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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. Thank you Sandi, Vanessa, Dixie, Ann and Debbie. And Rich! Supposed to be partly cloudy in north NJ today. Our kayaking day with DGD and her DH got slipped out to Monday. I hope the weather stays decent. Rita Rudner was a very funny, I haven’t run across her in a long time. Wishing Carol @mamaofamiand Sam a quiet day reflecting on happiness in their life together. Blessings on all the Dailyites’ needs, the Care list, all our family and friends, our country and yours and all the war zones. Wishing Jacqui and Vanessa and Chuck and Terri and Tana and Sam and Nick and anyone who’s been in pain, a day without pain. And those waiting on procedures I hope can have a quiet day to enjoy the love around them. A good day for those celebrating and cruising! Thanks John @Copper10-8 for all the interesting posts and pictures yesterday! Glad you and your child bride enjoyed the Columbia! Last evening I was able to connect by phone with my old church group in Maryland to spend an hour with them- it’s very grounding to connect, like we connect here! Thank you all for being here! If you had a tough day yesterday, I hope today is better. If you have a tough day today, I hope tomorrow is better. Nothing stays the same forever. Maureen
  2. Thanks for the update and cabin pix. I like to see that they have couches in the older-ship cabins, even in an ocean view. Nice We haven’t been on RCL yet, maybe will try one out of Bayonne NJ sometime if it’s an older ship. Enjoy every bit of your 4-day break! (Terry, just walking along side you today….) m—
  3. Thanks Terry @smitty34877 for the photo of Lou and good times! I’m sitting with you today just to be close! ✨ Extra hugs to you all! Uruguay is a very interesting and comfortable place to visit. Not been to today’s port though. I got a good sleep finally so that’ll help get some things done today. We received a bill from state of NJ that we owe them more for taxes last year, another couple hundred $? We were here a whole 6 weeks in 2023… we’ll do whatever is needed to clear the record, but we need to find all the paperwork first. I’m starting to pull together a plan to visit friends in Maryland in November. I’ll go by train, spend part of the time with my New Mexico friends who just moved there, then shift to where we lived so I can stay with my very-long-time friend who was my maid of honor when DH and I got married in Albuquerque, plus hopefully get to two church groups there where I developed a closeness. It’ll be exciting to visit, won’t be ideal timing but it’ll be comforting to learn that I can do it so I can do it again soon! Blessings to all in need near and far, for our country and yours and all the war zones! Holding close those in pain from physical ails, loss, challenges or transitions of life. Feel hugged! Nancy @ottahand7 tell Nick he’s got a lotta folks pulling for him! May we all stay well and safe! Thanks all for being here. Maureen 🛳️Bon Voyage @St Pete Cruiser
  4. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the update Sandi. One step at a time. I’ll be praying for Amazing! Tina @0106 I’m so sorry to hear of the ordeal you and DH have been through. Looks like a good plan moving forward! Thanks again Lenda for Roy’s updates. I’m hoping to get a better sleep tonight. And sweet dreams to you all; great day to our friends ahead of us! Extra hugs to Terry, Tana, Annie, Chuck and Roy! m—
  5. Overcast, feels like it’ll rain but forecast isn’t calling for it. Today DH wants to go check out some potential kayaking places nearby. Sounds fun. Wish I had more energy, sleep eluded me… @ottahand7 Your visit with DB sounds very encouraging! @StLouisCruisers Positive thoughts only! @rafinmd hoping you have more good progress today and thanks for getting updates to Lenda for us, as Vanessa says, We worry….. @marshhawk Positive thoughts to you all. Hope Quiffy is happier today. @Seasick Sailor Great to hear the wonderful news for Bonnie! @JazzyV we’re all hoping to hear improvement on your leg! Thanks for your care here. @seagarsmoker thanks for your sweet pix! Blessings to all in need near and far. And our country and yours. Enjoy something today. Maureen
