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Posts posted by cat-tav

  1. You're on vacation! Let the steward do his job and clean the room and the shower. It's been my experience that they do a good job and are happy to help you out with pretty much anything you need. They are very busy though and are helping a lot of people, so ask nicely, don't demand! (not accusing you of anything here, just aware that there are always a few less than polite people on ships, but usually not on these boards). I don't think there would be any problem with bringing your own cleaning supplies on board, but it's really unnecessary--the cabin will be clean.

  2. I've heard that too, that's why I made sure mine was new and also a surge protector. Figured I had less of a chance of getting it confiscated and mine made it through no problem.


    Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk


    From what I've heard, the surge protectors are the ones that get confiscated. There's something about them that is incompatible with the electrical system on board and they can short and cause fires.

  3. I travel with more jewelry than anybody actually needs. I'm going to try to limit it more on my cruise next summer, but it will definitely be in the middle range. There's no way I'm wearing the same pair of earrings for two weeks, but I'll probably only take one watch instead of three and fewer rings and earrings. The hardest thing to pack for me is necklaces. It's hard to keep the chains from getting tangled. I usually run them through drinking straws and then fasten them, but they're a little unwieldy and fragile to pack.

  4. I have learned the hard way to always travel with an ACE bandage (compression wrap). I tend to be somewhat clumsy and have sprained my ankle in Egypt and thought I sprained it (but it turned out to be broken once I got home and went to the doctor) in Norway. The compression bandage saved me both times and enabled me to keep walking. Other than that, I take bandaids and Tylenol or Advil. That's about it.

  5. I don't have any problems with seasickness, but I have heard that acupuncture helps. My son is a doctor and when I asked him about it (fully expecting him to laugh at me), he said it works. Several years ago we took a cruise to Antarctica and the Drake's Passage crossing was somewhat rough (15 foot waves). They offered the acupuncture treatment on board and many passengers were taking advantage of it. I don't know what the cost of it was, but I would think that if it's anywhere near affordable and it works, it would be well worth it. Might be worth checking into before the cruise starts. I don't know how long the effect lasts though.

  6. I've been wearing Tieks daily for about three years now and (obviously) I love them! I have weak ankles and I've had surgery for plantar fasciitis in both feet and these shoes are great. I am a high school teacher so I'm on my feet all day long and they're always comfortable and give me the support I need. As far as color, I have the leopard print and they're fun to wear. I also have the mustard yellow and they're way more neutral than I expected when I bought them, but also bright and fun. Bronze is a slightly fancy near-flesh toned neutral that goes with everything. I know they are expensive, but as far as I'm concerned it's money well spent.

  7. I wear Tieks all the time. They are pricey, but well worth the money. They're Italian leather ballet flats in many colors and prints. They run around $200 a pair (depending on the color/pattern you get) and are only available on the Tieks website. Shipping is fast and free, customer service is phenomenal. I have weak ankles and several years ago had surgery on both feet to correct plantar fasciitis so I am very picky about shoes. I'm a teacher so I'm on my feet all day and I've never been uncomfortable in these shoes. Bonus--they have a split sole so they fold in half and pack in a small drawstring bag that comes with them. They are available in some patent leathers and various metallic colors (gold, silver, bronze, etc.) that would work on formal nights.

  8. I use the plastic pill-a-day containers. Each day's section will hold a pair of earrings or a ring or two. They are inexpensive, lightweight, secure, and don't take up much space.



    Sorry for the double post--it was an accident and I can't figure out how to delete the second one!

  9. In addition to the standard first aid stuff--aspirin, Imodium, etc.--I never travel without an Ace bandage. I seriously sprained my ankle in Egypt several years ago and was only able to keep going because my travel companion had one that she gave me. Since then, I always carry one. Summer before last, I broke my ankle in Norway, taped it up with the Ace bandage (I thought it was only sprained) and kept going.

  10. We were in Cartagena in 2009 and found it to be a delightful city. We exited the ship and hired a driver for the day from the large number of cabs waiting at the pier. We negotiated the price before getting in the car and settled on $60 for the day. The driver took us all over the city, stopping and walking around with us at several different locations. We felt completely safe the entire time we were out. It was a great way to see the city.

  11. We were on the Coral in A622 to Alaska and in A214 on the Island to the Panama Canal. Both balcony cabins were great. We especially liked A214. It was the very first cabin all the way at the front of Aloha deck. The views were spectacular--we could see a vast panorama, from slightly behind us to slightly ahead of us. We could also see directly into the bridge. There was a door leading to the crew area and the bridge right outside our cabin, but there weren't too many people using it and they were not noisy at all. Since we were the last cabin, there was no passing foot traffic in the hall. We also had no problem with feeling the ship's movement. I would not hesitate to book this room again.

  12. In Skagway, the White Pass Railway tour is worth every penny! We took a bus up and the train back to town. The scenery was absolutely amazing. We spent the entire train ride on the platform between two cars because it was so beautiful we just couldn't sit inside. Take the trip--you won't regret it!

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