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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. We're back from the PT session, which was very interesting. The therapist who is in charge of the site in town, and who has a PhD, spent a good bit of the time talking with both of us, and doing some basic tests. It is his opinion that it is both vestibular and ocular, and he is going to try to help DH get an improvement with the situation. There is not a "cure" but the brain can be trained to compensate for what the therapist says is a disconnect. It will be difficult at first, but with repetition, the brain should reach a point when it "ignores" the symptoms. It's an area they still do not fully understand. Right now, DH is scheduled for two sessions a week for four weeks, plus home work in between. We're hoping that with hard work and given time, things will improve. Sandi, that is an impressive article, and an impressive program for the Academy. Lamar Hunt and his sons are big names in Dallas, and I'm sure that played a part in being able to work with the Frisco school district. Ren is very lucky he was chosen for such a program. BTW, you have more mail. Lenda
  2. Vanessa, I'm glad you are getting your last iv antibiotic and will be able to go home tonight. I hope this and the oral antibiotics clear up the infection asap. Ann, I'm happy Pat is one step closer to the TAVI procedure. I hope he gets his appointment soon. Lenda
  3. Good afternoon from a sunny, off and on, day in central Texas. The good news is the house is clean for another few days or until I can't stand it anymore, and for once it went a bit more quickly than normal. No complaints about that. Now, I'm just waiting for the two loads of towels to finish. Last week when DH had his ENT evaluation for dizziness, she did not think the problem was vestibular, but ordered vestibular PT just in case. He can have it here in town, and they called to set up the first appointment this afternoon. She thinks his eyes might be the main problem and wants an in depth examination, probably like the one he had two years ago that was basically normal. The first appointment they had is toward the end of March 2025 when we hope to be in Quartzsite. I guess that will wait a bit longer. Jacqui, I'm glad you and Ivan are adjusting to your new home. I'm sorry the vascular surgeon appointment was so disappointing. Hopefully, the MRI will give them some idea of the problem. I hope you can have the cataract surgery soon and be ready for your cruise. Donna, welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. It's good to know we were able to help the last few years. I found the Daily was a big help during that time, too. I've made a lot of new friends here, and have even be fortunate to meet some in person on BHBs. I hope you will join us often. Carolyn, I'm glad you did not have a reaction from the Covid vaccine. The news about your sister is disturbing. I hope she can get some help at the Urgent Care. Susan, I hope your sister gets some help at the gastroenterologist today, and that she feels better soon. I'm glad the dogs ignored the bear. We've seen a few up closer than we liked in Alaska and the Yukon. Our 7 pound dachshund thought she was a very big, viscous dog when she encountered wildlife, except even she knew to be quiet and still when bears were around. Carolyn, I have all notifications turned off on CC. We get enough other things without adding those. Welcome to the FR/D, and I think many of us became Dailyites by jumping in. All are welcome here, and we learn different things from each new Dailyite. @grapau27 Welcome home, Graham and Pauline. I'm glad you had a wonderful cruise. Great pictures from many ports we've enjoyed over the years. Vigo is the only one we've not seen -- yet. Lenda
  4. Roy's latest update just landed in my in box. As I suspected, he's had a busy day today. The first day’s rehab is now done, nominally 4 1/2 hours. With each new therapist there was an assessment which repeated many of the same questions. I have not yet been over to the gym. At 7 I had an hour with the Speech/language therapist who also covered things like chewing and swallowing. I had an hour break until 9 and a recreational therapist talking about things I like to do in my spare time and how therapy can help with my chosen activities. At 9:30 the Occupational therapist came and we worked on dressing, standing with a walker, and transferring to a wheelchair. The Occupational therapist cleared me to go to the bathroom with assistance. Another break to 11 and then the Physical Therapist who worked on some eye exercises, a walk down the hallway, some ear canal exercises on the bed, and finally she helped me with a visit to the bathroom. After lunch the Speech Therapist had me do some breathing exercises. I still have not been to the gym but will get a new schedule each day. Lenda
  5. A very early good morning from central Texas where it is still dark. According to the weather app it is cloudy and 70F with 96% humidity and a 68F dew point. There is a 5mph wind from the NNE. Our predicted high is 85F with clearing skies late this afternoon and no chance of rain. Today is house cleaning day, and since I'm up early, I'll get started when I finish here. Three interesting days, and we all need encouragement and hugs from time to time. I wish the world would realize we are just one human family. I agree with the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow quote, but sadly for some the rain becomes a flood. A good tomato basil soup is good, but I'll skip the drink. The wine sounds like a winner with an affordable price tag. We have not been to Tadine Mare, New Caledonia. What a surprise awaited those four teens in 1940 when they followed their dog into the cave. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope the iv antibiotic is already bringing improvement to your leg. You amaze me with how organized you are and your ability to get the lists to us no matter where you are. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, congratulations to Ren on being named a National Merit Semi-Finalist. Safe and rain free travels tomorrow for DGD's wedding. @puppycanducruise Melanie, please wish your DM a VERY HAPPY 87TH BIRTHDAY for us. @ottahand7 Nancy, thanks for the pictures from you drive into town. I hope all goes smoothly as you make your final preparations to travel home Saturday. Lenda
