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Posts posted by JJK2008

  1. 5 minutes ago, JVes said:

    My brother is also severely ill: he's actually worse off than me, and his prognosis is bad. He came up with a plan for the rest of his life.

    He works on giving his wife and children good memories of him.

     They're the most important people in his life. He's also sharing life with our parents and with me, but (understandably) his kids and wife are his main focus.


    In my own life, my mantra is that every day, I

    teach something, learn something, and make someone smile.
    If I achieve that, it's been a good day. Since I took up that mantra, I have had 99% good days. The one day I didn't had a bad fall that took me from Emergency to Short Stay. I think that's a reasonable excuse!
    (PS: I now have balance excercises in my PT folder.)

    Having a way to decide whether or not a day has been successful helps me a lot. Consider making up one of your own!


    You achieved your goal again with this post, as it made me smile.😃 Thank You!!!! Well said.

    • Like 4
  2. 7 hours ago, MoFarbs said:

    Hi everyone!  Celebrating my 40th (!!) birthday on the Allure this weekend with friends and family, and I can't wait!  Our group members have a relatively late check-in time of 2pm, but were hoping to try our luck arriving at the port at 11am to see if they will let us on some time earlier if there's a break in the crowds.  I'm seeing mixed reports online -- both of people being sorted into groups by check in time and of people being able to get on early.  Does anyone have a recent experience they can share?

    You can almost always get onboard early. The key word being "always" as they may decide to enforce the time slots, no guarantee. We've always got on early, usually very early. Good Luck.

  3. 2 hours ago, JVes said:


    All I can imagine is that she was having a horrible day. But no, she had no right to talk to you like that. And thank you so much for asking first. That's extremely important.


    You did right. People behaving like that are the ones being rude. Unless clearly indicated otherwise, treat a disabled person as a normal one, except for the visible disability. When I'm using a walker, I take up more space on a footpath or in a hallway so I appreciate people making the space for me. But (as your daughter said) "there's nothing wrong with my brain".

    Those of us who have invisible disabilities have a problem unique to us (I think). We take a disability-only parking spot, put our tags on the dashboard, and get out of the car. Only to be abused (sometimes quite seriously) for 'pretending to be disabled'. Same with special seating in busses and trains.


    JJK and MareBlu


    Thank you so much for your kind words. And I know you both mean it, you're not 'just saying' that. You have no idea (maybe you do) how much it means to have that sort of kindness.


    I leave you with a phrase I cling to on bad days:


    YES, JVes I do mean it, as I'm certain the others on here posting do as well. Each of us has or will have burdens in our life. Some will be worse than others. I too have my issues, health issues but serious ones. Each day is a gift not to be overlooked. YES, that is easier said than done many days. But the key to winning this battle is to NEVER give up. Find what is good in every day no matter how small the good is and give Thanks. 

    • Like 2
  4. 7 hours ago, cachouonacruise said:

    On a recent trip, we flew to Sydney Australia. During one of our excursions, we found, what we thought would be something nice to bring home: creamy honey made by a unique kind of bees in Australia. We bought two jars! 


    We then boarded the Edge in Sydney, no questions asked!


    However, during our cruise around New-Zealand, we saw multiple adds warning us about consequences for bringing agricultural substances considered a bio-hazard by New-Zealand. 


    So, we begun to be quite concerned! Especially since sniffing dogs are used to smell luggage in both Australia and New-Zealand. The penalty for contravening to these rules is a $400 fine and the cancellation of the visa.


    We elected not to risk the penalty and to declare the honey, on the electronic form filled while aboard the ship.


    So, after the cruise, upon disembarking from the Edge, customs, immigrations and dogs were waiting to greet disembarking passengers.


    The officers of course, asked us about the honey. We mentioned that the honey was in two jars, unopened and sealed and that we were just hoping to carry them from the port to the airport leaving New-Zealand, the same day.


    The officers thanked us for our honesty....and then confiscated the honey. We were not subjected to the fine though.


