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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. Loving the cooler days! I’m still glowing from our cruise and my birthday ✨ and I’m still getting emails and texts from friends, surprised they remember. I guess repetition helps! Praying for Amazing for Annie and Chuck! And Roy and Ann’s appts today. And all our Care List, thank you Vanessa, and you too! Did you ever get your radiator replaced? You’ll be needing it soon enough! Sue and Paul, may your utilities be restored quickly and completely! Gosh, the water main issues are happening all over. And one keg of 240 going down sounds weird. Hope it’s a quick find and a simple fix. Happy to hear of successes, improvements and those on the way to improvements. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! Special thoughts to Jacqui. 🎉 Cheers to those celebrating, you remind us Life is Good🌈 Smooth travels to all away especially our long list of cruisers! 🛳️ Thanks all for being here, Sandi for keeping us going, all the wonderful photos posted! You all bring beauty into my life every day! Enjoy something today. Maureen
  2. Beautiful feel of a cool morning, birthday cake and coffee on the porch! Ahhh. Woke up to a HAL email of reduced deposits today. Maybe take a look at some options for 2025! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope and all our Cares list, thank you Vanessa! You can delete the announcement of DGGD’s birth, wanting to comply with DGS’s request of no postings! SO much to be thankful for! I feel hyper-aware of this now after celebrating another birthday on this side of having come through the last 5 years-cancer treatments, COVID, 2 moves and 4 eye surgeries, plus 5 deaths in the family! Im sure there’ll be more challenges ahead but I feel more ready now, rejuvenated! I hope those in difficult times can feel the support here! Thank you all. 🌈Cheers to all celebrating. Life is Good! Smooth travels to all away, flying, cruising, on the road… new adventures or old friends and family, Enjoy! @cat shepard Ann very proud of you looking ahead at future needs and checking out the CCRC, asking friends. It’s not an easy thing to confront but its a way to take care of ourselves. We started with a deposit in the state we were in, NM, canceled that; moved to Maryland, put a deposit on a CCRC there- used it to learn a lot; decided to move closer to the married grandkids, looked at over a dozen places in their area, had our deposit transferred there (same company, Erickson). My point is that research can help, learning takes time, and deposits aren’t a final commitment but a great way to get more of the inside view. All good luck to you! @kazu Thinking of you, sending strength and comfort! Maureen
  3. I’ve had a fabulous day celebrating my 70th birthday 🎉! Talked with many, texted with more! Shared photos and love and memories and hopes and dreams… Life is Good 🌈 I received a photo of the new baby with strict instructions not to post it anywhere. I’m disappointed not to share it with my Dailyite family but I’ll respect their wishes. A day will come, maybe when we get to visit them when the timing is right! We’re just so relieved that she’s arrived ok! So impressed with her parents taking it all in stride, no panicking, stayed together through it all, 65 hours! And very glad to be included in their chat group! At times we’d tease, joke, make suggestions on their Scrabble game options! Levity broke the tension for all of us. I felt guilty going to bed knowing they’d be up all night but they did well! THANK YOU ALL for your support through the tough moments of life! THANK YOU ALL for the Birthday wishes! You’ve helped me really feel joyful crossing the threshold into my 70s. Not everyone gets to do that, as we have all sadly experienced. You all help me feel connected! You have helped sustain me through transitions, difficult news, procedures and setbacks; and you’ve cheered with me on from around the globe as we landed in new places, had break-throughs big and small, you’ve encouraged me on gray days… you are all quite Amazing! 💖 @Denise T Congratulations on this step forward. Transitions can have a bittersweet side and a void behind. I thought of how I coddled my thesis work, back in days when everything was paper. I had a somewhat ratty bag (so not to attract attention in Rutgers Newark NJ campus) that I carried my research notes, sample logs, draft notes and materials around in. I wouldn’t ever leave it anywhere, certainly not in my car. Thieves could have the car, not my thesis! @Quartzsite Cruiser A very special blessing for you and Steve! Never enough anniversaries! Blessings for all in need, for all away. Cheers and joy for all celebrating! May we all be well and safe. Extra blessings for those who are not! Maureen Birthday “cake” from Emerald Princess room steward, a few days early.
