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Everything posted by raino144

  1. Not working for me either. “The Server cannot be reached”. In better news, 3 weeks to departure! 👏👏👏
  2. Hi all, As you might have seen on my prior posts we are travelling on Grandiosa next month in a YC Duplex (we are excited!). Last time we travelled on Seaside, there was almost no childcare for under 3s due mainly to Covid. Our daughter is 2 and 9 months, happily goes to nursery etc…. Is there any facility for her to be looked after for a couple of hours per morning?
  3. We’ve been on Seaside last year. The only baby care was for 1 hour on a sea day. We are hoping for better when we travel next month (kids 5 and 2 3/4) - our 5 year old did love the kids club.
  4. We’re in a Duplex suite next month on Grandiosa which is outside YC (12004) - only the duplex / royal / owners suites could be outside the YC gates. edit: full YC benefits as the suite is above a standard YC1.
  5. MSC voyagers club benefits are not strong compared to YC benefits. We love YC, you’re going to have an amazing time!
  6. Can’t edit but will quote. Just checked Voyagers Club and I have 8,300 points! Seemingly 6600 from the match and 1700 from our last YC cruise. Next YC cruise will put me into Diamond 🙂
  7. Further update… we have a hold on the Duplex on Grandiosa in October this year as well! As long as work holidays are approved we’re sailing this year too 🙂 I checked Voyagers Club after my Gold status match… sat on 8300 points (?!) so the October cruise will send me over the threshold to Diamond (1500 for cruise plus some random on board spending for sure).
  8. Thanks @Two Wheels Only. The deck plan was inconclusive and the ship so new there was little info available. In fact the MSC renders didn’t even show the full height glass on the front, which panicked us for a while, given why we chose this cabin with the kids!!! Edit: We’re in 16006 which is next door to the duplex reviewed by our German friends on YouTube. Seeing the review calmed our nerves.
  9. IHG Diamond Ambassador matched to Gold (seems a bit stingy). I’ll take it though, my 4,300 points seem to have been restored even though we had been expired pre COVID due to two small monsters arriving!
  10. Hi Amy, we weren’t able to take Grandiosa this time (working in Asia this Easter) but have got the duplex on World Europa next year. It looks like we can exit from the upstairs onto Deck 18 and stay in YC zone… we will see! Postscript: kids will be 5 and 3 next year, full usage of DoReMi kids club is planned!
  11. Popping up again to update… Grandiosa didn’t work out, I’ve been sent overseas with work which conflicts with cruise timing. World Europa duplex booked for Easter’24 instead. We did worry about the kids near the balcony, but the balcony is about 1m20 high so unless the kids climbed on the furniture they weren’t getting anywhere near it. One of us was watching the kids like a hawk (on the balcony) whenever they were there.
  12. Please be aware that since Jan’21, you can’t import meats or dairy into the EU from the UK. Sad state of affairs but Brexit….
  13. Late update: we have reserved a YC Duplex on Grandiosa next Easter. Same itinerary but in reverse. Reason for going for the Duplex: it’s on the front of the ship and has full height glass on the balcony so safer for the kids. And jacuzzi. Will be strange doing YC but not staying in the YC ‘zone’!
  14. Hi! Take a look at my recent thread - we were on Seaside in YC 3 weeks ago with a 3 (nearly 4) year old and an 18 month old. Staff loved our kids and we had no problems at all. Baby club (0-2) was open every day but 1hr total of unaccompanied supervision only on the day at sea. Kids club (3-7) was generally 3 hours in AM, 2 in PM, 3 in evening should you choose. My toilet trained 3 year old was with us in the YC pool and also tried the hot tub, and 18 month old (with swim pants) in the pool with me, nobody had the slightest problem, in fact the lifeguard was pushing the 3 year old round the deck in an empty towel trolley!
  15. There’s a few threads on Twitter (mainly in Italian) confirming it. I was onboard last week and there was an overnight breakdown after Marseille, the ship hasn’t made better than 15kt since (design speed is 22).
  16. Seaside seems to still be a bit out of sorts. Late into Civitavecchia this morning and now still doing no more than 15kt with 200 knots still to run to Palermo.
  17. So… as the thread title says, we originally were looking at a potential end August cruise out of Genoa. We’ve been in YC on Preziosa and Divina before and loved it. When we checked the Covid rules, there was a risk that if we tested positive, couldn’t board… money down the pan (and with a few travels and events in July /Aug, it’s not inconceivable we could catch it again, even being boosted)… Cue a brainwave… 8am this morning we were at the pharmacy to get the Covid tests done, once they were passed, it was on the phone to book for tomorrow’s departure! At this point, even booking parking at the port is tricky (thanks to my Italian friend for calling them up for me as online bookings close at T-72 hours)! So we have a 7am departure tomorrow for a 4hr drive Geneva-Genoa, for a week’s cruise on Seaside in YC, and first cruise with the little monsters! Today has been a bit of a whirlwind…
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