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Posts posted by WAHMto5

  1. There are earbuds made for running/cardio that won't fall out. They really work. I have a pair that I use for running and They have never slipped out. The Apple ones don't stay in for 30 seconds. You can find them at most sporting/running stores. Fleet Feet, Dicks, Sports Authority, etc. For about $15.


    Load up iTunes with your favorites (unless you have a paid subscription to a music service and can use it offline) and run!


    I also purchased running earbuds and they do great at staying put. They have them for different size ears, genders, ect.. I use my old faithful IPod, tuck it in my running belt and run;)


    I have only taken the Yoga classes on board and they were very good!


    Congrats on the weight loss!!

  2. We always do the round colored paper rings (kinda like the things you make at Christmas) and tape it to the refrigerator. My daughter tears one ring off every day. She helps cut them out, I staple them together looping them and she writes the countdown numbers on them.


    This is exactly what my kids have done over the years as well

  3. Love the Dream, as you can tell on how many times we have been;) We have stayed in the Deluxe Ocean View before, nice to have that extra bathroom space. Great waterworks for the kids! Each adult (over 21) can bring one bottle of wine. Be sure to search Dream reviews on here for some great picture reviews and tips! Good shows and of course don't miss the Blackjack Band!

  4. Another (probably dumb) question about the e-certificates: :o


    When you apply them onboard to your account, are those funds in your account immediately?

    We want to buy Cheers when we board, so would like the funds right away. (would hate to postpone any alcohol consumption! :D)


    Yes, they were always right away. I normally put down a certain amount to start the account when we first board and then add either $50.00-$100.00 gift cards as needed after that.

  5. If you're staying the same category, adding people, or moving up in category, you don't get charged. No downgrading permitted. And you will get charged to switch a passenger out if you try to do that. :)


    Exactly this! We have always upgraded our room with the ES rate and have never had a problem;)

  6. If you order the e-gift card, you print it and take it along with you, right?

    Then how do you apply it to your account? Just show it at check in or guest services?




    Yes, just print them and as soon as you board go to GS and they will just apply them directly to your account. Never had a problem with both the gift certificate cards themselves or the e-cards.

  7. Blue Iguana breakfast is awesome! Hot grilled buttery cheesy corn Arepas, Huevos Rancheros, and Breakfast Burritos... Heaven. They have a great fresh salsa bar too. I wasn't on the Dream but her sister ship the Breeze. Same deal.


    The Dream only has a small burrito bar in the center area of the buffet, they don't have the Blue Iguana:( Though I do agree with you, I love the Blue Iguana for breakfast and especially the fresh tortillas!


    I think somebody else suggested this. Apply some, check your balance, then apply more if needed. If not save for the next cruise!




    This is what we do;) I just apply $50.00 or $100.00 at a time after an initial amout I put down as soon as we get on. The past couple of cruises we had less then $10.00 left and just went to guest services the night before we get off and they just gave us cash back.

  9. I believe the Washington Hill is a late harvest (on the dessert mdr menu), though I don't recall ever seeing a ice wine anywhere on the ship. I think since it is so pricey they may not have it on regular menu, may be in the steakhouse. I also enjoy ice wine;)

  10. It all depends on what type of neighbors you have! I have never been on that exact cabin but can tell you that we did book an adjoining cabin years ago (not knowing) and did not enjoy it. They were a quite loud couple and unfortunately I am a light sleeper. We found that you do hear them more then you would a non-adjoining IMO. Since then, we have steered away from them just in case;)

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