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Cruise Liner Fan

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Posts posted by Cruise Liner Fan

  1. In 1979 the National Geographic Society did a film about the history of the Super Liners. It was filmed aboard the QE2 and there were comments heard in the film that the QE2 will probably be the end of the line or the last Transatlantic Liner ever to be built. I guess that in 1979 there were no opinions that maybe in the very early 21st Century another Transatlantic Liner would be built that turned out to be the QM2. Here is the youtube link to the Super Liners twilight of an era film

    Any opinions on this film? Regards,Jerry
  2. Hi,


    I have booked this Cruise for next year aboard QE,


    I cant find another thread for this but if there is could someone direct me to it.


    Is anyone else on this Voyage ?





    I'm not aboard this voyage but anyway here is a link to a Youtube video. The video is a National Geographic film from 1979. The film is about the history of the Super Liners and part of it were filmed aboard the QE2. Here is the link to the video

  3. Sitting at dinner one night (late sitting) and mid-atlantic the entire ship shuddered as if it had been hit by a giant hand, up until that moment three days in to the crossing it was hard to believe you were even on a ship because there was so little movement. The rest of the voyage was completely smooth.


    I looked around for the startled expressions and no one reacted, not even in the slightest. It always struck me as odd due to the severity of the impact.


    Was there an explanation as to what caused to ship to shudder? Regards,Jerry

  4. This is just like "Come Fly With Me" and their "Speedy Boarding":



    This does look like a funny sitcom. Much more funnier than the crap that is broadcasted here in the USA on the crappy American TV Networks ABC,CBS,Fox,NBC and I might as well also add the CW. Does anyone here in the USA ever watch the CW? Because I certainly don't. Regards,Jerry

  5. Since this thread is discussing the weird things seen aboard the Cunard Queens, Here is a 6 minute and 33 second youtube video that whoever made this youtube video discusses the many alleged ghost sightings seen aboard the original Queen Mary in Long Beach and this youtube video is also filmed aboard the original Queen Mary. The audio in this video does also have creepy scary music :eek: Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAFoT4UefDk Regards,Jerry

  6. On my QE2 World Cruise I did see many a strange character but none of the super natural kind. My favorite was one I christened "Nightshade" She regularly sailed between NYC and LA on the various Panama Transits and more than recovered her cabin fare.


    Did this woman wear a lampshade on her head? Regards,Jerry

  7. This an episode of an American TV series from the late 1970s. The Title of this show is Project U.F.O. and it is about U.S. Air Force Officers who interview and investigate people who claim to have seen UFOs and aliens. The U.S. Air Force in real life did really actually do this from 1947 to 1969 and these investigations were known as Project Blue Book. In this episode of Project U.F.O. there is an fictional Ocean Liner named Atlantic Queen it is 4:00 AM and the ship is about 2 days from docking in New York. On the Bridge the Deck Officer does see the UFO and also the comedian who is aboard the ship doing his stand up comedy also sees the UFO and an alien who leaves the UFO goes aboard the ship in front of the comedian and the alien then opens a door and goes inside the ship and the comedian has a stunned look on his face. This episode was filmed aboard the Queen May in Long Beach, it does have its funny moments. Since this is the month of October when Halloween is celebrated,did anyone here ever see weird or unexplained things aboard ship and or if you have the time to watch this episode it is 48 minutes long your opinion of this episode and here's the link

  8. As I'm sure you know Cruise Liner Fan, Cunard have never had a ship built for the company fitted with a dummy funnel (or in these requests above, two).

    I don't suppose Stephen Payne wanted (or needed) to break that tradition.


    Even when it was fashionable to have them, Cunard didn't.

    Queen Mary had three working funnels, Normandie's aft-most was a fake.

    Titanic's own fourth/aft funnel was there merely to "up" the funnel count, it wasn't connected to a boiler.


    (Cunard did, however, acquire/inherit at least one ship with a dummy funnel (Imperator/Berengaria)).


    There are some who say that Mauretania, Lusitania and Aquitania could easily have been built with only three funnels, and that may be so. However, the fourth funnel fitted to each vessel was a "working" example, not fake.


