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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good morning from a pleasant central Texas. It is now 72F and feels like 72F but unfortunately with 73% humidity and a dew point of 63F. Our predicted high is 97F, but the good news is our triple digit highs will not return now until Saturday. Our lows will stay in the low 70s the remainder of the the week. There's not much on the agenda today after two busy days. It was good to hear from @summer slope Dixie and @cat shepard Ann that they are safe from Idalia. Sending positive thoughts that the Dailyites @RedneckBob, @cunnorl Charlene, @aliaschief Bruce, @seagarsmoker J Brown, @Cruzin Terri Terri, and any others I missed stay safe from this storm. Bruce, I included you even though you are west of the storm's path because with hurricanes, you never really know what they will do. Grief awareness is important especially since many do not know how to help those who are grieving. We'll not be going to a beach today even though there is one in the Corps of Engineers park just down the road. I hope we can all touch a heart everyday. I like the quote. The eyes can tell you a lot about a person, and our youngest DD knew early on how to use her eyes to get what she wanted. I like tacos and some fish, but not together. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine might be worth a try if it was available. We spent a day in Haifa and two days in Ashdod in 2017 on Prinsendam. When our visit to Egypt was cancelled we got the extra day in Ashdod. William Penn founded a wonderful colony when in landed in the new world. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad your DGD is safe and staying at the aquarium. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad your sister arrived safely yesterday. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope the storm surge does not reach your house. Lenda
  2. Maureen, I'm glad your nephew relocated inland. I hope after his hard work clearing the trees, his home is undamaded. Lenda
  3. Vanessa, we sailed in Golden Princess on February 29, 2012. Lenda
  4. Terri, I'm glad you made it home safely. I hope you do not have go evacuate. Lenda
  5. Good morning again. It was pleasant out when I started my yard work. With the sun coming up later, I was in the shade most of the time I was trimming and mowing. I didn't even need the cooling towel today. Along with all that and blowing leaves and dirt off the patio and out of the port, it only took an hour. With our drought, there is less and less to mow as only the areas that are watered are growing. After I finished with the normal yard work, since the front yard was mainly in the shade, I pulled more crabgrass. The grass is getting to be mostly crabgrass free, so a lot of what I pulled is from the non-sodded area. I figure if I can pull a little bit every week, then it might not move back into the Bermuda grass. In less than an hour I filled another 33 gallon trash bag. There is another weed similar to the crab grass that is a couple of areas, but it is almost impossible to pull. I might try the "weed puller" later in the fall since our expensive weed killer does not seem to phase it. I have a feeling the backs of my thighs will be sore tomorrow after bending over to pull the grass. I thought about sitting or kneeling to pull the grass, but after fire ant attack last week, ruled that out. Sharon, I hope you aunt remains comfortable during her final days. I'm glad the apple chips gave the chicken a nice smokey flavor. I've noticed that too. @rafinmd Roy and @kazu Jacqui may be right in why they are moved. Denise, I hope the MRI shows the mass has not grown or changed. Fancy chewing on the table remined me that our older DD used one of the end tables when she was teething. Maureen, I hope your nephew and his place is safe from Idalia. BTW, I once forgot to separate the eggs when I made a key lime pie. When we ate it, the whole eggs didn't affect the flavor and made the pie creamier. Now, I just use the whole eggs since I hate wasting the egg whites, and usually don't have a use for them when making the pie. When I make the icing for my gingerbread cookies, I always make a key lime pie to use some of the egg yolks. Annie, I'm glad Chuck got his stitches out yesterday, and I hope he didn't strain his eyes working four hours. Good luck at the dentist, and I hope there are no surprises. Terri, I was glad to see you will be starting early for home. I'm sorry it will delay the appointment, but you will be safer driving early. Safe travels. Gerry, how lucky that young man was that your friend, another nurse and a police officer were on the plane and could bring him back, and stabilize him. I know your friend was relieved to hear the young man received a pacemaker and was doing well. Charlene, I'm glad your new dryer will be delivered today. It was nice of your neighbor to not only dry your clothes, but to bring them back folded. I hope you stay out of the cone. Terry, I'm glad it was an easier night last night. I hope both nurses have some ideas to help in the future. It's good the teenager is comfortable talking to you and letting you know some of what is going on in his life. Lenda
  6. As I mentioned, we have sailed into and out of San Pedro many times. Even though we have driven around San Pedro a couple of times, I don't seem to have any pictures except from various ships. These pictures were taken as we sailed on Golden Princess in 2012. Lenda
