cart fot a ride, and saw three mule deer in the field near the fence. Two of them ran as we approached, but the third one just stared at us. There is good news about the old golf cart. Our neighbor repaired it, and I think it's in better shape than in a long time. The nice camper who helped us is the new owner. We saw him and his wife taking a ride tonight. It all worked out for the best. I hope Shirl will adapt to her new home. It took a while for DH's stepmother to agree to go into a memory unit. It was on a trial basis, but she stayed. Lenda
  6. Good afternoon from a progressively cloudy central Texas. The yardwork is finished, and I'm taking a break to rest and cool down. I'm hoping to get the storage cabinets in the port emptied so I can move them and clean them tomorrow along with the port and the motorhome. That part will probably be a two day job. The best part is that is the last big outside chore until fall. Roy, if the hip pain is bursitis, steroid shots that target the bursa should help. Terri, I hope you find a good pt place and a great therapist. Terry, I'm sorry about the worrisome phone calls. Safe travels tomorrow. Great picture of DGS and Pippin. Bruce, thanks for the great pictures. Lenda
  7. 🐰 RABBIT 🐰 RABBIT 🐇 WHITE RABBIT Good morning from a partly sunny central Texas. It is 72F with 95% humidity and a dew point of 70F. Our high today will be 88F. Rain was predicted for about this time, but I think it missed us. There is rain predicted off and on tomorrow, but that may not materialize with, and hopefully Monday's rain will not arrive either. Since it's not supposed to rain today, I will get the mowing out of the way. International Children's Day and Global Day of Parents are important days. The Heimlich Maneuver has saved many lives. I like the loooong quote from Bob Marley. I like egg salad sandwiches, but my egg salad was not good, so I'll check out Debbie's @dfish recipes. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. While we have visited many wonderful Greek ports, we have not been to Kos. An interesting day in music history with the release of the single "Mrs. Robinson". Now, I'll have that song in my head all day. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, what a sad turn of events finding out it was the grandson and his friends who robbed your neighbors. I'm glad the weather cooperated in Helsinki. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad al you needed were four ibuprofen after the extraction. @Mr. Boston Congratulations on selling the condo and buying a house in Wells, ME. Relax and enjoy your cruise. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope your back feels better soon. @dfish Debbie, I hope you find a purse that is exactly what you are looking for. Sorry the dice were unkind to you last night. @marshhawk Annie, I hope June is a much better month for you and Chuck @catmando @Crazy For Cats Jake, thanks for checking in, and I hope the other hospitals are back online soon. I loved the pictures of the cats. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm amazed at your recovery, and I'm glad you are sleeping well. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm so glad you went through Gord's box of treasures. @kochleffel Paul, I laughed at Mona Lisa going up to bed, then calling you. Our mini dachshund Brandy would put herself to bed. She'd jump on the bed and then burrow under the covers and get to her spot near the foot of the bed. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I'm glad the surgeon was pleased with your recovery. I'm sorry that your youngest betrayed you, and you had to press charges. Lenda
  8. @Mr. Boston I hope you and your DH have a wonderful cruise on Volendam. Lenda
  9. Joy, if you our roads, you would understand the 10 mph speed limit. Terry, thanks for the beautiful pictures. Thanks, Debbie. It's more comfortable and quieter than our old gas one. Lenda
  10. Good afternoon from, do I dare say it, a mostly sunny central Texas. It is 79F and doesn't feel too bad in the shade. We didn't get any rain this morning. The golf card was delivered about 10:30 this morning, and we've taken it for a couple of rides. Our old golf cart had the governor set at 11mph, but this one will go 25 mph. It has two setting high and low, and since the speed limit in the community is 10mph we're keeping it on low. The quick response from the accelerator takes a little getting used to, but it's easy to drive. Here are a couple of pictures. Ann, I hope Pat has a safe trip Tuesday, and a wonderful time at his cousin's 94th birthday. It's interesting how different doctors have different instructions for after oral surgery. My dentist used dissolving stiches that were gone by the one week check up. I was allowed to eat anything within reason as long as I chewed the firmer food on the other side. I go back in August for the impressions. Ann, I'm sorry they found a carcinoma, and I hope they caught it early, and that you can just have a lumpectomy. You will be in our thoughts. I know what you mean about how good it feels after a haircut. Roy, I'm glad the extraction went well. Did they give you any dental gauze to place on the extraction site until the bleeding stopped? My dentist suggested if the bleeding didn't stop fairly soon, to use a moistened tea bag instead of the gauze. The tannic acid n the tea helps form a clot and stops the bleeding. It definitely slowed the bleeding down for me, but I wish I'd had a smaller tea bag than the family size. Be sure to use any pain medicine that was prescribed. Now, I think I'll take my book outside and enjoy the nice day. Lenda