    So, just posting this experience, in case it could help fellow cruiser not to become....honey criminals like us! ( just joking by exaggeration a bit, but this added stress and an unnecessary expense to our trip)


    For your consideration! 

    Might just depend on who you get. We had virtually the same experience, but they let through WITH the honey. Weeks later we brought it back to the USA. No problem. Guess we were lucky. 

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, JVes said:

    I have three choices, and the first two are unacceptable.
    Die. (Unacceptable.)
    Become so apathetic and lethargic that I have to get dumped into a nursing home or equivalent. (Also unacceptable.)
    FIGHT LIKE HELL and GET AS HEALTHY AS I CAN. (Very acceptable.)


    So yeah. Option 3.
    And I hope everyone reading this chooses option 3 if/when they get faced with these three choices. And help loved ones to choose, too. Make sure they choose it for themselves, so it sticks.

    John, I am very happy to see that you do have good health. Treat it as the gift it is, and make sure to enjoy it. Take your friends and family to a park and play frisbee with them. Fly kites. Climb mountains and enjoy the view. Go to the beach, and wade in the surf. Swim in the surf if you have skilled lifeguards patrolling. Hunt for shells. Get a stick and water shoes and explore the rockpools, gently poke things with the stick to see if they're an animal or a plant.
    And think of me when you do these things. Just for one or two tosses of the frisbee!

    What you can do to help people like me:
    Notice if someone's wheelchair is stuck in paving. Ask if they need the help, and get them free.*
    (IMPORTANT NOTE: always ask before moving a wheelchair.)
    Hold a door.
    Speak to the disabled person, too often someone will speak to the person helping them. ("Do you think she'd like this?" "Why don't you ask her!")

    * A real incident. The wheelchair was stuck in cobblestones on the edge of the road, and in the four or five minutes it took Bestie to reach her, noone - noone! - helped her. Bestie, of course, did. Got her past the cobbles and onto smooth pavement.

    One of the most memorable times someone helped us: Bestie and I were struggling to manage one person in a wheelchair (me), one pushing (Bestie), me loaded with carryon bags in my lap, and I was trying to manage a pair of suitcases in front of us, like pushing two prams at once.
    An apparently able-bodied person saw us, saw that we were aiming for a lift, took about two steps to his left and pushed the lift call button, and was on his way before we could even say a proper thank you.
    I've never forgotten that kindness.

    Very courageous posting. I can relate in a small way. NEVER give in. That is the only sure way to lose. Thoughts and prayers to you. 

    • Like 2
  6. 57 minutes ago, Ozwoody said:


    Hi JVes

    I checked out your thread above.

    Wow; yes you did need a cruise, and yep I would go along with you need another one.

    Certainly hope it works out for you.


    Its common for someone like me, to not grasp what challenges other people face, as I fortunately have good health. But then you hear the challenges someone else faces, and its then you start to appreciate what you do have.


    You sound like a fighter, and I feel, you will make it happen. Keep fighting you can get through it.


    Its not just our own mischief that makes us need a cruise, but sometimes what life dishes up, is also a need for a cruise.





  7. Speak to your Doctor before you go and get meds.

    Take over the counter meds with you.

    Keep your stomach full...do NOT go hungry.

    Eat green apples from the buffet every day.

    TRY not to convince yourself you are going to be sick. VERY few people prone to motion sickness actually get seasick on cruise ships.

    As a last resort, get in the pool on the ship. The water in the pool moves with the ship and has a calming effect.


    Good Luck. Enjoy your cruise.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, phoneman69 said:

    We have been using our PVP at Carnival for years. Over 16 bookings threw him. He has been Outstanding all threw covid and the cruise ship dance and cancellations for those times. Re bookings and making sure we always had our cruise credits. Never once though have we ever received anything in our cabin from him, not cookies, wine or fruit  basket. Are PVP's allowed to give gifts to their clients ? The only reason i bring this up is DW won a Carnival cruise threw a casino we go to and the booking had to go threw the casino dept and not my regular PVP. The person in the casino dept who did our booking also said they where going to have something extra sent to our room. Now maybe the casino dept has this flexibility. So i ask has any ones PVP done some thing extra for them ?  

