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Posts posted by sports-mom

  1. How exciting Cerabella! I cant wait till our cruise. Got a few more months. But I'll need it to get these 25lbs off. :p

    Hope you have a wonderful trip Jean.


    I was trying to go back and find a link that had lots of low carb recipes, but i'm unable to find it. Can anyone post some they use?


    Happy Hump day all!

  2. wow.. glad to see you all are doing so well. :) I kinda dropped off again,

    but this week i'm going strong. Football is in fullswing here, so its keeping

    me very busy. We have a walking group that does 5 miles every day we have practice, which is 5 days/week now.

    I have to go back a few pages and check out those other sites with recipes. I'm needing something new.



    Hope you all are having a great summer. (whats left of it) :p

  3. Well I made myself get back to the gym yesterday. I figured, if
    i'm paying for this membership, I better get my money's worth :p

    Hi Angie & Rhonda. This is a great support group. They are extremely helpful, i'm sure you'll find loads of information thru this thread.
    Also some great links for recipes a few pages back. (not sure how
    far back they are.. but they are there.) ;)
  4. Hi Everyone,
    I've been MIA for sometime now. So I figured i'd come back in and say hey. :)
    I went off track for awhile.. and feeling blah because of it. So today I
    start over with my induction. Thankfully i'm still down 20 of the 25lbs
    I lost.

    Hope your all doing well, and I hope to stop in more frequently.
  5. roadtripster, I'm the same way with working out. I feel so guilty if I miss a day or so. LOL Your doing great though :)

    Curly, Thats a great deal on a formal dress! The closest macy's to us, is about an hour away.. so I doubt i'll be able to scoop up a deal like that anytime soon. Congrats on the lower size!

    Pink, I just caved to the rice last weekend too. I was doing so great,

    and then japanese was calling me. LOL


    well I bought those strips. And I was in the middle of the colors, I guess it was moderate. So is that where I want to be? But other than that.. its the same old, same ole here. Hoping the scale moves soon, but for now, I'm seeing baggy clothes and cant complain too much :D

  6. Well I'm at another standstill .. its driving me nuts! :mad:

    I've never had such a hard time losing before. WTH?

    Getting old sux! (lack of willpower dosent help either) lol :p


    I did fall off the wagon over the weekend, we had Japanese.

    So with that I had a gain (2lbs).. I think i got that lost and back to my 19.5lb loss. I think i'm gonna have to pickup some of those strips.. Cuz I'm not able to tell if i'm in my zone. I like Cheese, so I think i might be overdoing it? IDK. I am trying to keep up with the water.

    I'm going to buy a brita filter/pitcher this weekend, and hope it helps, and cut back on all the water bottles.


    Roadtripster.. your so lucky to be enrolled into a photography class. Everytime we have one offered here, it gets cancelled due to lack of interest :( I'm having a heck of a time nailing my focus. Not sure if its cuz of my aperature being too wide open or movement or if my 50 is messed up.

    I'm thinking its not the camera LOL

    Pink, sorry your having a tough go too... Hope it settles down for you soon. I'd love to go to school, but I know with my schedule, i'd be nuts. LOL


    Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)

  7. Everyone is doing so great! :)

    I havent weighed myself yet this week. i'm going to just give another

    day or so and see how it goes.

    Just got done cutting grass and picking up sticks around the yard.

    Its very nice here today, so it was great to get out and enjoy some fresh air. Still have to get on the treadmill later though.


    keep up the great work everyone. :D

  8. Welcome Back Jean! Glad you had a good time.

    Welcome to CurlyMason. I'd love to call myself a professional photographer someday, but for now, I just dable. LOL

    sorry you all are losing your long posts.. I'll have to watch so I dont do the same. That would be frustrating.


    Well Monday starts a new week, soo good luck to all!

  9. mmmm almond joy! :) thats protein right? LOL

    I'm glad i'm not the only one in this boat.
    Donna, sorry to hear about your back giving you problems.
    Hope it goes away soon. I'm sure thats not fun :(

    Today is our only nice day, Sat/Sun is calling for rain :(
    Hope everyone has a low carb weekend!
  10. [quote name='stump300']Good afternoon,

    Sports-mom - are you on induction? Looks like you are eating a very minimal carb load for the day. Plus, the exercise - looks like you are doing the right thing for sure!! With all the treadmill miles and workouts, you have to be loosing the fat and gaining muscle.... and muscle does weighs more. I do see that you are having a hard time with drinking water. I think that is a key that you should concentrate on !! [/quote]

    Thanks. Yes, I'm still technically in induction. I had to start over
    cuz I messed it up a week or so back. I think i got 4 bottles of water
    down today. So i'm getting alittle better. :)
  11. Okay, this is what I had today. Let me know if it sounds like too much.
    Eggs (2 eggs + 1 egg whites) 1 slice ham, little shredded cheese.
    Coffee + splenda
    2-3 cups salad, 1 slice ham, bacon bits, little cheese with
    vinegar & olive oil
    Turkey meatloaf (made with no bread crumbs), broccoli & cheese and a little bit of green beans.
    SF jello with whipped topping.

    I also did 3 miles on the treadmill and another 20mins of working out
    on another machine.
  12. I'm in another Lull again. I really need to make myself drink more water.. but i'm just so use to only drinking when i'm really thirsty ya know?
    I think i'm going to buy those strips just to make sure. I "feel" like i'm in the zone, but the scale isnt telling me so. I went thru a few days this week of just being really tired. yesterday and today seem to be okay. I'm also going to write down what i'm eating .. and hopefully figure it out.
    Good luck Shari on reaching your shortterm goal. You CAN do it! :)
    Tiersaj.. keep up the great work. Sounds like your doing great.
    Roadtripster.. that chicken recipe sounds really good. I might have to try that. Got to get some ingredients first. :p
  13. Welcome Tiersaj!
    WTG Roadtripster! Thats awesome. Gotta love when the hubbies notice! :)
    Sorry about that bummer cruise Pink. I'm sure the next one will be

    I'm almost at my halfway point. 1.5 more lbs and I'll be at 20lbs! Had a couple hurdles, but I think i'm going pretty strong again now. (we'll see) :p I was able to run 3 miles straight today at the gym, so to me .. thats awesome! There is something about Will & Grace that entertains me soo much that I completely forget i'm on the treadmill for the most part. I may look like a lune on the treadmill laughing.. but hey, I'm doing it right? LOL

    Hope everyone is having great success this week.
  14. Hi everyone.
    Been few days since I've posted. Doing pretty well, but I think i need to write down what I'm eating.. and calculate my carbs. The scale is moving ever so slightly in the right direction, but not nearly as good as it was the other week. (guess i spoke too soon)
    I do have my willpower back though. Took the boys for ice cream after practice one night and I didnt get 1 thing. Then last night we went to dinner to a buffett, and I stayed with the meat and veggies. Hopefully there wasnt any hidden carbs in those things. ;)
    Jean, hope you have a nice trip in SD.
    Road, you sure will have a nice cushion saved up for your upcoming cruise with all that OT you've been working. Thats awesome :)
    I love it when my DH gets OT, but its not too often anymore.
    Cera, sounds like your still going strong. Thats great! :) Keep it up!

    Hope everyone has a great Low Carb weekend.
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