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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good morning from a sunny central Texas with a 6mph wind. It is 86F and feels like 92F already. At least it was about 83F when I walked. Our humidity is 60% with a dew point of 70F. Our high will be in the 107-108F range. We have one more triple digit day, then four days in the single digits, but the high 90s. Friday, we'll back in the triple digits. On the agenda is trying to stay cool and laundry. I'll celebrate national dog day even though our last dog died in 2007. Toilet paper is essential, especially now that Sears is out of business and there is no longer a Sears catalog. Women's equality is important, and while there has been progress, there is still a long way to go for equality. I love the Zsa Zsa Gabor quote. Shrimp scampi with regular pasta would be nice, but tonight it will be catfish, hush puppies, sweet potato fries and a mixture of lightly breaded okra and Parmesan coated cauliflower, all cooked in the air fryer. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have been in Copenhagen many times, beginning in 2003 on Rotterdam IV. I'll retrieve my pictures in a few minutes. Today is another milestone in astronomy. I remember watching Haley's Comet on it's last pass by earth. DH set up his telescope at the end of the road in our neighborhood, and the neighbors were invited to view the comet. @Cruzin Terri Terri, our condolences on the passing of your friend's DB, and our positive thoughts for your friends with medical problems. It's hard enough when one friend has problems, but four in one week is really difficult. Thank you for sharing your visit to Copenhagen. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the predicted hurricane misses you and the eastern part of the US. All those areas have had enough rain for now. Please, be careful preparing for the hurricane, just in case. @mamaofami Carol, that is good news that Sam will be home today, and will continue with PT. It is also good news that he is in better shape than before the fall. @0106 Tina, the wildflowers are beautiful. Our wildflowers bloom mainly in March and April. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad you finally were able to evict the bat. I hope you are successful in bat proofing the cabin. Lenda
  2. @USN59-79 Ray, I've been thinking about you question about flying back to the US to vote. Since we have voting by mail, I doubt I would ever be in a position to have to make that decision. We've voted by mail several times when we were in Quartzsite. Twice, working with our county election administrator, we've voted by mail while on a cruise. It takes a bit of work before hand and knowing where you can mail the ballots, but it's worthnthe effort. Lenda
  3. Ray, I don't blame you. I think on a whole, Americans are too provincial and don't know enough about the world outside our borders. Those of us on the Daily are fortunate that we travel and are better informed about what goes on outside our borders. I remember in the sixth grade we learned the names and location of all the countries. Our tests were maps of the continents with the countries borders drawn. We had to label each country. Unfortunately, just after that a lot of countries got there independence and changed their names, some more than once. It was a good lesson though. Lenda
  4. Good afternoon from a hot central Texas. When I came in to check on the daily about about 30 minutes ago, the thermometer said it was 107F, and it's not even the hotest part of the afternoon yet. I got ambitious today and decided to tackle a job I've been putting off for months, cleaning the oven and the air fryer. The oven had never been cleaned, but until 2020, I'd always cooked things that splattered in the roaster, so it wasn't too bad. While I always wipe out the air fryer with hot water after using it, quite a bit of grease had built up in three years, mostly from the Cornish game hens I cook using the rotisserie. I found a spray cleaner which foams and dissolves the grease. It's a little messy, but works pretty well except for the really baked on grease. Both the air fryer and the oven look much better, and the racks in the air fryer are shinny again, so I'm pleased. However, it was a bigger job than I expected. We do have a self-cleaning oven here and in Quartzsite, but it is too hot to use that feature now. Besides, the smell can be quite intense. Terri, I'm glad your internet is back, and that you have a date to have the floors replaced. Let's hope that is the end of the problems. Graham, I'm glad you will have a chance to try a BHB beauty in a couple of years. Brenda, I'm glad your DD and her family made it back home safely. RNB, I hope you are spared impact from the storm, but glad you have the house ready just in case. Stay safe. I am sorry your DH fell and broke four ribs and got a gash on his head. I hope he can come home soon, and that he has a quick recovery and as pain free as possible with broken ribs. @USN59-79 Ray, I don't think you are being nit picky on the incorrect names for Taiwan and Ukraine. Just because China and Russia want to claim them, doesn't mean they are part of those countries. BTW, today is Ukraine's Independence Day. The got their independence from Russia 31 years ago in 1991. Lenda