  6. This is the latest email from Roy. It looks like he will have a busy morning. The ambulance came about 3PM and the ride was just over an hour. Since arriving I have been in the bed the entire time. Slept reasonably well. I first meet with rehab at 7AM. Lenda
  7. Roy, I'm glad you are in rehab now, and are getting settled. I hope the stay will not be a prolonged one. Lenda
  8. Maureen, it's always nice to have a handy neighbor to call when there are problems. Glad she could get the problem solved easily. Graham, we've flow out of Gatwick to Dallas in the past, but lately all our flights seem to be to or from Heathrow. Gatwick is a nice airport. Lenda
  9. Vanessa, I'm sorry you need to stay overnight, but if that and the iv antibiotics clear up the cellulitis, then you are in the right place. Lenda
  10. Terry, your DB sounds like he's a big help for the entire family. My heart goes out to the teenager. It's hard enough to have a parent who is ill, but it's especially hard on our children. It is good he can take time for the teenager and to get him to laugh. Debbie, thanks for the link to the commercial. It never gets old. Katherine, that must have been very difficult to continue teaching as if nothing had happened, and then, at the end to break the news to the students. Vanessa, I hope you have been seen by an ER doctor by now, and have what you need to get the leg better. Thanks for the pictures, Tony. Paul, on the computer and tablet, I've turned autocorrect off, and just have it underline problems. My phone is another matter. Even after I correct the autocorrect, it still reverts to what it likes. Makes texting a pain. RNB, wish I could help. We also can get it in Arizona, but it rarely goes on sale. Even this close the Brenham and The Little Creamery, it's gotten expensive when not on sale. Brenda, that was a nice honor for your DH. Brenda, I wish we'd had more time to change terminals in Heathrow. As it was, security took a long time, and they held my carryon up for further inspection because they didn't trust my deodorant. We made the plane, but walked on when we got to the gate. Bruce, the sunsets just keep getting better and better. Safe travels to your DS and family and to your DSIL tomorrow. Lenda
  11. I just got another update from Roy. Looks like the one constant is change. It looks like I am now going to Johns Hopkins Bayview instead Kernan. Lenda
  12. I'll repost some pictures from Coquimbo when we were there in 2015 on the Ruby Princess. We did a tour that had an over view of Coquimbo, and took us to La Serena where we visited a Pisco vineyard and distillery, and then to Vicuna. Coquimbo La Serena and the Pisco vineyard Vicuna An interesting tree sculpture The ship "graveyard" from our balcony Lenda
  13. An early good morning from central Texas. It is warmer this morning at 70F with 90% humidity and a dew point of 67F. There is a 2mph wind from the NW. Our predicted high is 86F, so it should be a pleasant day. It is also laundry day, and once the first load is in the dryer, I'm heading to the grocery store.. Blue Bell ice cream is on sale, and I've learned I need to go early in the sale before they sell out of the flavors we like. If I wait a few days or toward the end of the sale, there are very few half gallon tubs left. Like too many other days, 9/11/21 is a day we'll never forget, and a day we'll always know exactly where we were at that fateful moment. It is a day to pause and remember those who perished and those who died, even later, after helping in the aftermath. Service is a good way to honor those people, and volunteers are encouraged to help beautify our National Cemeteries or help in their community. The Henri Frederic Amiel quote is thought provoking, and I agree with @Mr. Boston about imagination in our lives. The salmon salad might be good without the couscous. HAL used to have a salmon salad as a main course in the MDR that was very good. We'll pass on the drink. While a semi-sweet Riesling is my preferred white wine, today's Riesling sounds like it would be too sweet for my taste. We have been to Coquimbo twice. The first time was in 2001 on Ryndam in my predigital age, and the second time was in 2015 on Ruby Princess. The 1914 publication of W. C. Handy's St. Louis Blues was a good day for music lovers. @Cruising-along Carolyn, I'm glad you got a good report from the Nephrologist yesterday. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, good luck with your tests today. I hope they show a problem that is easily solved. It's good news that you'll still be able to attend your DGD's wedding. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I'm happy your DS is feeling better today. I hope they can get the pathology results quickly, and that they show the surgeon got all the cancer. @marshhawk Annie, I hope Quiffy does well with her surgery. I wish there was something that could be done for your DH's pain. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope the move to rehab for your DB helps stop the regression in his physical abilities. I also hope the blood thinner dissolves the clot soon. Your flowers are lovely. Enjoyed your pictures of the Japanese Gardens. @cat shepard Ann, 2.5 hours should be enough time to change terminals and planes in Heathrow. We had a much shorter time frame in 2016, and made our plane, barely. It was lucky we landed early and they could bus us to the terminal from the plane. The main hang up was going through security. I think the closed the door just after we boarded. Lenda