  4. Late update. Baby arrived! Everyone seems healthy, exhausted but happy! Thanks for all your positive support! Maureen
  5. Rabbits, Rabbits White Rabbits! Welcome to September! We sure need all the good luck we can gather. Update on grandkids: they are struggling through. It was a long night with the labor induction meds increasing. Results are showing some progress with the process moving along, strong and consistent contractions but not much else. They are staying strong. I’m so grateful for grandsons updates! And for all the support. @Cruzin Terri 🎈Happy Birthday Terri! 🎂🎈 Congratulations on another trip around the sun! Hopefully we will be blessing with our great-granddaughter’s arrival on your birthday! 🌈 @cat shepard I hope you learn whatever helps you. I have no regrets on our decision to move to independent living in a retirement community that offers continuing care. The hard part is the timing- best to do it while you can, which is before you need it! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! 🥂Cheers for those celebrating and cruising! Enjoy this precious day! Maureen
  6. Night check…. Thank you for your good thoughts for DGD. They’re not making much progress. They’ll get another look in a couple of hours. Meds have been switched around but so far, after 48 hrs, not much. Nobody has mentioned surgery but I assume that would be the backup plan so I assume she can’t eat, just a glucose drip to keep her going. Maybe the rabbits of Sept 1 will bring what’s needed. Bedtime for me…. m— welcome to @wdw1972 Hope for Sandy! Glad Joy and Allen got to WA!
  7. Heavy overcast, heavy feel, maybe rain late tonight but warm, 80 today. In New Jersey everyone goes to the shore Labor Day weekend for the last beach fling of summer. I’m happy to be home! Riatia is one stunning place on earth! DH would love to go back to the SP but I’m reluctant to be so far from everything at this stage of life. Last night he entered the VoV itinerary into our 2026 calendar! A lot can happen in 2 years! I’m so grateful for today! And still feeling the glow of our recent adventure cruise to Greenland! Sending blessings to all in need of healing comfort or hope! Please pray for our DGD Andrea today struggling through an induced labor process which began Thursday night. Hopefully today she can deliver ok. She’s developed liver complications which could be fatal to the baby so they are trying for an early delivery. She’s young and strong and has good care and her husband at her side through it all. A safe and happy holiday weekend to all my Dailyite family and friends wherever you are in our world! Maureen From Signal Hill (of Marconi radio signal fame) St John’s Newfoundland looking at the harbour and Emerald Princess. And from the ship!
  8. Slow start this morning. Lots of texts from family group- DGD in Idaho having a baby, hopefully today! Early but doctors have reasons to do it now ✨🤞🙏 I got us unpacked yesterday and most of the laundry done, not finished. Got mail. Have errands and a class today. Gotta get it together here! And maybe a plan to see local grandkids this weekend. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! Congrats Denise!! Huge step! I hope you can rest your mind this weekend. It’s great to be home and still well! May we all stay safe and well! Maureen
  9. 💔 @kazu Jacqui, I felt utterly wounded tearing myself from our mountain home that we built, and the community we served, felt loved by, cared about and respected. But I healed. I have wonderful memories, no regrets because life ahead was not going to be like life of years ago, just like I’m not going to be 40 again. Cry when you need to, mourn the loss, lean on others, and remember what’s good right now… so much! Sometimes we have to do hard things! Sending ((((🤗)))) Maureen
  10. Made it home yesterday. This was sunrise coming into Boston yesterday. It felt strangely warm. By the time we drove home it felt OMG hot! 94 at 3:30! It’ll be a busy day trying to re-orient. Thank you all for your continued good thoughts and support. It’ll take awhile to try to get caught up. I’m happy for seeing some good news posted, sad for other news…. sending blessings for all in need of healing, comfort or hope! We had a very pleasant cruise on Emerald Princess to Newfoundland and Greenland. It was a very last minute booking! We booked on Tuesday, drove to Boston Saturday, embarked Sunday. That was all pretty smooth! Because a bunking barge was not available in Boston, we were refueled by trucks! (Saw yesterday as we were getting off, there were fuel trucks lined up again!) Very, very slow so our departure was delayed until late Monday. But we spent all Monday in Boston and had a most pleasant day visiting there; Princess arranged a complimentary shuttle. Nice! Sydney NS port call was cancelled. We left Monday, late, we were hours late getting to Corner Brook NL but DH and I were just so happy to be aboard! Upon embarkation we requested to be waitlisted for the one excursion we