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Posts posted by printingchick

  1. In 2007, we arrived at the pier in San Juan to board the Carnival Destiny. They let us check our bags and complete our paperwork, but wouldn't let us board. They said boarding had been delayed until the afternoon. (Remember, ships out of San Juan don't depart until 8PM.) We walked across the street to a little pub where we had a leisurely lunch and killed some time before we could board.


    It seems they'd had a significant outbreak of norovirus among the passengers who had disembarked that morning and they needed the extra time to sanitize the ship. The buffet was not self-serve for our cruise. You asked, they served. Other than that, there was no difference. To my knowledge, there was no illness reported on our sailing.


    Other than boarding a little later than usual, it was a cruise like any other. We were careful to wash our hands a lot. We always are.


    No big deal.

  2. None of them. I cruise for the itinerary. I can find something worthwhile at every port. Sure, I like some better than others. I might sleep in and spend less time ashore at a port of call I wasn't thrilled by. But I ALWAYS get off the ship at every port.


    PS: I find it odd when people make comments like: "If you don't book an excursion, there is nothing to do there," or conversely, "I love it because there is a great shopping area right at the pier." Maybe I'm misinterpreting such comments, but it makes it sound like people are cruising just to duty-free shop. I want to see the sights, the geography, the culture... If you don't book a tour in Dominica, you'll be back on board the ship in 20 minutes. It's a very undeveloped island with minimal shopping. But get away from the pier and...OMG...it's GORGEOUS!! I really prefer the less developed islands. The modern ones all seem the same. (How many Diamond's International do I really need to browse on one vacation?) On the flip-side, a New Englander doesn't get to hike in a rain forest, swim with sea turtles or sting rays, visit Mayan ruins or see black sand beaches every day.

  3. RC's Explorer of the Seas cut its itinerary and came back with over 600 passengers and crew sick with vomiting and diarrhea. According to the article;


    "... The virus is easily passed from person to person, spreads through food and ice, and also can survive on inanimate objects for days. Even with scrupulous cleaning, the virus can still remain intact, ..."


    Yikes. Those poor people. Is it just an accepted risk of cruising now?


    11 cruises, no Norovirus. Lots of my friends cruise and none of them has had it. Inevitable? Nope.

  4. I'm one of those people. It makes a difference to me!


    In a few weeks, I will embark on my first cruise in three years. I used to cruise annually. However, the company I worked for was sold to overseas interests. I was laid off. After a full YEAR of unemployment, I accepted a position at a salary that represented a SIGNIFICANT income reduction. I was one of many victims of a horrible economy. I paid all my bills on time, but there were many times I wondered how!


    I booked my upcoming cruise using an old NextCruise certificate, which allows for a reduced deposit. Booking nearly 2 years in advance allowed me to pay off the cruise incrementally.


    Yes, I could have SAVED the money until I could afford to pay the larger deposit, but it probably would have delayed my cruise another year. Booking so far in advance worked in my favor, as the price ended up sky rocketing.


    In addition, having a cruise booked is ENORMOUS motivation. If you're merely saving for a vacation, it's easy to keep pushing back the date when you decide you want to spend the money elsewhere. It's a lot more difficult to CANCEL a vacation. It's more REAL. At least for me, I'm more likely to make the sacrifices it takes to make it work.

  5. Without question or hesitation - SOUTHERN!

    Yes, it's a smaller ship with less of the WOW features RCL is known for, but you'll be OFF the ship so much of the time! So there is no FlowRider...how much would you even get to use it??


    I LOVE the southern islands and the more port-intensive itineraries. And I was surprised after my first cruise on a smaller, Radiance class ship, that I actually preferred the atmosphere.


    PS: I have cruised from San Juan three times previously. I've never had an issue with my fellow passengers.

  6. About to take cruise #11 and it remains exciting and new to me every time!


    My first cruise was inspired by that theme song you have running through your head! I dreamed of cruising for years after watching that show growing up.