  6. Beautiful cool morning in north NJ. Looks like some rain coming later in the week… hoping we can kayak Friday! I’ll gladly accept unwanted guacamole! I miss the flavors of NM. Akaroa was busy with the wood export business when we were there in Dec 2013. We went out the peninsula and took pictures at the Albatross rookery. It was closed on Christmas Day but the birds were magnificent. Christchurch is a lovely place to visit! Friends in AU arranged with their friends in Christchurch to fetch us and tour us around! Such a memorable visit! Terry, I remember where I was when I read of Lou’s passing… I was on the train heading from Manhattan to DGD’s after our Quebec cruise. You’ve had a lot this year. Good to hear DD is able to get time off to support you and Tana. One day at a time! Hugs! Nancy, oh no! on the AC! Not a good welcome home but that’ll all get resolved. Your DB’s situation must be harder to deal with. I remember when it began and how much dread you felt about it then. It might be a tough visit with him but you’ll be glad to do it. Hugs! Ann, we spent a lot of time dealing with the financial forms for our CCRC but it all happened. We weren’t on the list near as long as we thought we would be. I hope you can make the shift before you need to, that way you’ll be better able to deal with it, and can enjoy settling into a new pattern more happily. Jacqui, thanks for checking in. I hope you can get your eyes scheduled soon. My brother was so reluctant to get his done but they did each eye a week apart and he’s so amazed at how well it’s gone! Prayers for Amazing for you too! DeniseT, the wedding and happy family gathering sound exciting! And coming up on Check-in time! Excellent! Blessings to all in need, near and far! Cheers for remembering Life is Good! Smooth travels to all away! Thank you Sandi! Get home safely! Glad you shouldn’t have any rain! Today I have women’s sacred circle… hoping to develop a connection or two there. Baby boomers pizza and trivia were nice yesterday but connections didn’t happen for me. When the timing is right! Grateful for every day! Maureen
  7. Thank you Sandi for your dedication especially while traveling. Sounds like the wedding was lovely! Beautiful. And thanks to those who pull F&B together info for us. And to all for being here. I know nothing if the port. Overcast today in north NJ and I’m fine with that, it’s like a comfy blanket. We got the big living room window shade mounted, not sure it’ll block as much sun and glare as we need but it’s up. I guess if we need more we can add a drape on a traverse rod. Today we’ll join a Baby Boomers group for pizza and trivia, first time for us with this group. I fit the age bracket, DH doesn’t but SOs are welcome. I’ve been really needing to meet some younger people here so Im glad to give this a try. With all the focus and energy needed since we moved in 10 months ago to deal with DH’s eye issues, I put off getting involved. Thankfully the eye issues have slowed down so maybe it’s time. Sending out blessings to all in need! Glad you added yourself to the Cares list Vanessa! And Carol and Sam too. Holding each of you in my heart! Annie, I love hearing about your music outings! Roy, I’m glad they are using the whole spectrum of stroke rehab modalities even if they’re not sure you had one. Sounds like you’re in a good place, improving, and hopefully home soon. Terry, I hope you can get some refueling for yourself while DB is with you. And Tana has some calmer nights! Carol, you’ve had a difficult shift but we’re all hoping the new path will support you both. Denise, sounds like you made it through a tough anniversary with meaningful reflections. Glad your mom is so resilient! Jacqui, one day at a time! Elizabeth, I hope something proactive can be done to reduce the formation of the stones. Pennie, hoping you are ok. Smooth travels to all away! Bruce, those sunset and sunrise pix are stunning! Thanks for sharing! Sandi, I hope you get to visit with family a bit before you have to head home. Nancy and John, safe travels back, for you and all the plants! Denise T, Terri, I love hearing your excitement in your countdowns! Denise T, I adore the cat on the train! Hugs to all of you. Cheers for all the celebrations of Living Life! (I disagree with the quote… when I get off a ship, the land rocks for days… and I kinda like it, it’s an afterglow!) Maureen
  8. @mamaofami We are also sending our good wishes, positive thoughts, blessings and prayers for you too! Maureen
  9. Already into the 70s, will be mid80s. Nice! @StLouisCruisers Glad you’re there! And others are arriving. Have a magical time! Thanks for keeping up with us here. DH is already working on the shade installation project…. afternoon is not the time to do it because of the sun, so it became a morning project. I’m off to help him, or at least keep an eye on him. @JazzyV Please add yourself to the Care list! Blessings to all in need near and far! Smooth travels to all away! Cheers to those celebrating, reminding us that Life is Good🌈. @grapau27 I’m excited about your new car! Thanks for posting your ocean view! Enjoy this day everyone! Maureen