  7. A very early good morning from central Texas. It is 72F and feels like 72F. The humidity is 65% and the dew point is 60F, so it shouldn't be to bad when I mow the yard this morning early, especially with a 5 mph wind. Our predicted high is 96F. It now looks like we won't be back in the triple digits until Friday. Our forecast seems to be a moving target this week. It will be a busy day since DH has a dentist appointment at 1 pm that could last quite a while. While he's at the dentist, I'll run a few errands, and then be ready to pick him up. It is always interesting to watch the bats fly out of Carlsbad Caverns at sunset. Those living in Austin can see them leaving the Congress Street Bridge at dusk in the summer. I don't use much salt when cooking and not very often on my food. We try to be considerate motorists, but many see to leave their manners at home when they get behind the wheel. Today's quote is another interesting one. The meal might be good, but we'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have sailed out of San Pedro several times. We have also driven around the town before going to the port. I seem to only have pictures taken from the ships as we sailed. Today is a big day in history for Brazil. Roy, will the change of the return port affect you getting home? Sandi, congratulations on the 5* Mariner status. Lenda
  8. Terri, I'm glad the drive was easy with not much rain and little traffice. I hope you have the sane conditions tomorrow. Lenda
  9. I guess you could say I'm well preserved or is it pickled? 🤣 Lenda
  10. Well, after it was too late to edit my post, DH pointed out that we purchased our first house 900 years before we actually bought it. And while I was trying to comment on Ann and Pat's @Vict0riann providing taxi service for the birthday boy, I said taxing him instead. Sorry for the typos, but it's been a long and busy day. Lenda
  11. Good afternoon form a windy and warm central Texas. I've been finished with the house cleaning for a while, but it's taken me time to finish reading the Daily. I've enjoyed all the pictures from Praia da Vitoria that everyone has shared. It always amazes me that while there are some duplicates, we all seem to see different places too. Sandi, I was sorry to read that your friend's DB Mark had been in the hospital. I hope things improve for him. Terry, I'm sorry that Tana and Lou had a rough day yesterday. It was good that your DS was there to help. I hope he made it safely and on time to work this morning. Wow on the washer locking and then not unlocking. I hope you get the problem solved soon. We're a little further south of you, and we'll be back in the triple digits Thursday. In the meantime, I'll not complain about the upper 90s. Lorraine, I was so sad to read about Murphy's latest setback. I hope she can have the best possible outcome, and that her parents and extended family find the strength for whatever is ahead for them. On the other hand, I'm glad the retreat was good and the weather was nice too. Welcome home. Ann, the party and taxing the birthday boy sounds like an interesting day. I would hope at the end of the party, there will be some help if he doesn't want to go back, or that the people at the care center can help when you bring him home. Congratulations on the upsell to a Neptune suite, Jake. I wish we'd get some upgrade or upsell offers sometime. Welcome home, Edi. I'm glad the cruise was good and that you are booked for next year. I was sorry to hear Flam is no longer a port. I've wanted to get back there since our short visit in 2005. Bruce, when we bought our first house in 1070 after DH got out of the Army, a college friend brought us a bottle of Mateus rose as a house warming present. We couldn't share it with her, since we did not have a corkscrew. That was quickly remedied, and Mateus was our go to wine for many years. Annie, I'm sorry Fawn still has not returned, but I'm glad Bubbles and Uggles have returned. I hope the post op visit goes well. Nancy, I'm sorry you are stuck with the job of restaining the side of the house. Workers disappearing just seems to be the norm now days. Charlene, I'm sorry about the dryer dying. Appliance shopping is not fun, but better than car shopping. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope your travels today and tomorrow are safe and without a lot of rain. If the weather is bad, just remember that appointments, as much as you hope to keep them, can be rescheduled. Making it back for an appointment is not worth it if you have to risk your life. I hope tomorrow's tests and appointment go well. Lenda
  12. On May 24, 2011, on a TA, Prinsendam stopped in Praia da Vitoria on the island of Terceira. As is our usual habit when stopping at a new port, we rented a car and toured the island. A monument to the bulls Forte de Sao Bras The bull ring. At least in Portugal they do not kill the bulls. Just a small portion of the coast line A swimming hole along the rugged coast One of the many horses we saw. The Elegant Explorer Lenda