    Pepperrn, I know that the White Star Line designed the Olympic Class Ships (Olympic,Titanic and the 3rd Ship originally was named Gigantic but the name for the 3rd Ship was changed to the more dignified Britannic after the Titanic tragedy) to have 3 working funnels and the 4th funnel was just a dummy connected to the kitchens for ventilation and I think also connected to the fireplace in the men's first class smoking room. Many people at that time thought that a ship with 4 funnels were the safest ships but the Titanic tragedy proved that idea was wrong. Regards,Jerry

  9. "Project Queen Mary" was announced in 1998 when Carnival bought Cunard. Some would have preferred this.


    As for "A Night to Remember", don't know but in their later career both ships had a cinema on board.

    I have heard that many ship fans wrote to Stephen Payne the naval architect who designed the Queen Mary 2, requesting that the Queen Mary 2 be designed and built with 3 funnels like on the original Queen Mary. Stephen said that having 3 funnels on top of the QM2 was not feasible because the 2 additional funnels would take up space on top of the ship that can be used to put swimming pools, shuffle board courts and other things. Regards,Jerry


    QM2 would not exist if not for the movie TITANIC ......





    btw ... construction began WHEN??????

    The keel for the QM2 was laid down in a shipyard in France on July 4,2002. And I am still asking the question that was the other Titanic movie A Night to Remember ever played aboard the original Queen Mary and the original Queen Elizabeth? Regards,Jerry
  11. If not for the 1997 Titanic movie QM2 would not exist.


    If the Titanic resting place is mentioned on every voyage it's because a lot of passengers ask about it. Just as the morgue is shown on every Behind the Scenes tour because a lot of passengers ask about it.

    That is true and here is a link to an article from the globe and mail that claims that fact concerning the movie Titanic and Carnival Corp. buying the Cunard Line to build the QM2 because of the popularity of the movie Titanic http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/marketing/white-star-name-sails-on-without-titanic/article4099917/ Another question I have to ask is does anyone here know if the other Titanic movie A Night to Remember was ever shown aboard the original Queen Mary and the original Queen Elizabeth? Regards,Jerry
  12. on a technical note, here's the 'big chart' that tracked our progress during a June west trip. The TITANIC location is noted .... note that it is in a "hashed" area of the chart. That is the 'ice berg area' patrolled by the International Ice Patrol (a mission of the US Coast Guard) as a result of the TITANIC. The exact area is updated every couple of days based on aircraft observations and tracking. During this crossing the Captain had announced our course would be well to the south of the TITANIC site due to the ice boundary, but as we got closer a revised south boundary allowed the course to be modified to the north, taking us closer and shortening the trip (saving fuel)




    our closest point of approach to the location happened in the wee hours of the morning as I recall so nothing special happened other than the Captain mentioning we would pass the point . . . alto Mrs actually thought it curious that TITANIC was mentioned EVERY DAY in the noon announcement. If one was nervous about sailing I'd image that could give 'em the willies!

    Capt. BJ, Thanks for showing us the map of the North Atlantic. About the Captain mentioning the Titanic everyday during the noon announcements and that some passengers may get the willies hearing the name Titanic, I remember reading somewhere that I think it was in the Spring of 1998 the movie Titanic was shown aboard the QE2. I guess some of the QE2's passengers did not get the willies watching the movie Titanic aboard the QE2 but there must have been some other passengers aboard QE2 at that time that chose not to see the movie Titanic because of the fear of getting the willies while watching the movie Titanic aboard the QE2 . Regards,Jerry
  13. Of the 2 roundtrip crossings I did in 2007 and 2009 NY-Southampton-NY, I remember that on one of them the Captain of the QM2 announced that the QM2 would sail exactly 142 miles North of the Titanic wreck site but I can't remember at which time. When I am aboard the QM2 next month for another NY-Southampton-NY roundtrip crossing I must remember to make note of this. The information concerning of how close to the Titanic wreck site the QM2 will sail by is usually given by the Captain at the time of the noon announcements after the 12:00 PM sounding of the QM2's whistle. Regards,Jerry

  14. According to Mickey Arison, there was a sharp uptick in interest in TA travel on QE2 after “Titanic” came out. After Carnival bought Cunard he called in Stephen Payne and tasked him with sorting out whether continuing a TA service with a ship built for that service was economically possible.

    The White Star Line was successful because its ships were innovative in style, comfort and service; for much of the late 19th and early 20th centuries it was beating Cunard about the head and ears as were the German lines, esp. HAPAG.

