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  1. Gourmet Gal & Cruiselover - what private guide(s) do you suggest? PortPower - thank you for the photos & reports!
  2. Mysty, we were on Regent's 2023 World Cruise (yes, this year). Despite being fully vaxed + all the boosters we both got Covid at different times (Singapore then Mumbai) and were isolated. Paxlovid did the trick but we were put (separately) into isolation for six days each. A good number of staff & passengers contracted Covid at different times during the five month cruise. Management was tight lipped about numbers so who knows how many. Gossip and the obvious facts (people missing from public view and attending to your cabin) filled the vaccum. My point is Covid is everywhere all over the world and on board, even among those who exhibit no symptoms. The best we can do is take precautions. If you have an "underlying co-morbidity" take extra steps - social distancing and mask wearing. But who knows where we are vulnerable - the ship elevator, theater, lounge, tender or in port? Purell and wiping surfaces with a sanitizer is not an antidote for the Airborne virus. Personally, I accept the risk of being on a cruise ship for a long period in close proximity to staff and passenger. I realize I bear the consequences - as we did just months ago - of Covid's reach.
  3. Highplainsdrifter, may I recommend you try the vinegar Oyster Sauce, the very one with a colorful label showing a Chinese lady & lad grinning ear to ear in a small boat. MMMM mmmm good! "Spicy Hot Chili Sauce" clearly noted as "Crunchy" (says so on the label) is not a favorite of mine. Textures of chili paste with that weird crunch is off putting on lo mein or chow foon. I really like heat you get from adding a hot sauce - a Olek Sambal say - but that Capt. Crunch aspect is no go for me. Label has a lady in a white apron looking dazed & confused. You probably have noticed Gochujang paste (more Korean than Chinese) hyped these days, widely available in supermarkets and Amazon. Its a fermented soy bean paste which you can marinate meats in or toss into a prepared dish. Ugh. Not to my liking - that soy bean flavor is uber intense.
  4. Mysty, why bother with the ship's galley? Just go to one of the many street markets in HK for curry fish balls! Available all over HK, they are going to be more authentic than whatever the galley tries to whip up. Plus, on the street fish balls are cheap and freshly deep fried in front of you. Have you had stinky tofu? That's another local tasty treat available at HK street markets day and night. It doesn't stink and its delicious. Push through the salivating crowds, then gobble down using a small toothpick. I realize you don't like heat but I douse them with sambal or siracha on the counter.
  5. I have found it difficult to easily get a copy. My friendly advice is to keep asking, perhaps start with the head sommelier not a floor steward. The house list is stashed onboard but, based on my experiences, it can be an Easter Egg hunt. When you get a copy ask the head sommelier which wines were eliminated and added from the list...and what house wines he/she recommends to try.
  6. Hey Mysty, are you going to ask Shadow's chef to make Sapa-chewy for you? Or do you plan to chow down on their chop suey at a specific restaurant in Samoa? Might it be a kitchen at that Samoan port crazy market where they play Tammy Wynette nonstop? If yes, be sure to specify NO chicken & substitute Spam for local Flavor Flav! Spam is their national dish. Sounds mmm mmmm Good!
  7. Here's the problem: you don't know exactly who the culprit was. Exactly where did you contract that cold, influenza or (gosh) Covid? Could be the Sniffler. Might be pax or staff at the bar. Might be in the Theater during a performance or on the tour bus. Enclosed spaces, close proximity to others. Personally, if someone nearby is hacking, I immediately move far away or leave the dining venue. Worse is standing in the lunch buffet line with a guest is coughing in back of you. I would hope courtesy dictates they isolate in their cabin or have that bologna sandwich delivered to their table - rather than making others uncomfortable we are being exposed to a virus.
  8. Stumblefoot is spot on! Fantastic experience but know its very very hot. The day goes from hot at sunrise, to hotter to hottest. Be prepared and push through. If have the stamina do make a point of seeing sunrise & sunset at various temples. I would also add there is, obviously, not just the main temple complex but there are a series of incredible outer lying areas with magnificent temples.
  9. I second Cruisevirgin's rec on Lanzarote. Timanfaya is a wonder, unique & unusual, so little else of value to see on Lanzarote. Take the four hour bus tour. Casablanca...is a charmless dump. Book an excursion that goes to Rabat. Rabat is far more interesting on so many levels - its the ancient capital & UNESCO World Heritage Site. The enormous Hassan mosque in Casablanca reminds me of a cheap Vegas casino. Except that self-indulgent edifice already has foundational cracks. Its not worth your time if they (doubtful) let you enter. If not, you will have to mill around outside, bored to tears, on the giant marble plaza.