really wanted- the half day tour to the Viking Site from St Anthony NL. On board the price was about $100 more than advertised pre-cruise! We cleared the waitlist and paid $359 each for a 4 hr tour. I thought that was crazy but we did it and we’re glad to have had the chance. (There was one tour in Greenland that was $789 to a natural hot spring!). Greenland had 3 ports but we only got into 2: Nuuk the capital we docked; Qacortoq we tendered. We had a lot of fog all around Greenland coast. Too foggy to tender into the 3rd port. Greenland was special to visit, absorb the history and the stark landscape. I walked to a place where I could visit with my “friends” the rocks! (I’m a geologist). Very special. We saw a lot of icebergs, so interesting, very different from Alaska. Temps were quite chilly there, 32F one morning but mostly around 40F, felt great to us old mountain dwellers! On the way back we stopped at St Anthony on the northern tip of Newfoundland, it felt warm at 50F, but rainy and I had twisted my back the day before so it was an uncomfortable day but I’m still very glad we got to visit the site. And I was ever glad to have my walking stick! I shan’t leave home without it! St John’s Newfoundland was our last port and we visited friends there! Friends we’ve been trying to get to since 2019. Lots of life delayed our visit but it was golden to spend the day with them! This cruise was a 70th birthday celebration for me! It was grand. It felt like “old times” and I let the burdens of the recent years melt away while celebrating that I’ve made it this far, we’ve made it this far together! DH’s eye pressures have remained low! We took advantage of this plateau to grab this trip! It’s been a lot of living through life to be here especially the last 5 years, and I’m so grateful for all the direction, support and miracles that have poured into our lives to get us to today. I’ll write more as I get re-oriented. I’m very glad to be back in touch with my Dailyite family! Thanks for being here! Later, Maureen
  11. Standing in line waiting for shuttle back to ship. Nice of Princess to have a shuttle into the downtown area. We walked to Boston Common and stopped at several spots slo g the way. We’re 6 people back from the front of the line for the next round. About 30 mins. Me and Sam Adams!
  12. 🎂Happy birthday Rich! Many thanks for your dedication. Karen, Happy Birthday to your dear mom! 🎉 🛳️ Bon Voyage Elizabeth! Time for renewal! 🙏Prayers for Bonnie! We’re still in Boston! Will depart 5:00pm, hopefully. Bunkering by TRUCKs! New itinerary. One port dropped, Sydney. But it’s all good! Ahhh! Hard to have a bad day on a cruise ship! Last night we enjoyed our late dinner, I did have to take a nap first though. DH began scouting music venues. I found him in the strings lounge. Lots of music options! Wonderful hours for eating. It’s been a long time since we were on Princess. Now I’m remembering many of their good points. Emerald Princess feels large but not overwhelming. Very glad to be here. It’s really quite Amazing! Thank you all for your support! Blessings to all in need, Annie and Chuck, Ann and Pat, more for Bonnie and family and her care team! And the special needs going in for lindler And our country and yours! Cheers for all the joyful celebrations 🥂 Life is Good🌈 One day at a time is Everything ✨ Maureen @cat shepard Ann, we moved to independent living in an Erickson Senior Living continuing care facility. There are many in the country. We looked at about 25 places within a 90 min radius of the granddaughter who wanted us closer so she could be oversight contact. No regrets, a lot of adapting. DH and I are 12 yrs apart so it’s a bit awkward. But I’m very grateful we each will have an easier time as needs arise. It’s important to make the change while you can but it’s not an easy call. We each had moms in similar types of residences so we understood the progressions that we might face. We are data gatherers. We did a lot of exploring before we made a choice. Wishing you good learning! m—
  13. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I recall that you’ve been to the Viking site near St Anthony NL… The ship excursions there are sold out. We’re on the two way lists. I’m hoping of course that we’ll get a cancellation Any memory if there were tours available on the pier? Thanks, m—
  14. Many thanks Annie! I do appreciate you thinking of all of us during this difficult time for you. I finally got this phone to work… still not sure what combination of buttons I’m glad. Delayed departure today, still here in Boston due to bunkering by TRUCKs! New etd 2100 hrs! I might be asleep by then. I’m really drained. I would like to go to dinner but not at 8:20. Tomorrow is a sea day, a day of rest! May we all be safe and well! m—
  15. Aboard Emerald Princess! Drive to pier was easy. Parking was easy. Shuttle was easy. Checkin was easy just long lines but they kept moving. Took maybe 45 mins. Rooms just opened. Time to recover and begin relaxing. Thank you all so very much! May we all stay well and safe! Maureen