    My next cruise will feel even more EXITING AND NEW after a three-year (economy-forced) hiatus from cruising. It had been my habit to cruise once a year. Reading posts and review here, I know there are some changes since my last cruise. I'm SO excited! Just over 7 weeks until embarkation day!!:D

  7. Agree with the OP. I feel the same about specialty restaurants. People complain about the revenue generating venues on the ships, but you're not required to invest in any of them. Those who can afford to get their nails done, enjoy a massage, eat at the specialty restaurants and/or buy the pay-extra meals in the MDR are helping to keep MY cruise affordable!


    Caveat: I will miss the towel animals. I haven't cruised for a few years and they were still doing them nightly last time I did. My next cruise is with a first-time cruiser and I'm hoping to "persuade" the cabin steward to provide a towel friend nightly. ;)

  8. Thanks. Oh I HOPE we don't have to vacate the cabin at 7:30!!


    I recall on my Freedom cruise, we had breakfast at the Sorrentos (of all places) in the Promenade. We were able to just walk around until our group was called. I remember other times, being assigned to a venue.


    On my Carnival cruises (clearly a LONG time ago), they released by group color and we could hang out by the pool until our group was called.


    I think it feels a little less "cattle-callish" if you're not assigned to a venue to wait your turn, but I'll obviously go with the current flow!

  9. Due to an economically-induced hiatus, I have not cruised for a few years. Additionally, my last cruise was fog-delayed and therefore did not follow the normal disembark process.


    What is the current process for disembarking passengers. I'm a lowly gold, if that matters (Platinum after this cruise!). I'm on a radiance class ship and we're returning to San Juan/Pan American Pier.


    • What time will we need to vacate the cabin?
    • Will we be assigned to a specific lounge to await our turn to disembark, or can we roam the ship until it is our time?
    • If we don't sit in a specific venue with our group, how will we know when it's time to disembark? Is it announced throughout the ship?
    • Do they name the groups and dismiss by that name? (I recall a time when they used to disembark by the color associated with your luggage tags.)


    Thank you!

  10. We have an excursion (Harrison Caves) in the morning and were planning a trip to Carlisle Beach or the Boatyard for the afternoon. Will we be able to get loungers? Is one better than the other? (I believe they are side-by-side) Pros/Cons?

  11. I appreciate these encouraging posts!! I used to cruise annually, until an extended period of unemployment resulting from the sale of the company where I worked. I was left economically land-locked while trying to recover financially!


    My BF and I have been dating for over three years. He has never cruised, and doesn't seem particularly enthusiastic to try it. His 18-year-old daughter once said to me, "You'll never get my dad on a cruise!"


    A little over a year ago, I booked a cruise for the two of us and GAVE it to him for a birthday gift. I'd accumulated so many RCL Visa points during my cruise hiatus, it was practically two-for-one cruise fare! I figured he couldn't refuse a GIFT!


    Just before I gave him the cruise (which was 10 months prior to our embarkation day in March 2014), he started talking about all the cruise fiascoes. He even uttered those dreaded words: "You'll never get me on a cruise!" HORRORS! I'd already booked the cruise and the pre-cruise hotel!!


    He's warming up to the idea, particularly since the snow has begun to fall here. Despite the literal deluge of cruise information I've provided, he still has trouble recalling the name of our ship. He is able to name most of the five ports of call now. That's a big improvement! He seems to be getting more excited about the excursions, but I think he's still ambivalent about the cruise itself.


    I'm hoping, like others mentioned here, he LOVES it. I can't imagine vacationing without him...any more than I can imagine giving up cruising. At best, we'd have to find a compromise!


    I'll know in 10 weeks. Wish me luck!!

  12. We've reserved the 11' Boston Whaler for our cruise in early March. Would be happy to return and report. I understand they supply a map and there are beaches where you can "beach" the small boat if you want to get out and do some snorkeling. No, the boat is too small to dive off and climb back on. Yes, I believe there is an option for a larger vessel, but it's more expensive.