  11. These pictures are what I posted in June 2021. I do not have too many pictures of the Port Said end of the Suez Canal on the old Regal Princess in 2003. Here are a couple of them. I'm going to add a couple of pictures of two passengers from that cruise. This was the mystery cruise in 2003 on the Regal Princess from Bangkok to Rome with may ports changed due to SARS and the Iraq War. These passengers were only on from Bangkok to Mumbai, but we were lucky to get to see them. I think you will recognize Mickey Rooney, who along with his wife #? and his son were just regular passengers. The Cruise Director, who had spent years as a lounge entertainer, persuaded them to do their Las Vegas act one afternoon. Another afternoon, Mickey joined him for a "coffee chat" and answered some questions from passengers. He also posed for pictures with some passengers, but we were to far back in the line to get our picture taken with Mickey and his wife. Mickey talked about his years in Hollywood and a lot of the stars he worked with especially Judy Garland and Elizabeth Taylor. His stories were very interesting, and he did not say one bad thing about anyone. His one regret was taking the role of the Asian neighbor in "Breakfast at Tiffany's". Later, after the news broke that his son subjected him to elder abuse, I've often wondered if it was the son that was on the cruise with them. As far as we knew, we never saw the son. The first time we Mickey, he was sitting outside one of the shops until his wife came out, when he then got up and followed her. I also remember the CD did a show one night when the scheduled entertainer was not available due to missing the ship. The CD put on a very enjoyable shoe. At that time, flying to Asia and getting on the ship was not easy, and if you flew through Hong Kong or Singapore, you had to wait ten days before boarding. Lenda
  12. Good morning from a cooler, cloudy and soggy morning in central Texas. We had more thunderstorms and rain during the night, but I haven't checked the rain gauge yet. It is 67F with 95% humidity and a dew point of 66F. We have a 9 mph wind along with a flood warning. Our little community is safe since we are on a high bluff overlooking the lake. The predicted high is 81F. It looks like we could get some scattered thunderstorms later this morning and tomorrow morning. The grass will need mowing soon, and it looks like Sunday morning is the best bet. That is the longest stretch between predicted rain chances. After Saturday mornings rain chances, there is no rain prediction until Sunday afternoon. The main item on the agenda today is the delivery of the new golf cart, but we don't have a time yet. Save your hearing is very important as is no-tobacco day. I'm not sure about What You Think Upon Grows day. I like the quote as we often wander around the ports we visit on BHBs, and yes, we occasionally get lost. However, the map apps on the phones are now a big help. We'll pass on the meal and drink. I would try the wine even though a prefer a Riesling that's between dry and sweet. In 2003 on the old Regal Princess, we were supposed to stop in Port Said after our Suez Canal transit, but due to operational reasons, we docked in Alexandria. An interesting day in history concerning Martin Frobisher and his voyage to Canada in 1578. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I dug around on Google and after looking at the picture of the mosque and the map of Port Said, I think you're correct about the mosque being the Al Salam Mosque. Thanks for the pictures from Port Said. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for the explanation of What You Think Upon Grows Up Day. I remember hearing about Norman Vincent Peale and the Marble Collegiate Church when I was growing up. @Heartgrove Jack, it is so sad to read about Sam's new problems. I wish they had a way to fix hip problems in dogs. @Denise T Denise, I hope the medicine cure Fancy's Lyme disease quickly. @seagarsmoker I hope with your busy summer work schedule, you will find time to check in occasionally. Great picture today. @ottahand7 Nancy, with all the work you are doing, you will soon be able to enjoy your summer at the cabin. Thanks for the great picture. @mamaofami Carol, sorry about the snakes. I hope they were non-venomous ones. @Mr. Boston Enjoy your last day in Montreal. Great that DH found just the suit he'd been looking for. @marshhawk Annie, you may be getting our rain, and I hope it isn't as wild as yesterday's rain. Good luck with the work phones and the work schedule. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you are enjoying your time in NH. I'm sorry Tana is so weak now. Sending positive thoughts for the very best for her. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, great that the Mavs are in the finals. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I hope your appointment goes well and the surgeon is pleased with your recovery. @rafinmd Roy, I hope the extraction goes well. We saw pictures on the news last night about the flooding in Dallas. Stemmons Freeway (I-30E) in the area we travel to get to UTSW was under about 18 inches of water. We exit right at Market Center. Lenda