  16. Slept great, for a hotel. Had breakfast, packed, now killing time to leave for the port. Getting a bit anxious. All your good wishes help! thank you Vanessa, Sandi, Ann, Roy, Denise, Jacqui, Graham, Terri, Annie, Nancy…. Oiy my brain isn’t working well even with regular coffee…. all of you! Sorry I’m forgetting, should have made a list! And for all the encouragement and support through all our needs. I’m emotional tiday, it feels like it’s been a lot to get here. Last eye pressure reading were good! 👍. I have a walking stick and a folding 3-legged stool to help me. Not sure if we’ll drop luggage or roll aboard. Rolling gives us a place to rest shoulder totes and DH’s camera bag. Never been to Boston port, don’t know what to expect. Onward! Karen(s), glad you’re relaxing aboard! Elizabeth, hope it all smooths out, Bon Voyage! Annie, I hope you have a good day today! One day at a time is everything! I’ll update later I hope 🤞 Maureen
  17. Many thanks for all your good wishes for our safe travels, we made it! Good trip to Boston today. DH drove both ends, I slogged our way through the middle… normal traffic back-ups, construction, google-detours…. But we’re here, fed and in for the night, about an hour from the port. Yay! We spent about an hour and a half where DH grew up till age 8! Things have changed! We couldn’t quite find the house (probably gone) but we walked around the town center, visited the library (now a Town Hall) where he had kindergarten in the half-basement, and he showed me the “hill” where he flew his balsa wood gliders! Nice memories. We last visited there in 1994! Found the house then but 30 years have flown by! Ann, I’m sorry your plans will change but relieved that Pat has a plan forward! Elizabeth, I hope someone can help you unravel your issues, and that you can travel comfortably. Annie, you are making it day by day, good or bad! Proud of you! Gentle hugs to you both! Congrats Graham 👏 💤 m—
  18. Wow that’s beautiful Graham! Many thanks. It’s been many years since we’ve been on Princess and a lot has changed. We purchased too late for getting our medallions but that just takes a different line at checkin, probably not the platinum! 🤣. Our last Princess cruise was on tiny Ocean Princess, one of the old Renaissance 5, sold again. We did a b2b Society Islands out of Tahiti then up to Hawaii, one of our many legs getting back home from Australia when DH didn’t want to fly over 5 hrs! Trip of our life! Wonderful memories. So blessed we can make some more! m—
  19. Ready or not we’ll be on our way this morning. Just hoping for the best, haven’t had time to think or prepare for anything other than! Maybe that’s a blessing. This is a rare gift and I’m so grateful to be able to just grab the moment on our plateau of stability. Pisco sours are yummy! We’ve enjoyed our time at the Royal Observatory. Blessings to all in need, and as Roy says, Annie and Chuck at the top of the list. Cheers to all celebrating, you remind us Life is Good🌈. Smooth travels to all away, Sandi’s traveling family, and us! May we all be blessed with protection for staying safe and well! Strength, peace and calm to Jacqui! Onward! Maureen
  20. Packed. Have reserved a room outside Boston for tomorrow night at an almost reasonable rate. Storm is through here, should be nice tomorrow. Phone store was a bust. Our company does have a travel pass but it’s not automatic where it kicks in the $10 charge when you use it, no it has to be activated every day, so you need service! whether you use it or not. We’ll have Wi-Fi calling through the ship internet package that we’ve pre purchased. We’ll be ok with that. Thanks for all the good wishes! We’ll be back before you know it. I’ll try to keep up but I doubt it will happen with the internet plan being for 1 device. Maybe that’s 1 device at a time? Might be able to hotspot it for my phone? I’ll try! @Heartgrove gentle hugs. Sometimes we have to do hard things. I’ll check in tomorrow! I hope I can 💤. Elizabeth too! m—
  21. It’s gonna rain buckets today but then sunny tomorrow for our drive to near Boston. We’ll stay west of Boston near where DH had his early childhood till he was 8. He wants to see it. We went in 94 for a combined heritage tour of where we each grew up. 30 years ago! I did my first and only zipline at Amber Cove! Wheeeeee Loved my 1998 F250 diesel pickup! The old Ford 8 cylinder diesel! What a great truck. It was in high demand when we sold it in 2020. We were looking to replace our 2004 Subaru and when we pulled into Toyota dealers in the truck they were making us offers! We sold it to a young man in our fire department (and his dad!), they’re still glad to have it. Yesterday everything went pretty well except dealing with the cell phone provider. Trying to get Canada travel plan on our phone plan. We’ll go this morning face to face. This afternoon that area may get flooded! 🤞 Jack, thinking of you! 