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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Thank you, Graham. I enjoy sharing my pictures since looking at them again brings back so many wonderful memories. Lenda
  2. That's interesting since I've never seen it with raspberry. Whenever I've had or made Sacher Torte was apricot. The original Sacher Torte was invented in Austria by Franz Sacher and was made with apricot.
  3. Good afternoon again. It turned out that we went to Blythe today even though my prescriptions still have not been transferred from Texas. I put in the request on Wednesday. I was planning on going to Blyth on Tuesday, but I doubt the prescriptions will be ready then. One of us has to be here Tuesday as that is the day the repaired telescope is due to arrive back from France, and someone has to sign for it. The telescope was shipped to us on December 19, but was stuck at Charles de Gaulle airport until yesterday. It arrived in Memphis last night. Graham, thank you for your friendship and support for us in 2023. You are a bright spot on this thread. I hope 2024 is the best year ever for you, Pauline and Sarah. I couldn't agree with you more. We have become friends, and when we do met on a BHB, it's like meeting a friend that we already know. This group has made the past four years barrable for many of us. HAPPY NEW YEAR! And may 2024 be very good to you. Roy, thanks for sharing with us how to load and edit the maps. I hope next year is good to you. Rich, thanks for the added tip. May 2024 treat you very well. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Congratulations to the Ravens. Whatever each of you is doing to support them, just keep doing it. Nancy, the ships often make arrangements to air the Super Bow, but without the commercials. I'm glad you are feeling better and hope you are well soon. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Caron, I'm glad you made it safely to San Diego. Enjoy HH with the RC group. Lenda
  4. If we follow this New Year's tradition, no telling what manner desert critter we'd get along with good luck. We need the good luck, but I don't want to be chasing a critter around the house at midnight. Debbie, the one time I had a laparoscopic procedure, the gas settled under my left collarbone. In my case, pop offer the procedure would add to the gas. That happened whenever I drank anything carbonated when I was in the hospital and not getting out of bed. So the walking makes sense. Susan, hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow or the next day, and you can do the Ho-Ho. Glad you made it to Florida safely. That's the first I've seen something like that too. I see the CAPTCHA fairly regularly. I only got the puzzle on my first post of the day. Hope it's one and done. Lenda
  5. Thanks for the information. I was expecting the "dancing" letters and numbers, but got a puzzle. Fortunately, I was redirected and the post showed up. When I edited it and submitted the last post, they went through normally. Lenda
  6. Since I had to prove I was human earlier, but not on the edit, we'll see what happens this time. While I prefer not to have to solve a puzzle every time, really anytime, what bothers me is that it seems random. Annie, I had a lot of days when I let it all out in the shower and /or cried the past few years. Things are getting better, and I hope they do for you too. Loved the card and the message. Thank you. Debbie, I figured you were, but just thought I'd mention the walking. They must have filled DH up with a lot of gas since it took several days for it to be absorbed. The funny thing was he could feel the "gas bubble" move when he turned from side to side in bed. A shower and clean clothes always make a difference. Lenda
  7. Happy New Year's Eve from a sunny Quartzsite. It is 42F with a 5mph wind and sunny. Our high today will be 61F. Our highs for the foreseeable future will be in the low 60s and upper 50s, which is more typical for this time of year. Instead of Champagne tonight, we'll be having Prosecco with dinner and a glass or two to toast in the New Year. We usually make it to midnight where ever we are, and it's usually just the two of us. The last New Year's Eve party was at a neighbors here. She wanted the party to be from 9pm to just after midnight, but the first people she invited said they couldn't come because they would be in bed by 9pm. She switched to party to 6-9 instead. To usher in 2000, we had a party in Texas for all the neighbors, and only two couple left at 11pm after the ball dropped in NYC. It would really be a miracle if meditating on world peace worked, but it is till worth a try. The George R.R. Martin quote is good. I read the first book, but never got around to reading the others. We'll pass on the meal. Tonight it will be salmon (me) and cod (DH) with the last of the scalloped potatoes and Mediterranean vegetables from Christmas. I'll take a frozen strawberry daiquiri, please. We'll pass on the wine. We are ending the year with a port we have not visited. Like Roy @rafinmd I noticed today's date in history took place before the Declaration of Independence was written. So far, I've not had to prove I am human, but I haven't clicked on Submit Reply yet. We do not logout of CC either. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for the pictures from Fanning Island and Antarctica. You do have your work cut out for you with the stocking. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I wish the cat had knocked 2023 off the table sooner. @Denise T Denise, I hope you will be able to fulfill your dream of retirement soon. Once retired, you'll wonder when you ever found time to work. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you and Ivan have a lovely time with your neighbor. @Nickelpenny Penny, I'm glad your tour yesterday was good. Thanks for the pictures. We're glad you joined the Daily family. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you plan to relax today. Everyone needs a day off occasionally. @cruising sister Lorraine, have a safe flight, and I hope you can get some rest during your layover in LA. Wow on only one working bathroom on the plane. I hope you can get a blanket if it stays cold. @kochleffel Paul, I hope the "are you human' puzzle doesn't drive you away from CC and the Daily. @marshhawk Annie, I know you will be careful today if the hostess is still sick. Otherwise, you could just drop off the cheese platter, say hello and make a graceful exit. @dfish Debbie, when DH had the shunt placed and they put gas in his abdomen, he was told to walk to help relief the gas. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad the newlyweds enjoyed the cruise. I hope you continue to adjust to your new home and enjoy it as much as you did your place in Maryland. Have a good visit with the grandkids. @Cruising-along Carolyn, I've never managed to have the perishable food run out with the last meal before a trip. @smitty34877 Terry, I still don't know how to make a proper roux. I think I'm not patient enough. I'm glad the gumbo was good. Thank you to all the Dailyites, regular, occasional or just lurkers for being here and for helping get me through a couple of difficult years. We are both looking forward to 2024 and a better year for us and for all of you. I already had this meme ready for today before the "I'm Not A Robot" appeared. Lenda PS: I got the puzzle, and with a miracle solved it on the first try.
  8. I can imagine your DB counting the days. Winning is nice, but having fun is more important. Lenda
  9. In 2004, our daughter was married to on Golden Princess while the ship was at sea. It was a legal marriage performed by the Captain. In order for the marriage to take place on a Princess ship, the ship must be registered on Bermuda, and the couple gets a Bermuda civil marriage certificate, which is recognized in the US. It turned out to be an easy way to have a wedding. Our daughter worked with a wedding coordinator in Florida. As part of the wedding package, the ship provided the flowers, cake, photographer, and a venue for the reception. We hosted an open bar. The rehearsal dinner was in one specialty restaurant and the wedding dinner was in another restaurant. All Princess ships registered in Bermuda have a wedding chapel.
  10. I think the Cuban black beans will be all right without the bay leaves. The two jalapenos will make up for it. For the first few hours the beans were cooking, the entire house smelled of jalapenos, and I'm pretty sure they were fairly hot since the aroma made our noses burn a little. I'll also add a tad bit more garlic when I sauté the onions and peppers. It also bothers us that we pay for our cruises only to have someone brag about their free cruise. Maybe I should start making donations to the slot machine gods. It is also very interesting when there is a mega week long slot tournament on a cruise. One advantage is that most people are in the casino and not in the other venues. That is good news that you are more sore than in pain. I'm glad the ice and walking helps. The one surgery I had the doctor said to walk a lot, and it did help. It sounds like Sue and River are having fun and letting you rest in peace. The New Year's Eve party sounds like a fun event for kids. Farkle should take your mind off the soreness and residual pain, unless the game gets too rowdy. I'm glad your DB is bringing dinner and you don't have to cook. Best wishes for his retirement in January. Lenda
  11. Ann, when we first visited Naples in 2002, it wasn't so orderly. Our taxi driver was up set with the slow traffic. He drove over the train tracks and sped down the other side into oncoming traffic. That was bad enough, but the backseat seat was not anchored, so I was going backwards and forward the entire ride. The last time in 2019, they had made that road a bit safer with a fence down the middle and pedestrian crossing only in certain areas. Lenda