  13. @Vict0riann Ann, please wish Pat a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY from both of us. Lenda
  14. A very late good afternoon after a very busy day. Our handyman neighbor came this morning, and now we have all new lights outside and in the storeroom. They are all LEDs and very bright. I did some straightening of my outside storage cabinets while he was working. He has one of those scissor lifts, so to keep him from having to climb down to get the next light, I got them ready to hand to him. He also fixed a piece of the porch roof that had been hanging down for years, and that we couldn't get put back up. He is also the person we gave the golf cart to, and he's been working on it. He has it running after working on the carburetor, and the lights are also working after he completely rewired them. After a few more repairs, he is going to sell it, probably to the camper who helped us, so everybody wins in that scenario. Since he will make a fair amount on the sale of the golf cart, he refused the payment we'd agreed on earlier. I also took advantage of the motorhomes being out of the the port and blew all the leaves, dirt and stuff from the cedar trees out of the port. It was better than it's been in years. This afternoon, I got a hair cut and I'm no longer shaggy. If a before and after comparison was made, I'd equate it with how Ivan looked when he first joined Jacqui @kazu and how he looked after his first grooming. As I was driving home, I noticed dark clouds gathering to the north and west. The storm hit about 30 minutes ago with high winds and a lot of rain. It was raining harder than I've seen it rain in a long time. I just looked and we've gotten 0.90 inches of rain, and it's still pouring. The drainage ditch by the street is full and beginning to overflow. The temperature has dropped from about 90F to 72F since the storm moved in. The weather app says the wind is 13 mph and the gusts can be 65 mph. According to the radar we're in a small portion of the storm, but it is the one that is the reddest on the map. It should be through here in about an hour or so, but more is headed this way later this evening. At least we won't have to water the plants for quite a while. Terry, I'm glad you were able to get away and babysit the DGC while your DS and DDIL go see the Stones. I can understand your worry about leaving, but I'm sure between the aide and the family things will be handled. Gerry, thanks for letting us know about national milk day. I usually have a glass of milk with breakfast, so I have the day covered. As I said, I see the PA, and I have confidence in the new medicine he prescribed He is very knowledgeable, and listens to his patients. He doesn't hurry you in and out of the appointment, which may explain why sometimes he and our PCP are running late. It also may explain the 1 1/2 hour lunch break. After seeing patients into the lunch hour, it still gives them time to eat. We are very lucky in our small town to have such a caring doctor and caring dentist. I'm not really convinced the annual Medicare wellness visit does much good. Most of what the site says they do, our PCP does on the annual visits. Roy, I hope your visit with your primary doctor went well. I hope the extraction tomorrow goes smoothly. Carolyn, I always assumed the wellness visit Medicare mentions was the annual physical, but it's not. That is why I decided not to have that visit, plus a visit with the the PA and all the tests. Most of the information gathered at the wellness visit is in my records, and they always check to see if there are any changes. So far, I don't think I need a memory test. John, thank you for the great laughs today. Paul, I've seen that sorry on several news sites. I keep reminding myself, you can't fix stupid. Brenda, the flowers are beautiful, and so are your tulips. Vanessa, I hope you get plenty of rest tonight. Your BFF is as lucky to have you as a friend and to take care of him, and you are having him in your life. How is he doing since the surgery? I had planned to make stuffed peppers tonight, but I think instead, we'll finish the meatloaf and mashed potatoes. The wind and rain has slowed down considerably, and there is some brighter sky to the west. I just checked and our rain total so far is 1.22 inches. The drainage ditch level has receded some, and the yard doesn't look like a swamp now. I still hear thunder, and I guess the yard mowing will have to wait a day or two for the ground to dry some. Lenda