  10. Will be on the warm side in north NJ today, and muggy. Thank you @StLouisCruisers Sandi for keeping the Daily and FR going so seamlessly! Smooth travels! Your DGD will be so happy you’re there! Chocolate day! Yes! I left a thank you note with a Godiva truffle for our neighbor who helped with the computer gremlin. I hope she’s not allergic! Thanks for the photos of Dominica! Seems like a very long time ago for me… maybe 2006 and one other time that we walked to the park. Such a pretty place! @ottahand7 hoping all goes well with the shutdown. You bring back memories ! In the 90s we loved going to our NM mountains cabin every other weekend for our quick respite visits while we were still working but had to drain it Sunday afternoon before heading back to town. DH wrote instructions and I learned to do it, took me about 30-40 mins, he could do it faster. DH had to make me some valve extensions because my little fingers weren’t strong enough. Some of the places were tight to get into. Then after retirement we moved to the cabin fulltime and slowly built the real-size-house addition. We only drained it when we’d be traveling but it was much more complicated, took DH about 2hrs, me longer because I had to read the directions for each step. Draining and blowing out the hot tub was a separate task a day or two before we left, as was draining the washing machine pump! We used the pink marine/nontoxic antifreeze in some lines (dishwasher, washing machine pump because you could get all the water out) and toilets- 3 now had three, last one was flushed with buckets just before leaving, tank drained and syphoned out . Upon returning home it was always a big relief to get the water system up again! Every now and then there’d be a problem, a cracked valve or something. We loved living there but it was always an adventure! Wishing you Smooth prepping and travels south! Blessings to all in need! I’ll check back in later… onward! Maureen
  11. Got to chat with DGD tonight; we rescheduled to a week from tomorrow. In the meantime, DH and I hope to explore some potential kayaking locations near us. And in a week we’ll know how the “kids” are feeling. They said there’s a lot of vivid going around work! Tomorrow we’ll tackle installing the new shade! 🤞 DH and I got our flu shots - mine got very itchy! I slathered it with Benadryl cream and it calmed down… makes me skeptical for next year! COVID shots will be done in October here. @JazzyVGlad you’re home! @rafinmd you’re very busy but it does sound like they are being comprehensive! You’ll be tired enough to sleep! 💤 @Quartzsite Cruiser sure hope Steve feels better soon, which will make you feel better too! Susan, keep tabs on DS! And so glad the bear die didn’t feel threatened and get aggressive!! Annie… I remember long ago they sent female cats home with a lightweight body sleeve (like undershirt fabric) to protect the stitches. The cone sounds unworkable. You have a lot going on, I’m quite convinced you have a super hero cape in your closet! 🦸‍♀️ May we all get a good sleep tonight! And G’day to friends on the other side! 🌞
  12. Had early dental appt so I’m starting the day over. It was foggy this morning but bright and sunny now. Woke up to text from DDG that they were exposed to COVID at work… do we still want to visit them tomorrow? Rats! We planned to drive up to see them tomorrow, maybe go kayaking! Sigh. We’re expecting our living room shade to be delivered today. We had a hard time figuring out our options. Only took us 10 months…. Chose a mostly-sun-blocking, partly see-through fabric. Need to cut the heat and glare but still see out. I hope it does what we expect. My brother just had his second cataract surgery. All good! I was surprised they did them only a week apart. He’s going great! I’m so glad his daughter is close by to help him… he’s the one whose wife died earlier this year. He is SO amazed at how “beautiful” everything looks! @kazu Jacqui, I hope you can get your eyes done quickly! You are quite a trooper going through all this move! And in pain! Gentle hugs! @ottahand7 Safe travels and Go Ravens! @rafinmd Roy, hoping the rehab-place takes very good care of you and resolves your issues quickly. @grapau27 I was missing the view! Glad to have it and you back. @Vict0riann Ann and Pat, you are making great progress! @smitty34877 @marshhawk Terry and Tana, Annie and Chuck: strength and gratitude! @Cruzin Terri Terri, hoping your day is uneventful. @JazzyV Vanessa, hoping your treatment is successful! Thank you! @StLouisCruisers Sandi, happy news for Ren! Enjoy the wedding trip, hoping you have no storms! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! Stay well and safe! Maureen
  13. Cream of celery soup? Doesn’t have to be dairy-based, could be vegan style to go with a meat meal, made with your favorite non-dairy substitutes. Or go full dairy for a hearty style stand alone! m—
  14. Checking in on all.. also thinking of @lindaler? In Mobile? I hope she’s in a safe place. @JazzyV Good call in the abx, hit it early and hard! @rafinmd Hoping JH does well by you! Don’t let it be otherwise. You’re not alone, ask for help if you need an advocate! @StLouisCruisers 🤞 Smooth travels, cheers for the wedding! And all the best for rest! Ann, Pat, Annie, Chuck, Terry, Tana, Terri, Jim, Jacqui, Bonnie, Nick, Gerry, Maurice, Melissa…. keeping you all in my heart💗. And all in harm’s way, and all the teams! Our neighbor knew exactly how to deal with our computer gremlins! which menu, which button. Perfect! It always seems trivial when you know the answer! I’m so grateful to be guided to those who can answer the call for help! m—