    The Olympic class was designed to seal its superiority-Aquitania was a direct response to the Olympic threat-much more luxurious than Mauritania and Lusitania, though slower.

    Real trouble for White Star came when Lord Kylsant got his hands on White Star and ultimately was found to have destroyed the finances of his shipping combine by fraudulent manipulation.

    Remember White Star laid down a 1000ft. ship in 1928 at Harland & Wolf.

    The Depression and fraud did in both Cunard and White Star and they were forced to merge as a condition of government support. Hence Cunard White Star.


    Yes I do remember reading that in the late 1920s at the Harland & Wolff Shipyard in Belfast,Northern Ireland that the keel for the first White Star Line Ship to be over 1,000 feet long and named Oceanic was laid down. But then due to the depression the Oceanic could not be finished and the Oceanic's keel was used in the construction of the last 2 White Star Line Ships built the Britannic and Georgic. Both Ships would be smaller than the Oceanic would have been had she have been built and then in 1934 came the Cunard-White Star Line merger. Regards,Jerry

  15. And isn't it funny how they suddenly started making references to White Star after the "Titanic" movie came out? White Star luggage service, "You're a Star" cards, etc. :rolleyes:


    But it was due to the popularity of that movie that I do believe that Carnival Corp. bought the Cunard Line to build the Queen Mary 2 and then the Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth and there were newspaper articles claiming that there were surges in people booking transatlantic crossings aboard the then in service QE2 in 1998 and surges for cruise bookings aboard other Cruise Ships again after that movie was released. So even though that movie does have historical flaws in it, I do believe it helped the Cunard Line and other Cruise Ship companies financially speaking :) Regards,Jerry

  16. I know that this New York Times article is from 17 years ago but the man in this article James Korn claims that he owns the names White Star Line and Titanic in the USA. He owns a uniform store in Midtown Manhattan on West 42nd Street across from the Port Authority Bus Terminal and in this store he also sells Titanic t-shirts and sweat shirts and I think White Star Line t-shirts and sweat shirts. In the late 1990s he took 20th Century Fox which was the movie studio that made the feature film Titanic and RMS Titanic Inc. which is the company that owns the rights to go to the Titanic wreck site in the North Atlantic to dive to the wreck and bring up artifacts from inside and around the Titanic to put on display at shows around the world. Anyway as I said Mr. Korn in the late 1990s took 20th Century Fox and RMS Titanic Inc. to court claiming that both companies owed him royalties because both Fox and RMS Titanic Inc. sold t-shirts with the name Titanic on them and he owns the trademark on the names Titanic and White Star Line. Fox claimed that the t-shirts they were selling were relative to their movie and RMS Titanic Inc. claimed that they believe that no one should own the name Titanic. Mr. Korn's case was thrown out of court. In the article it says that Cunard owned the White Star Line but that is wrong because Cunard did not own the White Star Line at the time of the Titanic's one and only tragic voyage and Cunard and the White Star Line merger happened in 1934, 22 years after the Titanic tragedy. Any opinions? And I have seen Cunard use the White Star Line name and logo which is the red pennant with the White Star on it on some brochures. Here is the link to the NY Times article http://www.nytimes.com/1999/02/11/nyregion/ship-movie-trademark-case-producer-titanic-buff-dispute-commercial-use-famed.html Regards,Jerry

  17. Was he on board on July 30th?

    Something seems to have been lost in translation in the copying from the other message board.


    Just to be sure I went back to the other Cunard messageboard to check the date and I did notice that the woman wrote the date as 30 July 16 so I do admit my mistake on the date. I wish that this woman would have wrote it as July 30,2016 instead to advoid any misunderstanding that people who read her post might read it as. Regards,Jerry

  18. This episode does not sound like Commodore Rynd. We have sailed with him several times, have run into him on his rounds aboard ship, have been seated at his table and were surprised that he even remembered us at one of the book signings aboard. He is a consummate gentleman. There must be something more to this story as it is contrary to our impression of him.
    I have heard of other people saying that they had a great meeting with Commodore Rynd. One question I am thinking about is since Christopher Rynd is the Commodore of the Cunard Line shouldn't he be in command of the QM2 since the QM2 is the Flagship of the Cunard Line? Or that since he is the Commodore he has his choice of which Cunard Ship to be in command of and he prefers the Queen Victoria? Regards,Jerry
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