  14. Good morning. This is the latest update from Roy, and it was sent about an hour ago. I slept pretty well last night. I expect sometime today to be transferred to University of Maryland Kernan Rehab Center on the side of Baltimore closest to me. Lenda
  15. Just thought I'd let everyone know that I have not heard anything more from Roy. Since it's just about 9pm EDT, I believe I won't hear anything else tonight. Lenda
  16. Vanessa, good that you could get some sleep this afternoon. I hope you get some answers about your leg tomorrow. Ann, I hope Pat's case was decided today, and that he can have the valve replacement soon. Thanks for the pictures from Picton. Joy, I'm glad your DS's surgery was successful yesterday. I hope the pathology results come back saying there is no more cancer. Gerry, I hope the ultrasound gives the doctor and answer to your DH's neck pain and stiffness along with a fix. Lenda
  17. @sailingdutchy Tony, please wish your DMIL and Martha's DM a VERY HAPPY 98TH BIRTHDAY for us. Thanks for the great pictures of the Birthday Girl. Lenda
  18. Good afternoon from a sunny central Texas where it is about 86F. Even with three stops, my outing to Fort Worth didn't take more than four hours. I did not need to spend too much time at each stop, just picked up a few things that I couldn't find close by. Besides, getting DH;s watch, the most important things was getting more cardbordeaux at Costco. It helped that traffic wasn't heavy and most of the traffic lights were cooperating and staying green when I approached. The only hitch was one of the exits I needed from the toll road was blocked by a work crew. At least, the next exit about 2 miles away was open and I could flip around. Even that didn't add a lot of time to the trip. Everything is unloaded and put away. Terry, I'm sorry both you and your DB are dragging today. I hope things go better tonight, and you both can get some rest this afternoon and tonight. Annie, the Ritz crackers should make an interesting addition to the meatloaf. I've always stuck with saltines since that is what I grew up loving. Elizabeth, I'm glad you could get the second treatment, but sorry each one will be a bit more intense. I'm also sorry today brought back such painful memories. Terri, I'm sorry you are having a PMR flare. I hope you can get some relief soon. Bruce, enjoy your day with your DGD. Thanks as usual for the beautiful sunset pictures. While we get some amazing sunsets in Quartzsite, noting beats a sunset over the ocean. Dixie, we all must have our priorities in order. With the corkscrew, bottle and dog food, the world should look much bright for Jacqui and Ivan. Lenda
  19. Good morning from central Texas. It is another cool morning with a temperature of 55F, which is about 5 or 6 degrees lower than predicted yesterday. There is a 3 mph breeze from the NNE with 85% humidity and a dew point of 50F. Our high is supposed to be 89F, and if today is like yesterday, it will be a pleasant day outside. The main item on the agenda is a trip to Fort Worth to pick up DH's watch and a stop at Costco. On the way home, we'll add in a quick stop at W-M for the things they were out of last week. Swapping ideas is always a good idea as you gain a different perspective. Suicide prevention is good. I think we are past the tv dinner phase in our lives. An interesting quote which is pretty true. However, the visual image will be with me for a while. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I would try the wine if offered. We have not been to Picton. Elias Howe's 1846 patent for the lock stitch machine made sewing easier and quicker. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm sorry you are dealing with an unexpected medical issue. I hope you can get the tests quickly, and the issue is resolved quickly. I also hope it doesn't interfere with your plans to travel to your DGD's wedding this weekend. Please let me know if you need me to post the links. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm sorry your DB is in such pain, and they do not need to drain more blood from his knee. @kazu Jacqui, thanks for checking in with us. We knew you were busy, and are happy the move is behind you. Yes, leaving a home with so many memories is difficult. I'm sure you and Ivan will settle into your new home soon. I hope the vascular surgeon has a plan to relieve your leg and foot pain. Lenda
  20. Good morning. This is the latest update from Roy. I hope he can get everything worked out in order to move to rehab. The new requirement makes sense however, and could save Roy and his friends a lot of worry. After the neurologist was here he ordered a carotid ultrasound and I have some questions about the results. There may be a hitch in moving to rehab, they are requiring that I have a commitment for 24 hour home care before they will accept me. I talked to a couple of the suggested agencies and both require an assessment before agreeing to take me on as a client Lenda
  21. That idea was behind my suggestion. OTOH, you bould be her agent and earn a percentage ofvher fees. Lenda
  22. I'm gaining weight just lookong at your pictures of all the great food. But, please don't stop the pictures.
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