  12. Mission accomplished early this morning. The grocery store was back to normal and I found everything I needed and a couple more things, naturally. As I was getting the black beans ready for the crock pot, I discovered I did not have any bay leaves, so we'll see how they taste without the bay leaves. There are enough other spices plus two chopped jalapenos to give the beans plenty of flavor. Debbie, that is good news about getting a fairly decent night's sleep. Lazy days are good for healing so you can enjoy Hawaii. It's getting close now. Carolyn, my house is never nor will it ever be as clean as the HAL stewards get the ship. Too bad that HAL frowns on packing one of the stewards in your luggage when you leave. 😉🤣 Terri, I think there are a lot of us on the Daily who will be glad to see the last of 2023. I hope you have better success taking things day by day than I've had. It is the best way, but easier said than done. Susan, I'm glad you arrived safely in San Diego even if the flights didn't go exactly as planned. These days, that could be considered a Christmas miracle. Enjoy your time in San Diego visiting friends and getting to know other Dailyites. Vanessa, I'm glad you got four hours sleep, but wish you could get more. I hope the procedure is scheduled soon and that you get the relief you need. It's good you finally got the information about the water damage repair. Ann, thank you for your pictures from India. We were there once in 2003, leaving the ship in Cochin, spending two nights in Agra, and returning to the ship in Mumbai. For me and probably DH, India is a one and done. What we saw of Cochin wasn't bad, but I've never seen such filth as we saw in Agra and Mumbai, not to mention the poverty. We were body searched before each flight and going into the Taj Mahal. I had to try to explain a curling iron to the lady who searched me and my luggage since everyone had very straight hair. From India to Egypt the ship took anti-pirate precautions, and since this was just after we invaded Iraq, we also had a navy ship escort. Lenda
  13. Good morning from Quartzsite. It is 40F with a 6mph wind from the SE. Our high today is predicted to reach 65F with sun shine. Not much on the agenda today except trying to get what I need for New Year's dinner. I hope the local store is back on-line so we won't have to go to Blythe until next week. I'll celebrate bacon day, but probably won' have any today. The only resolution I make and one that I can keep is to not make any resolutions. Hopefully, there won't be any enormous changes at the last minute. The Anne Frank quote is very inspiring from a very wise girl, but it's also sad since she did not live to see her best days. We'll skip the meal and have Cuban black beans and rice. We'll also skip the drink and the wine. We have not been to Port Blair. Three interesting days in history today. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for giving us the meaning behind today's days. Stay safe in the face of the storm. @RMLincoln Maureen, congratulations on the condo closing. I'm sorry the newlyweds returned from their cruise not feeling well. I'm glad the cortisone cream is helping your DH. @cruising sister Safe travels tomorrow as you head to San Diego. Lorraine, I'm sending positive thoughts that there are no problems tomorrow. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for more wonderful pictures from Antarctica. @ottahand7 Nancy, safe travels today, and I hope to warmer weather. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I'm glad you enjoyed the Panama Canal. Thanks for all the great pictures. That is good news that the shot is helping. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope the aide is recovered and back next week. That is nice of the teenagers to offer to cook tonight. @mamaofami Carol, I hope everything is going well with you, Sam and your family. Yes, humans can do horrific things to each other. @marshhawk Annie, where did you live in NJ? We spent two years in Dover when DH was stationed at Picatinny Arsenal, and saw most of that area. Lenda
  14. Roy, first I'm glad the cardiologist said no action needed. I agree with your "rant" completely. Our medical system is totally screwed up, and people who can't afford good health insurance often do without medical care and drugs until they land in the ER. With DH being self employed, we had to get our own insurance. Everytime the premium went up we had to raise our deductible and get less coverage or the premiums would be outrageous. We now have original medicare and a very good medigap supplement. We can see any doctor we want and the only time we need a referral is when the specialists insist on one. While we pay premiums for our coverage, we do not have a copay nor do we ger bulls. We see what the doctors and hospitals charge Medicare and what Medicare approves. The difference is unbelievable in many cases. Agree. Vanessa, not only do drugs mess with our BP and heart rate, but so do some conditions. The blood clot(s) in DH's lungs last year caused both the BP and heart rate to either drop dangerously low, or go up too high. Even after the clot was removed, it was weeks before the huge fluctuations stopped. Sadly, I don't think the healthcare system will change. That's the end of my rant, vor now. Lenda
  15. Thanks for the information about not needing to link you account to the app. I'm glad that it basically works the same way except for using an app instead of email. I applied for the OBC via email not long before Christmas, and the OBC showed up on our booking and in a email in just a few days.