  13. Good morning from a still dark central Texas where it is 76F and feels like 76F. We have a 6 mph wind with 89% humidity and a dew point of 72F. I don't need to worry about the humidity for my walk since my exercise today will be house cleaning. Our high today will be 95F after our "cold" front yesterday. There are days that I race my mouse around the icons. I remember all our dogs and cats who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, and I miss them all. Red wine is enjoyed here often. The quote is interesting and really true. We enjoy lobster tails on rare occasions, but tonight will not be one of them. I think we'll be having salmon (me) and cod (DH) with asparagus tonight. Please don't put cranberries in my mojito. We'll pass on the wine. We were in Praia da Vitoria once in 2011 on Prinsendam. I'll post my pictures in a few minutes. MLK speech 60 years ago was a milestone, but there is still a ways to go to reach his dream. Another good day in history when Henry Hudson reached the Delaware Bay. I hope all who are in the path of Idalia remain safe and have minimal damage. BTW, DH's maternal grandmother was named Idalia, the only other time I've seen that name. A poem about Texas that I found on FB. BBQ is good Blueberries are tart If you don't like Texas Well bless your heart. Lenda
  14. Good evening. We got some rain this afternoon, but not enough to register in the digital rain guage. The second wave that the radar showed was headed our way, and then toward @Seasick Sailor Joy, veered southeast toward Houston. It wasn't all bad since the temperature dropped from 105.3F to 78F. For the first time in more than a week, we were able to take a golf cart ride. We saw seven deer by the fence in the field next to our community. There were two bucks, one doe, two yearlings and two that were small enough to be this year's fawns. The good news is our low will be 71F, and we won't be back in triple digits until Thursday. Itnsure beats the 100F last night at 9:30. Mary Kay, it seems like your new place is agreeing with you. I'm glad you have gotten some rain, and are now ahead of the annual average. Denise, thank you for taking the time to check in and update us on how you're doing. I know everyone appreciates all you're doing to help after tge fire. That must have been scary for the passengers and the crew, glad there only minor damage. Annie, you seem to have Rome pretty well covered. You will be close to,the Forum when you visit Piazza Navona and the Colosseum. If there is time, it is worth wandering through part of it. Lenda
  15. Joy, that is good news. I'm glad they realized it was their mistake and corrected it without charging you the fee. We just had a thunderstorm come through here that dropped our temperature about 10+ degrees. I don't know how much rain we got since the rain gauge still shows the water from the sprinkler last night. I just checked the radar, and it's shows now that we have more rain on the way, and it's heading your way. It may or may not get there about 8 pm. With Texas weather you never know. Graham, thanks for your pictures of your lovely holiday. I could tell from your pictures that you were not at home, but not on a ship. Marcia, I'm glad you got some more sleep and are more rested. Lenda
  16. Joy, that is just ridiculous. We've never had our seats changed once we selected them. I guess we've been very lucky. I hope you can get it straightened out today or tomorrow by talking to people higher up. I think Terri, @Cruzin Terri had some excellent advice based on personal experience. Brenda, that is an unusual combination of meat in that huge burger. I don't think I could get my mouth around it. Terri, we've always gotten a Margarita pizza at the restaurant in the picture, and it was good. When we were there in 2019, during the high tourist season, we sat at a table for 20 to 30 minutes, and never saw a waiter come close to the table. We left and went across the piazza to a restaurant in a white building. They did wait on us quickly, but the pizza just wasn't great. I agree that it is a tourist area, and there are probably better places away from the piazza. Once time, we got a sandwich at a Kosher deli in the Jewish quarter, and it was very good. Lenda
  17. Good morning from central Texas where it is sunny and warm, 88F and feels like 93F. The humidity is 62% with a dew point of 68F. Our predicted high will be 101-103F. Even though I slept well and woke up at the normal time, I was lazy and didn't get out of bed until almost 8:30. By then it was too late and warm to take my walk. When I play music on the porch, it is on my iPod and with earphones, so I don't bother the neighbors, but it's too hot today to sit outside. I try to speak kind words everyday. Although short lived, the Pony express was a great boon to communications in the western US. An interesting quote by Edgar Alan Poe. The meal looks good, but it's to hot for it. I think I'll grill some shrimp and serve it with vegetable rice and a salad to go with our wine. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have not been to Pago Pago or any place in American Samoa. The idea behind the Kellogg-Briand Pact was good, but it didn't last unfortunately. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry your helper has Covid. Please don't over do when trying to move things, especially since you have a cruise coming up. I'm glad it seems like Franklin will miss you except for more rain. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad your DDIL made it to Frisco safely. I think I'd rather made a two day road trip than drive in Dallas traffic. Thank you for your pictures of Pago Pago. @daisybertie I enjoyed your pictures from Pago Pago. If we ever make it there, we'd probably take the bus like you did. That's what we did in the Cook Islands. @Lady Hudson Welcome home. I'm glad the cruise was good, and the ship was in good shape. @marshhawk Annie, I hope @catmando Chuck's post op appointment goes well tomorrow. Another suggestion for Rome. When you go to the Pantheon for church services, the Trevi Fountain is a short walk from there. There is a great gelato shop right on the corner as you reach the fountain. If you want to add @Cruzin Terri Terri's suggestion of lunch at the Piazza Navona to the day, you could start at the Trevi Fountain, walk to the Pantheon, rest while attending the church service, and then walk to the Piazza Navona. We've eaten at two restaurants there, and one is much better than the other. I don't know about any of the other restaurants there. Here is a picture showing the location of the gelato store at the Trevi Fountain, and another one of the restaurant in Piazza Navona. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad your PMR is better. Have a safe trip on Tuesday. I hope the floor guy makes it Thursday. @ottahand7 Nancy, that tomato looks so good. Sending positive thoughts that @DeeniEncinitas Denise and David are safe, that there home is all right and that the wildfire has been contained. Lenda
  18. @lobsternight BON VOYAGE! I hope you have a great cruise. Lenda
  19. Carolyn, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to your DS and DBIL. We'll celebrate our 56th anniversary a week from today. Of course, I was a child bride and DH was a cradle robber. 😄 I was young enough that my father had to go with us to get the marriage license and sign for me. Lenda
  20. Good afternoon from a partly sunny and hot central Texas. Vanessa, I hope the no parking cones mean they will finally finish the work on the sidewalks. Yes, our dinner is a southern or Texas meal except the catfish will not be breaded. Susan, that is sad about the fawn. And bear scat that close to the building is a worry. I hope they move on soon. Annie, I'm sorry Momma Norma and DBIL are both having more problems. I hope things improve there. I also hope your DH has a good check up Monday, and that the pain and swelling improve, along with the drainage from the eye. I'm sorry your doctor visit wasn't as good as you hoped, and I hope the pharmacy gets the new med soon. Linda, you helped pave the way for more women to work in a man's world and prove they can handle the job. Caron, we were lucky to spend a day at the MN state fair about 20 years ago. Younger DD was in graduate school at the St. Paul campus of the U, and her apartment was within walking distance of the fairgrounds. We tried the cheese curds for one treat. Debbie, thanks for the great picture of you, Skippy and your Dad. Roy, I imagine the passengers and crew were glad for the unscheduled stop. You caught me. I just missed I'd transposed the letters in the number. It was the Rotterdam VI. I know I'm old, even if my mind refuses to believe it, but I'm not quite that old. Lenda
  21. @CrabbyPatti Denise, wishing you and your DH a very HAPPY 45TH ANNIVERSARY and many more happy years to come. Lenda
  22. We have been to Copenhagen five times beginning in 2003 on Rotterdam IV, on what was the precursor of the VOV. In 2005, the Marco Polo overnighted in Copenhagen, and we were then three times on the Prinsendam, 2011, 2016 and 1017. These pictures are a compilation from all the cruises. We have seen the Little Mermaid many times, but I'll not repeat any pictures. It is getting harder and harder to see her with all the crowds now days. In 2003, we did the ship tour of the three major castles, but I only remember Kornberg as being one of them. Here are two of the outside in the rain, and one as we sailed passed on our way into port two years later, when we had much better weather. We have done the Ho-Ho a couple of times and the Ho-Ho boat once. On one of the times on the Ho-Ho, we toured the Carlsberg brewery. It was okay, but I'd suggest waiting until Dublin to go through Guinness. From the drop off point, you could either walk or take the wagon.. A few pictures from the tour. In 2005, on the overnight when we were on Marco Polo, we went to Tivoli Gardens and had dinner. We wound up at a Norwegian café/deli. One of the things I tried was reindeer sausage, and it was good. The nighttime visit was in August, so it was still light fairly late then. We also went back to Tivoli on one of our Prinsendam cruises. These pictures are for the Garden Club. On one of our cruises, I think it was 2011, we got off the Ho-Ho and walked through Christiania, an international community and commune of squatters that started in 1971, and was known for its cannabis trade. The government cracked down on the trade in 2004, but when we walked through, several people tried to sell us some. It was an interesting experience. One picture from our Ho-Ho boat ride. The main pedestrian street. Somewhere on that street is our favorite bakery with the best Danish. A couple of times when we were in Copenhagen, we happened on a special event or group performing in the City Hall Square. One such event was a food festival, but it was mainly fish, which the locals seemed to enjoy. We never expected to see a musical group dressed as American Indians and playing native American music. We never learned if they were locals or if they really were Native Americans, but they sure looked like the latter Many of the wind generators off the coast. Lenda
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