😢 Terry, thanks, I hope we don’t get caught in the Cape traffic, appreciate the tip. NJ is known for beach traffic too. ugh. Elizabeth, you may have torn a muscle or connecting tissue. You must breathe into it to avoid pneumonia. Do whatever helps support it: self splinting by holding a pillow over the painful area might help. They used to tape ribs but that can be dicey. I don’t know what to suggest but an urgent care might have some advice. And Tylenol. Debbie, I do have to remember to breathe sometimes, thank you. Sometimes I find myself overwhelmed, have to just take a minute to get re-focused. Nothing’s as easy as it used to be… is it age, is it new environment ? I dunno but it is real. Annie, love picturing cute little Jersey! We did book VoV 2026. It wasn’t easy. Room we picked turned out not to have a couch? PCC said she checked with HAL on their detailed layout. I googled up a review that talked about an unusual boxy wall making the space not as useable. No pix on HALfacts. I decided not to bet on it for the high price and length of cruise even though I have trouble believing they have an OV without a couch. So we picked another, not as good location but good enough. A lot will happen before final payment. Deposit was a big chunk! With the last minute cruise this week and the deposit the credit card will be huge next month! Blessings to all here, you and yours, all in need listed or not, our country, your country and the world. All the too many war zones and natural disaster zones. Cheers for all the celebrations🎉 And smooth travels to all away! Thanks for being here! I’m feeling your support! Onward! Maureen
  22. Light rain today and buckets of rain tomorrow. But Saturday looks mostly dry for our drive to Boston! Temps are surprisingly mild. Instead of a Rob Roy I’d prefer a Manhattan with a good rye whisky, Canadian Club! Many thanks to Sandi and Lenda for your diligence with port photos! We were in beautiful Corfu on Nieuw Amsterdam last decade, seems a lifetime ago. Sandi, hoping all goes smoothly with family travels, for Ren and his continued healing. Loving your daughter’s trees! So creative! Jacqui, life is complex now, and when it calms, you may feel a huge void. Write down why you are making this change so when those days come you’ll have your answers. I’m still adding to my list of “All the things I won’t miss!” about having to deal with our mountain house and rural life but it was great while it lasted! No regrets but lots of good memories! Prayers for your healing path! May the right people be on it! I’m into a book now that I’d love to take on the trip but it’s rather largish. Will decide later when I see how much room we have and what we’re lugging. I always have to have at least one real book when traveling, one that doesn’t require electrons. Charging stuff is such a nuisance on older ships with their one outlet per cabin. I got a quick load of laundry done last night after dinner, then I crashed early. Slept till 6:30! Today is more laundry, pack the “little things”, walk over to medical for a Rx renewal, forms to register for next month’s flu shots, stop at finance for questions about being away for awhile (they credit our bill when away longer than 11 days) and maybe get some cash from the ATM? We used to bring more cash traveling but not much anymore. I’m hoping we can get a ship excursion to the Viking site once onboard but might have to find someone local to take us there. Might need cash for that? Probably a local tour guide would take credit cards, no? So only light tips and emergency cash? Onward! Terri, thank you for your good thoughts in the midst of your woes. I hope today you can feel calmer and see the waters recede. Princess site says 2 days! Remembering to breathe! Today we’ll talk with a HAL PCC about Voyage of the Vikings 2026, a bucket list cruise! Maybe? We’ve never booked so far in advance, but also we’ve never booked on such short notice as this week! so we are evolving! It’s such a burden lifted to be able to look at traveling during what was always fire season in NM! I can let that go and leave the disaster coverage to others! May those in need of rain receive it, and those who’ve had too much, see it recede. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! Thanks Vanessa for your dedication to us and our lists! Blessings for our country and yours! Cheers to all celebrating 🎉 Life is Good 🌈 Smooth travels to all away! Thank you all for being here! Enjoy the good of today! Maureen
  23. Aww, thanks Elizabeth! Such kindness. I wish you new successes. No stepping backwards, only a bit sideways. It feels so good for us to get to a stable plateau for a bit! And what a gift for us to be able to take advantage of it now. Will be sending all positive thoughts! Going to bed early, hope I sleep, you too! m—
  24. Many thanks! Greenland has always intrigued me as a geologist. I think it’ll be stunning! We love the far north and far south places!
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