  16. Good afternoon. Finally, the sheets are back on the bed in the motorhome, and I went ahead and cleaned it while I was out there. The only thing left to do is rearrange where I put a lot of the kitchen stuff. That will happen another day. We also made a quick trip into town for two things I need for New Year's Day dinner. While I was in line to pay for them, their system went down. After a rather long wait and finding out what was happening, I left and we went to the other store in town. However, they did not have one thing I needed. I hope the first store's system is back up tomorrow when I go in early, otherwise, we'll head to Blythe. Our weather has turned chilly with heavy clouds and a good breeze. I'm not sure right now about tomorrow's forecast. Debbie, the surgeon's comments that the surgery couldn't have gone any better are what you want to hear. I hope the pain meds keep the pain at bay or at least, acceptable levels. Rest and recover, so you can enjoy Hawaii. I'm glad you made it safely to Bowling Green, but YIKES! 😱 on the temperature in your hotel room. I'd let them know, and see if they have another room. Roy, thanks for the information. That sounds like an interesting trip. Vanessa, I'm glad you got some sleep, but wish you could get some more each night. It's good the therapist had some sitting strength exercises for you to try. I hope you hear something soon about the procedure. Carolyn, congratulations on the the free upgrade. Gerry, I'm sorry you both had a bad night and hope tonight is better. Lenda
  17. Roy, thanks for the very interesting pictures of Mongolia. Were you on the trans-Siberian RR? We saw the train in Vladivostok, and DH talked his way onto the train. He wanted to take it across Russia since he loves train journeys. When we mentioned that to younger DD, she told her professor of her Russian class. His comment was, he wouldn't take it. Thanks for answering my question. We lived in Corpus Christi for four years in the early 1970s and visited the Valley several times. Pennie, I love the Panama rolls, and they are our breakfast whenever we do a canal transit. I watched the Arizona - OU game, and was happy they won. OU was the team that prevented UT from having a perfect season. It was an interesting game, and until almost the fourth quarter, I was concerned Arizona wasn't going to win since the were ten points behind. Then they "came alive" and beat OU 38-24. Ann, thank you for sharing your pictures. We have been to Kuala Lumpur and Kuantan, but not today's port. Safe travels and have a good visit with you DM. I hope there are more visits ahead in 2024. Lenda
  18. Good morning from a beautiful sunny day in Quartzsite. At least, it is sunny looking north out the window. However, there are heavy clouds to the west and south. It was 39F when I got up and is now 40F. The weather app says it will be partly sunny with a high of 67F. Yesterday was so nice that I continued to play hooky instead of getting the sheets on the bed in the motorhome. I took my book outside and enjoyed a peaceful hour reading. I guess that means, I'll be doing chores in the motorhome today. Three interesting days. Mongolia, I'm sure, is celebrating their independence today. Someone else can have my pepper pot today. I think we have finished all that needs to be done by the end of the year. We even got an email reminder from our bank yesterday that all financial business needed to be done by the end of the year had to be done by close of business today. Anything after that time won't be posted until January 2. The Nicholas Sparks quote has a nice sentiment. We'll pass on the meal since we'll be having chicken fajitas tonight. We also pass on the drink. Another interesting sound red that I'd like to try. We have not been to Malacca, Malaysia, either, so no pictures to share today. On behave of Texas, I'll accept the congratulations on the anniversary of joining the union. It is not a big day for celebration in the state since many think Texas should have remained a republic. The big days in Texas history are March 2, Texas Independence Day, March 6, the fall of the Alamo and April 21, the day of the Battle of San Jacinto where Texas won their independence from Mexico. I'm glad Scott Joplin copyrighted "The Entertainer" and other ragtime songs. I've always loved his music. @seagarsmoker I'm sorry you got the flu on your cruise. I hope you feel better soon. