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Posts posted by torcruise

  1. Looks like the report linked to earlier is saying the guy in the light blue shirt was undercover Carnival security. That kind of changes things if true.....

    How so? The guy in the blue shirt was holding the other guy down while the other guards where kicking him. Also from my understanding most of the guys involved where teenagers? So they where not drinking, hopefully

  2. So totally irrelevant since American courts or Law Enforcement Officers have no jurisdiction on a Cruise ship sailing in International waters off the coast of Australia. I do believe it was Australian Police that dealt with it.


    Maybe kicking people held down and restrained in a headlock by policemen is allowed in the US. I'm not in a position to challenge. I would suspect in most countries that would constitute assault. I'm sure a courts views may be different if kicks were made to defend the officer, but hardly what happened is it.


    But let's put things into perspective. A security guard is not a policeman and his kicks were on someone held down. Some on here have sung their praises like they are heroes which I find a bit disturbing as in my eyes that makes him no different from the thug on the floor.

    In America police officer can beat, choke, shoot, kill people who are down also so yeah we don't really hold police accountable for excessive force :(

  3. It also says that members (plural) of the family are getting medical attention right now. Which could mean that some family members have a different last name.

    It also days the 2 families are the Nanfaro family and the Zakhour family and that George Barkho was just a friend of the family. It also say that George Barkho was the only member of the Barkho family on board

  4. Well said. I hope the barkho family get what they deserve. If I was an Aussie, I would avoid all business with them in the future since they live in Melbourne. I hope some Aussies pick on them and see how they like it. As a minority I know how it feels to get picked on by bullies like this. It is funny how they are asking police for protection. I hope justice is rightfully served. Maybe passengers should sue them for physical and mental distress for the 9 days they harassed passengers.

    Problem with your statement is that the Barkho family was not involved in this. The first news reports where false. Only 1 guy from that family was on the ship, he was a just friend of the other 2 families that where involved and he was the one who called for help and was not fighting. But because of the false news reports people are continuing false and hurtful rumors about them and threatening the family when they where not even on the ship

  5. I am sure I missed it but WHERE is this family from? I saw they "targeted" Australian passengers for their drunken attacks. Why?


    As for Security being under-trained, cruise lines don't normally have groups of 20+ roving drunken thugs looking for trouble. Yes, they probably weren't trained to handle such a situation but these situations just DON'T happen on cruise ships. This family was reportedly out for trouble from the moment they boarded (of course you can argue that crew SHOULD have been alerted then and given the option of cooling down or getting off the ship before sailaway!). Sadly the world is becoming angrier and I guess it was only a matter of time before that carried over onto the seas. I did like that at least the security folks locked several members in their cabins overnight.


    All reports say there where from Melbourne Australia

  6. Yeah, kinda what I was thinking. If it was the "family" that initiated the call, then what better way to shift blame then by portraying yourselves as the victims.

    that sounds really far fetched tho. I think I'll give the person who called a relative crying begging for them to call the federal police the benefit of doubt that they needed help, not think it's part of some elaborate plan to flip blame.

  7. Well, the Barkhos are lawerying up and are disputing the events that took place. They will supposedly release their own statement later.




    But of course, David Barkho's sweet, innocent, angel family members couldn't have done this:


    I'm dying to see what their statement says.


    I'd like to see the statement to, something is fishy here. A member of the family was the one who beg for the federal police to be called. I can't imagination brawls that went on for several days to be all one sided. None of this story so far sound right to me

  8. Soldiers are trained to kill. They would be effective against terrorists on high sea but a wrong tool to deal with civilian thugs like the Barkhos. That's a job for cops.

    I think there is way more to this story then what you all are assuming. I read and article that said 1 member of this family called a relative to ask for help, he asked him to call the federal police. If you are the aggressor why would you be calling for help? Why would you ask for someone to call the police? And why couldn't you get help from carnival security? Remember folks it takes 2 sides to fight

  9. check out msn.com.the fights started the first day.day and night there was lots yelling between groups.there was fights in the disco .people too stay in their rooms.captain told people to not walk alone in the hallways.these people gave everbody hell.a planned gang violent by the reports of cruisers.


    The problem with that is how would the average person know what

    'planned gang" activities looks like?

  10. The majority of those videos are on Carnival ships but of course Carnival owns hte most ships. Also price point does attract some folks that act differently. though I have yet to see such behavior on any of the Carnival cruises I took. I also don't cruise at the cheapest time of year or 3 day cruises.

    it was a 10 day cruise

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