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Everything posted by SandyR5

  1. Good question. The answer is that Allianz moved the insurance, which was much more than the lost hotel fee, to a different cruise. They also refunded us the difference in the insurance cost of the second cruise. They are terrific that way. Movenpick also contacted me, after I posted here and on Trip Advisor, that they would work with me.
  2. Thanks. All I had was a stuffy nose, but enough to test positive. 😥. We rebooked as a b2b with the Iceland/Ireland we had previously booked for next year. Now 24 consecutive days on Apex. ☺️ We have never been onboard for so long! Yes, they have substituted Berlin for Riga. We were in Warnemunde once before and toured so we’ll go to Berlin this time. We also do the “free” walking tours in most ports. They are absolutely the best. We have been to most of the ports on both trips before, but they are some of our favorite places and we love revisiting, wandering the cities, stopping for lunch or drink or coffee and just loving the fact that we can do this.
  3. Thanks for the info. We would have completed the cruise August 1st, a Monday, so I think I’ll wait a few days more before I start calling.
  4. LOVED reading your posts. We were supposed to be on the ship with you, BUT I tested positive 2 days before…3hours before we were leaving for the airport. 😥. Rebooked for next year. Wonderful reports.
  5. Unfortunately, I tested positive before we were leaving for Amsterdam for our 12 day Scandinavian cruise. Flights by Celebrity refunded my credit card wishing 5 days. Waiting for cruise refund. Just curious as to how long it took others to get their refund if they too got a positive result 2 days prior to their cruise. I’m not asking about FCC. I’m still so upset about missing the trip! What a complete surprise and downer. 😥
  6. I’m glad you enjoyed it there. That’s why I originally recommended it for our other cruise. ✅
  7. It was NOT a refundable rate. I know. BUT most places work with you and move the reservation to another date IF the cancellation is because of Covid. That said, they changed their mind and they are now working with me to move the reservation. Once that actually happens, I’ll post.
  8. I’m feeling fine…just still miserable about not cruising. There are still some Apex Scandinavia sailings. One would be a B2B with our already booked Iceland/Ireland. Just don’t know if we could do 24 consecutive days!
  9. I will check it out. Another $400 would be good.
  10. Flights by Celebrity imposes the fee. I’ve already gotten the refund, 5 days after cancelling. I’m ok with it.
  11. I am recovering from Covid, but my heart is still broken about missing this trip. After at least 35 cruises, we finally were getting back! Not to be. ☹️
  12. A big THANK YOU to Celebrity cruises and Flights by Celebrity for brightening a miserable situation. 2 days before we were supposed to leave for Amsterdam, for an 12 day Apex cruise to Scandinavia, I didn’t feel well, got tested and yup, had to cancel. Between the tears we called our agent and our car service. We emailed the Movenpick hotel where we were staying and the private tour operators. EVERYONE was wonderful. With the one call to our agent our trip will be refunded and most of our air. ($200 per person penalty but we were booked business class so not so bad). The hotel will move our reservation to another sailing out of Amsterdam and the tour operators were all wonderful. Nice to know people care and do the right thing under miserable circumstances.
  13. I know. We were so stressed too just thinking about getting tested. We had 9:00 appointments and our car service was coming at noon. BUT, I woke up 2 days before with a sore throat and head cold so decided to get tested then. I’m just thankful we were still home.
  14. Thanks. I still cannot believe this happened. The cruise gods just aren’t letting us return to the ships! All I had to do was call our agent. We booked air with Flights by Celebrity so she took care of cancelling the cruise and air. She also moved our Allianz insurance policy to next year’s Iceland/Ireland cruise. We already got a refund for the price difference on our credit card from them. I emailed the tour company in Amsterdam, Riga and Helsinki. All cancelled. Movenpick only one to add insult to injury. It will be back to Banks Mansion for us. Good luck to you.
  15. Was SUPPOSED to sail on Celebrity Apex today, but I tested positive 2 days before we were supposed to leave. BUMMER. Every vendor, from Celebrity to airlines to private tour operators refunded our money. (Little cancellation fee for airline). We had a paid in full reservation at The Movenpick for precruise. They refused to work with us. I didn’t ask for a refund. I asked to please move the reservation to another date for another Amsterdam precruise stay. They refused to budge. Not very hospitable. Would never recommend them again. Not a nice way to treat a repeat customer. Shame on them.
  16. Hi - I was ready to place my bid for a move up to an sky suite, but it says “your amenities will remain the same”. If we move up to a sky suite don’t we get all The Retreat amenities? Also, aren’t the gratuities, which are obviously higher, all included since gratuities are included in our original sunset veranda booking. Hope to get your answer asap so I can put the bid in. Thanks.
  17. Has anyone stayed in a magic carpet sky suite. Offered a great price but it’s deck 12, right under the magic carpet. Hope to hear from someone.
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