  5. Here are a few pictures of Keelung when we got back from Taipei. We walked from the train station to the night market and then back to the ship. Asian night markets are always interesting. The street outside the train station. There were food vendors even before we got to the night market. We can't remember what the lady was making, but IIFC the filling was chocolate or vanilla, but don't hold me to that. A store along the way A big intersection just before the night market area. The night market One of many "restaurants" in the market. We stopped at one and had a coke and fried vegetables, which we thought was safer. We came across this building on a side area of the night market. When we went inside, it looked like some kind of temple or shrine. You can find just about everything in the Keelung night market. Keelung from the ship as we sailed to the next port. Lenda
  6. I have a few more pictures of Taipei . mostly. Taipei, is a big, urban city with modern buildings, while Keelung is a more traditional town. These first pictures are our arrival in Keelung. The greeting "committee" The harbor from the dock. At the bottom of Taipei 101, there is a huge, modern mall with many high end stores. The display in the elevator that tracks the progress to the observation deck. DH videoed the display and said it took 37 seconds. The area around Taipei 101including sculptures of sheep. Looking up at Taipei 101 from the ground. It was difficult to get a good picture from that angle. One of the main streets in downtown Taipei as seen from the Ho-Ho. The Chiang Kei-shek Memorial is set in a big area with open spaces and gardens. Even with the city just outside it is a quiet, tranquil place. The area around the train station as we headed back to Keelung Lenda
  7. I found a few pictures from our day in Keelung and Taipei that I posted on February 1, 2022. It was not the port of the day, but my post was in answer to another post that mentioned Taipei. We visited Taipei in 2018, and were lucky to have a clear day. The views from the Taipei 101 Tower were amazing. When looking at the tower, it looks like it was built upside down. This is a view from the tower. This is the ballast that helps lessen the swaying of the building in high winds. We took a taxi from Keelung into Taipei, then the train back. From the train station we walked to the night market. We find Chinese night markets very interesting. These are a few that I posted in February 2021, before we had a port of the day. After we left the Taipei 101 Tower, we took the ho-ho. We stopped at the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial. There was a big gathering where the children could do different activities and have them checked off on a form. To keep the parents there, at the end of the afternoon, there was a drawing where they gave away ten cars. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial. We did not go inside though. The crowds Lenda
  8. Good morning from a sunny and warming central Texas. It wasn't too bad when I took my walk a little while ago, but we are heading to a high of 107F according to the daily forecast, but the hourly says the thing will be 105F. There's really not that much difference. It is 84F and feels like 87F. It was about 82F when I took my walk. There is no wind to speak of and the humidity is 53% with a dew point of 65F. Kissing and making up is nice, but it's better not to have to make up. I don't remember the last time I had a banana split, but DH had them on our Coral Princess cruise in 2018. They're on the kids menu, but our server made them for him often. I salute the founders in all nations that have national parks. An interesting quote from J. K. Rowling. I have a recipe for lasagna roll-ups that I've never tried. It's too not to use the oven. Tonight it will fried chicken cooked in the air fryer. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We were in Keelung on our 2018 Coral Princess Circle the Northern Pacific cruise. Galileo opened the skies to mankind. He also invented the forerunner to the thermometer in 1600. @0106 Tina, thanks for the great work with the recipes while Debbie @dfish was cruising. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm sorry you did not get a good night's sleep. Thanks for you pictures. @puppycanducruise Melanie, I'm glad you are safe after all that rain. I'm sorry the truck driver lost his life because of a sinkhole. @marshhawk Annie, I hope you get a good report from the endocrinologist today. I also hope Chuck @catmando is feeling better soon. The ice packs should help with the swelling. @cat shepard Ann I'm glad you enjoyed the exhibit yesterday. It was not what I was expecting you would see. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your rain holds off and that it is not as bad as predicted. You trained Ivan very well. @Haljo1935 I hope you can get the surgery soon, and that it and the recovery do not interfere with your cruising plans. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you are safe with all the heavy rains, and I hope there is not any flooding. @Nickelpenny Penny, I'm glad you are enjoying subbing at the high school. I'm sorry you were not accepted for the knee study. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad you got a good night's sleep. Good luck with the weeding. @HAL4NOW Thanks for the pictures, Tony. Lenda
  9. Sharon, I'm glad Craig's DS and DBIL will be coming for a visit and I hope the change in altitude helps her breathing. Are they considering moving to a lower elevation? I'm sorry your DM's sister is in hospice, but I'm glad the visit with your DM perked her up for awhile. I hope she is comfortable in her final days. Lenda