    Anything they would give comes out of their bottom-line. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, LysH said:

    What does everyone do about tipping on your cruise?  We have been charged a pre-gratuity charge for our "free drink package", approximatley $465 Canadian Dollars and a pre-gratuity tip(service charge)  for housekeeping etc., which is $567.  Is this the norm?



    There are threads here on CC that address the tipping subject extensively. I'd suggest you read through all of them as there are a number of different opinions and reasons. Once informed, let your conscious be your guide. 

  10. The Royal Caribbean Group announced that it has entered into an agreement with the French shipbuilder Chantiers de l’Atlantique to build the new ship. The French shipbuilder is to build the seventh Oasis Class ship for the Royal Caribbean International fleet in 2028.


    “While we eagerly anticipate the debut of Royal Caribbean’s Utopia of the Seas this summer, we’re already dreaming up her sister ship and the next installation in the brand’s extremely popular Oasis Class,” said Jason Liberty, president and CEO of Royal Caribbean Group.

  11. This topic comes up a good deal and I'm sure will continue to be brought up. I always chuckle at the Americans who claim they want to follow the culture of the country they visit, yet in a "no tipping" country they will then use every excuse they can think of to NOT follow the NO TIP culture. I'm an American and it absolutely FROSTS me why some Americans can't just get it through their heads that countries like Australia and New Zealand are NO TIPPING POLICY countries!!! Just read the comments from the Americans. Far too many Americans will continue to push the issue even after asking the question and receiving the answer. There are numerous posts on here where the American will ask about tipping and will be advised not to do so but the American will not accept this and openly say they will tip anyway because they "know it's the right thing to do" As an American I am embarrassed by these arrogant fellow countrymen. I'm not going to get into the whole wage thing, but tipping is an American custom that is NOT followed in most of the world. Far too many Americans CLAIM they want to be immersed in the culture of the country they visit, yet they force THEIR beliefs (such as tipping) on the citizens of the country they are visiting. To tip or not tip in a NO TIP culture is NOT a "cheap" vs "generous" gesture. It is a complete disregard for that culture and shows nothing but disrespect for the people. When you are in a NO TIP culture, DON'T TIP!!!!! Not that hard. 

    • Like 12
  12. 10 hours ago, possum52 said:

    But only because your fellow travellers have either 1. not researched whether tipping is required or 2. are not following advice. 


    As a citizen of a non-tipping nation, I certainly do my research prior to travelling overseas to what is required tipping wise. If I travelled to the US, I would tip as required. It is only polite to learn the culture of the countries you are visiting. 


    Well said...........

  13. 1 minute ago, wanderlust58 said:

    Similar story.  After a full day of banging, welding and shouting in the life boat directly beneath or balcony, I complained (persistently) and got a $500 credit towards our next cruise. (NB:  Life boat was out of commission for our entire cruise! Didn't ask about that.)  We're booked on a TA next fall but have yet to decide whether or not to go through with it.  Anyway, complain and make it clear you expect significant compensation for your continued discomfort.  They didn't offer it until my third "inquiry".

    Couldn't agree more. Don't take "no" for an answer. Don't have to be belligerent, but firm and do NOT concede. 

  14. 18 minutes ago, CDNPolar said:

    We just came off this cruise a month ago, on the same ship.  See my responses in RED BELOW:


    We're taking our first cruise in Feb/March - Treasures of the Rhine on the Viking Alruna. I've been reading lots of posts here and have read practically everything on Viking's site, but I still have questions. Any answers/insights would be great!


    1. I'm confused about how gratuities work:


    The Viking website says there are two options, but they sound the same to me - I am clearly missing something.