  15. This morning a neighbor is coming to help us with our computer gremlins, especially our disaster with email and the new Outlook version. She is known around here as a great IT wizard! I’m so grateful and hopeful! Otherwise…. Im not sure… guess I don’t want to “go there”. We’re limited to our phones for email…. too limiting for some tasks. I just sent a message to our friends in Newfoundland thanking Canada and especially Newfoundlanders!🇨🇦 I’m praying for Amazing! for all the pain and deep needs and sorrows expressed here. I’m so grateful for all of your support for us in our needs and joys! One of the cousins I lost recently to cancer was an Air Marshall and worked at the 9/11 sorting site in Staten Island for a very long time. He was working there when my mom died 3 weeks after 9/11 and we buried my mom in Staten Island (which is where I lived from age 12 till after graduate school). We couldn’t get a clergyman to do a funeral because of all the memorial services that families suddenly needed after the reality hit that they wouldn’t be getting remains. Of course the funeral homes and the cemeteries were available… The church I grew up in in Staten Island lost 30 members. It was like that for every house of worship in a radius of 50 miles, including for my brother in NJ, my cousins in NY Hudson Valley and nearby Connecticut, for every neighborhood. My retirement community here will have 2 memorial services today. Our interfaith chapel will be overflowing. The services will be televised on one of our on-campus channels. Blessings to all in need. Blessings for my country and yours. m—
  16. @XBGuy I have an older iPhone SE… it won’t support AirTags. That’s something that I would be interested in. @Cruzin Terri Terri, sorry you’re in a flare-up and may need to ramp up meds. Wish you could find another path but you have a lot going on, and I’m thinking that burden makes some things worse. I know you’re doing the best you can! Praying for Amazing! @Haljo1935 (((hugs)))! Sorry your procedure was uncomfortable! Tell them for next time! 💔 And extra blessings to others here who have had similar loses of loved ones… I remember a sudden trip made to the mid-west, won’t say more, just sending extra blessings of love to you too! And others here, 💙 @JazzyV Vanessa, Hoping the meds help! And the vertigo wanes quickly. Thanks for all you do for us. @Vict0riann Thanks for the Picton pix! We took the camper van on the ferry $$. But so glad for that whole visit! Stunning places and wonderful people! Hoping you got approval for Pat’s procedure. @rafinmd Hope you can get a better test tonight. Sounds like you’re in good care. @smitty34877 Sending extra strength for tonight! @marshhawk Thanks for being here! ❤️
  17. Another beautiful day in north New Jersey! Started in the 50s, high of 77, clear and calm! Ahhh, autumn! @kazu Happy to hear you’re making great progress. Sorry you have a doctor appt on the heels of a rough move! No hurry on the boxes…. I hope you get good direction on a path forward from the doctor. I understand how hard it is to leave a place that brought you so much joy! That’s why I had my list of all the things I would not miss! Why it was time to move. Got grounded in gratitude but still felt the wounds. Today is a new day, new chapter! @rafinmd Roy, happy to see you are able to post! One step at a time! @marshhawk Annie, we’re here with you! @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope you can get in for tests quickly and that they show what needs to be known! I have been on many suicide calls, and have been through several acute depressive episodes. Brain chemistry is getting better understood. I’m glad we have the 988 hotline! We arrived in Picton NZ SI by ferry from the North Island. We rented a camper van after disembarking in Auckland; eventually fly out of Christchurch to Tahiti to pick up a cruise there. Picton is a very pretty sail in through the forested hilly channels. I doubt I can extract the photos from backup hard drives, I hope someone else has some. I love gazpacho! Lots of variations to enjoy! Blessings for all in need! Guidance, relief, help, hope, comfort! Cheers for all celebrating! Smooth travels for all away. Protection for all in harms way of fires and storms, war zones. Flu shot nurses are coming this morning! Too early but glad they do it! Today I need to get an appt for my annual eye exam… either with DH’s eye doctor or the one who comes on campus, so some questions and phone calls are needed. Thanks all for being here! Have a blessed day! Maureen