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the explanations of all the days today. You and your phone are a wealth of information. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for more wonderful pictures from Antarctica. An expedition type cruise there is on the bucket list. 🤞 @kazu Jacqui, I hope the rain did not wash the ice preventative off the driveway. @smitty34877 Terri, I'm glad the teenager feels comfortable inviting his girlfriend to dinner. BTW, I'm with the girlfriend when it comes to herring. Out of curiosity, where did your DS live in Texas? @cruising sister Lorraine, thank you for sharing the Christmas picture of Murphy. She is another of the Daily miracle babies. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you can make it to Australia. It and New Zealand are wonderful places to visit. @Nickelpenny Pennie, enjoy the Canal transit. @marshhawk Annie, I hope both of you enjoy your four days off. You both deserve some down time and some free time. @rafinmd Roy, no matter who took the picture of the sunset, it is outstanding. @aliaschiefBruce, I'm glad you are over whatever you had. Lenda
  19. Debbie, thinking of you as you head to the hospital. Good thoughts for a successful surgery and a quick, uneventful recovery. I hope you are home and enjoying your coffee by mid-afternoon. ((((HUGS)))) Lenda
  20. Glad you are feeling better and felt like eating. Hope all goes well with Houdini at the vet tomorrow. Gerry, I'm glad you made it home safely and without the normal snow. I hope your colds are mild and short lived. Lenda
  21. Maureen, that is good news. I hope the allergist can help too. Terri, I hope the pain reduces on it's own. Debbie, I guess it depends on where the surgery is and who is the surgeon. With DH's back surgeries, the new rule didn't apply IIRC. However, UTSW is a medical school and teaching hospital. Lenda
  22. About noon, we decided to play hooky on this lovely, but slightly windy day. We took a road trip that made the loop from Quartzsite to Bouse and Brenda and back. It was a nice change of pace, and as expected, nothing in those two small communities had changed. Ann, please convey our condolences to Pat on the loss of his childhood friend. I'm not surprised that people are still touching the food. One thing I really like about HAL is they still serve most of the food behind protective shields. Susan, I'm glad the dogs seemed happy to be at their vacation home or what we called the Doggie Spa. I think animals like humans benefit from a change from time to time. Safe travels tomorrow. Debbie, that is good news. It looks like the timing has worked out well for you. I'm glad your sister will be with you and will bring you home. It was interesting that when DH had the shunt placement, he would not be discharged unless I or someone he knew was there to drive him home. Patients were not allowed to leave in a taxi, Uber, etc. We'll be thinking of you and sending good thoughts for a successful day tomorrow. Roy, that seems to be a recent change. DH could drink liquids until two hours before he had to be at the hospital for the shunt placement. That was not the case for the two back surgeries last year. Lenda
  23. RNB, I'm sure it wasn't you who kept me from the strawberries. You might be a redneck, but I firmly believe you are a gentleman redneck, even if that seems to be a contradiction of terms. Lenda
  24. One last group of pictures. These are from last of the three times we were in Dubrovnik in 2019 on the Veendam. This time, we took a city bus out to a resort area and enjoyed sitting on their patio with a coke. The hotel as we sailed past on our way to the next port. The top of the mountain in 2019. after the war damage was repaired and a new cable car installed. The Croatians will flock to any beach even small ones. This was outside the city walls. Lenda
  25. Our second tme in Dubrovnik was in 2003 on the Regal Princess. After walking around the old town, we took a city bus out to a beach area. We also found a taxi to take us to the top of the mountain that is now serviced by a cable car. The beach area The mountain top with views of the old town and the war damage. We have not been back up there since it was restored and the cable car was running again. Lenda
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