    Is it typical to tip in addition to the standard that the cruise "charges"? (I know it's in our discretion, but I'm trying to get a sense of what the crew might be expecting.)


    Since the cruise is in Europe, I assume the crew would prefer Euros?


    Viking calculate a daily gratuity per person amount that is payable in advance before you cruise or it is added to your account and payable on the ship.  There is really no difference between pre-paying or paying on ship, EXCEPT, if you pre-pay you are paying in the currency you booked the cruise in, and if you are paying on the ship you will pay in Euros in your case. 


    Gratuities are a commonly discussed topic on CC and whether to give more is really up to you.  The Crew is not expecting more from you.  You may choose to reward one or two crew members with a gratuity on the side for exceptional service, but again, Viking Crew are NOT expecting this.


    Typically you can tip Viking Crew additional in either USD or Euros, just never in coin form as if a crew member is not from a Euro country, coins cannot be exchanged to another currency.


    Gratuities are encouraged for your tour guides and drivers, and we take enough USD $1's to cover this.  We typically give $2 to the driver and $4 to the guide.


    2. Do you typically have the same folks helping you the whole cruise, or is it more like a hotel where housekeeping might be done by one person one day, and a different person another day?


    Typically the same person every day.  We have always had the same Cabin Steward, but we were surprised on this cruise that one day we had someone new.  Viking Crew on this cruise had one full day off every two weeks and that was the day we had someone different.


    River Cruise Crew counts are low.... 40's to 50's in crew numbers.  You will see the same crew every day in the lounge, the restaurant, and Guest Services.


    3. How small are the bathrooms/available "storage" space in the bathrooms? I'm having a hard time telling from the photos.


    On the Alruna there are two open shelves above the sink and two open shelves below the sink.  The area beside the sink is limited.  The bathrooms do lack storage space.  You kind of have to keep the most used stuff out and perhaps a ziplock bag on the lower shelf with the less used stuff.  That is what we do.


    4. I've seen some comments about packing magnets, decorations, tape... all kinds of weird stuff. It seems to have to do with the walls being magnetic (??) or something to do with the doors on the cabins? Honestly, i have no idea if this is something I'm supposed to be thinking about.


    The walls are all metal, and if you take magnets you can "pin" up your daily activities, or map, or calendar.  We don't bother with that.  I have also seen people who have found incredibly strong magnets that will allow them to hand the ship supplied robes and their coats.


    Viking Guests don't decorate the doors.  In 10 Viking cruises, I have never seen this.  This is more of a mass market cruise line thing.  Don't worry about this on a Viking ship except and unless you want to somehow decorate your cabin to your taste.


    5. What's the one piece of info or advice you'd give someone who's never done a river cruise (or any cruise!) before? I like to know what to expect, so even if it's info I can't really act on, it would be helpful.


    We love river cruising.  160'ish people on board.  Very intimate.  You get to know many many people on a river cruise. There is only one dining venue (save for the Aquivit Terrace) and one lounge.  There is only one open sitting for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  You don't reserve tables, and tables on the Alruna are 6 or more.  There are not tables for two.  Breakfast is open for 2'ish hours and has a small buffet and omelette station or you can order off the menu.  Lunch is open for 2'ish hours and people come and go at different times in the open window because of different times that excursions leave and come back.  Dinner is essentially eveyone sitting down at the same time.  You go to the lounge for the Port Talk and whoever else is talking which is right before dinner and then everyone "runs" to get their table.  You will find some groups sit together every night, and some folks will switch it up each night and sit with others.  Sometimes it is who you talked with on excursion that day or who you sat with in the lounge before dinner.


    Read the Viking Daily every night and know what tomorrow offers and the timing of everything.


    Take a picture of the Viking Daily front page to know the location of the ship and the ship contact information in case you have to get back to the ship on your own.


    If you are exploring on your own know the back on board time as the ship will not wait for you.


    This was an enjoyable cruise for us and we would love to hear your review after.


    Thank you!!

