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Posts posted by Heronymous

  1. Unless you're a sub worshipper and just want privacy. I was very concerned about getting access to drinks considering what I read about people having the UBP. I considered getting the vibe pass for access to the private bar and loungers, especially since I was incorrectly told at first it also included access to a private pool. Since its just loungers and and hot tubs, and no pool, I took the gamble and did not purchase the pass. I'm so glad I made that decision... I had NO problem getting drinks anywhere on the ship... And I drank a LOT.


    I'll tell you one thing... By the pool just tip the waiters a buck for each drink... They will come back all day long looking for you and make sure your hands are never empty if that's what you're looking for. Luigi is the man... Super friendly, called me by name the entire trip and even remembered who I was when he bumped into me in the Tropicana where he works at night.. Build that relationship day one and you won't be sorry... And it costs a lot less than a vibe pass...


    Also, getting two drinks at a time was NO problem... In fact they refused to take my second key card for my GF... They just billed all the drinks to one card every single time.


    If anyone sees Luigi... Tell him Keith says hi!


  2. I had the unlimited plan on the Getaway 8/22 - 8/30 cruise last week. It was mostly useless. Even though you stay connected to the wifi network NCL_Ship_Getaway, you are disconnected from the Internet once you are idle from web browsing for a certain number of minutes which never seemed consistent to me. sometimes it was 10 minutes, sometimes 45... Your internet enabled apps or web browsing would stop working until you opened a browser and retried your first name, last name, room number, and password. Even then browsing only worked half the time. Half the time the login page wouldn't even appear... IConcierge rarely worked as well (different than Internet access)... I wouldn't have paid for it knowing how horrible it would be.. I demanded a partial credit for it... Ahmet the Internet manager is a straight up liar and lied to people in line who complained about the internet not working saying it was fine and it was their devices. I'm a network engineer for a living and I challenged him to prove me wrong because I could prove everything he said as inaccurate.. He couldn't so he gave me a partial credit but then disconnected my internet for the rest of the cruise... He was rude, arrogant, and has no business dealing with people. Be forewarned....

  3. I'm not sure if it's the same system as the Getaway, if it is be forewarned... On the getaway it only worked half the time, and has an idle timeout which logs you out of the Internet requiring you to log in every time you put your device down for a few minutes... I can't tell you how many times a day I had to log back in which is a PITA... You have to type in your full name, room number, and password each time. And forget about iConcierge... It's totally unreliable and useless, at least on the Getaway.

  4. So I'm on the ship, due to return to Miami on Saturday and fly back to NY on Sunday. My car's remote starter module was smart enough to text me on the cruise that the car battery was low, and now it's dead. I'm guessing we must have left a light on. Anyone know if JFK has someone who would jump our car when we return? I do have AAA if I need to use that. Anyone have any experience with this at JFK?

  5. Just wanted to drop a quick post. My fam of 4 will be cruising the Breakaway in a Haven Aft (12304 to be exact). I made a call to the PCC and they were great. Got me booked on the shows and restaurants I wanted. Only thing so far is they said we can't book Cirque yet. It doesn't show up online either, but I will just have the concierge on board get us in. They asked me if I wanted anything for the kids. They are going to empty the mini fridge and stock it with apple juice and milks for them. Had them ensure I have extra pillows too. So far, very pleased. Can't say anything bad.


    Anyone have other ideas for cool requests I can make pre-cruise (or even when I am on)? This is my first ever Haven experience. :):)


    You have a much better PCC than us.. Mine was extraordinary at first, gave us an offer we couldn't refuse on a room.. I was highly skeptical he could do it.. but managed to do exactly what he said.. There were some other things he promised me during the booking of the room.. and said he would get back to me on.. after I paid for the cruise in full.. I never heard from him again.. several calls and emails to him later, I only got one response which was "I'll call you tonight".. and that never happened.. I'm extremely disappointed in my PCC right now.

  6. I'm on the getaway right now. Our waiter tonight said the rumor among staff is a change of itinerary for next week. I would NOT worry, the crew has been fantastic! Unlike island vacations, they can just move your "resort" out of the way.


    That's great news.. I would love an itinerary change! I only chose this cruise because it was the only one available on NCL for the week the entire family was free, and I already did 2/3 of this itinerary.. I was just concerned that there wouldn't be any other ports available to detour to that weren't in the path of the storm.. but I guess that's not an issue.

  7. I did the Easter Caribbean on the GEM back in 2009 (2/28 - 3/6) and it was unseasonably cold... It was actually warmer in Orlando than it was in the Bahamas. 67 in Orlando, 64 in Nassau... it was too cold to use our balconies, too cold for snorkeling (they cancelled the excursion)... There was a day or so where it was warm enough on the ship to use the pool but I would never risk a February cruise again. It could have been a freak incident, I'm only basing this on my one and only cruise.


  8. That's interesting... Honestly I wouldn't mind if they changed ports since I've only been on one cruise and already did St Thomas and Nassau. The interesting question is what would happen since I don't have a passport.. I only have a birth certificate and drivers license.. I hope that's sufficient for wherever we wind up if other than the planned itinerary. (I know! I Know! I'm getting a passport when I return lol)



  9. So I noticed there is a storm predicted to become a hurricane by Thurs/Fri and heading towards the Caribbean. What exactly happens if the storm is heading in the direction that would impact our cruise? What exactly happens? Do they cancel? Do they steer the ship to a different locations? Do they just keep the ship out at sea somewhere else?

  10. Lol thanks for the advice... I am a million percent sure the answer will be yes, and confident doing it in public won't be an issue. She isn't a computer person and had no idea this forum exists :)

    My PCC is on vacation it seems so hopefully next week I'll get a response from him about the cruise director.

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