  10. Hey Mysty, here's something that was not addressed. 3+ months out but still there are a number of ports without a single excursion available for us to book. Why is that and when can we expect those port excursions to be posted? Who are our enrichment lecturers - except Lawrence Blair - and why the (pardon the pun) myst-ery? Putting aside that Dashing Dancing Fool Ramon, of course!
  11. I agree that half eaten pizza is disgusting - more so with the black mold. Which means it had to be sitting atop the fridge for a good number of days. Agree with RachelG - mindboggling the steward failed to swoon with the obvious stink well before you checked into the cabin. Made me gag.
  12. Disappointed to learn Jon Fleming will not be our enrichment lecturer. The one name mentioned was Lawrence Blair on The Ring of Fire along with photos of...who were they? Not identified. Frankly, I thought the webinar was not informative. This was a pep talk with staff commenting "how wonderful" and "beautiful" all would be. Would they say otherwise? Overnights, ports & separate legs are all well known to us - why repeat the obvious for an hour? The four questions were silly. I heard and saw nothing new except Barbara M said Shadow is not sold out, they have suites to fill and will offer us OBCs for referrals that result in a sale. Underwhelming.
  13. Hey Misty, where will you and Myster have dinner in SF Jan. 14? The Fairmont is in a very dicey area, careful if you wander outside. SF is not safe for residents & tourists - sad to see the descent into dystopian depravity. Lots of downtown restaurants have shuttered. Choices are limited compared to years past unless you go farther - by Uber or taxi - from the hotel. So where do you two plan on going to dine?
  14. Question for Nile Cruisers: as we plan our first cruise with Viking or AMA...are meals served only at group tables? Is there availability of tables to seat just two people?
  15. Anecdotal observation - we just returned from a NCHL Regent World Cruise and noticed areas where corporate cutbacks are visible and, obviously, affect the customer onboard experience. Who knows exactly what is taking place internally with cost cutting to address the enormous debt overhang? Specifically, understaffed restaurants which impacted service levels for passengers, reduction in the quality of major food items (e.g. mediocre meats and steaks), failing to replenish depleted food stocks at various intervals. Are these just one time shortfalls or are they a retrenchment in operating costs as a result of servicing their enormous debt load? More importantly, is our observation limited to one cruise company or are all major lines doing same?
  16. Your reports and insights are terrific Mysty! We just returned from a Regent World Cruise which visited Togo, Sao Tome, Senegal etc. In my opinion, you missed nothing of importance. Togo & Sao Tome are destitute, run by corrupt & inept leadership which has mismanaged billions with little to show. Except for enormous debt, cronies on the government dole and wasteful unfinished projects. They are paying the piper - harshly. We can read about difficult negotiations for debt relief and requests for more money from the IMF and World Bank. Who will impose austerity budgets and demanding cutbacks. Which means the misery inflicted on the population from hyper-inflation and reduced government spending will worsen today's horrible conditions. Another thought: as we in the West rapidly age, West Africa faces the inverse demographics - millions of unemployed, unskilled dejected youth with nothing to do. This is a problem the EU is grappling with now. Spreading unhappiness, unrest and distrust of the West is not a recipe for prosperity and growth. One more: the jihadist movement is flourishing in adjacent Mali and Burkina Faso, now seeping its ideology and militant tactics into neighboring West African countries. This will have a major impact on financial stability and tourism in those countries. Not a happy confluence of internal and external factors.
  17. Thank you so much HLT! We have not visited Sydney so we hope to spend our time in the city as its a major item on our bucket list. That said, any other ideas that might be of interest you wish to share, please let me/us know! We are all ears & interested! Thanks again.
  18. Mysty, once again great suggestions, links & photos! We are interested in participating/organizing private tours in addition to the ship's excursions during the WC. Welcoming your thoughts if you are considering same. Thanks!
  19. Keep throwing bricks & deflecting blame. Whatever apparently works for you.
  20. Keep the hits coming Mysty! Helpful for our thinking about the WC ports.
  21. I don't want to debate why you think I am a horrible person and that I am to blame for the poor condition of the stateroom. As for voicing concern onboard, why would you assume that was not the case for five months?
  22. Dare I ask? What does frayed and stained carpeting have to do with salt water environs?
  23. Kwaj - the photo is of INSIDE the state room - not from the balcony. Would you pay $1,100+ per day for a room like this at a Hilton or Motel 6? The poor appearance of our Mariner penthouse was similar to adjacent PHs and elsewhere. Furniture was not new - sofa was threadbare, pillows lacked cushioning, ottoman leg was broken, stains on the carpet. Baloney on the "refurbishment" claim.
  24. 2 weeks ago in a Mariner Penthouse. Nice "refreshment!"
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