  18. @marshhawk Annie, thank you for the trust you put in us updating us on Chuck’s condition. None of us know what tomorrow might bring! When I hit the lows I focus on What’s good right now? I usually start the list with being safe, loved, within reach of care…. it doesn’t make the bad stuff go away but it helps me deal with it from a place of gratitude. Sending blessings for you and Chuck to get through tonight, then tomorrow. Glad the fur babies are with you… Gentle hugs to you both! m—
  19. 🤦🏼‍♀️ One day at a time is Everything 🤗🥰🤗
  20. Beautiful weather week in north New Jersey! Hoping to go kayaking Friday… grandkids have our boats in their garage so we’ll drive up to their place and see if we can make that happen. I’m excited! It’s one thing I miss from our Maryland “stopover,” having our boats at the lake half-hour away. I used to really like black bean soup with lots of goodies in it! Yum! The drink sounds good to me and I think I have the ingredients! Not likely to see any priests! Every Ladies Room in our Continuing Care Retirement Community has a notice about alcohol and pregnancy 🧐. Raising awareness is important. @HeartgroveJack, I hope you can stay safe. DH had multiple stings getting a nest dealt with then became sensitized and allergic to subsequent stings… please don’t be alone in case you have a reaction. Extra blessings for Bonnie and Roy and Nick! And Annie and Chuck, Happy Anniversary! 💞🎈🎉 Blessings for all in need of healing, comfort or hope! All in harm’s way! 🎉 Cheers for those celebrating! You remind us that Life is Good🌈 Smooth travels to all away! @Cruzin TerriHoping your trip to Savannah is uneventful both on the road and for Jim at home. @smitty34877 I keep thinking there’s gotta be a program available to Tana and you for support! Praying you find a breakthrough for relief, respite, help…. there’s gotta be a social worker somewhere who can guide you. Glad your DB is there now and you can get a bit of a chance to care for yourself. Praying for Amazing! Wishing @kazu Jacqui a good day! And all of our Daily family too! Thank you all for being here. Maureen
  21. Missed being here yesterday… just one of those days… Now sad to read Roy felt he needed to be hospitalized! I hope both he and Vanessa find the solutions they need. And all our Dailyites seeking help. My grandparents all died before I was born. I think they could have tempered my rough relationships with my parents but I didn’t get that advantage. I am blessed to be a step-grandma! With very loving grandchildren! And now a step-great grandma, quite amazing.When we were considering moving out of NM to be closer to family, my DH’s granddaughter declared to me, “Grandma! You’ve been our grandma our whole life! We don’t care about bloodlines! We love you and we’ll be here for you just like you were here for us!” 💖. And here we are, New Jersey and very grateful! I had one friend who was illiterate although his wife was teaching him to read! It’s a tougher world for many! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! 👍Cheers for those celebrating! Life is Good🌈 Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers. 🛳️ Thanks for all the travel photos! What a beautiful world! Maureen Here’s a garden on our campus from my Friday walk.
  22. Another gorgeous day in northern New Jersey. September! @aliaschiefAloha to Bruce! 🌺 @kochleffel Paul, very interesting that the 240 issue was at the meter. Thanks for the explanation. Glad it’s fixed! @Haljo1935Elizabeth, we were supposed to test the fire truck foam system every month but DH was very concerned about where that foam was sprayed. We’d drive the truck away from the community (wells). Some of it is very nasty and I think the older types are now no longer sold but we still had them and used them. My understanding is that low exposure is not hazardous but frequent exposure, especially to the concentrate, can be unhealthy in the long run. I hope they get their water back soon! @ottahand7Nancy, I’m sorry your DB has to be in a facility for getting his IV antibiotics. We did 6 weeks of that ourselves at home for DH when he had abscesses develop 2yrs after gall bladder surgery. It wasn’t easy but being home had advantages. Thankfully DH was ambulatory. Praying for Amazing! @Vict0riann Ann, extra blessings for Pat and you. Stunning flowers! Thank you! @Denise T I’m very excited for all your progress and your cruise coming up fast! It’s been a long count-down but nearly here! Thanks for including us! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! ✨ Especially thinking of @marshhawk and DH! Cheers for those celebrating Life is Good🌈 Smooth travels for all away, especially our cruisers! 🛳️ @kazu Strength, solace and sanity for Jacqui! Thanks all for sharing photos! It gets us thinking…. I’m still glowing from our recent cruise! Wanting to do another!! I’m just “over the top” not having to do eye drops for DH, not needing them! AmAzing! Feel loved today! Maureen
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