    We've done Viking River cruising as well. Excellent job of description.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 2 hours ago, MaddyandMax said:

    We were on Liberty on Sept 30 when it got rerouted to Canada instead of Bahamas (sucks considering I'm Canadian LOL).  Half the people cancelled.  We asked to pay for an upgrade when we got to the port and nope.  Heard a ton of other people asked for the same and no one was able to upgrade rooms.

    Remember seeing that on the news.....Sorry....that sucks!!!😌

  16. 2 hours ago, OzKiwiJJ said:

    Not quite, you get an offer to switch to another cruise, sometimes with a cabin upgrade, and get a serious amount of FCCs as well. Worth taking if you are flexible.

    Thanks, Julie, for the explanation. Certainly, worth considering depending on the offer. We've never had that happen. 

  17. On 1/11/2024 at 3:53 AM, kknb4082 said:

    I ask this question with great hesitation.


    We are within 30 days of our cruise and trying to check-in online. On the section where one has to take a security photo, the system tries to take a photo of my face, and after properly identifying my face, it doesn't take a photo and I get the message 'Unnatural Skin Tone'. I am not White. My partner is White and the system has identified and taken a photo without a problem.


    Has anyone else encountered this issue?


    I have contacted MSC customer service and asked them about next steps here to check-in, but I understand from this forum that their response can be slow. I have also asked them to double check their system and wording of messages so that they reflect greater inclusivity.


    This is all very awkward.


    Ran into something similar. If using a phone to take the picture, try turning the flash on so that it stays on throughout the picture. That worked for us.

  18. 2 hours ago, leaveitallbehind said:

    The "published" Celebrity primary demographics is 50+, and in our rather extensive cruise experience with Celebrity that fits the profile far better than the suggested mid to late 60's+.  There always is a wide and diverse age group on board, including families with children, but also quite a number of couples in their 40's.  IMO your description seems to fit HAL far better than Celebrity.  Yes, it is more sedate by intention, but, again in our experience, there is a lot going on late in to the night if you want it, and we have never experienced the 10:00 PM desertion you suggest.  I guess just different experiences, but I am basing my observations on a dozen or more Celebrity cruises. 

    Obviously, our experience with Celebrity was different than yours. Time of year, itinerary, ship and other factors all contribute to different cruise experiences.  

  19. 1 hour ago, kaz828 said:

    We are a mid 40's couple, love good food, dining variety, pool people, like listening to music on vacation.
    These ships are doing itineraries we like so which ship would you pick and why?

    Celebrity Beyond
    Celebrity Apex
    Icon of the Seas
    Sun Princess

    Enchanted Princess
    NCL Prima 
    NCL Viva

    I agree with the other posts. The only thing I would add is that the age demographic between RCCL and Celebrity is VERY wide. You state you're in your mid-40's. That said, the demographic on Celebrity average age will be much higher - mid to late 60's plus. As a result, we found Celebrity to be much more sedate. The music in the evening was very mellow. Violins, low-key piano, etc. By 10:00 the ship seemed deserted. Now that said, Celebrity provided an excellent cruise, no complaints. RCCL on the other hand will have a more diverse age population and will be livelier overall. They both offer excellent cruises. Just depends on the activity you're looking for, excursions, etc. I'm one of those that believes there's almost no such thing as a bad cruise. Whichever you choose safe travels and enjoy.    

    • Like 1
  20. I think I understand the status match, my question is when you do a match does MSC also award a certain number of points as your starting point? For example, if three people are Emerald, Diamond and Diamond Plus respectively on RCCL, they each would be status matched to Gold on MSC. Would MSC then award each of these the same points or do the points vary on what level you used to status match? Would a Diamond Plus status match get more points than an Emerald status match even though they both would be status matched to Gold?    


    Tried to find this answer, but no luck. Thanks, in advance for the help.

  21. 2 hours ago, MicCanberra said:

    Flying again today, to Buenos Aires via Santiago. Getting closer.