  10. Vanessa, I'm glad the itching from the bites has subsided. Once the fire ant bites quit stinging all I was left with were some red bumps that will take awhile to disappear. When DH was in the Army and we were living in Dover, NJ, we would splurge sometimes and eat at the Rt. 46 dinner. When we went back in 2012, we discovered the dinner had fallen victim to the redesign of Ft. 46. Ann, there is a Big Boy restaurant in Bismarck, ND, that was the city's first drive-thru restaurant and is the city's oldest continuously operating restaurant. Tony, I'm glad the cruise is going well, and that you got to see friends from 35 years ago. Thanks for the great pictures. Thank you, Graham. Lenda
  11. Heard it a couple of times last year on 60s Gold. It's not played very often. Maybe too many people think it's talking about them. Lenda
  12. On our second stop in Salvador da Bahia, we found a three hour tour of the city in the terminal. At the first stop, we found they had put us on the bus for the six hour tour. We just quietly removed our different colored wrist bands and enjoyed the extended tour. Not only did we see the sights of the upper city, we went around the bay to see a different area. These are random pictures from our day, and I don't remeber exactly what some of them are. A fort at the entrance to the bay. Part of the fishing fleet A market A pretty beach We saw several churches including these two. A fort around the bay Looking at the upper level of town from the ship, showing the different ways to reach the upper level. A square in the upper level. Carnival decorations Looking down to the lower level while waiting for the elevator with Ruby Princess in the back ground. Lenda
  13. Good morning from a mostly sunny central Texas with a thin cloud layer. It is 82F and feels like 86F. The humidity was higher when I walked, but it's now 58% with a dew point of 66F. We're expecting a high of 104F. On the agenda today is a quick stop at the store and a very much needed hair cut. I normally need to get it cut every three to four weeks, and it's been five weeks. I'm not fond of my shaggy look. I like iconic American Restaurants, and one of my favorites was Howard Johnson's. I loved their fired clams and fudge ripple ice cream. Vesuvius is awesome to see, but the potential destruction if it erupts is unthinkable. There have been some strange songs over the years including The Witch Doctor, Yellow Polka Dot Bikini and Purple People Eater, to mention a few. I totally agree with the Mark Twain quote. While "book learning" is good, you learn a lot more from life. I like tostadas, but prefer mine with meat and refried beans. We'll pass on the drink, but I would like to try the wine except for the price. We have been to Salvador de Bahia twice. The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III in the pre-digital age. The second time was in 2015 on Ruby Princess. I'll repost my pictures in a few minutes. Growing up in the Episcopal church, I'm very familiar with the Book of Common Prayer, but I still do not want any government to tell me what religious books to follow or what religion to follow. @StLouisCruisers Welcome home, Sandi, and welcome back to the real world. I too like to completely un pack the day we get home if it's not too late, or early the next morning. @cat shepard Enjoy your day with friends. The King Tut will be amazing. We enjoyed seeing the pieces in the museum in Cairo. @RedneckBob They still play They're Coming to Take Me Away on Sirius radio sometimes. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad you and Sue made your connection along with the luggage. Welcome back to reality. @marshhawk Annie, I'm sorry @catmando Chuck is having such a rough time. I hope the swelling and pain subside soon. I also hope you get your work schedule straightened out. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm also sorry Lou has decided to forego more chemo, but after what you said he has been through with the first treatment, I can understand why. I hope there is another treatment he can tolerate. I admire the strength you show in caring for Lou and for Tana. In some ways, being a caregiver is harder than being the patient. Caregivers can see what their loved ones are going through, but are helpless when it comes to treatments. Those must be decided by the patient and doctors. @RMLincoln Maureen, thank you for your kind words last night. I was too tired to respond then. I have received so much caring support and friendship from this wonderful group, that I want others feel the same support and friendship. Lenda
  14. @Cruising-along Carolyn, I'm sorry about your DBIL's diagnosis. Cancer in any form is scary. Prostate cancer has many different protocols depending upon the type and if it's slow or fast growing. Sending very positive thoughts from him and the family as he decides on a treatment. Lenda
  15. Good afternoon for a partly cloudy central Texas where it is currently 98F with a predicted high of 102F. There is a nice breeze. I'm still staying inside. We were back home a little after 11 this morning, but it has taken time to read the Daily among other things. The appointment went well, and the nurse practioner is working on setting up a date for the surgery to have the shunt placed. She wants us to keep the appointment with the surgeon for now, but will try to arrange an appointment with him the day we need to be at UTSW for all the pre-opt tests, CT Scans and MRI. The ideal scenario would be for the appointment to be the day before the surgery so it would be one less trip to Dallas. We will have to spend the night in a hotel the day before anyway. The good news is she thinks the surgery can be scheduled for the end of this month or the beginning of September, She said beginning later in September, early