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Posts posted by DenaInWyo

  1. Thanks for the quick response! I feel a little better that they at least get returned after the fact. Good luck getting thing squared away Monday!


    On a side note, I see you live in Wyoming. We took a road trip with a friend back in May of 2013 out to Utah, along I-80. We decided Wyoming had the best rest stops along the way :D. I think its so beautiful out there! I hope to make it back out that way sometime soon!


    It's beautiful in the spring and summer, but not so much in the winter when the wind is blowing the snow into 10 ft drifts :rolleyes: On the other hand, we have smaller than average bugs, very few tornadoes, no hurricanes and so few people none of our towns warrant a "freeway". I guess it's a trade off. The biggest complaint I have is that it's so far from any cruise port :D


    Good luck to you too on Monday!

  2. Yes, they do. I THINK you can give them a certified copy but it's been a long time since I did it last and that may not be correct. Someone will come along I'm sure and let you know. They return all the documents to you via mail after the passport is issued.


    It's kind of funny because I woke up this morning with that epiphany. I'm 95% sure my passport will go through in time with the expedited service, but I'm a worry wort and like back up plans.


    Edited to add: I'll be at the passport office Monday too! Cheers to a fast turnaround!

  3. I'm sailing on a somewhat last minute cruise and paying for an expedited passport (I currently have a passport card in my married name and have since divorced and changed my name). I also sent off for a backup birth certificate today, just in case, since they take your BC when you apply for a passport. Worst case scenarario and my passport doesn't make it in four weeks even with being expedited, I'll still be able to get on the ship. Of course, as long as my BC arrives on schedule :rolleyes: I'm trying to cover all my bases!


    I have a card, which was foolish of me on my first cruise but I was paying for three people so it was a crunch. You may as well just go with a BC if you're looking at those..they're essentially useless in comparison and totally not worth the money.


    Why all this effort? Because if, God forbid, you miss you boat someplace, you are in for a real red tape tangle if you have less than a regular passport. Likely to happen? No, not really. If it does though, you'll be thanking your lucky stars you got a passport. Get the regular passport. It's a good investment and you won't have to deal with this for another 10 years.

  4. It is a miracle you guys got a flight...one way you could do. I so get it living where we do...Montana or Wyoming. Lived in Red Lodge MT..dad ranched 20 miles form there....my High School..the peak of winter and spring fever country.


    Life is so darn good when this happens and last minute decisions can be made..that one (cruise) leaves later.. so prayers for perfect timing....and that ship is supposed to be a blast. So happy for you....LOL...clean up the s*** kickers early or twice this year and have a good time!!!


    This is so true on the flight! I had to do a lot of searching to find one. There were plenty to be had but they were either very expensive or on Spirit, and I've heard too many horror stories about them to try them for flying into the port on the same day. The other issue we face living where we do is having to drive to Denver to catch a flight or pay $300 or more extra on the fare.


    Thanks to everyone for the advice and encouragement, especially regarding the shuttle. It's booked now, but I'll keep the Galveston one in mind for next time. We will just make sure the kindles have plenty of books I guess.


    Woot! Still excited! Cruising is my favorite way to vacation and it's been way too long!

  5. Oh good, I'm glad to hear that. I'm the type that usually books any vacation about a year out and then obsessively plans that whole time..this is a LEAP for me.


    I'm dooming myself here, I know, but I have yet to have a non stop flight not work out for me, so fingers crossed this won't be the first time. In the past, the pre/post nights have been a huge amount to add to the final bill.


    Besides, this is all about livin on the EDGE here this time! We are REBELS, darnit, booking a cruise in 4 weeks :D


    Tripper, that makes you a flat out CRIMINAL!


    Katpem, I'm glad to hear a thumbs up for the Liberty. Which ship was a major influence on the choice I made. For this cruise, I'm not particularly focused on the ports. Some of the shorter cruises have some pretty questionable reputations, and I do know to take reviews with a grain of salt.


    I'm just waiting for Blizzcon dates (Warcraft/Starcraft/Diablo fans?) to book my second one this year. I already have that one pretty much pinned down though. I think the Liberty might have me spoiled by that time, from what I've seen.

  6. Just booked a 5 day cruise, tonight, for April 4 on the Liberty. My last two cruises have involved a year of planning so we have just skipped from "looking forward to it" straight to "almost there!"


    I know it's a quickie 5 day, but we were (are) planning another in November and I just got too much cruise fever to stand it, along with circumstances being favorable for my sister and I.


    We are REALLY living on the edge too..we're flying in the same day we embark. I've never been brave (foolish) enough to try that before either! It's a straight through flight though, no connections, and gets in at 10 am so I'm only 50% freaking out. Choices were slim!


    Please tell me about your experiences with Carnival's shuttle to the port in Galveston from Hobby, how much you love the Liberty, and that I am not insane :D I posted in our roll call too. Wake up ya'll!


    It's been too long, and I am SO stinkin excited! Sorry for the non informative or questioning post..I just had to get this out there to others who will understand the happy dance I'm doing right now!

  7. Thank you all for the responses. I think I'm probably decided finally and going with the Inspiration for a couple of reasons.


    First, yep, good point that the 2.0 is already on the Inspiration. If I booked the Imagination and something happened that their September upgrade didn't happen I would be very unhappy.


    Second, this convention I go to is notorious for shenanigans on Saturday night, so having Sunday to recover is not a bad plan at all ;)


    So now just waiting for the official dates of the convention. The last two years it's been the first weekend of November, so fingers crossed they don't throw us a curveball this year. That would put me cruising on Nov. 7. It's sounding like a few other con goers are interested in this as well, so it's going to be a great time and I CANNOT WAIT!!


    Edit: Oh..and no chips? Fine, I'll bring my own. Nothing like the combination of tequila, hot stuff, sunshine and ocean! :)

  8. I go to a fun, nerdy convention every year called Blizzcon in Anaheim California. I can't believe it never occurred to me to combine it with a cruise since I'm so close to Long Beach, but the lightbulb finally went on this time around.


    So here is my dilemma: Carnival Inspiration or Imagination for a 4 day quickie?


    I am good with either the Sunday or Monday departure so that doesn't figure in. I know that the Inspiration just left her dry dock in February with lots of upgrades, but read that the Imagination will go through the same treatment in September.


    How for sure is that? I am going to be super bummed if I book the Imagination only to find out that for some reason that dry dock got canceled and my dreams of Guy's burgers are vanquished.


    Any other particular reasons one is better than the other?


    Also, I heard this rumor that there are no tortilla chips for the salsa bar on the Inspiration. Seriously? Can anyone confirm? I know this is silly, but the idea of sitting somewhere I can see the ocean while drinking margaritas and feasting on chips and salsa for an entire afternoon is my idea of a happy place. I will gladly bring my own chips if need be.


    Been a long time since I cruised..so many changes to Carnival that I'm reading about! Super looking forward to a nice float in the big pond though! Even kind of considering a back to back. I wish the itineraries weren't so limited from Long Beach. I'm kind of tied by the Blizzcon dates though, which we are still actually waiting for confirmation of. Given the past record though, most likely looking at the first week of November.

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