    Long travel, but it will be worth it, I'm sure. Looking at your signature you have Adventure of the Seas listed for the Caribbean and Celebrity for the Caribbean. What are the plans??? We just did Adventure over Christmas, our 2nd time on that ship. We just booked another cruise for 2024, that makes 4 booked. Two in April, one in August and the fourth at the end of December over New Years. I think that about maxes us out for the year, but who knows. I love all the plans you guys have, it's Awesome!!!! Hope to read updates of the trip. Enjoy. 

    • Like 3
  22. 9 hours ago, hammo said:

    Just off Quantum of the Seas with our family ( we are Diamond members ) a little 3 nighter , 6 adults and 4 well behaved grandchildren -( I say this because there were 1500 kiddos onboard and many not supervised at all - including a group of teens who constantly pushed every elevator button at once and ran off yelling / laughing ) Another blaming the cruiseline becuase her son booked up $300 in the first few hours in the  arcade - she reckons the cruiseline should supervise - I told her maybe thats a parent thing 😂.

    Anyway , heres my 2 bobs worth

    Windjammer - disappointing - selection pretty much the same each day with little variation . Crowded as expected , drink stations not always  loaded - salad items good - missed any mexican if it was available - Second day lunch asian noodle dish not refilled ( I went back 3 times hoping) . Hard to get drink service as seemed to be understaffed . Yes its the buffet I know .Most seemed happy though . 

    MDR - we were in Silk for ATD and had a table of 10 each night at 7:30 which was perfect . Line up was very quick and well supervised by the staff .Really well arranged by the MaitreD and the Grandchildren loved the atmosphere and experience which was a bit more like a Carnival Experience with the waiters dancing and the napkin waving and the Chicken dance . It really was a childrens cruise night and I guess good for us but not for others who would have liked a more sedate and relaxing dining experience . Still everyone around us joined in an had some fun .

    The dining , not so much fun , apart from the fantastic waiter and wine service that our guys provided . They were first class and attentive , great personalities and made each night something to look forward to .Limited menu and similar/same offerings . Parts of the steak good , pastas just ok , presentation lacking and clumsy , good breads , fish not sure what , childrens menu offerings like fast food - thankfully our waiters brought them all friut cups to start . Service timing was excellent . ( I guess we are just off Cunard and Virgin hence feeling unrealistically disappointed here ).

    Jamies Lunch - we shouted the 4 adults lunch and they thought it to be fantastic . Food , service , everything - lucky them . We took the grandkids to Sorrentos , that wasnt great as no pineapple ( all kids love Hawaiian I figured ) , so we then went to the Windjammer ,  chips and burgers again . 🤷‍♂️

    Continental room service prompt and as expected , good for what it is . Coffee was unexpectedly  good .

    Bars pretty good considering the number of passengers and just sea days , staff workrd hard .

    Pool areas were packed - and as it was warm,  pools  were full including the solarium . One afternoon you could only just bob up and down there were so many in the water .

    Rockclimbing was well organised and attended as was flowrider - the North Star not going .

    Ship felt full , walkways always busy .

    Entertainment around the ship was as usual , good , the Pool band played regae so that was appropriate . Two70 was fantastic and the Production show Sequins and Feathers excellent although we had seen this last year .Didnt catch the Comedy guy .  

    Casino - unkind to us again - we are $1 pushers so dont expect anything but a donation to RCCL . Sat next to a couple who were both pushing $50 a push . Crikey ! 

    Embarkation quick  and disembarking well organised but a long line waiting to get off ,  Much better than Virgin and on a par with Cunard recently for embarkation .Disembarking a little slower I think .

    So that about it , we are on Ovation in April so will be cooler and Probably less children although still school holidays . Have booked the Ultimate Dining package which was reasonable but not the beverage package as that pricing is more than the cruise for 10 nights - RCCL are out of whack with their drink prices for Aussies so we'll do the Diamond drinks and the 40% off a bottle . That worked well this trip so hope it goes well again . . 


    Well done on the review. Thanks. 

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