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Posts posted by pmd98052

  1. 7 hours ago, jotjot said:

    The rest of us, lets get back on the ships we can work it out. If someone is afraid or worried they can stay home too.


    No one is getting back on ships.


    You might have just heard. Qantas just cancelled all international flights until end of March 2021.




    AIn't no one cruising for a long time in the USA thanks to Florida, Texas etc.

  2. 3 hours ago, Joebucks said:

    From Feb 1 - June 17, .134% of all "COVID" deaths were from people aged 5-24. This came out to 138 people. A pretty far stretch from 15,000. You can say this curve was flattened because of school closings, and maybe you are right. I would also argue that kids probably weren't the best at social distancing and wearing masks either..



    Errr that is the entire point. Schools. Were. Closed.


    Look opening schools if you have a low/declining number of cases like the rest of the world does makes total sense - not arguing. Opening schools when you have an absolutely massive number of new cases (far more than when schools originally closed) makes zero sense and is criminally negliagent. 


    Again - South Korea re-locked schools with 79 new cases. Florida is seeing 15,000 new cases per day. South Korea has more than double the population (51M to 21M).


    15,000 cases PER day.


    79 cases per day.



  3. 11 hours ago, HaveWeMetYet said:

    Thats from all causes, not covid. Deaths from covid below the age of 18 are near zero.




    No it is not. Please listen to your Secretary of State for Education and the CDC figure and get the facts right.


    The risk of dying FROM COVID for kids in school is 0.02%. That doesn't even include the heart damage, lung damage, and brain damage COVID causes. That 0.02% equates to 15,000 children dying across the country. It doesn't include who they spread it to as well.



  4. 1 hour ago, RocketMan275 said:

    Most data indicates that the ones who have the least to fear from the virus are children.  Infections are almost non-existent and complications exceedingly rare.

    a) Expected death rate for kids who return to school from the Secretary of Education is 0.02%. It’s a small number as a percent. In real terms that’s 15,000 dead kids. 

    b) it’s not just about the kids. Kids travel.


    c) there are teachers and others in schools.



    • Like 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, ECCruise said:

    Once hotels were reopened, especially to 100%, the tourists flocked in, the majority from hot spots in FL, SC, GA.  The cases are rising quickly.

    It shocks me to the core that in the worlds leading COVID19 hotspot that Disney World reopens tomorrow . A more idiotic idea I cannot even imagine.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, RocketMan275 said:

    My county has 700 infected out of a population of 373,000.  That's 1.8 infected per 100,000. How is that 'spiraling out of control'?  Your chances of encountering an infected person is miniscule.  Yet, our city council just enacted a requirement to wear masks.

    And yet 133,000 people in the USA are dead.


    Your city is smart. Learn from what the rest of the world has done.

    • Like 2
  7. On 7/8/2020 at 9:28 AM, fandash said:

    cruising is suppposed to be enjoyable and relaxing. there's the exception

    I don’t get how this point is connected to public transport. Public transport requires face masks. Cruising is by definition public transport. You might have 60 people on a packed bus. You have 6,000 on a packed cruise ship. The odds of one person having the virus go up dramatically on a cruise ship versus a bus. Even more of a need for masks.


    Cruising isn’t coming back to the USA for a long time. Florida, Arizona, and Texas have seen to that. Masks or no masks it’s not returning for quite some time.

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  8. 10 hours ago, casofilia said:

    I have just logged on in New Zealand and it shows 100 cruises during the 3 month period Oct-Dec

    yeah won’t be happening 14 day quarantine at Government mandated hotel in Auckland for anyone entering NZ (including citizens)

  9. 10 hours ago, Newleno said:

    my bad. I missed the part where New Zealand, Taiwan, and Germany were encouraged by the media to riot/gather/protest day after day for over a month.


    a) Lets not lie "rioting for over a month" that didn't happen

    b) Again  it was also the complete lack of leadership and action led to those riots

    c) Its been shown that re-opening and parties have led to the spikes not "rioting"

    d) Other nations (France, Germany, and UK to name but three) have had rioting and have their numbers under control

    • Like 5
  10. All depends on whether the USA (and other nations) can keep the rates in check. So far the USA is failing miserably at that and as I've mentioned many times the consquences of the lack of leadership is a) Cruising isn't going to start back up now for a long time and b) If it starts back up in other regions like Europe where numbers are (currently) more under control I think its high likely that USA citizens are not permitted to cruise even after a restart.


    USA just hasn't taken the actions needed. It doesn't have any leadership or path to action.

    • Like 9
  11. 1 hour ago, sykimball1498 said:

    Actually, this is a new SARS virus:  It's techincal name is this: SARS-CoV-2.  My company works with the testing of all types of drug trials and vaccines.  We recently have bid out many and signed many for the COVID-19 trials so just letting you know this is a new SARS virus.  Different than before, of course, but in the same family.


    Yes aware it is the same family. I am pointing out that they are rather different in their lethality and spread.


    SARS kills 10%, COVID19 less than 1% but the huge difference is SARS only infects others once symptoms are clear and present and the person is very sick. COVID19 as we know can be spread by people with zero symptoms. So despite its case fatality rate being much lower it is much more dangerous as you can see in the data on numbers of dead.

  12. 31 minutes ago, 4774Papa said:

    Every time a new SARS or FLU comes along, the economy can't shut down.


    This is not a new SARS or Flu scenario though is it. We've had SARS and Flu scenarios in the past 10 years. Look at the death totals from those without even shutting down. Now look at the death totals from COVID19 with the shut down. I think you will agree it is a dramatic difference. COVID is not SARS or the Flu.

    • Like 2
  13. 43 minutes ago, GlamorousGirl said:

    cruises are being unfairly targeted.


    Except you can make a good case that planes service essential travel. Note there is a Department of State Global Level 4 "Do Not Travel" notice and given Florida is a hotspot (and a major cruise hub) seems like non-essential travel like cruises shouldn't qualify. Florida didn't want to accept any cruise ships last time. Who wants to give them another chance to refuse people returning home.


    Your flight might have been full. Who's trips on that flight were eseential is the core question.


    Can anyones cruise trip be classed as essential? 

  14. On 6/21/2020 at 2:15 PM, 4774Papa said:

    I think people are ready to get out and do things once more and with the fatality rate being a fraction of one percent, unless you have underlying conditions.  People are willing to take the risk.


    Yes individuals are willing to take the risk for sure. If you have a jar of 100 jelly beans and (to keep numbers simple) one of them would kill you who wouldn't eat a lovely jelly bean. It is worth the risk. I'm not being sarcastic there I mean it.


    However what people miss is the law of large numbers. If I gather in a room of 100 people and hand out that same jar of jelly beans 1 person will die but no one is leaving the room until one person is dead. Now rinse/repeat for 330 million people in the USA alone and that is a LOT of dead people.


    This isn't about individuals. Nor individual risk.

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, Newleno said:

    what was done differently by the white house then what was recommended? , what information from the experts was ignored?, what was/is the solution to this plague?

    Look at how South Korea, Taiwan, Germany, and New Zealand handled it.

    South Korea even had first death the same day as USA. Contact tracing, masks, public closures, early large scale mass testing.

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