    We're very excited about this trip. We both fish - not that I'm exactly an enthusiast - but my boyfriend is thrilled with the idea of fishing in the Caribbean. I know we can't KEEP anything, but being able to say we wet a line while in the Caribbean sounds impressive. They provide fishing gear and bait. We'll bring our own snorkel gear. We reserved the full day. We have a boat and we usually spend more than 3 hours at a time on the water. The half day didn't seem long enough. For $150, that's only $75 per person - which sounded like a GREAT deal to us!


    Will provide a review upon my return!

  13. As an uber-planner, I make multiple spread sheets and begin packing weeks (sometimes over a month!) in advance. I can't recall forgetting anything. (But perhaps that's just my faulty memory??)


    The one thing I do recall is forgetting to stash my GPS out of sight at the airport parking lot. Left it attached to the windshield. Worried it would be gone, but it was right there waiting for me when I returned!

  14. What is it about cruise vacations that makes us do things we wouldn't normally consider?



    • I frequently try exotic foods on a cruise - something I'd never do normally because I'd risk having to pay for something I didn't like.
    • I went parasailing on a cruise because my best friend was dying to try it. (I don't like heights.) Funny thing is, I ended up enjoying it (once I got over the initial trepidation) and did it again on a later cruise. Somehow being high over WATER is less scary to me.
    • I rode on the grand piano in the piano bar! (It was on a Carnival cruise where the piano revolves.) The entertainer was performing a song which included my name and he invited me up on the piano. This is a lot more OUT-GOING that is normal for me. But I had a BLAST on-top-of-the-piano became my regular seat for the rest of that cruise!
    • I served as a judge for the "sexy legs" contest. I'd watched women do it for years. Why not! It was a hoot!
    • I stopped short of eating a termite in Belize, but my son - who was traveling with me - ate one. I have pictures!
    • I once did kamikaze karaoke. Definitely uncomfortable! (And not just for me!!)

    I'm sure there will be lots more comfort-zone defecting to come in future cruises. (Orient Beach comes to mind...;)) Challenging myself to try new things is one of the things I LOVE about cruising.

  15. My list of items which turn a good cruise (because there are no BAD cruises), into a GREAT cruise:


    1. The itinerary. I like my ports of call to be varied and plentiful! I prefer port-intensive cruises. I used to LOVE the sea days when I was a novice cruiser. Now, I want to hit as many ports as possible on a cruise.

    2. Weather! A week of rain is a real bummer!

    3. The Staff. A staff with a positive attitude who seems to really care about providing passengers with a great experience makes all the difference!

    4. Fellow passengers. It doesn't matter how enthusiastic the staff is; if the passengers are ho-hum, it can stifle the positive atmosphere.

    5. The Service. I don't eat out much and I don't have a house-keeper. Not having to lift a finger for a week is luxury beyond measure!!

    6. The on-board entertainment. I'm a sucker for the FAMILIAR stuff. Give me the crew wearing tie-dye and leading the ship in a rowdy YMCA! Give me The Quest! I love it all!



    And, in general, I love cruising for the escape. I never feel quite so removed from reality on a land-based vacation. There's no excuse on land not to check emails or phone messages. It's too costly and difficult on a cruise, so I don't. And I LIKE that!!

  16. If it's not too much trouble, when you've scanned the Compasses (I mostly just need the last two pages for the scheduled activities and suggested dinner attire), would you mind emailing them to me as well?? No rush, I don't cruise until March. Being a meticulous planner like you, I LIVE for these details!!! (I'm three months out and have already begun drafting my clothing spread sheets!!)




  17. OMG! I do this TOO!!!! And I'm a Sox fan!! We really have to meet some day!!:D


    By the time we leave I have a schedule of what I plan to wear each day (or part of day; DH refers to these as "costume changes") You would think that by having a daily schedule of what to wear that I care deeply about fashion and clothing and how I look (and you would be wrong...just look at the photos to come!) I make a schedule so that I don't have to think again about what to wear and I don't have to carry a thing I won't wear...this frees me to enjoy every minute of my vacation doing what I DO enjoy (which is not trying on shoes!)

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