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Posts posted by callmedeb

  1. What a great thread! I always do anytime dining as I am an Extroverted Introvert, and my need to be with (or away from) people can vary from day to day (hour to hour, minute to minute, etc.).


    I've had pretty good luck with dining companions when I travel solo, but there is one lady from my last cruise that stands out.


    I was seated for dinner at a table for 6 which was me (40s), a group of four older ladies (travelling together) and a teen (18ish) eating solo (she was travelling with her Mom and Gran who were eating at the buffet that night).


    3 of the ladies were great, the teen was quiet and respectful. Good conversation and stories, until our food arrived.


    The 4th lady started in on the teen's food choices, not in an obviously rude way, but in a passive aggressive way. Her friends were mortified, and try to steer her onto other topics, but she was having none of it. The teen just got quieter. When the teen's second main arrived (she had never had pork belly and wanted to try it, not that that matters), the "lady" abandoned any pretext and started evangelizing about low fat, calories, et al.


    Having grown up with the King and Queen of passive aggressiveness (especially when it came to food), I was not having any of it. Using all of my learned battle tactics, I let her have it. Every time a snide comment slipped out, I was on it. She was a tough bird too, took right up to dessert to silence her.


    Both the teen and I had ordered two desserts, she had a fruit plate. When they were brought, she opened her mouth, looked at me, and thought the better of it.


    I got a hug from the teen and the other three ladies when we left.


    It was still a great dinner, I ate with the teen and her family later that cruise and had a blast.





  2. Let's combat negativity and boredom ;) Tell me your favourite cruise story! The one you tell your friends and family to convince them to go on a cruise... Funny, heartfelt, things that make you shake your head...


    I'll start...


    It happened on another line, but I met the person I want to be when I grow up.


    She lives on a cruise-ship 50 weeks out of the year. Visits family over Xmas, then right back to her adopted family. We had hours of conversation about her family and life in general. It was wonderful.


    Now you.

  3. I spent two weeks on the Crown this past March/April and will be sailing on her again this coming January. I've also sailed on the Regal for 14 days.


    Like others have said, there are things I like about both, and things I didn't. I would not hesitate booking either for any future cruise. I'm not discounting other peoples experiences, I can only speak for me, BUT...


    I firmly believe that remembering to pack a good attitude makes all the difference.


    Best of luck and safe travels.



  4. I too just got off her April 8th - No major problems at all, hardly any minor ones for that matter, lol.


    I did have issue with the quality of a couple of the entrees in the dining room, but put that down to bad luck.


    I wouldn't hesitate to book the Crown again.

  5. I got off the Crown before it left for Europe. In talking with some of the performers, they told us that 3 or 4 new shows were going to be installed when they got to Europe, and that group of singers/dancers would be with the ship until September.


    I am sorry, but I can't remember which ones were being installed, except Fieria (?) the one with the special guest singer. The guest was going to be someone who sings in West End musicals.


    Hope this helps!

  6. Trivia is the best way to meet people on the ship. I still have friendships with people I've met doing ship trivia!


    I also enjoy it because I have a head full of useless information that only seems to find a home in trivia contests, lol.


    While I like winning, having fun and meeting people are always my primary goals.

  7. I can't speak to your second question, but the AIPB works as follows:


    You show your card to your wait staff when you order, they take the card (or write the number down) and get you your drink. If your wife orders a GLASS of wine her ship account will be charged.


    HOWEVER, you may purchase a bottle of wine (under $100) for a 40% discount and you wife can share in that (or drink it on her own), the staff will store what isn't drunk for your next meal.


    Hope this helps!



  8. I will be on the Crown Princess for two weeks (Mar 25-Apr 8) and am thinking about booking myself a lounger in the Sanctuary.


    My question is... If I book it for the whole 14 days, but decide after 1 or 2 days that it isn't for me, can I cancel and not be charged?


    I've read the threads on here about the space and think I will like it a lot, I welcome any tips from anyone who has experienced this!





  9. I had/am having the same problem with my MC. The VISA works fine though and if I call Princess they can put through the MC no problem, just not on the site.


    They said that they are working on fixing this glitch, but it has been a few months and it still does it. My theory is that my MC is through a private financing firm and my VISA is through a national bank. They probably don't recognize the Private Firm.


    It has saved me some $ though, lol.

  10. I've been having this problem as well. MasterCard, No Balance, Numbers & Billing info entered correctly, Lending Co has no record of declined transactions... I booked directly through Princess.


    I paid for the cruise with this CC and pre-paid gratuities. This just started happening after final payment...


    I guess Princess won't be getting more of my money ;)



  11. Many times your smart phone will automatically change to the current time zone, not necessarily ship time.


    You can turn the automatic time update (or whatever it's called) off in settings as well. I keep my phone and other electronics in airplane mode on the ship, but I have to check in with home/work when I am off the ship, so I find it easier to just turn that feature off completely.





  12. Here's some info I found in another area of CC:

    Featuring a tea sommelier and a choice of 250 blends, tea lovers will revel in Regal Princess’ unique tea tower located in the ship’s central Piazza. Here guests can enjoy pre-blended tea varieties or create their own custom flavors. The ship’s tea sommelier, an expert on tea blends, hosts tea tasting events and a new Regal Afternoon Tea Experience, inspired by some of the most famous tea spots in London. Also posted a picture of the Tea Towers.


    I never met the sommelier, but one of the amazing waitresses made me a blend when she heard that I liked ginger. I can be a bit of a tea snob, preferring loose to bagged - I really enjoyed the teas in the IC.



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