October everyone wants to get their surgeries scheduled after they've met their deductible. Now, we're waiting for a phone call with a date. All in all, it was a good day, once we finally got to UTSW. We usually allow two hours for the 1 1/2 hour drive, just in case. It's a good thing we left even earlier because today was the just in case. Traffic was backed up most of the way from Waxahachie to the clinic. I will say, in the year we've been going to UTSW, today's traffic was absolutely the worst we've seen. Fortunately, when we left just before 10 am, the traffic heading south was running smoothly and all (or almost all) the crazy drivers had reached their destinations or otherwise off the road. I won't be riding the wind today, and our daffodils in Texas were done by the end of March. Hugging your sweetheart is a good thing any day. The quote is not one I really care for, and I'll need to think about it some more. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. To me, the drink is a waste of good Riesling. The wine might be nice, and I'd like to try it. William Wallace led the first rebellion for independence in Scotland, and he paid the ultimate price. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope Sue's travels today went smoothly. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad that there is more progress on the trust. I'm also glad you made progress on your cruise plans. I'm happy everyone returned safely from their trip to California. @Denise T Denise, that's good news your blood sugar numbers are down. Keep up the good work. @ottahand7 Nancy, just WOW 😱 on the bat. I hope you get it out of the house tonight. I'm glad Frank's wife Elaine is doing well. @dfish Debbie, I hope you and Sue have safe flights home. @Horizon chaser 1957 I hope your DD enjoys her week in Nepal. It's on my bucket list, but I imagine it will just stay there. @grapau27 Graham, your bride is still lovely. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad you could finally get Wayne's flights booked. It's amazing that an original iPad was what did the trick. @smitty34877 Terry, that is good news that your DH is feeling better. Please wish your DD Jessica a VERY HAPPY 51ST BIRTHDAY for us. @durangoscots Susan, what a scare Bandit gave you, and then to be sitting on the porch waiting for you. @Vict0riann Ann, our condolences on the passing of your classmate. I hope your neighbor is doing better. Ann, I looked up the flower in your picture on google, and it said it was a miniature fireweed. Lenda
  16. @Vict0riann Ann, I hope your birthday is wonderful, and there are many more HAPPY BIRTHDAY! in your future. Lenda
  17. There are two churches in Qaqortoq. These first pictures are of the modern church on the hill near the hotel. In the first picture, the church is the large white building in the upper right hand corner. This is the older, smaller church down nearer the water. Some pictures from our walk around town Lenda
  18. We have been lucky enough to visit Qaqortoq twice, once in 2009 on the Tahitian Princess and again in 2017 on the Prinsendam. The weather the first time was cold and rainy, but in 2017, we had a nice sunny day. These are some of the pictures I posted before, but I've added a few more today. This is one of the buildings as it was in 2009. And the same building in 2017. We were looking forward to seeing that car again. This is the building in 2009 from the front and inside. In 2017, it was still a restaurant, but it had changed names and was not open when we walked by. A stone statue A few of the carvings cut into some of the rock around town. An overview of the town. Like most towns in Greenland, the houses are brightly painted. Lenda
  19. Good morning from a still dark central Texas. This will be brief since we have to leave for Dallas in about an hour. I'll read the Daily when we get back. The port of the day for Wednesday, August 23, is Qaqortoq. It has been the port of the day twice before, on March 2, 2021 and September 23, 2022. Thanks to Sandi, @StLouisCruisers, I was able to find the link to the first time we had Qaqortoq as the port of the day, since a search did not go back that far. I used the link in her post from last year to get to this link. Lenda ger_77, Cr
  20. Annie, wishing Chuck @catmando all the best for his surgery this morning. Lenda.
  21. Tony, my apologies for the wrong name. I think I got you mixed up with someone else last night. I hope you and Cathy have a great time on your cruise. Lenda
  22. There are two churches in Qaqortoq. These first pictures are of the modern church on the hill near the hotel. In the first picture, the church is the large white building in the upper right hand corner. This is the older, smaller church down nearer the water. Some pictures from our walk around town Lenda
  23. We have been lucky enough to visit Qaqortoq twice, once in 2009 on the Tahitian Princess and again in 2017 on the Prinsendam. The weather the first time was cold and rainy, but in 2017, we had a nice sunny day. These are some of the pictures I posted before, but I've added a few more today. This is one of the buildings as it was in 2009. And the same building in 2017. We were looking forward to seeing that car again. This is the building in 2009 from the front and inside. In 2017, it was still a restaurant, but it had changed names and was not open when we walked by. A stone statue A few of the carvings cut into some of the rock around town. An overview of the town. Like most towns in Greenland, the houses are brightly painted. Lenda
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