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Posts posted by cuterlmt

  1. I have loved doing the research but my husband doesn't care to do any! He just trusts that I will figure it all out for him. yikes! At least I have some sense of what he likes to do.


    My old boss's dad was planning to be on our cruise, had booked it through a travel agent and everything, and did not know that the cruise ended in Seward and he had to find a way back home! He was on the same cruise as us, just by coincidence. I kept telling my old boss that the cruise went from Vancouver to Seward and was not round trip, and he got his dad's itinerary, and sure enough, on our cruise, ending in Seward. So instead of trying to figure out a way to make it work, he just cancelled his cruise, and didn't re-book anything! Such a shame.

  2. "Just to clarify, the admin would be $280 ($20 x 7 nights x 2 passengers). The Port taxes vary by itinerary, but $450 (for two, not each) would likely be at top of the range for a 7 night cruise IMO."


    Not really though because anyone who books a cruise has to pay port fees and taxes, so the fee is $280 which you would compare to the cost of the cruise, less the port fees and taxes.

  3. Also, you qualify for whatever offers are going on at the time. We were able to do the $50 deposit on each cruise, plus had the option of choosing a freebie. We chose the SDP. But could have chosen the drink package, internet, shore excursion. There was a promo (not sure if it's still going) for no taxes or port fees, and if that's still going, if you pick a cruise that qualifies, you'd just have to pay the admin fee. Good luck and have fun choosing!!!

  4. We're doing a back to back to Alaska in a couple months with our CAS offer.

    The CAS cruise consultants are incredibly helpful. I called them when we first got the offer to ask a LOT of questions. Then hubby and I decided what we wanted to do, and they walked us through the process and answered a lot of questions. So we are going on our bucket list cruise soon!

  5. Some people get a free cruise based on their play at a land based casino, but still have to pay a special fee ($20/day/person), port fees and taxes. When we arrive aboard, we get a casinos at sea card and get free drinks while in the casino.

  6. We land in Seattle at 10:55am after a non-stop flight. The plan is to take a cab from the airport, and drop our luggage at the Amtrak station, and spend the next few hours (our Amtrak Cascades' train leaves at 6:50pm to Vancouver) exploring.

    We would like to go to the Skyview Observatory, and have a meal before we get on the train.

    Would we have time to do Pike Place Market? or is that just too much? We are pretty active, and won't be lugging anything but a backpack along with us once we take our luggage. Walking is no problem, but I wouldn't be opposed to inexpensive mass transit, if necessary.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks all.

  7. The routes this summer until 9-11-17 on the NCL Sun are northbound and southbound from Vancouver to Seward. Obviously, you will need to find a way back from Seward as they aren't round trip, unless you do a back to back.

    I found the wifi website, it is wificafespots/com/wifi/state/Alaska. I don't know how accurate it is, but worth a try. But again, other folks recommend talking to (or following) ship crew members to find the best wifi wherever you are. I refuse to pay such an exorbitant price just to have wifi on the ship, when I can just check in with family when I am enjoying my time in the ports. But I don't need much access and people don't really need access to me.


    You might check out the Alaska board as they have lots of good info there as well, specifically about Alaska cruises.

  8. Shadowmeboy did a great review of the opposite route, southbound from Seward to Vancouver last summer.

    We are doing both northbound and southbound. From everything I've read, none of the ports are tender ports. Also, the cruises are pretty well booked up.

    From what I've read, you can get wifi in Alaska. I found a website, just by googling. The wifi on the ship doesn't sound very reliable. Also people recommend asking staff on the NCL Sun as they will know where the good wifi is in the port cities.

    Also from what I've read, although you can get on and off in Vancouver, you have to go through all the immigration and customs stuff again. Our plan is to drop our luggage off with the porters and run around a bit close by until we decide to come back to board....

    I'm sure you'll get lots of answers here. They've just started back on this route this week. Someone else posted their recent NCL Sun trip which was a bit different.


    So sorry for your losses of your grandfather and your job! But yes, live life.

  9. We arrive back in Vancouver from our cruise on 9-11. We are staying at YWCA Hotel, thanks to recommendations here. We fly out on 9-13 around 430pm.

    We are NOT renting a car, and will take public transportation everywhere.

    Based on what I've read here and the research I've done, we want to do:

    Granville Island

    Capilano Bridge

    Grouse Mountain

    Stanley Park

    Fly Over Canada.


    We are thinking we will do Fly Over Canada on boarding day because I suspect we'll get to the port too early to get on the ship.


    On disembarkation day, we will have lots of luggage (end of 14 days of cruising). I think we want to go to Granville Island on the day we return to Vancouver. Would you suggest that we go to the hotel to store our luggage and then return to take the aquabus or store our luggage at Pan Pacific or the port and head out right after we disembark? I thought I read that aquabus picks up at Canada Place. We want to make this as easy as possible.

    I think we'll do Capilano and Grouse Mountain on day two, since we don't have any time limitations that day.

    And Stanley Park on the third day before we head to YVR.


    Any thoughts or suggestions? We are pretty good walkers, both walking at least 3-5 miles a day with no problem. We live at an elevation of about 5000 feet, so I'm not sure how sea level living for a couple weeks will affect our walking/breathing. lol. I don't want to spend a huge amount of money getting places, but we are resigned to taking a cab with the luggage instead of trying to walk it or do mass transit. But other than that, mass transit is fine with me.


    I truly appreciate all of the suggestions and advice we have received here. I read every post, and do my best to research on tripadvisor, etc. But appreciate any other help we can get.

    Thank you!

  10. We board the NCL Sun on 8-28 in Vancouver and get off in Vancouver on 9-11. I've just been searching here mostly and looking at reviews. Shadowmeboy did a really great review of the ship last year. If you search under NCL sun reviews you'll find it and some other great ones.

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