  15. Good morning from another cloudy day in central Texas. It is 75F with 100% humidity and a dew point of 75F. There is a 10mph wind. Our high will be 84F and the predicted rain has been pushed back until early evening. This morning we'll be having all the outside lights replaced along with the one in the storeroom/shop. We'll have to move the motorhome out so our neighbor, who does odd jobs, can reach the lights. I'm hoping to do some straightening in the port in preparation for pressure washing the port soon. Everything has to be moved so I can get to the walls which means emptying the storage cabinets, too. I'm just glad the cabinets are plastic and easy to move around. For me the biggy on the agenda is a much needed hair cut this afternoon. I don't know how creative I am, and our flowers don't need watering with all the rain we've gotten this spring. Finding a cure for MS is very important. My mother had MS, and my nextdoor neighbor and childhood friend is battling MS. I think the quote is true. The meal sounds interesting, and I liked the looks of the third recipe Debbie @dfish found. The drink looks like it's worth a try, but we'll skip the wine. We were in College Fjord in 1993 on the old Sky Princess, nee Sitmar Fair Sky, in 1993 on our first Alaska cruise. We had breakfast on the back deck watching the glaciers. I remember being al bundled up and trying to eat with my gloves on. Naturally, all my pictures are pre-digital. The inaugural Indianapolis 500 in 1911 was the beginning of a great tradition. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, what an adventure those passengers on the trains had yesterday. I hope no one was injured. You DD's tree is very creative. @grapau27 Graham, I'm glad Pauline is better and I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the pictures and video. @St Pete Cruiser Thanks for the pictures from Newcastle upon Tyne. We enjoyed our day there in 2017 on Prinsendam. Linda Minkin our cruise, director, was from there and had her mother and sister on board for the day. @kazu Jacqui, I loved all the memes, but especially the gardener one. I wish someone had said that to me when all my plants died over the years. 😁 Hope your back and legs are better today. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you made it home safely and got a good night's sleep. I'm happy the injection seems to be working already. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the pictures of Chioggia. It looks nice, and I would like to wander around the town if we ever get there. Lenda
  16. @GTVCRUISER Gary, I hope you have a great birthday. Lenda
  17. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you have a wonderful birthday and that your new year is a better year. Lenda
  18. Paul, I decided this year to have the annual wellness checkup, but changed my mind when I was told it would be with a nurse practioner who only did them on Saturday or Monday, and I would still need to see the PA for my regular annual visit. I looked on the Medicare website to see what the wellness checkup included and was surprised at what was included and what wasn't. It seems like a waste of time to me, and the PCP's office has never suggested it. BTW, the PA is very good and did his training at the same medical school as our PCP. He's also the one who realized DH needed a head CT scan which revealed the NPH. I go to him since I mainly need an annual check up, and DH see the PCP. Lenda
  19. Tomorrow looks like another busy day. We're replacing all the outside lights, and the person whomis doing the work will be here at 9am. While he's doing that, I'm going to start getting the port ready to pressure wash. When the pressure washing happens depends on what else is going on and the weather. I just want to finish the projrct before it gets too hot. Edi, I'm sorry your friend came home with Covid. I hope it's a mild case and she recovers quickly. Carolyn, after talking to our PCP's office, I had a regular check up with blood tests instead of the wellness visit. That meant no memory test or pre-visit questions, and I could see the physician assistant not a special nurse. Lenda
  20. Good afternoon from a warmer than predicted central Texas. Before we headed to Waco, I made a quick trip to the grocery store, and now I have some meat that needs to be packaged for the freezer. The trip was successful, and we now have a new golf cart. It should be here by Saturday. We went expecting to get a four seat cart, but wound up with a "classic" two seater. We bought an Evolution that has lithium batteries, so no more worries about running out of gas, which has happened. This one has a display were you can check the battery level. The golf carts with the lithium batteries sit higher off the ground, and the one we thought we wanted was high enough that it was a little difficult for DH to get in and not that easy for me. While the two seater is still higher, it is several inches lower to the ground and just what we needed. It was also about 2/3s the price of the four seater. We were lucky they had one in stock, and while we were looking for a white one, the black one is not that bad. I'll just have to wash it more often -- maybe. We also stopped at a jewelry store since I had two watches that needed work, and I had lost a small diamond out of my wedding ring. I also wanted them to check the settings on my other rings before something happened to them. They should be ready in a couple of weeks or so. It was nice to get away from home and drive through the country side which is very green from all our rain. The corn crops are really growing and already very tall. We drove across the dam, and our lake is flooded. The boat ramps and day use areas are underwater. The maximum elevation for the lake is 533 feet, and as of last Sunday the level was 539.9 feet. That is down about 2 1/2 feet from the week before. The earliest the parks will open is July 4, but if we get more rain, it could be later. Annie, I wish I could wave a magic wand and ease your DH's pain. I hope he can get some relief. I'm glad the kittens are growing and doing well. Even though you are busy, please take some time for yourself. Thanks for the pictures. We've been the the air museum in Anchorage twice, and enjoyed it. Roy, sending positive thoughts for Paul's recovery from pneumonia. Thank you, Graham. You and Pauline both need to visit Alaska. The 28 day cruise next summer would let you see many interesting places. However, you need to see the interior also, since it is very different from the coastal areas. Joy, thanks for the pictures of Elvis. Our Brandy and Nikki loved riding in our golf cart, and Nikki loved the Polaris Ranger we have in Quartzsite. Terri, I hope the injection helps you as much as they helped DH. Safe travels home. Thank for letting us know about Peter and Paula's birthdays, Jacqui. I hope your feeling better today. Pennie, I'm glad your faucet has been fixed. I loved the memes. Denise, this just means you need to book another cruise, and head to Alaska two days early. Paul, that is sad news about the church fire. I'm glad the damage was limited to the upper part and the roof. Carolyn, thanks for the message from Amber and her DH. I hope her recovery continues on track and she has a full recovery. We've spent several days in Anchorage in the motorhome exploring the area. Alaska is amazing. Vanessa, I'm glad you are able to get a good night's sleep after busy days. We have a wifi thermostat, and it's nice to be able to program it from our tablets or phones. @P&PNH HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAUL. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, PAULA Lenda
  21. I found some pictures of downtown Anchorage. As we usually rent a car, we don't often spend time in Anchorage. In 2018 on the Zaandam, we did not have a car rental reservation, so we walked around the area where the shuttle drops us off. We then checked with the company and were able to rent a car. The visitor center Downtown Anchorage The Alaska Mint is actually an unique store that is worth wandering through for a few minutes. There are flowers all over Anchorage and Alaska. This is for the garden club. In 2015 on the Statendam and 2012 on the Amsterdam, we went to the State Fair in Palmer. This is the "big" or main state fair, but since Alaska is so big, we have seen signs for the state fair in southeast Alaska, on the Kenai Peninsula and Kodiak. The fair in Palmer is held in August and ends Labor Day weekend. The fair is not big like the state fairs in Texas, Minnesota or even Arizona, but it is more a traditional state fair from years ago. They even have tractor pulls. I think the sign says it all. The stories about the giant vegetables are true. The Matsu Valley has warm summer days with a lot of daylight for growing big produce. Then there are the giant pumpkins. The midway and the vendor areas A lot of flowers I'm not sure why, but I thought this group would like this picture. I think even though the growing season is short, the long days of sunshine are the reason for the giant vegetables and the bigger flowers seen all around Alaska. Lenda
  22. Good morning from a cooler central Texas. It is 68F with 100% humidity and a dew point of 68F. As I'm typing this, I see clouds and blue skies. Our high will be 81F with rain and thunderstorms returning around 4pm. If all goes as planned, we'll be heading to Waco to buy a new golf cart. I'll miss the old one since it was unique here between the body style of 31 years ago and being painted Texas Longhorn orange. I hope our neighbor can fix it, and that the nice camper we met will buy it. This is not a good picture since it's been cropped, but it's the best one of the golf cart. This was taken at Christmas either in 1999 or 2000. Sadly the United Nations Peacekeepers have their work cut out for them in too many places. Composting is good, but we don't have enough of a need for it here. National 529s are a great way to set aside money for college. We were fortunate to be able to contribute to our DDs college accounts so they did not need to take out student loans. I like the Mark Twain quote, it is probably very true with a lot of readers. We'll pass on the meal and probably the drink. The wine sounds nice and the price is right. We have been to Anchorage many times both on BHBs and by motorhome. The ascent of Mt. Everest by Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary in 1953 was quite an accomplishment. It's sad that so many climbers now are leaving the mountain a mess. @puppycanducruise Beautiful flowers, Melanie. Thanks for the picture. @grapau27 Graham, I hope you and Pauline are feeling better today. @LambKnuckles Lambie, I'm glad they are finally breaking ground for the Senior Center today. @aliaschief Enjoy your last day/night of being pampered as a small group of passengers. @richwmn Rich, I loved the wine meme. It was me last night after no having wine for a week. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, your tour sounded interesting. Lenda
  23. @Horizon chaser 1957 Laura, I hope you and your DH have a wonderful anniversary, and many more anniversaries in the years to come. Lenda
  24. @cat shepard Ann. may your birthday be filled with fun, laughter and joy, and be followed by many more birthdays. Lenda
  25. Glad you are also got good news after your CT scan and test results. Elizabeth, I'm sorry your procedure was postponed again. I hope the new Rx and the plugs work. Lenda
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